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Animal Biology) 2nd Edition Andrew

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Animal Locomotion
Animal Locomotion

Second Edition

Andrew A. Biewener
Charles P. Lyman Professor of Biology
Director, Concord Field Station, Harvard University

Sheila N. Patek
Associate Professor of Biology, Duke University

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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© Andrew A. Biewener & Sheila N. Patek 2018
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
First Edition published in 2003
Second Edition published in 2018
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ISBN 978–0–19–874315–6 (hbk.)
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DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198743156.001.0001
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Table of Contents

Preface ix
List of Variables xi

1 Physical and Biological Properties and Principles: Related to Animal Locomotion 1

1.1 Environmental media 1

1.2 Physics and energetics of movement 2
1.3 Biomechanics of locomotor support 3
1.4 Scaling: the importance of size 7
1.5 Dimensions and units 9
1.6 Summary 11

2 Muscles and Skeletons: The Building Blocks of Animal Movement 12

2.1 Muscles 12
2.2 Molecular organization: mechanism of force generation and shortening 12
2.3 Levels of force generation and the isometric force-length relationship 14
2.4 Power, efficiency and the isotonic force-velocity relationship 16
2.5 “Work loops”: time varying force-length behavior of muscles 18
2.6 Excitation–contraction coupling and motor units 20
2.7 Muscle fiber types 22
2.8 Fiber architecture and its effects on muscle volume and energy use 25
2.9 Skeletons 27
2.10 The connection between muscle and skeleton 27
2.11 Vertebrate endoskeletons 28
2.12 Invertebrate exoskeletons 30
2.13 Hydrostatic skeletons 30
2.14 Skeletons as jointed lever systems 31
2.15 Summary 33

3 Energetics of Locomotion 34

3.1 Linking cellular metabolism to locomotor energetics 34

3.2 Sources and time course of energy usage during exercise 35
3.3 Endurance and fatigue 40
3.4 Energy costs across terrestrial locomotor speeds 40
3.5 Energy cost relative to body size 47
3.6 Energy cost of incline running 52
vi TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S

3.7 Cost of swimming 53

3.8 Cost of flight 54
3.9 Locomotion costs compared 56
3.10 Intermittent exercise 58
3.11 Other adaptations for increased aerobic capacity 59
3.12 Summary 59

4 Movement on Land 61

4.1 Biological wheels: why so few? 61

4.2 Limbs as propulsors: support and swing phases 62
4.3 Limb mechanical advantage and joint torques: interaction
of limb posture and ground reaction force 64
4.4 Locomotor gaits 67
4.5 Stride frequency and stride length relative to speed and size 69
4.6 Spring-mass properties of running 71
4.7 Maneuverability versus stability 73
4.8 Froude number and dynamic similarity 76
4.9 Inferring gait and speed of fossil animals 77
4.10 Mechanical work: potential and kinetic energy changes
during terrestrial locomotion 77
4.11 Collisional mechanics of legged locomotion 80
4.12 Legged robotics 82
4.13 Limbless locomotion 82
4.14 Muscle work versus force economy 84
4.15 Tendon springs and muscle dampers 85
4.16 Summary 88

5 Movement in Water 90

5.1 Thrust and drag 90

5.2 Inertia, viscosity and Reynolds number 91
5.3 Steady flow: drag and streamlines 93
5.4 Swimming fish, mammals and cephalopods: movement at high Re 95
5.5 Jet-based fluid propulsion 103
5.6 Movement at low Re: the reversibility of flow 104
5.7 Movement at intermediate Re: switching between paddles and rakes 108
5.8 Air-water interface: surface swimming, striding and sailing 108
5.9 Biological robotics in and on water 112
5.10 Summary 112

6 Movement in Air 114

6.1 Flight forces: lift, drag and thrust 115

6.2 Power requirements for steady flight 119
6.3 Gliding flight 121
6.4 Flapping flight 125
6.5 Flight motors and wing anatomy 132
6.6 Flight maneuvering and stability 139
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S vii

6.7 Unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms 143

6.8 Summary 146

7 Jumping, Climbing and Suspensory Locomotion 147

7.1 Jumping 147

7.2 Jump take-offs and trajectories 148
7.3 Scaling of jumps 149
7.4 Power enhancements to jump performance 152
7.5 Interactions with the substrate during jumping 156
7.6 Climbing and attachment mechanisms 158
7.7 Suspensory locomotion 162
7.8 Inspiration for synthetic systems 163
7.9 Summary 163

8 Neuromuscular Control of Movement 165

8.1 Sensory elements 165

8.2 Sensorimotor integration via local reflex pathways 169
8.3 Muscle recruitment in relation to functional demand:
force, speed and endurance 174
8.4 Reciprocal inhibition: a basic feature of sensorimotor neural circuits 182
8.5 Distributed control: the role of central pattern generators 183
8.6 Case examples of motor control 185
8.7 Summary 187

9 Evolution of Locomotion 190

9.1 Large-scale trends in animal locomotion 190

9.2 From genes to locomotion 197
9.3 Comparative methods and animal locomotion 198
9.4 The relevance of evolution to robotics and bio-inspired design 200
9.5 Summary 202


The goal of this book is to provide a synthesis of the ment, we can understand the common principles that
physical, physiological, evolutionary, and biomech- underlie each mode of locomotion. A second is that
anical principles that underlie animal locomotion. size matters. One of the most amazing aspects of biol-
An understanding and full appreciation of animal ogy is the enormous spatial and temporal scale over
locomotion requires the integration of these prin- which organisms and biological processes operate.
ciples. Throughout this book, we present, as broadly Within each mode of locomotion, animals have evolved
as possible and within a reasonable amount of space, designs and mechanisms that effectively contend with
a discussion of animal locomotion that is accessible the physical properties and forces imposed on them
to undergraduates, yet also of value to more advanced by their environment. Understanding the con­straints
graduate students and professionals. Toward this of scale that underlie locomotor mechanisms is
end, we provide the necessary introductory founda- essential to appreciating how these mechanisms have
tion that will allow a more in-depth understanding evolved and how they operate. A third theme is the
of the physical biology and physiology of animal importance of taking an integrative and compara-
movement. In so doing, we hope that this book will tive evolutionary approach in the study of biology.
illuminate the fundamentals and breadth of these Organisms share much in common. Much of their
systems, while inspiring our readers to look more molecular and cellular machinery is the same. They
deeply into the scientific literature and investigate also must navigate similar physical properties of their
new features of animal movement. environment. Consequently, an integrative approach
Animal locomotion is so rich and diverse that it is to organismal function that spans multiple levels of
daunting to try to write an introductory book, even biological organization provides a strong under-
at an upper-level undergraduate or graduate level. standing of animal locomotion. By comparing across
The scales of locomoting animals range from micro- species, common principles of design emerge. Such
scopic to house-sized and the habitats extend from comparisons also highlight how certain organisms
the moist surface of delicate leaves to the depths of may differ and point to strategies that have evolved
the open ocean. The study of animal locomotion itself for movement in diverse environments. Finally,
extends back thousands of years as humans have per- because convergence upon common designs and
formed observational and experimental studies of the generation of new designs result from historical
animal capabilities, whether due to simple fascination processes governed by natural selection, it is also
or with the desire to emulate nature’s capabilities. This important that we ask how and why these systems
is a big, historic field offering a wealth of inspiration, have evolved.
yet the field is grounded in a set of physical rules When we decided to write the second edition of
that unites much of the diversity and allows us to this book, which was first published more than a dec-
write a concise book about the core principles of ade ago, our goal was to bring the first edition up to
animal locomotion. date, increase the diversity of animals covered in the
Several themes run through this book. The first is book, and to address the burgeoning fields of evolu-
that by comparing the modes and mechanisms by tionary analysis of locomotion and the application of
which animals have evolved the capacity for move- animal locomotor mechanisms to the development
x P R E FA C E

of novel engineering devices. Naturally, the funda- are central to the dynamic nature of complex loco-
mental rules of physics have not changed, yet the motor systems. We wrap up the book with a chapter
depth of knowledge and development of impressive on the evolution of locomotion that examines the
technical approaches to the study of these systems broad trends in the evolution of locomotion, as well
have moved quickly in particular areas. Some areas as the methods and levels of analysis for examining
covered in the first edition could be written in the locomotor diversity. It is clear that between the first
span of a few paragraphs, and now an entire chapter and second edition of this book, there has been
of new discoveries could be devoted to the topic. exceptional growth in the comparative biomechanics
Without a doubt, the biggest challenge of writing and physiology of animal locomotion.
and synthesizing this new edition was keeping the We have many people to thank for helping with
book straightforward and focused on guiding, fun- both the first and second editions of this book. We
damental principles, while trying to figure out how are grateful to our students and colleagues with
to navigate all of the fabulous discoveries that we whom we have shared the fascination and love of
simply could not fit in this short volume. As in the animal movement, physiology and biomechanics.
first edition, our foremost goal was to capture the These interactions that have come from our work
fundamentals underling the study of animal loco- and discussions are the best part of science. For
motion, even if it meant leaving out much of the their insights on the first edition of the book, we
research and history of this vibrant field. thank George Lauder, Bob Shadwick, Gary Gillis,
We have re-organized the book in multiple ways, Ty Hedrick, Jim Usherwood, Bob Full, Tom Roberts,
both in terms of the coverage of the chapters and the and Peter Weyand. Michael Dickinson and Bret
topics of the chapters. The book begins with a chap- Tobalske provided feedback on both editions. We
ter on the fundamentals of motion, and quickly thank Walter Federle for his assistance with synthe-
moves to a chapter focused on muscles, a source of sizing the field of adhesion in this second edition.
motion unique to animals, and how muscles interact We thank the students of Duke University’s “How
with animal skeletons to transmit force for move- Organisms Move” course and Brown University’s
ment and support. We next consider the energetics “Animal Locomotion” course taught by Sharon
of locomotion, focusing on how the metabolic cost Swartz for their feedback on the second edition, espe-
of terrestrial movement varies with animal size and cially Sarah Beaverson, Aakash Jain and Suzanne
speed, and compares with the cost of flying and Ou. We are grateful to Rachel Crane and Grace Farley
swimming. We then examine the principles of loco- for their editorial assistance. We thank our editors
motion through a series of chapters that explore for their assistance with the process of writing the
three major habitats - land, water, and air. The sev- first and second editions. Most of all, we are grate-
enth chapter probes a suite of locomotor modes ful to our families for their support and patience.
that transcend particular habitats and these modes This book is dedicated to Dick Taylor, Beth Brainerd,
include jumping, suspensory locomotion and adhe- Farish Jenkins, Jr. and Karel Liem, whose unbounded
sion. The eighth chapter examines the neuromuscu- enthusiasm for comparative physiology and love of
lar control of movement, providing an overview of animal locomotion are an inspiration to so many
sensory-motor pathways and motor recruitment that students and scientists.
List of Variables

A area, m2 EMA effective mechanical advantage or lever arm

A wavelength amplitude, m ratio, dimensionless
Am muscle cross-sectional area, or ‘physiological’ ε strain, dimensionless
cross-sectional area (PCSA) of a pinnate ε0 maximum operating strain, dimensionless
muscle, m2
Af fiber cross-sectional area, m2 F force, N
AR aspect ratio, dimensionless F0 isometric muscle force, N
a acceleration, m s−2 Fadd adductor force, N
α incline slope or angle of support (o, degree) Far acceleration reaction force, N
Ffrict static frictional grip, N
b (wing) span, m and scaling exponent, Flat laterally directed force, N
dimensionless Fm force of muscle fibers, N
β duty factor, dimensionless Fr Froude number, dimensionless
BL body length, m f frequency, Hz
BM body mass, kg fnat natural frequency, Hz
BW body weight, N fs stride frequency, s−1 or Hz
Ft tendon force, N
Ca added mass coefficient, dimensionless Ftan tangent force, N
Cd coefficient of drag, dimensionless
Cl lift coefficient, dimensionless G ground reaction force, N
CM center of mass, kg GH horizontal fore-aft ground reaction force, N
Cnet net cost of transport, J m−1 GML medio-lateral ground reaction force, N
Ctot total cost of transport, J m−1 g acceleration due to gravity, m s−2
c cost coefficient, J N−1 GV vertical ground reaction force, N
c' (wing) chord, m Γ circulation (line integral of velocity flow), m2 s−1
cs slipping coefficient, dimensionless
h height, m
D diameter, m η coefficient of friction, dimensionless
D drag, N η’ wave efficiency, dimensionless
d local drag, N
dL limb displacement, m I' moment of inertia, kg m2
ΔL muscle shortening, m
ds muscle shortening, m k spring stiffness, N m−1
d(θ) change in joint angle, rad or deg KE kinetic energy, J
kleg leg spring stiffness, N m−1
E Young’s modulus or elastic modulus, Pa
E* total energy, J l or L length, m
Ėmetab metabolic energy rate, J s−1 L lift force, N
Eff energetic efficiency, % (dimensionless) Lc step length, m
xii L I S T O F VA R I A B L E S

LCM distance that center of mass is accelerated, m T thrust, N

lf muscle fiber length, m T' torque, N m
Ll limb length traveled during landing, m Ts stride duration or time, s
Lpect lift force produced by pectoral fins, N t time, s
Ls sarcomere length or stride length, m tair time airborne during a jump, s
Lt limb length traveled during takeoff, m tc time of limb ground contact or time required
Ltot maximum jump length, m to take off, s
λ wavelength (body undulation), m θ various angles (joint, limb, heading, glide,
grip), rad or deg
m, M mass, kg
μ viscosity, Pa s U* amount of strain energy absorbed per unit
volume of material, J m−3
P power, W or J s−1
P* mass-specific power output, W kg−1 V̇O2max rate of oxygen consumption, ml O2 s−1
PE potential energy, J V volume of accelerated fluid, m3
PPE potential energy power, W or J s−1 v velocity, m s-1
ϕ collision angle, rad or deg vflap velocity of flapping wing, m s−1
vg glide velocity, m s−1
r and R moment arm, m vh horizontal velocity or component of take-off
R resultant propulsive force, N velocity, m s−1
Re Reynolds number, dimensionless vmax maximum velocity, m s−1
ρ density of fluid, kg m−3 vr resultant velocity (of a wing), m s−1
RQ respiratory quotient, dimensionless vs sinking speed (of a glider), m s−1
vt take-off velocity, m s−1
S surface area, m2 vv vertical component of take-off velocity, m s-1
S strength or maximum stress, N m−2 vw water velocity, m s−1
s position of moving object or v* muscle’s intrinsic shortening velocity,
projectile, m lengths s−1
σ force per unit area or stress, N m−2
σ0 maximum operating stress, N m−2 W work, J
σf failure stress, N m−2 Wf work of fracture, J m−2

Physical and Biological Properties

and Principles
Related to Animal Locomotion

Observations of the beauty, grace and sheer athleti- and the fundamentals of loading and forces in ani-
cism of locomoting animals inspire human fascination mal mechanics. We offer a quick review of scaling
with movement. Which aspects of flight do darting analyses as well as the key dimensions and units
hummingbirds and bumblebees share in common? used in this book.
How do they differ from a soaring petrel? Which
principles of design are shared by a racing antelope,
1.1 Environmental media
a scurrying lizard or a running cockroach, and in
what ways do they differ? The grand scale of bio- Land, air and water constitute the physical world of
logical sizes and evolutionary diversity yields an organisms. To a large extent, the properties of these
impressive range of locomotor mechanisms. Yet, media dictate the locomotor mechanisms that ani-
underlying this amazing diversity are fundamen- mals have evolved. For animals that move on land
tal principles of biological organization that can and fly, the properties of the air and gravity dominate
explain most of these locomotor systems. Studies of their physical world. For most aquatic animals,
animal locomotion depend on an understanding of however, gravity is of little concern. In addition, air
the physical principles that govern how animals and water play an important role as respiratory
move and properties of the media through which media and therefore affect locomotor design in
they move. These studies, in turn, explain why cer- terms of how energy is supplied for powering
tain biological devices, such as a wing or a fin, share and sustaining movement. The capacity to move
features that have evolved for movement within between physical environments is also important to
their particular fluid environments. many animals. This is the case for flying animals
This book is about how animals move. It addresses that must also be capable of movement on land or
basic physical principles and properties of the through water, as well as for terrestrial animals that
media in which animals move, seeking to explain live near the shore where locomotion in air and
the mechanical design and locomotor function of water are both required.
animals within these media. It also attempts to
capture the amazing diversity of animal design
1.1.1 Physical properties of media
and movement. Much of this diversity arises from
the enormous range of sizes—from microscopic A few, key physical properties of air and water
swimmers to the largest whales (1015 orders of mag- impact nearly any animal movement and locomotor
nitude in mass)—and the breadth of environments mechanism (Table 1.1). Air and water are both ­fluids:
that animals inhabit. In this first chapter, we lay the fluid movement past the body of organisms is fun-
groundwork for the more focused subsequent damental to nearly all forms of animal locomo-
chapters. We examine the role of the environment tion—even burrowing. Recent studies of burrowing

Animal Locomotion. Second Edition. Andrew A. Biewener & Sheila N. Patek, Oxford University Press (2018).
© Andrew A. Biewener & Sheila N. Patek 2018. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198743156.001.0001
2 A N I M A L L O C O M OT I O N

Table 1.1 The physical properties of air and water that influence the mechanisms of locomotion.

Physical property Air Water Proportional difference

Density (g/cm3) @ 25°C 0.0012 1.000 830

1.02 (seawater)
Dynamic viscosity 18 x 10−6 1 x 10−3 55
(Pa s = Ns/m) @ 20oC
Oxygen content (ml O2/L) 209 7 30
Heat capacity (cal/L°C) 0.31 1000 3200

in granular media, such as sand, demonstrate an weight, in addition to aerodynamic thrust to over-
intriguing mix of fluid and solid properties and come drag associated with moving in a forward dir-
associated locomotor strategies. Of all the fluid ection. Aquatic animals, on the other hand, need
properties, however, density varies the most: water not worry much about supporting their weight,
density exceeds that of air by more than 800-fold. because the density of their bodies nearly matches
The difference in viscosity, though smaller in mag- that of water. Most aquatic animals therefore are
nitude, also has an important influence on how neutrally, or slightly negatively, buoyant in water.
fluid moves past an organism in motion. The higher density and viscosity of water, however,
Even though aerial flight and aquatic locomo- means that drag poses a formidable obstacle to their
tion depend on the same fluid dynamic principles, movement. Consequently, drag reduction is crit-
the difference in density of these two media has ical, particularly at moderate to large size.
significant implications for respiratory design and Differences in the oxygen content and heat capacity
the capacity for flight, swimming and terrestrial of the two media also affect the activity levels and
locomotion of land animals. Oxygen content and locomotor strategies of animals. The greater oxygen
the heat capacity of air versus water indirectly content of air generally affords higher levels and
influence locomotor systems by affecting their broader strategies of activity for flying and running
thermal and respiratory function. As we will see, animals versus swimming animals. The higher heat
the locomotor capacity and strategy of animals capacity of water further constrains the locomotor
depends on the delivery of oxygen to their tissues, capacities of swimming animals by making it more
especially the muscles, in order to generate meta- difficult for them to maintain a warmer body
bolic energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate ­temperature than their surrounding environment.
(ATP). Temperature and the availability of oxygen However, there are many exceptions to these g ­ eneral
supply from the environment are critical to loco- rules. Aquatic and cold-acclimated animals have
motor design. evolved, and can adaptively express, metabolic
en­zymes that work well at low temperatures, enab­
ling them to compensate for a colder environment.
1.1.2 Impact of physical media on locomotor In addition, differing metabolic pathways for energy
function production afford animals varied locomotor strat-
egies for daily activity that enable equally success-
Because of its much lower density and viscosity, ful performance compared with that achieved by
air imposes proportionately smaller resistive (drag) warmer animals.
forces for flying and terrestrial animals than for
aquatic animals. The main problem for terrestrial
­animals therefore lies in overcoming mass-related
1.2 Physics and energetics of movement
gravi­tational forces as they move. The low density
of air also means that flying animals must generate Animals move by exerting forces (F, measured in S.I.1
sufficient aerodynamic force (lift) to support their units of Newtons, N) on their external environment,

whether it is a solid substrate, air, or water. By within the mitochondria by electron transport and
Newton’s First Law: oxidative phosphorylation).
F = ma (1.1)
1.3 Biomechanics of locomotor support
where m is the mass (in kilograms, kg) of the body The forces required for locomotion are typically gen-
moved and a is its acceleration (m/sec2). Therefore, erated by the motor proteins within muscles, which
an animal’s weight is a force produced by the accel- are transmitted to the external environment by means
eration of Earth’s gravity acting on its mass (m g). of a skeleton. These forces cause deformations in the
To move its body, an animal must do work (W): structures that transmit them. The ability of a struc-
W = Fd (1.2) ture to resist deformation when subjected to a given
force is a measure of its stiffness and is the slope of a
where d is the distance (in meters, m) that the ani- structure’s force-length relationship (Fig. 1.1a). Linearly
mal’s body moves as a result of the net force acting elastic structures are defined as having a linear force-
on it, in reaction to the forces that the animal trans- length relationship, typical of a simple spring that
mits to the environment. Work (in Joules, J) repre- is stretched. Although linear elasticity is easier to
sents the mechanical energy required to move the analyze, many biological structures exhibit non-
animal’s body. The amount of mechanical energy linear elasticity. Because larger structures can support
required to move per unit time, larger forces, engineers commonly normalize for dif-
ferences in the size of structures by dividing the force
= =
P W /t Fd/t = Fv (1.3)
acting on a structure by the structure’s cross-sec-
represents the mechanical power (P, in Watts) of tional area (A, Fig. 1.1b). When normalized in this
locomotion, and thus can be related to the forces way, a force is defined as a stress (Greek sigma, σ):
that an animal exerts as it moves a given distance σ = F/A (1.6)
per unit time, or the velocity (v) of its movement.
The energetic efficiency (Eff) of an animal’s move- Common units of stress relevant to the musculo-
ment can be calculated by comparing the metabolic skeletal systems of animals during locomotion are
energy consumed (energy input) to the mechanical =
N/mm 2
( 10 6
N/m 2 1 MN/m 2 , or 1 MPa), or
work (energy output) performed over a given N/cm ( = 10 kN/m 2 , or 10 kPa). Because these

period of time: units of stress may be new to many readers, and also
counterintuitive, a useful example is that the weight
Eff = Energy Out / Energy In (1.4) of an apple (about 1 N, certainly an apropos ­definition
= Work/Metabolic Energy of a Newton!) balanced on the end of a toothpick (of
1 mm2 cross-sectional area) exerts a stress of 1 MPa.
or equivalently, the mechanical power output ver- Whereas forces act on structures, stresses can be
sus the metabolic power input (Pout / Pin ) . Typically, thought of as being transmitted through the struc-
locomotor efficiencies are determined by compar- ture. Large structures also undergo larger deform­
ing the oxygen consumption of an animal with the ations than smaller structures. Once again, in order
mechanical work performed over an integral num- to account for differences in size, deformations or
ber of strides. Because all animals must ultimately changes in length are normalized by dividing by
balance their energy needs by means of aerobic the structure’s resting (unloaded) length (Fig. 1.1b,c),
(oxygen-dependent) metabolism, measurements of and are defined as a strain (Greek epsilon, ε):
oxygen consumption are commonly used to assess
ε = ∆L / L (1.7)
the energy supply of ATP needed for sustainable
locomotor activity. Typically, a value of 20.1 kJ/liter As engineering terms, therefore, stress and strain
O2 is used. This value assumes that ATP is produced have quite distinct meanings. However, whereas strain
by means of aerobic glycolysis (the breakdown of represents the real physical deformation of a struc-
glycogen into glucose and its transformation via ture in response to being loaded, the stress acting
glycolysis and the Kreb’s cycle into ATP production within the material represents a conceptualization
4 A N I M A L L O C O M OT I O N

(a) Structural properties (b)

Linear spring F
4F A A
k L

= L 4A
Slope ΔL ΔL
Deformation (ΔL) 4F 4 × ΔL

Material properties
(c) F Force and length change not equivalent
σ Stress and strain equivalent
Stress (F/A)


Strain (ΔL/L)

Figure 1.1 The mechanical properties of structures can be defined by how they deform in relation to different applied loads. (a) When a force (F)
is applied to a structure with cross-sectional area (A), it deforms a given length (∆L). In linearly elastic structures, such as this spring which is
lengthened linearly with the application of a force, the slope of force versus deformation represents the spring stiffness (k). (b) The response of a
structure to a load varies in relation to its size. Size can be measured in terms of length or cross-sectional area. Structural properties, such as
stiffness, k, in (a), do not account for size and thus vary across these examples. In contrast, material properties account for size by incorporating
relative length or cross-sectional area; these examples are equivalent in terms of stress and strain. (c) Stress and strain are normalized for
differences in size and thus reflect the material properties of a structure. The slope of stress versus strain represents the elastic modulus (E) of a

of the intensity of force transmission. Finally, by ball or an elastic band) and may be used to do
considering the size-independent properties of a work. Elastic structures exist within animals that
material, stress and strain have an equivalent rela- can be used to store and recover elastic strain energy
tionship to that of force and length (Fig. 1.1c), in and thus reduce the work and metabolic cost of
which the stiffness of the material is the slope of the locomotion.
stress-strain relation, and is defined as the elastic The elastic modulus and the energy absorbed
modulus (also known as “Young’s modulus,” E): before failure defines whether a material is “rigid”
or “compliant” and “brittle” versus “tough.” Rigid
E = σ /ε (1.8)
materials deform little when loaded and have a
The force that causes a structure to break (Fig. 1.1a) high elastic modulus, whereas compliant materials
corresponds to the strength, or maximum stress undergo considerable strain for a given load and
(Fig. 1.1c) that a structure can bear before failing. have a low modulus. Tough materials absorb
This also defines the strain at failure. The area under considerable elastic strain energy before failing,
the force-length curve represents the amount of whereas brittle materials, such as glass, absorb very
energy ( 1/2 F × d , for linearly elastic elements) that little (Fig. 1.2c). Generally, tough materials are not
is absorbed by a structure when it is loaded (Fig. 1.2a). as rigid—i.e. they have a lower elastic modulus—as
Similarly, the area under the stress-strain curve rep- brittle materials. On the other hand, although brittle
resents the amount of strain energy absorbed per materials may have a high failure strength and elas-
unit volume of material ( U* = 1/2σ ε ; Fig. 1.2b). If a tic modulus, they often fail relatively easily, especially
structure is unloaded before breaking, this energy when subjected to impact loads. Consequently, the
can be recovered elastically (much like a rubber amount of energy absorbed to failure is a measure

(a) (b)

Ff σf

σo U*

εo εf
Deformation Strain

(c) ‘Brittle’ ‘Rigid’

U*2 U*2 >> U*1



Figure 1.2 The response of materials and structures to force and deformation yields information about stored energy, failure, and overall
behavior during loading. (a) The energy absorbed by a structure when loaded is equal to the area under its force-deformation curve (for linearly
elastic structures this is 1 / 2F × ∆1). The structure will break if force (Ff ) or deformation (Lf ) reach the threshold for failure. (b) The area under a
material’s stress-strain curve also represents the energy absorbed per unit volume (U*; hatched area represents energy absorbed to failure and gray
area represents energy absorbed at a maximum operating stress (σo) and strain (εo)). Typically, σo and εo of a material are much less than its
failure stress (σf) and failure strain (εf). The ratio of a material’s failure stress relative to its operating stress (σf /σo) is often used to define the
safety factor of a material or a structure. (c) The slopes of stress-strain curves can be used to compare the response of a material to loading. When
stress increases rapidly with a small amount of strain, the material is “brittle”. In contrast, slow accumulation of stress with increasing strain
indicates a compliant material. Tough materials store a much larger amount of energy (U*2) compared to brittle materials (U1* ).

of the material’s “toughness.” Because biological that shortens the structure along a given axis. When
structures are often subjected to dynamic loads, subjected to bending, both tensile and compressive
their ability to absorb strain energy is often the crit- stresses act within a structure (Fig. 1.3b). Compression
ical factor determining whether they break. In gen- occurs on the concave surface and tension on the
eral, most biomaterials have evolved designs that convex surface, with the greatest stress acting at the
enable them to be tough, so that they can absorb a surfaces in the plane of bending. Consequently, there
considerable amount of energy before breaking. As a is a gradient of stress (and strain) from ­maximum
result, rigid biomaterials, such as bone or insect c­ uticle, compression on one surface to maximum tension
exhibit a stress-strain relationship intermediate to on the opposite surface (Fig. 1.3c). This means that
brittle and compliant materials (Fig. 1.2c). midway through the structure’s cross-section a neu-
tral plane exists where stress and strain are zero. If a
structure is subjected to bending and axial compres-
1.3.1 Modes of loading
sion or tension, this will cause a shift in the neutral
The mechanical loading of support structures con- plane, displacing it from the midpoint of the sec-
sists of four types of loads: 1) axial tension, 2) axial tion. Unlike axial compression or tension, stresses
compression, 3) bending, and 4) torsion (Fig. 1.3). due to bending depend on the shape of the cross-
When subjected to axial loads, the stress developed section as well as its size. This is because material
depends only on the structure’s cross-sectional area located near the neutral plane of bending experi-
relative to the magnitude of the applied load. ences lower stresses.
Tension is defined as an axial load that elongates a Beam-like elements with hollow, rather than solid,
structure, whereas compression is defined as a load cross-sections therefore provide much better resistance
6 A N I M A L L O C O M OT I O N

(a) such as the long bones of a vertebrate limb, are more

F likely to experience large bending-induced stresses
F Tension
than short elements, such as the vertebrae.
In addition to axial loading and bending, struc-
−F −F Compression
tures may also be loaded in torsion, which involves
a rotational moment applied about the long axis of
(b) Bending a beam-like structure (Fig. 1.3d). As with bending,
−M +M cross-sectional shape also influences how well tor-
L /2 sion is resisted. In this case, shape depends on the
distribution of material away from the neutral axis
Cantilever bending
of torsion (for a circular beam this is the midpoint of
−M the cross-section). In general, biological structures
that effectively resist bending also provide effective
resistance to torsional loads. Strong twisting of the
(c) body about a structural member is not common in
Compression −ε the natural movements of most animals, but there
Tension ε=0 +ε are contexts when enabling twisting can reduce fail-
ure, such as in coral arms that twist in response to
flow, or accommodate failure, such as in long insect
Torsion legs that twist slightly or buckle when launching
rapidly (Bayley et al., 2012; Etnier, 2003; Vogel, 2007).
When twisting happens suddenly and without mech-
Figure 1.3 Biological (and synthetic) structures are subjected to a anisms to reduce stresses, such as when a ski’s bind-
variety of loading modes. Whereas (a) long-axis (axial) tension and ing fails to release in response to a twisting motion
compression result in uniform stress or strain distributions across the
of the skier’s body, unfortunate consequences often
cross-section of a beam, (b) bending and torsion produce non-uniform
gradients of stress and strain. (c) In the case of bending, maximum result!
tension and compression occur on opposing surfaces with a plane of
zero strain across the beam’s midsection (neutral plane of bending).
(d) In torsion, the location of zero strain is an axis running through the 1.3.2 Safety factors
center of the beam. Typically, bending and torsion produce much
Like human-engineered devices, biological struc-
greater strains, with the possibility of failure, than when a structure is
loaded in tension or compression. tures are designed (by means of natural selection) to
have a “factor of safety” in order to reduce their risk
to bending for a given weight (Fig. 1.3c). This is why of failure. Safety factors are often defined in terms of
bicycle frames and many other structures (tent the ratio of a structure’s strength relative to the max-
poles) are constructed with a tubular design. For the imum stress that it is likely to experience over its
more ambitious reader, the mechanical basis of this lifetime of use ( σ f / σ o , Fig. 1.2b). Engineered struc-
shape factor, termed the second moment of area, tures are typically built to have safety factors as high
is provided in engineering texts (e.g. Beer and as ten. This means that the maximum anticipated
Johnston, 1981; Wainwright et al., 1976). A symmet- load would not exceed one-tenth of the structure’s
ric tubular shape is favored when a range of bending maximum load capacity. With a safety factor of ten,
loads in various directions are likely to act on the the chance of failure is quite low; a comforting fact
structure. Finally, the stresses developed in bending when using an elevator to move up several floors of
depend not only on the magnitude of the bending a tall building! With more stringent performance
force (Fb), but the bending moment ( Fb × L / 2 , in the requirements (such as aircraft, which must minimize
case of bending stresses developed at a midpoint of weight) or a lower cost for failure, the safety of a
a beam, Fig. 1.3b left; and Fb × L , in the case of stresses structure may be less. Safety factors might also be
at the base of a beam subjected to cantilever bend- defined in terms of toughness and strain energy.
ing, Fig. 1.3b right). This means that longer beams, However, because these are often much more diffi-

cult to measure, stress is most often used to define a 1.4 Scaling: the importance of size
structure’s safety factor.
Biological safety factors are generally less than Size is arguably one of the most important variables
the safety factors of engineered buildings and affecting the function and form of organisms. This
mechanical devices; more often ranging between is because changes in size during growth and over
two and eight. For example, in order for the tibia of evolutionary time impose changes in the relative
a gazelle, which has failure strength of 200 MPa, to dimensions of organisms that have important func-
maintain a safety factor of four during fast gallop- tional consequences. Many physiological processes
ing or jumping, the size of its tibia and its manner and mechanical properties depend on key struc-
of loading must ensure that the maximal stresses tural dimensions, such as surface area or thickness,
developed within the bone do not exceed 50 MPa which change dramatically with changes in size.
during these activities. The lower safety factors of When differently sized structures retain the same
biological structures are likely due, in part, to the shape, they are considered to scale isometrically,
fact that animals must also pay a price for main- or to be “geometrically similar.” For geometrically
taining and transporting the mass of their tissues similar structures (Fig. 1.4), all linear dimensions scale
when they move. This cost is likely balanced against in proportion to one another. That is, Lengths (L) are
the benefit of a reduced risk of failure (Alexander, proportional to diameters (D); areas (A) are propor-
1981). Finally, it is likely that the failure of struc- tional to L2 or D2, and to volume (V)2/3.
tures that would most reduce an animal’s fitness, As a result, area-dependent processes change at
such as a primary limb bone versus a distal phal­ a different rate with respect to processes that are lin-
anx or a feather shaft, would favor a higher safety ear- or volume-dependent. This is important for
factor. The relative incidence of bone fracture both the physiological and mechanical functions of
within thoroughbred race-horses appears to pro- organisms. For example, the capacity of animals to
vide evidence of this: fracture is highest in the dis- sustain activity depends on their ability to transport
tal limb bones, lower in the proximal femur and oxygen and fuel substrates to the mitochondria inside
humerus, and lowest in the vertebral column and their muscle fibers. Ultimately, this depends on the
skull (Currey, 1981). rate of diffusion across cellular and mitochondrial

a d

a ∝ l 2∝ d 2

Figure 1.4 Geometric scaling strongly influences the relative dimensions of differently sized animals. For example, while length dimensions scale
linearly across different animals, area (A) scales with the square of length.
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