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1-There are two types of pain one that hurts you and one that teaches you and

you're the one who chooses which type of pain you want

2-When you get what you want that's god's direction when you don't that's god's

3-People with the coldest hearts tend to be the kindest that's why you should never
judge a book by its cover

4-People aren't always what they seem so be careful who u trust

5-When someone is talking loudly it's because they don't feel heard at home

6-Kindness isn't weakness

7-People can come and go don't think they're gonna stay forever

8-Maybe forever was meant for memories only not for people not for feelings not for
time it's just for memories

9-When you feel heartbroken do not think of commuting suicide

10-There is no such thing as the right person or wrong time because the time is
right person will come when the time is right

11-Appreciate what you have you'll never know when you'll need

12-You can never hurt someone who is mentally strong

13-Always trust your gut you never know when it's right

14-Respect is earned not given

15-Don't think about the past you can't change it don't think about the future it's
not here yet so just live in the moment

16-people can cry because of two reasons one they're hurt too, and they're angry

17-Your skin is not paper so don't cut it your body is not a book so don't judge it
your neck is not a coat so don't hang it your heart is not a door so don't close it

18-you can never hurt an over thinker cause they already know whats coming

19-time is valuable so don't waste

20-never mistake your kindness for weekness

21-never give up on hope because if you do you die

22-love is beautiful it can be magical but sometimes it can be like poison if you
fall In love with the wrong person it can be like a maze no matter how hard you try
if you don’t know the way you get lost

23-your eyes are not a mirror so don’t judge people

24-know your own worth cause no body will tell you how much you actually worth

25-never ask these three Questions one how much am I worth to you two if I die will
you cry three am I good enough for you cause no body will answer you truthfully

26-when sth bad happens thank god a million times why cause of two reasons one it
could have been way worse two
Maybe god was protecting you from sth

27-nothing stays forever

28-don’t think about the past you can’t change it so don’t think about it

29-beauty is from the inside not the outside

30-if you loose your confidence you loose your self

31-if someone breaks your heart instead of crying learn from it and come back

32-never seek revenge it may back fire

34-when you see someone who’s lost faith in this world listen to them understand
the them cause if no body does they might commit suicide

35-maybe the word permanent was ment for ink only not for anything else

36-the only difference between a man and a women is men received their rights and a
woman had to fight for hers

37-people who truly love you even if the hole world is against you they’ll still
stay with you and fight the entire world with you

38-instead of protecting your daughters teach your son’s instead

39-never break rule number five for someone

40-colors don’t have genders

41-grades don’t define you you can have the lowest grade and be the smartest person
in the room so don’t stress over them

42-there is no such thing as impossible because impossible is spelled im-possible

43-know who you are because no one will tell you

44-honesty is the best policy

45-life might be tough right now but remember there is always light in the end of
the tunnel

46-if you love someone who you know you won’t see them again then stop loving them
cause if you continue to love them you’ll ruin your mental health

47-what you tell your self is what you see in your self

48-fear no one you have every thing they have so why fear them
49-don’t hide your emotions it’ll destroy your mental health

50-you should be thankful for every second of your life you never know when it
might be your last second on earth

51-love ur self every day every night every second cause one day u’ll regret the
times u looked at ur self with disgust

52-never cut ur self cause one cut can go along way

53-love isn’t poison u probably just chose the wrong person

54-if sm talks to u just cause they need smth or they need u DONT call them ur

55-blood runs thicker than water but not thicker then mud

56-eyes never lie

57-fire can burn but it can also be light

58-dont be like the moon who needs help to shine instead be like the sun it needs
no one to shine

59-DONT tolerate pain for sm

60-never take bulshit from ppl

61-always stand up for yourself no matter what and don’t expect ppl to do it for

62-fame isn’t everything

63-do what ever makes U comfortable and don’t give a fuck abt others

64-the tongue is like a wepon it can kill but it can also be a blessing bringing
light for others

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