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Ramadan for

Ramadan Guide by Hifdh for collegiates
(Iman) :)
How to bring a balance daily tasks in the Holy Month?
Plan ahead- Make a schedule for your day that includes time for work, worship, rest, and family commitments. Set clear goals and priorities to use your time

Stay hydrated- Drink enough water, avoid sugary drinks and salted foods, eat hydrating foods, take naps, and exercise.

Take frequent breaks- Hunger and tiredness may take a toll on your productivity. Taking a short break after every hour, or washing your face with water, will
help in making you feel refreshed and energized.

Avoid heavy meals during iftar- Heavy meals during iftar can cause digestive problems and make you feel sluggish. It is advisable to eat light and healthy
meals during iftar.

Avoid caffeine- Caffeine is a natural diuretic because it increases fluid loss and thirst. Avoid: energy and carbonated drinks, tea and coffee.

Exercise regularly- Exercise revitalizes and rejuvenates you and replenishes your energy levels.
Your DIET Matters!
Your diet plays a major role in your
performance during the holy month of
Avoid overeating and junk. Instead, try to
incorporate plenty of vegetables to
provide vital vitamins and nutrients.
Choose whole grains, which provide the
body with energy and fibre.

Easy healthy Recipes!

Ramadan Tracker- .pdf

This is a daily tracker that you can print out,

keep track of your good deeds, your daily dua
and prayer goals etc.
Authentic Motivation
1. A person well-versed in reading the Qur'an is equal in rank to the Noble, pious, Scribes (angels who record all
deeds). He who finds difficulty in reciting the Qur'an will obtain two rewards. (Bukhari, Muslim)

2. A person whose bosom is devoid of the Qur'an (i.e. he who has not learned anything of the Qur'an Majeed) is like
a desolate house. (Tirmidhi)

3. A person who recites one letter of the Qur'an, obtains one virtue; each virtue multiplies to ten virtues. I do not
say that "AlifLam-Mim" is one letter. But, Alif is one letter; Laam is one letter and Meem is one letter. (Tirmidhi)

4. On the day of Resurrection a crown will be placed on the heads of the parents of one who learned the Qur'an
and practiced on its laws. Its brilliance will outshine the brilliance of the sun which penetrates your houses. What
then do you think will be the position of the one who actually learned the Qur'an and acted in accordance with it?
(Abu Dawud)

5. Whoever recites the Qur'an, memorizes it, accepts its halal (lawful things) as halal and haram (forbidden things)
as haram (i.e. his beliefs in these matters are correct), Allah, the Exalted, will enter him in Paradise and accept his
intercession on behalf of ten such persons of his family upon whom entry into Hell had become incumbent (i.e.
Allah will forgive them because of his intercession). (Tirmidhi)

6. Continue reciting the Qur'an because on the Day of Qiyaamah it will appear as an intercessor for the reciter.
Part 2:
7. Whoever listens to the recitation of even a single ayah obtains such a virtue which continuously multiplies. The one who
recited the ayah will on the Day of Resurrection find the recited ayah in the form of Noor (light this will be of greater value and
significance than the virtue which the listener had gathered). (Ahmad).

8. The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it. (Bukhari)

9. On the Day of Resurrection the Qur'an will ask Allah to cloak its reader with garments of honour and respect. A crown of
honour will then be placed on the head of the reciter. The Qur'an will then ask Allah to shower His pleasure on the reciter.
Allah will then become pleased with him. The reciter will then be told to recite the Qur'an, and will be given a virtue/reward for
each ayah he reads. (Tirmidhi).

10. A man of the Qur'an will be told, "Read and ascend! Read (correctly) in the same way as you read with care on earth.
Indeed, your station will be at the last verse that you recite.” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood)

11. Allah says: "If anybody finds no time for my remembrance and for begging favours of me, because he remains busy with
the Holy Qur'an, I shall give him more than what I give all those who beg favours of me". The superiority of the word of Allah
over all other words is like the superiority of Allah over the entire creation. (Tirmidhi)

12. Undoubtedly through this book Allah exalts some people and abases others. (Muslim)

13. Retain and safeguard the Holy Qur'an in your memory. By the one in whose hand is my life, it (the Qur'an) slips more quickly
away from one than a camel from its fetters. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Hifdh Time Scale Chart
Part- time
QnA Time!
1- Is it necessary for a student to learn from one print of the Qur'an or can he learn from different prints of
the Qur'an?

It is very important that a student learns from one print of the Qur'an, because the student generally
visualises his lessons. Now if he starts learning from different prints, very soon he is going to be confused.
The mistakes marked by the teacher must also be corrected and if the student is using different copies of the
Qur'an then the aim of correction by the teacher will be lost. NB. This also leads to a lot of strain on the
student's mind.

2- How should the teacher mark the mistakes?

The mistakes should be marked clearly and at all times this fact must be kept in mind that this is the Qur'an
and not any ordinary book and so the factor of respect must be bore in mind at all times.

3- How long would it take to memorise the Quran if full time effort or part-time effort is put into it?

This really again depends on the individual student but on an average it takes just over 2 1/2 years in a
dedicated, full-time Qur'an school and sometime more than double that time in a part-time madressah.
Schedule for
memorizing Surah
Al-Baqarah in 54
Dua Guide
Prophetic authentic duas
Daily Duas
Morning and Evening Adhkar
Morning Adhkar- Audio
“When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened,
the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the devils are chained”.
A heartwarming Story!
Imam Abu Hanifa (rah) besides being a Hafiz, Alim, Sufi Mufti,
Faqih, and Mujtahid, was also a very successful businessman.
His days were spent in teaching Fiqh and nights spend in
Tahajjud. With all the constraints on his time, he would be the
perfect guide on time management.

Rightly so, here is an incident from his life: "Somebody having

asked the Imam what could aid one in learning fiqh, he
answered "Peace of mind." "How is one to acquire it?" asked
the man. "Reduce your attachments," replied the Imam. "How
can one reduce one's attachments?" asked the man further.
"Take what is essential and leave what is not," counselled the
Imam. (Seerat-e-Nu'man) The same can be applied to hifz. It is
not attained but by reducing one's attachments, as much as
possible. The most important consideration should be that as
much as possible social activities, mixing with friends and the
like should be restricted as much as possible.
This might seem harsh, but hifz is a monumental undertaking.
May Allah swt accept all our duas this Ramadan, May he SWT bless
us unconditionally, make our hearts clean and also bless us with
Deeds that make it easy for us to enter Jannah Al-Firdaus

Please keep me in your duas and InshaAllah I shall have you all in

‫ وﺗﺳﻠﻣﮫ ﻣﻧﻲ ﻣﺗﻘﺑﻼ‬،‫اﻟﻠﮭم ﺳﻠﱢﻣﻧﻲ ﻟرﻣﺿﺎن وﺳﻠﱢم رﻣﺿﺎن ﻟﻲ‬

Transliteration: Allahumma sallimni li Ramadan wa sallim Ramadan li, wa tasallamhu minni


Translation: "O Allah, allow me to reach Ramadan and allow Ramadan to reach me, and accept
it from me."

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