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Piper's Pyro Porter

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Copyright © 2023 by Naomi Porter

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
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requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the website listed below.

Naomi Porter/Ocean Dreams Publishing

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales
and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses,
companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Book Layout ©2017

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Piper’s Pyro/ Naomi Porter -- 1st ed.

ISBN 978-1-952423-57-4
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Authors Note

Piper’s Pyro starts three days before the end of Bone’s Destiny. Around midway through the book, the
timelines merge. Naturally, stuff has been going on in Fargo while Bone was in Montana, before being
called back to Fargo regarding Destiny’s biological family. Now you’ll get all the details leading up
to the cliffhanger in Bone’s book. Happy reading loves.


Three Days Ago

“What’s this? No bodyguards.” Midnight scanned the room from behind the bar, her mouth gaping and
a white dishcloth in her hand. She was the kind of bartender who said whatever came to mind. No
matter if it hurt someone or embarrassed them.
The bitch didn’t need to make me feel like a child. I had no choice but to let one of my brothers
follow me everywhere after Cobra gave the order. It sucked. Sucked massive balls.
“How does it feel to be let out of your gilded cage, little princess?”
I swallowed the last of my old fashion and lifted my chin. “It feels fucking fantastic.”
“I bet it does.” Midnight eyed me, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “What trouble do you
plan to get into now that you have some freedom?”
“I’ll have another one of these.” I raised my empty glass. “Keep them coming.”
“So you want to get wasted. Sounds thrilling.” She rolled her bright blue eyes. “Why don’t you
live a little while out of your cage?”
“You know who my brothers are. Cobra only let me come to the casino because no one gets in who
isn’t on the approved list. And I begged him.”
“Wow, that’s embarrassing.”
“Yes, you bitch, it is shameful.” Did she have to make me feel worse than I already did?
“Guess it worked. When did Cobra become soft?”
I narrowed my gaze. “Karma, I guess.” I wasn’t about to tell her I cried a little to play on my
brother’s emotions. It was demeaning and pathetic to sink so low. “Eyes are still fucking watching
me, though I can’t see them.” Cameras were all over the place. I might not have one of my brothers
breathing down my neck, but I was still guarded.
“Sucks to be you.” She placed a fresh drink in front of me.
“Not always.” I understood my family’s worry about Forrest Frat’s obsession with me. Gunner
had been tailing Forrest, but he’d lost track of him after receiving some shocking news. Of course
Cobra had refused to give me any details.
Whatever. I was free… for a couple of days anyway. I had orders not to leave Aeros Casino
without an escort, or I’d really be locked in a cage instead of the metaphorical one Midnight
“I wouldn’t want to be the youngest child in a family full of bikers. I don’t envy you one bit.” She
clucked her tongue and froze when a blond, tatted man sat two stools down from me. “Mercy,” she
whispered, then asked him, “What’ll you have?”
“Jameson.” He stared at Midnight while she poured his drink.
I brush my thumb against my glass, willing him to turn my way so I could get a better look.
Although his side profile made my thighs quiver and my stomach flutter, I wanted to see all of him.
From my vantage point, I studied him casually so as not to appear desperate. He had a golden tan,
white-blond hair trimmed tight on the sides and styled on the top. I bet he had a bathroom full of hair
products. His intoxicating cologne wafted in the air and circled around me teasingly.
“I haven’t seen you before.” Midnight’s voice snapped me back to the present. She set his glass on
the bar and leaned on her folded arms. The move made her plump tits nearly spill out of her tank top.
“It’s my first time.” He bobbed his head and took in the room.
“And how do you like it?”
“So far, so good.” He drank his whiskey.
“Are you here for the blackjack table or the entertainment?” I swiveled in my chair to face the
blond hottie, anything to get his attention, which had remained on Midnight.
“Both.” He took a gulp of his whiskey. “So, how’s the entertainment?” He directed his question to
Fuck, he was into her.
“First class.” She stepped away from the bar. “I’m off at one.” She went to help another customer,
shaking her ass like a pendulum. Even I couldn’t help but stare at her leather-clad, heart-shaped
“Then it’s a date,” he shouted at her.
She gestured thumbs up. Damn cocky bitch.
Well, good for her. I wasn’t that interested in him anyway. The Flaming Triads were performing
tomorrow night in the lounge. They were my favorite rock band, and the real reason Cobra had told
me I could stay the weekend at the casino. Their New Year’s Eve concert had been canceled, and I’d
been heartbroken.
I was in the bar hoping to run into Flint, the band’s lead singer. Meeting the crew had been my
dream, so I nearly passed out when my brothers hired the group to play at the casino. Not many girls
get a chance to hang with their favorite rock stars.
However, my intentions went beyond conversation and maybe partying. I wanted to get under the
sheets with Flint. Midnight’s question about getting into trouble had been prophetic. I had one goal, to
get in bed with Flint.
Screw the dude two stools over. It was his loss for not giving me the time of day. Not that I
planned to hook up with him. At least, I didn’t think I would.
I swooped my gaze in his direction as if observing the activity in the room. My clit pulsed, causing
me to suck in a breath.
He sipped his drink and slowly licked his bottom lip as he put the glass down. I wouldn’t mind
spreading my legs to delight in his velvety tongue. I’d let him lick me from head to toe and
everywhere in between. It could be the pre-party to being with Flint… or hoping to be with the rock
Look at me acting like a hard-up, desperate whore. My family would go nuts.
Lady M would be furious.
My dad would forbid me from leaving the farm.
My brothers would torture any guy for touching me without their permission. They might even cut
his balls off.
No one would ever get my family’s blessing to be with me unless he was a biker and jumped
successfully through every hoop they put him through.
Fuck, I was destined to be alone.
Don’t be a drama queen. You’ve always gotten your way. Why let your folks and brothers
control your love life?
Damn straight.
I finished my drink and lifted the glass in the air. “Gimme another, please!” I hollered at Midnight.
She acknowledged my request with a nod.
My stomach somersaulted and my breathing grew laborious when I noticed the blond hottie’s
mouthwatering tattooed biceps and thick forearms. He clearly worked out. He might even be a gym
rat. Nothing turned me on more than a man with strong arms to hold me like vises while he fucked me
into tomorrow.
“Stop looking at me. It’s rude,” he muttered through gritted teeth.
“Excuse me?” What an asshole.
“I’m not interested. Just here for a drink.”
“Funny, that’s not what Midnight’s expecting. Did you already forget your date after her shift
“I’ll be long gone by then.”
“Wow, you are a piece of shit.”
His head whipped around to face me. Our gazes locked and not a word left his lips.
Seconds ticked by as we stared at each other.
The air crackled with sexual tension.
His blazing brown eyes liquified my panties. “I’m not here for pussy.”
“That’s good because mine’s not on the menu.”
“Are you sure about that? I can smell what you’re offering from here.”
“Do you? Sorry for the confusion. I was hoping to signal the guy at the end of the bar.” I peered
around Mr. Cocksure and smiled at the first man who noticed me.
“Liar. I felt your eyes on me. Heard your pleas to have my cock deep inside your dripping wet,
neglected pussy.”
Filthy bastard. “Must have been the bartender’s thoughts you heard. You’re not my type.”
“Here you go, babe.” Midnight set an old fashion in front of me. “Go easy. I don’t want to carry
you up to your room.” She smiled at Mr. Cocksure. “Can I get you anything else? A quickie in the
bathroom to hold you over until I’m off.”
He kept his intense burning gaze on me. “I’m not available tonight, but I’ll take another drink.”
“Now, who’s the liar?” I shook my head with a disgusted expression. This guy was a piece of
work. Who screws with women like that? Cocksure assholes who believed they were God’s gift to
women, that was who.
“What’re you talking about?” Midnight asked in confusion.
“He was screwing with you. Said he’d be long gone before you were off.” I wouldn’t lie to
Midnight. She was my friend and seemed to want him. Then again, she liked most men.
“Thanks for telling me, babe.” She filled the asshole’s glass and left.
“You enjoyed dashing her hopes. Why?”
I scoffed. “You’re so full of yourself. She’s my friend. I was protecting her from you.”
“You were jealous I gave her attention instead of you.”
“Oh my God.” I threw my head back and laughed. “Don’t attempt to analyze me because clearly,
you’re a narcissist who believes he’s every woman’s wet dream.” It was freaky how he had me
pegged, but I’d never admit anything.
“You want me.” He moved to the stool beside me.
“In your dreams.” A maelstrom of sensations rushed through my veins. What was he doing?
Fucking with me, obviously.
“You’re not my type either.” His statement crushed me.
“How does that make you feel?” His eyes lowered to my lips.
“Liar. You wouldn’t be flushed and quivering if you didn’t want me. I might be able to make an
exception for you.”
“Make an exception? How lucky for me, but I’d rather take my chances jumping out of a plane
without a parachute.” The gall of him.
“Don’t be offended. You’re not unpleasant to look at. I’ve been with uglier.”
I gaped. “Fuck off.”
“Okay.” He stood with his drink in hand. “As I said, I’m not here for pussy.” He was about to
leave when…
“Can I buy you a drink, beautiful?” the man I’d smiled at asked.
Mr. Cocksure didn’t move.
“Um… Sure.” I patted the empty stool on my left side and smiled victoriously when my opponent
Take that, Mr. Cocksure.


An inferno of hate and lust twisted my soul into a destructive tornado while I tried to contain myself
beside the gorgeous brunette who’d managed to strike a fire in me—something no woman had ever
Her laughter pierced my eardrums and danced across my body tauntingly.
When she leaned toward the other dude and spoke in a low voice, I almost wrapped my massive
hand around her throat to shut her up.
Why in the fuck had I come to the bar? I should have listened to my first instinct and stayed in my
room. I hated being around a lot of people and preferred to be alone.
I shouldn’t be here.
I should leave.
Why the fuck had I played hard to get with her? The second I entered the bar, I became acutely
aware of her. I should’ve turned right around and left. But no, I had stayed and flirted with the
bartender to get my jollies off messing with both women.
I hadn’t lied about ditching Midnight before her shift had ended. She would’ve been a sweet piece
of ass after I peeled those fucking leather pants off her. But the gorgeous brunette had made my skin
tingle, and a bolt of desire licked down my spine and fucked up my original plans of only having a
couple of drinks and returning to my room.
Her giggles grew louder. Was she trying to make me jealous?
Christ, I was hard as steel. My fucking cock wanted her.
I wanted her.
Why hadn’t I pounced when I had the chance? It was the goddamn chase I lived for. I almost had
her right where I wanted, pushing me away and calling me names. We were only minutes away from
slapdown, ugly, angry sex. Once I had my fill of her, I would’ve kicked her out of my room, and she’d
be nothing more than a fleeting thought.
I’d screwed the pooch this time.
Relieving myself would be degrading as fuck. I needed to sink into a warm, wet pussy. Conquer
and possess my prey for a few hours. I would’ve been good as new.
I swept my gaze over the bartender to reconsider her offer of a quickie in the bathroom. Not ideal,
but I’d get to come.
I was about to call her over when…
“Piper is a great name,” the turd in a suit said.
I repeated Piper in my head and let it play on my lips. A vortex of emotions turned the tornado
inside me into a hurricane.
“Thanks. I like it.” She drained her drink and peered over her shoulder at me. She had that drunk
glow on her pretty face. She turned back to the other guy. “What’d you say your name was again?”
“Turd,” I hissed.
She giggled and elbowed me. “Be nice.”
“I’m never nice.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You don’t like nice,” I whispered at the shell of her ear. “You want mean and brutal. Rough sex.
You want me.”
“You’re starting to sound pathetic. Have some self-respect and leave.”
“Make the turd leave.”
“Is something going on here?” the guy asked as if offended. He looked like a lawyer in his
pinstriped suit. Definitely not Piper’s type.
From the moment our eyes locked, I sensed she was wild, free-spirited, and uncontainable—an
addictive and dangerous mix for a guy like me.
“Nothing at all.” She waved her hand nonchalantly. “My friend likes to interfere in my life. It’s
annoying as hell.”
The suit didn’t appear to believe her as he considered me.
Lemme confirm his doubts.
I glided my hand around her waist and tugged her firmly against my chest. “Dance with me,” I told
her. To hit it home for the suit, I kissed her neck. My favorite Whitesnake song began as if the cosmos
was calling us to the dance floor.
Piper trembled.
“What game are you two playing?” The annoying turd tossed a few bills on the bar.
“Wait, um… Shit, I forgot your name again.” Piper pushed my hand off her. “I’m not playing any
I stood behind her and jerked my head for the suit to leave.
“I’m out of here. After telling you my name three times, you don’t even remember it.”
“Because you’re forgettable,” I growled.
“Shut. Up!” She hit my shoulder.
Not okay. I grabbed her bicep and smashed my lips to hers. Jesus Christ, she tasted better than
expensive champagne and gourmet truffles. I forced my tongue into her mouth and devoured her like a
starved animal.
“You two are made for each other.” The suit left in a huff. His statement felt like an evil hex… A
life sentence.
Did I care?
Not while I plundered Piper’s decadent mouth. When I came to my senses, I’d probably regret
tonight for the rest of my life.
Again, did I care?
Fuck no.
Piper’s tongue twisted with mine. On the sly, she stole the air from my lungs with her voracious
hunger. Much like a desperate woman deprived of affection… Deprived of a man’s cock.
It didn’t make any sense. Piper was gorgeous. Sexy. Alluring and vivacious. Men had to have been
lined up for a chance between her legs.
The “Still of the Night” lyrics snapped me back to the present. Rather than break our lip lock, I
tugged her off the stool and dragged her to the dance floor.
I pawed at her lush ass, not giving two fucks who might be watching our dirty dancing.
She ground her pelvis against my stiffy, gasping and sighing, seemingly close to having an epic
I’d likely come next.
“Do you want my cock?” I asked through our kissing.
“Let’s go.” I released her, took her by the hand, and stalked out of the bar. I caught the first open
elevator and pushed number four. When I faced Piper, she threw herself at me. I stumbled against the
interior wall and hit the back of my head. “Fuck,” I hissed.
“Don’t be a baby.” She hooked her arms around my neck and pressed her full lips to mine. I lifted
her by the waist, and she locked her legs around my hips.
I’d been with dozens of women, but never one so fucking strong-willed and domineering. How
had she become this way? Had she been raised by wolves or a house full of cavemen?
The elevator dinged. The doors opened.
I carried my vixen down the hallway as we ravaged each other.
People passed us. I felt their gawking eyes and heard their whispers flitting through the air.
Piper didn’t seem to care. Neither did I.
Outside my room, I pressed my thumb to the screen on the wall to unlock the door. Aeros Casino
was the most hi-tech I’d ever been to without keycards.
Inside, I made a beeline for the bed, dropped Piper onto the mattress, and pounced. “I have two
“What?” She unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans in a frantic, jerky manner.
“Are you free of STDs and on birth control?”
“Asshole!” She slapped me across the face.
“Bitch, what the fuck was that for?” I pinned her hands above her head. “If you don’t answer yes
to both questions, I’m kicking you out.”
“Your fire was burning out. Thought a good slap would ignite the flames.”
I cocked my head. “Seriously?”
“I’m not here to talk. I’m clean and on birth control, but you need to wear a condom, or the fuck
fest we’re about to have won’t happen.”
I blinked at the hardcore bitch. “Fine by me.”
We went at each other like a couple of feral, horny dogs. Our clothing went flying. Our shoes hit
the walls.
She removed her bra while I tugged her thong off with my teeth. I sucked on her inner ankle and
dragged my tongue against her flesh up to her thighs. Everything about this woman drove me mad.
Her sarcastic, pretty mouth.
Her lean yet curvy body.
The scent of her arousal.
I opened my mouth and dug my teeth into her meaty thigh.
“Ow, you fucker!” She clamped my head between her knees. “How dare you bite me?”
“Payback is a bitch.” I pushed apart her legs and held them down on the mattress, spread eagle.
“There’s no blood.”
She seethed, her chest rapidly rising and falling. “It hurt.”
“But admit it. You liked the sudden jolt of pain.” I lowered my gaze to her pink pussy. “You’re
dripping for me.”
“So are you going to just admire my cunt or eat me out like it’s your last meal?”
“Fuck, you’re brazen.”
“And you’re not the tough guy I thought you were.” Her insult set me on fire. “Do you need me to
explain how oral sex works? It’s simple. Lap me up like I’m your favorite flavor of ice cream. Come
on… Get licking… I mean, if you know how to use your tongue. If not…” She looked at my dick. “I
guess he’ll do if we jump to fucking.” She was cruel and relentless with her digs.
The injustice of it all was I liked how it fueled my lust for her. She was obviously depraved like
me. The suit’s words tumbled through my head, “You two are made for each other.”
I wanted to find out if he might be right.
“All right, bitch. I will make you beg for mercy, but I won’t give you any.”
“Promises, promises.” She rolled her gray eyes like she was bored.
I didn’t waste another second. I dove face first, smashing my nose against her clit and fucking her
with my tongue.
She yelped and jolted her pelvis. “Holy shit! I didn’t think you had it in you.” She held my head
and fucked my face. “That a boy. Gimme you’re best because this is the only time you’ll get to eat my
Her words angered me. She didn’t get to tell me what and who I could have. If I fucking wanted to
have her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I fucking would.
I spread her ass cheeks and pressed my middle finger into her tight hole.
“Whoa. Wait.” She squirmed under me. “I didn’t agree to this.”
“Can’t take the stinging heat? Don’t be a baby.”
“I can take it.” Of course she could. Nothing and no one would tell her what she could do. She
must’ve had a bunch of older brothers who picked on her and toughened her up.
“Maybe we should stop. I’m too much for you.” I reared back.
“No! Didn’t I say gimme your best?” She squeezed my head, ratcheting up her intensity. Fuck, she
turned me on.
“The next time you complain, the fuck fest is over.”
“Why are you still talking?” She pushed my head toward her pussy.


His finger took my virgin hole while he sucked on my clit. Tears burned behind my eyes, but I’d never
let him see me cry.
Ironically, the pleasure-pain combination launched a powerful surge in my core like I’d never
experienced before. Though my brothers tried to keep every guy away from me, I wasn’t a virgin.
They couldn’t babysit me every second of the day.
But everyone in Fargo knew the Knight’s Legion MC ruled, so finding a local guy to go out with
hadn’t been easy, which meant I wasn’t all that experienced with sex.
“Relax your ass, Piper. It’ll be more enjoyable if you’re not so tense.” Hearing my name on his
lips made my stomach flutter and my breathing stutter.
I exhaled slowly to calm myself.
“Good girl.” He went back to licking between my folds and rubbing his nose against my clit.
I tried to fight my building orgasm. Didn’t want this to end too quickly.
When I’d arrived at the casino, I had hoped to meet one of the band members. I guess the universe
had other ideas and thought hooking up with a disgustingly hot asshole would be better. I wasn’t
complaining. So far, he was giving me the best sex I’d ever had.
And I didn’t even know his name, yet he was doing things to me I’d never consider doing with a
total stranger.
My mother would scold me for being so stupid.
My father would lock me up until I was seventy and too tired to fuck.
My brothers would paralyze him so he could never have sex again, but they had no idea how
talented he was with his tongue.
Did I care about Mr. Cocksure’s safety?
Sort of. I’d never intentionally put a person in the line of my brothers’ wrath. Yet, there I was,
bowing my back and mewling like a goddamn cat when he flattened his tongue and swiped from one
end to the other.
“How are you so fucking sweet?” He pushed his tongue into my heat. “What do you use to clean
yourself, or do you taste this good naturally?”
“I have no idea. Stop talking!”
He chuckled from between my legs. His sexy rumble vibrated my pussy and put me over the edge.
“Oh shit! I… I… I’m coming!” My climax hit with a vengeance.
He continued to fuck both my holes while I moaned and trembled. It was like he wanted to draw
out my orgasm. It seemed to work. The pressure in me kept building and building.
My legs shook.
My pussy pulsed.
My mouth remained gaping.
Then I shattered into a bazillion pieces. I squeezed my head between my hands and gasped for air.
Time seemed to pass without notice while I floated in the atmosphere as if having an out-of-body
Suddenly, I was flipped onto my stomach, my hips raised, and he was behind me, his cock deep
inside me.
“I have never seen anything like that before,” he hissed. “You are the fucking hottest, sexiest
woman I’ve ever met.”
I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever spoken to me like that before.
He plowed into me forcefully, the tip of his dick hitting my G-spot. Another orgasm formed in an
“You’re wearing a condom, right?” I hadn’t noticed him putting one on.
“Of course. I’m not stupid.”
“Good.” It’d been a while, but I thought I could feel the latex, which was a relief. Getting pregnant
by a man I’d just met would be horrible. Doubling up the protection to prevent conception was my top
priority. No pill or shot or condom on their own was foolproof. Nothing was one hundred percent
safe except for abstinence.
He gripped my hips harder as he grunted with each thrust. “I need to hear you.” He reached his
hand around and played with my clit.
“Ooh, yes!” I pushed my ass against him.
“That’s it. Sing to me, baby.”
Sing, I did.
His speed and forcefulness increased.
The bed rocked violently. I wouldn’t be surprised if we broke it. Honestly, I’d be disappointed if
we didn’t destroy it.
The sound of our skin slapping set me off again. I squeezed his cock with all my strength and
“Jesus Christ!” He froze and wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me in place. Profanity
bounced off the walls until his body relaxed.
I collapsed on the mattress after he pulled out of me, utterly spent.
My ears tracked his movements. He went into the bathroom, and seconds later, the toilet flushed.
Then he went to the mini fridge and brought a couple of beers to the bed. He cracked one open and set
it on the nightstand closest to me. He chugged his own.
“I don’t think I can move,” I muttered.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Yes, but in a good way.”
“Damn. Okay.” He sat on the edge of the bed with his back toward me.
“Why are you so far away?” I frowned and tucked my knees toward my chest. Since he’d worn a
condom, there wasn’t much of a mess, mostly my wetness. I wasn’t lying to him about hurting me in a
good way. My pussy ached, but only because he had jackhammered into me. He was also thicker than
the others I’d had fun with. My butthole was another story. It stung from being stretched. I must’ve
been crazy to enjoy the intrusion.
What would having his cock in my ass feel like?
“I’m thinking you should go.”
“What?” I vaulted into a sitting position. “Why? Did I do something wrong?” Stupid girl. Never
ask a guy such questions.
He shrugged as he drank his beer.
“Well, fuck.” I bit my bottom lip, feeling insecure and like a failure. He wanted me to leave after
one time? Fine by me. He obviously didn’t know a good thing when he saw one… or fucked one.
Other than my ego being bruised, I wasn’t heartbroken. I used him like he had used me.
But I had difficulty ignoring the damn electrifying chemistry I thought we had. And his stupidly
handsome face and iron biceps. And the tattoos decorating his back and arms. Did he have ink on his
chest too? I didn’t recall.
I collected my pride and rolled off the bed.
“It’s not you. It’s me,” he said in a low tone.
Was he serious? Cliché asshole. “Just stop. Not another word.” I searched for my clothes. Did he
want to humiliate me? Maybe his hot and cold behavior was for the best. I might have actually liked
“You’re a beautiful and sexy woman. But I didn’t come for—”
“The pussy. I know. You told me already.” I clasped my bra. When I couldn’t find my thong, I put
my jeans on without them, then my blouse.
“Don’t be hurt. I had a good time.”
“I’m not hurt. You gave me what I wanted. It’s all good.” I slipped one foot into my four-inch
heels, then the other, wishing he’d stop going on about it.
“Really?” He screwed up his face in confusion.
“Yes, really. Do you feel guilty or something?” I smirked to make him feel like a sensitive pussy.
What was his problem? He had every right to ask me to go. It was his room, after all.
He turned away and shook his head.
“Good. Have a nice life… Whatever your name is.” I reached for the doorknob.
“Russell. My name is Russell Cullen.”
I peered over my shoulder at him. “Cullen? Like from the Twilight movies?”
“Yes, unfortunately. Are you team Edward or Jacob?”
“Neither. I prefer to be bit by a human. Thanks for the epic orgasms.” I winked and left the room.
When the door latched, I pressed my back against it and exhaled. “What a night.” I rushed toward
the elevator before Russell regretted his decision to make me leave. I might cave to his every wish if
his tongue was involved.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Oh shit.”
“Where were you?” Hustler barked.
“Just taking a stroll.” I entered the metal box.
“Your hair is a mess and you look like you just had sex,” Spectre said. “Who were you with?”
“You’re not my keeper.”
“Midnight said you left with a man.” Hustler crossed his arms over his chest. “If Cobra finds out,
he’ll make you go home.”
“Then don’t tell him.”
“Who were you with?” Spectre asked again. “Do you want us to check the cameras?”
“I can’t with you two tonight. I hate the way you treat me. Like I’m a child!”
“We’re only protecting you, sis.” Hustler put his arm around me.
“As you can see, I’m just fine.”
“I don’t like the just-fucked glow on your face,” Spectre growled. “Do you even know his name?”
“Are you implying I’m a slut?”
“If he is, I will kick his fucking ass.” Hustler stood taller to intimidate Spectre.
The elevator doors opened, and I stormed out, not interested in hearing my brother’s response. At
least I could count on Hustler to take my side. He treated me more like an equal than the others ever
It was after midnight, and I was exhausted, so I went to my room with the sound of my brothers’
heavy footsteps following me. If they thought I’d invite them in, they were sorely wrong.
“Are you in for the night?” Hustler asked.
“Yes.” I swung the door open.
“Stay off the fourth floor,” Spectre told me through gritted teeth.
“When did you become such a jerk?”
“When my sister’s safety is involved, that’s all that matters. I’m not here to make friends. Now
stay off the goddamn fourth floor.”
“Or what, Silas? What will you do? I’m a grown, independent woman. Don’t mess with me and
my life, or you will be sorry.” I stabbed my finger into his steel chest.
“Okay, you two. This sibling squabble is over.” Hustler issued a slow wink. “Fair warning. We
will be monitoring the elevators and stairwells more carefully. I know you’ll be safe and smart. See
you tomorrow at the concert.” He clasped the back of Silas’s neck and dragged him away.
I shut the door and sagged against it. “What a bizarre day.”
My brothers didn’t need to worry. I wasn’t going to be seeing Russell Cullen again. Tomorrow my
biggest wish would come true meeting the Flaming Triads. I had VIP passes and a ticket to the after-
party. My brothers would be there as well, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to meet Flint and
maybe climb the six-foot-four lead singer like a tree and show him I was his ultimate dream girl.
I inhaled deeply when I caught a whiff of a man’s cologne. Shit, my brothers probably smelled it
on me too. Mr. Cocksure had left his scent all over me and the ache between my thighs.
Why did he have to have a heart-stopping face and be a sex god in bed?
Flint was better looking.
And a rock star.
I’d bet Flint could run circles around Russell Cullen and give me an orgasm just from singing one
of his songs.
Yeah, Mr. Cocksure was already forgotten.


The bright spotlight above made me sweat like a pig. I tried to not imagine hundreds of screaming
women in the lounge. The performance wasn’t supposed to be like the Flaming Triads’ usual concert
in stadiums and amphitheaters.
Tonight’s show was meant to be small and intimate. It was the only reason I had agreed to fill in
for my buddy, Vapor. We’d been best friends since grade school, and I knew the band’s songs like the
back of my hand.
My heart raced and my chest tightened. Fuck, I needed to hold it together for Vapor. He was
dealing with some heavy shit. I couldn’t let my anxiety and stage fright control me.
You promised Vapor you could play in front of a crowd.
I know!
I breathed and focused on my drum solo. Drum solo… When every pair of eyes would be on me.
I slammed my stick on the cymbal ending, “The Last Song,” ironically the final number in the
“Thank you, Fargo!” Flint yelled. “And from there, I’ll give my final speech as always.” He turned
toward me. “You did awesome, man. Vapor would be pleased.” He issued a thumbs up.
I nodded, trying not to bolt to the bathroom and barf up breakfast.
“I knew you had it in you, Pyro,” Singe said, gesturing rock on with his hands. His electric guitar
hung from the strap against his body like a third limb. He was the lead guitarist and a badass doing
Flint and Vapor were brothers. I’d known the guys most of my life growing up in California. Singe
and Flint were best friends. We’d started playing music in our garages and basements, but when talk
of forming a band had begun, I had bowed out. A dozen years ago, I’d had a feeling the guys would
become big and known by millions. I’d been right.
They were active on social media and couldn’t go anywhere without being recognized. They never
hide from the world—not like me.
Despite being all kinds of fucked up, I would do my damnedest to fill in for Vapor and the band. I
owed them more than I could ever repay for sticking with me during my dark and suicidal times.
I would never let my buddies down. It wasn’t their fault I suffered from severe anxiety,
depression, and panic attacks. Not their fault Vapor’s girlfriend was in hospice care and not expected
to live another week. I’d trade places with Suri if I could. She and Vapor were meant to be together
forever. Fucking leukemia.
Piper’s gorgeous face flashed behind my eyes. I still tasted her on my tongue. Heard her melodic
moans… And smelled her.
I’d done her a favor when I made her leave. She might not realize it, but I saved her from me.
I’d dialed into the embarrassment in her voice. Sensed her hurt. But I did what needed to be done.
I was too fucked up to be with anyone. I’d only destroy her.
“Pyro, did you hear me?” Flint barked. “I called your name twice, man.”
“What is it?”
Hustler, the manager of the casino, approached. “Tonight, a few extra special guests will be
watching, and two will attend the after-party. I’d appreciate it if everyone would take pictures with
my little sister. She’s your biggest fan.”
“That’s no problem at all. Right, Pyro?” Singe eyed me.
“But I’m only a stand-in tonight. Nobody cares about me.” I didn’t want to be dealing with fans or
attend the party. I would, but I was dreading it.
Baz cleared his throat and joined us on the stage. He was Flint’s and Vapor’s cousin and the
band’s manager. “I agree with Pyro. No one knows him, so he doesn’t need to be there.”
“Awesome.” Good old Baz. I’d have to thank him privately for having my back. We weren’t
exactly close, but we’d known each other as long as I’d known the others. He came from a wealthy
family and fronted the money to get the band going.
“I need him here,” Flint said. “I’m the leader, and I say he stays.”
“Sorry, man.” Baz shrugged.
“It’s fine.” It wasn’t, but what else could I say? Flint ruled, and I was only the stand-in. I came out
from behind the drums and stalked toward the stairs.
“Where you going?” Flint asked.
“To call Vapor. I need a pep talk,” I shouted back without stopping. I had half a mind to find Piper
to use her as my escape. Sex, drugs, and booze weren’t healthy methods of dealing with my shit, but
they helped.
My blood pressure was on the rise. I had heart palpitations and difficulty breathing.
The fucking concert hadn’t even started. How would I get through the night?
I entered my room, tossed my sticks onto the bed, and went to the mini-fridge. Whiskey would take
the edge off, but I’d need something stronger before getting on stage again.
I dialed Vapor as I guzzled the alcohol. He was expecting my call.
“Hey?” he answered in a whisper.
“If it’s a bad time, I can call back.”
“No, I need a break.”
“How’s she doing?”
“I don’t know. The same, I guess. She sleeps a lot. When she’s awake, she wants me to sing to her
and talk about everything we were supposed to do together. It’s fucking killing me.”
I heard a loud bang. “What was that?”
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Aberdeenshire
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Title: Aberdeenshire

Author: Alexander Mackie

Release date: April 5, 2024 [eBook #73335]

Language: English

Original publication: London: Cambridge University Press, 1911

Credits: Fiona Holmes and the Online Distributed Proofreading

Team at (This file was produced
from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive)


Transcriber’s Note
The use of =L= around a letter indicates bold.
Hyphenations have been standardised.
Changes made are noted at the end of the book.
Because there are so many illustrations, it wasn't always possible to place them
between paragraphs.

_The Cambridge University Press_
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Cambridge County Geographies

Late Examiner in English, Aberdeen University, and
author of Nature Knowledge in Modern Poetry

With Maps, Diagrams and Illustrations

at the University Press

1. County and Shire. The Origin of Aberdeenshire 1

2. General Characteristics 4
3. Size. Shape. Boundaries 10
4. Surface, Soil and General Features 15
5. Watershed. Rivers. Lochs 20
6. Geology 35
7. Natural History 43
8. Round the Coast 52
9. Weather and Climate. Temperature. Rainfall. Winds 64
10. The People—Race, Language, Population 70
11. Agriculture 76
12. The Granite Industry 83
13. Other Industries. Paper, Wool, Combs 89
14. Fisheries 94
15. Shipping and Trade 102
16. History of the County 105
17. Antiquities—Circles, Sculptured Stones, Crannogs,
Forts 112
18. Architecture—(_a_) Ecclesiastical 121
19. Architecture—(_b_) Castellated 132
20. Architecture—(_c_) Municipal 145
21. Architecture—(_d_) Domestic 154
22. Communications—Roads, Railways 160
23. Administration and Divisions 166
24. The Roll of Honour 170
25. The Chief Towns and Villages of Aberdeenshire 178

The lone Kirkyard, Gamrie 3

Town House, Old Aberdeen 5
Consumption Dyke at Kingswells 7
The Punch Bowl, Linn of Quoich, Braemar 9
Pennan, looking N.W. Showing old and new houses of Troup 12
Loch Avon and Ben-Macdhui 14
Benachie 19
Linn of Dee, Braemar 21
Old bridge of Dee, Invercauld 22
View from old bridge of Invercauld 23
Falls of Muick, Ballater 24
Birch Tree at Braemar 26
Fir Trees at Braemar 28
The Don, looking towards St Machar Cathedral 30
Brig o’ Balgownie, Aberdeen 31
Loch Muick, near Ballater 32
Loch Callater, Braemar 34
Loch of Skene 36
Deer in time of snow 47
The Dunbuy Rock 48
Girdleness Lighthouse 53
Sand Hills at Cruden Bay 56
“The Pot,” Bullers o’ Buchan 58
Buchan Ness Lighthouse 60
Kinnaird Lighthouse, Fraserburgh 61
Entrance to Lord Pitsligo’s Cave, Rosehearty 62
Aberdour Shore, looking N.W. 63
Inverey near Braemar 67
Aberdeen-Angus Bull 81
Aberdeen Shorthorn Bull 82
Granite Quarry, Kemnay 84
Granite Works, Aberdeen 86
Making smoked haddocks, Aberdeen 93
Fish Market, Aberdeen 97
Fishwives, The Green, Aberdeen 98
North Harbour, Peterhead 99
Herring boats at Fraserburgh 100
Fishing Fleet going out, Aberdeen 101
At the docks, Aberdeen 103
White Cow Wood Cairn Circle; View from the S.W. 113
Palaeolithic Flint Implement 114
Neolithic Celt of Greenstone 114
Stone at Logie, in the Garioch 116
“Picts” or “Eirde House” at Migvie, Aberdeenshire 118
Loch Kinnord 120
From _The Book of Deer_ 125
St Machar Cathedral, Old Aberdeen 127
St Machar Cathedral (interior) 128
King’s College, Aberdeen University 129
East and West Churches, Aberdeen 130
Kildrummy Castle 133
The Old House of Gight 138
Craigievar Castle, Donside 140
Crathes Castle, Kincardineshire 141
Castle Fraser 142
Fyvie Castle, South Front 144
Municipal Buildings, Aberdeen, and Town Cross 146
Marischal College, Aberdeen 147
Union Terrace and Gardens, before widening of Bridge 149
Grammar School, Aberdeen 150
Gordon’s College, Aberdeen 151
Bridge of Don, from Balgownie 152
Old Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen 153
Balmoral Castle 155
Cluny Castle 157
Haddo House 158
Midmar Castle 159
Spittal of Glenshee 161
Professor Thomas Reid, D.D. 175
The Old Grammar School, Schoolhill 179
Birsemore Loch and Craigendinnie, Aboyne 182
Mar Castle 183
Ballater, view from Pannanich 184
Braemar from Craig Coynach 186
The Doorway, Huntly Castle 188
The Bass, Inverurie 189
The White Horse on Mormond Hill 193
Diagrams 195
Orographical Map of Aberdeenshire Front Cover
Geological Map of Aberdeenshire Back Cover
Rainfall Map of Scotland 65

The illustrations on pp. 3, 12, 62, 63 are from photographs by W.

Norrie; those on pp. 5, 9, 14, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32,
34, 36, 48, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 67, 86, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103,
120, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 140, 141, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150,
151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 182, 183, 184, 186, 188 and
189, are from photographs by J. Valentine and Sons; that on p. 7
from a photograph by J. Watt; that on p. 47 from a photograph by Dr
W. Brown; that on p. 84 from a photograph by A. Gordon; that on p.
193 from a photograph by A. Gray.
Thanks are due to W. Duthie, Esq., Collynie, for permission to
reproduce the illustration on p. 82; to J. McG. Petrie, Esq., Glen-
Logie, for permission to reproduce that on p. 81; to Messrs T. and R.
Annan and Sons, for permission to reproduce that on p. 175; to the
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland for permission to reproduce those
on pp. 113 and 118; and to Alexander Walker, Jr., Esq., Aberdeen,
for permission to reproduce that on p. 179.
1. County and Shire. The Origin of
The term “shire,” which means a division (Anglo-Saxon sciran: to cut
or divide), has in Scotland practically the same meaning as “county.”
In most cases the two names are interchangeable. Yet we do not say
Orkneyshire nor Kirkcudbrightshire. Kirkcudbright is a stewartry and
not a county, but in regard to the others we call them with equal
readiness shires or counties. County means originally the district
ruled by a Count, the Norman equivalent of Earl. It is said that
Aberdeenshire is the result of a combination of two counties, Buchan
and Mar, representing the territory under the rule of the Earl of
Buchan and the Earl of Mar. The distinction is in effect what we
mean to-day by East Aberdeenshire and West Aberdeenshire; and
the local students of Aberdeen University when voting for their Lord
Rector by “nations” are still classified as belonging to either the
Buchan nation or the Mar nation according to their place of birth.
The counties, then, are certain areas which it is convenient for
political and administrative purposes to divide the country into for the
better and more convenient management of local and internal affairs.
To-day Scotland has thirty-three of these divisions. In a public
ordinance dated 1305, twenty-five counties are named. They would
seem to have been first defined early in the twelfth century, but as a
matter of fact nothing very definite is known, either as to the date of
their origin or as to the principles which regulated the making of their
geographical boundaries. It is certain, however, that the county
divisions were in Scotland an introduction from England. The term
came along with the people who were flocking into Scotland from the
south. The lines were drawn for what seemed political convenience
and no doubt they were suited to the times. To-day the boundaries
seem on occasion somewhat erratic. Banchory, for example, is in
Kincardineshire, while Aboyne and Ballater on the same river bank
and on the same line of road and railway are in Aberdeenshire. If the
carving were to be done over again in the twentieth century, more
consideration would probably be given to the railway lines.
A commission of 1891 did actually rearrange the boundaries. Of the
parishes partly in Aberdeen and partly in Banff, some were
transferred wholly to Aberdeen (Gartly, Glass, New Machar, Old
Deer and St Fergus), while others were placed in Banffshire
(Cabrach, Gamrie, Inverkeithny, Alvah and Rothiemay). How it
happened that certain parts of adjoining counties were planted like
islands in the heart of Aberdeenshire may be understood by
reference to such a case as that of St Fergus. A large part of this
parish belonged to the Cheynes, who being hereditary sheriffs of
Banffshire were naturally desirous of having their patrimonial estates
under their own legal jurisdiction, and were influential enough to be
able to stereotype this anomaly. This explains the place of St Fergus
in Banffshire; it is now very properly a part of Aberdeenshire.
The lone Kirkyard, Gamrie
The county took its name from the chief town—Aberdeen—which is
clearly Celtic in origin and means the town at the mouth of either the
Dee or the Don. Both interpretations are possible; but the fact that
the Latin form of the word has always been Aberdonia and
_Aberdonensis_, favours the Don as the naming river. As a matter of
fact, Old Aberdeen, though lying at no great distance from the bank
of the Don, can hardly be said to be associated with Donmouth,
whereas a considerable population must from a remote period have
been located at the mouth of the Dee. Whatever interpretation is
accepted, it was this city—the only town in the district conspicuous
for population and resources—that gave its name to the county as a
The whole region between the river Dee and the river Spey,
comprising the two counties of Banff and Aberdeen, forms a natural
province. There is no natural, or recognisable line of demarcation
between the two counties. Their fortunes have been one. The river
Deveron might conceivably have been chosen as the dividing line,
but in practice it is so only to a limited extent. The whole district,
which if invaded was never really conquered by the Romans, made
one of the seven Provinces of what was called Pictland in the early
middle ages, and it long continued to assert for itself a semi-
independent political existence.

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