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Home Assignment -Ist
Semester: B.E. Ist Subject: Engg. Physics
Batch (2022) Course Code: BST1103
Maximum Marks: 40

CO1 Q1(a). Explain the principal of laser action. Give the construction and working of CO2 laser.
Explain why a three-level laser system is better than a four-level laser system.
(05 marks)
(b) Find the ratio of population of two states in a laser that produces light of wavelength
6328Ǻ at room temperature. (05 marks)

CO1 Q2 (a) Explain Compton’s effect. Derive the expression for the wavelength of scattered
photon in Compton effect. (05 Marks)

(b) Calculate the recoil energy of an electron initially at rest when a photon of
frequency 1018 Hz is deviated through 60o after striking the electron. (05 Marks)

CO2 Q3 (a) Explain the term ‘wave function ψ’. What does the square of wavefunction signify.
Give the physical significance of ψ. Discuss the conditions that a wave function
must obey. (05 Marks)

(b) Prove that a particle will not exist in a box if its energy is zero. Discuss zero point
energy (05 Marks)

CO2 Q4(a) Define expectation value of a dynamical variable. How is it related to probability?
Give expression for expectation value of position, momentum and energy in terms of
corresponding operators. (05 marks)

(b) Find a unit vector normal to the surface x2+3y2+2z2+6 at P (2,0,1) (05 marks)

*Note:- Last date of submission of Assignment is 10-01-23

Ist Assignment Covering: Green shade chart with Name and Roll no. Tags

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