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P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

EDUC- 103

Submitted by: Danielle Grace C. Bagongon

Submitted to: Elizabeth Dioso, EdD


Nowadays, people are broad and open minded and are accepting the diversity of

every individual most especially in school. Learners with different cultures, race,

personalities and intelligences are being recognized fairly without any favoritism. But we

cannot deny the fact that a lot of people are also one-sided and intolerant. This paper

will critique about multiculturalism and how it affects education.

As teachers, it is important more than ever to incorporate culturally responsive

instruction in the classroom since our society is increasingly multicultural and diverse. It

is our way of inculcating our young minds about how to become respectful in the

different race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, language

background as well as the gender identity of every individual.

Fostering awareness is way to create a positive classroom environment and can

serve as a foundation for understanding and promoting diversity in the classroom.

Since diversity is continue growing inside and outside the classroom premises, it is

essential to prepare our students to adapt and embrace the changing world.

Educating people about multiculturalism is a way of valuing and accepting the

different cultures and humanities or creating multicultural awareness but it is also

preparing and encouraging students to thrive in an arbitrating and diverse world. It will

also create personal connection with diverse cultures inside and outside the classroom

and allows them to be more aware and empathetic about one’s background,

experiences and culture.


Child Abuse is not just a physical violence it is also sexual, and or psychological

maltreatment of a child. It is any form of act that will result in an actual or potential harm

which is violent or threatening to a child and it can occur in a child’s home, communities,

or in school where the child interacts with.

So many children, adolescents, and even adults are exposed to abuse and

everyone is subject to maltreatment. It can happen to boys or girls and most of cases

happen at home. It has been circulating around the world since then. It is almost

unbelievable to accept the idea of a human being hurting another human being, in

particular a child.

It is so saddening to concede these children who are subjects of unjustified crime

and yet have nothing to do with it for they are still young and dependent. And one day

might happen that these children who are exposed to violence, especially between

parents, might also be at greater risk of being abusers themselves in future

relationships. As teachers, we should be aware of what's going on in our classroom. If a

youngster ever comes up to you and says they have been abused in any way, don't be

afraid to look into it.

We must do something proactive about this problem. If we keep on neglecting

and ignoring this issue and none of us have the ability to reinforce or to speak up on this

issue and say nothing at all, this will continue to spread and destruct our society and the

Children are our future; they are the faces of the next generation who will hold

and govern the society and so, if we suspect something abuse, speak up. If a certain

child tells us about abuse, take it seriously. All children deserve to be heard, protected,

helped and valued.


One of the most significant rights that must be preserved and properly enforced is

the right of the child. Human rights include children's rights. They safeguard the child as

a person. Children's rights recognize the fundamental rights that all people have,

including the right to life, the rule against discrimination, and the right to dignity through

the preservation of one's bodily and mental integrity as well as protection against

slavery, cruel treatment, and other forms of abuse.

The rights for children include the right to an education, the right to a reasonable

standard of living, the right to health, the right to live with one's parents, the right to

protection, and others. However, some things in the world do not move the way we

expected to. Some families do not nurture their children and are neglecting their rights.

It is somewhat alarming that these children might end up lose their track and get abused

at some point.

As a teacher, it is also significant to educate children with their rights. Knowing

that simply inculcating into their minds the value and worth of their existence would

create a big impact and would change their views and perspective about their selves.

Every child must be protected, have a secure environment and a quality education and

is free from any form of abuse. And all of these must start at home. Children's

development and well-being are significantly influenced by their families, therefore it is

important to safeguard them and give them support as they learn to accept

responsibility. It is the obligation of the family to foster the children by creating an

atmosphere of joy, love, and understanding that will aid in the personality development

of the child.

No matter who they are, where they live, what language they speak, what

religion they practice, what they think, how they look, whether they are a boy or a girl, if

they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor, or who their parents or families are,

or what their parents or families believe or do, all children are entitled to all of these

rights. No kid should ever endure unfair treatment.


It is a right of a child to live. But how would they live if at very young age they are

forced to work and labor instead of having fun and playing with other kids as what really

kids do. According to research, nearly 1 in 10 children are subjected to child labour

worldwide, with some forced into risky and hazardous work through trafficking.

Child labor is the term used to describe the exploitation of children through any

type of employment that robs them of their youth, prevents them from attending regular

school, and is bad for their mental, physical, social, and moral development. It is

depriving children of their childhood where they supposed to play, interact with other

children, learn, and experience what really childhood is.

There are several reasons why parents may drive their kids to work. Most

frequently, child labor exist when families experience financial hardship or uncertainty,

whether as a result of poverty, a caregiver's abrupt sickness, or the loss of their

principal source of income. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling

and health care, restricting their fundamental rights.

Child labor, for whatever reason, worsens societal injustice and discrimination. It

restricts access to schooling and stunts a kid's physical, mental, and social

development, in contrast to activities that promote child development, such helping out

around the house or working during the summer. The burden of employment, education,

and household responsibilities, increases their risk of falling behind academically and

leaves them more open to poverty and isolation.

Parents are responsible to their children and so are we teachers, we are their

parents in school. We give kids the tools they need to understand their rights and work

for their own welfare. Additionally, we collaborate with their parents and communities to

ensure that children are safeguarded and that labor exploitation does not rob them of

their future. By taking the initiative in these areas, we contribute to the development of a

safe environment that supports and cares for all children. Provide educational services

to improve learning environments and teaching methods.

In my point of view, since the government has the stability to resolve this issue,

they must give support to parents to increase their earnings and food security so that

kids won't have to work. Promote training, life skills, entrepreneurship, access to

savings and good work for young people who are over the minimum working age.

Brain Drain is the existence of lucrative career opportunities abroad, or a desire

to move to a country with a higher standard of living area. When employees believe

they may get better salary, benefits, or upward mobility at another company or industry,

brain drain can also happen at the organizational or industrial levels.

Some of the main reasons why people choose to leave their home

countries/regions include; Economic opportunities, including new and better jobs, higher

standards of living, access to housing and health care, political strife and instability. It

also makes the person grow financially; the person is given greater opportunities and

can improve his professional abilities by picking up new knowledge from experts in

other nations. The individual enjoys a high level of living and is exposed to more cutting-

edge professional practices.

Although brain drain from many industries had some positive consequences, it

also had some negative ones. It has been noted that a nation has better chances for

economic growth if its population is more educated. Despite the fact that the Philippines'

substantial training and education have created professionals, the general public does

not directly profit from their work. Some drawbacks of brain drain also include the

nation. The professional is departing from is experiencing a decline in the number of

professionals. Due to the migration of competent workers, the country continues to be

underdeveloped because the commercial and public sectors have performed poorly and

have lost competent workers to other nations.

This group also includes teachers, a profession that was significantly impacted

by brain drain. These professionals who leave the company leave a sizable hole that

isn't always simple to fill. Take the example of medical experts from underdeveloped

countries that relocate to developed regions in search of better possibilities. When they

depart, there could not be enough replacements, which have an impact on the standard

of healthcare for those left behind.

One of the leading exporters of migrant labor in the world, the Philippines

regularly sends forth huge numbers of educated and talented migrants. The fact that

Filipinos are skilled and lauded for their accomplishments outside of the country shows

that our education is of a high standard. To the extent possible, brain drain should be

addressed if our nation is to achieve its full potential. The government must look for

ways to recruit those qualified experts who would ultimately help the nation turn into the

greener pasture that they have been searching for how many years.

An educator that integrates intercultural, economic, environmental, and social

issues into their curriculum is known as a global teacher. As students learn about

variety and how they fit into the global community, the teacher broadens the scope of

their perspective beyond the typical confines of the local classroom. A Global Teacher

promotes global awareness and emphasizes the fact that we work in a global market

and if the students can develop interpersonal relationships.

Teachers are modifying their methods of teaching as the world gets more linked.

Today, kids are exposed to a wide range of views and cultures through the use of social

media platforms. Global education covers a wide range of topics, from environmental

concerns to how other pupils live in different cultures. By implementing lessons that

show the perspective of people from throughout the world that might not have the same

cultural values and customs as the pupils, global education encourages an open-

minded approach.

A Global Teacher contains knowledge, abilities, and dispositions that define

educators as having global competence. They know and incorporate global dimensions

into the disciplines one teaches, and understanding one's own cultural identity and how

it affects one's personality and classroom practice. It also involves children in

discovering their place in the world and learning about it, utilizing global examples,

materials, and resources while thinking about regional, societal, and human issues.

Anyone can be a Global teacher since we, teachers, are capable and flexible in

everything we do most specially in our field. And to become a globally competent one,
we must establish conditions that foster fruitful intercultural communication.

Demonstrate social responsibility in local and worldwide contexts, assisting students in

determining the best course of action to improve local and global problems, evaluating

students' global competency, and offering chances in accordance with their

developmental stages.

The teaching profession and teacher training institutes has been the subject of

various contemporary controversies in the education community, including many talks

about licensure and credentialing. This prompted us to ask educators and their students

directly about what global competency means to them and if the procedure for

accrediting new teachers takes into account the realities of classrooms today.

The world has recently seen some of the highest levels of violence, affecting a

wide range of nations and areas, from the poorest to the richest, and having a direct

impact on the lives, dignity, and general well-being of millions of people worldwide.

Conflicts frequently result in unfairness and inequality and researchers find out that key

component of ending violence and conflict is peace education.

Peace education is based on the fundamental principles of social justice and

nonviolence. Values like trust, freedom, and respect for human rights are examples of

how nonviolence is demonstrated. The values of solidarity, responsibility, and equality

help to achieve social justice. Activities aimed at promoting peace education assist

people develop the information, abilities, and attitudes necessary to prevent conflict,

settle it peacefully, or foster a peaceful society.

In a classroom setting, we teachers are responsible for creating a conducive, free

from stress and a peaceful learning environment. Peace education is emphasizing that

learners should acquire a positive and peaceful learning environment where they could

learn and have fun at the same time and will not mind conflict and violence inside the

classroom and thus decrease the number of conflict situations.

Initiatives for peace education assist educators in preparing students to serve as

the next generation of leaders in establishing a more just society by teaching the future

generation to better comprehend and address issues that may threaten the rule of law.
Young people who are aware in peace education are able to learn more, develop

their peace-related abilities, and develop a perspective on what it means to live in

peace. It prevents further conflict which also helps to foster a peaceful world. That is

why peace education is important. Since children will rule in the near future, we must

educate them and instill into their mind how vital and essential having peace

environment is. It is not just learning in a peaceful classroom, it is creating a peaceful

world where they will be living to.


Multiculturalism refers to a society's approach of dealing with cultural diversity.

Multiculturalism is the belief that society is improved by preserving, appreciating, and

even promoting cultural diversity. It is based on the underlying premise that people from

frequently quite different cultures may coexist peacefully.

Preserving and retaining one’s tradition culture is part of multiculturalism’s

principle. However, unfortunately, society deals with those that distort the reality of a

multicultural society and choose to judge other based on their own beliefs.

Nevertheless, the goal of multiculturalism is truly to understand other’s differences and

so teachers more often includes the thoughts and values in the lesson for each learner’s

to apply it to their selves and minding the differences of their peers. Teaching the

different cultures and it’s traditions of the community will create a great impact on

reflecting unto their personal views and will be able to appreciate other diverse culture,

ethnicity, and race

I believe there is an adequate line between upholding unwavering moral

principles and accommodating cultural diversity. In other words, we choose one or the

other depending on the circumstances in which we are required to choose. Every

culture has its unique customs, some of which in some locations conflict with morality.

Personally, I believe that every human being should be treated with respect and equality

regardless of their color, traditions, age, or gender.


The main problem with gender development is that some of the most crucial

elements of people's lives, such as the skills they develop, the self-perceptions they

have, and others, the social possibilities and restrictions they face, as well as the career

and social choices they choose, are strongly influenced by conventional gender

stereotyping. It is the main foundation upon which people are differentiated, and it has a

significant impact on how they live their lives.

Discrimination is what prevents equality in this world, which is why so many

people work to educate each person about what we should do. Since everyone is

entitled to equality, this does not also apply to lesbians and homosexual people or to

men and women.

Every theory highlights the distinctions between men and women, such as what a

woman must generate biologically to give birth. Man is more sociable than woman in

social situations, however according to the social cognitive theory, knowledge and

emotional factors are the best ways to grow both the mind and the body. According to

environmental theories, environments are what shape and mold each person. All

gender development theories are true, and both sides must assume responsibility for

setting an example for others and being authentic.

Schools are in charge of combating violence on school grounds and offering

thorough health education. Teachers must adhere to professional standards for fair
instruction and proper disciplinary procedures. Additionally, students must act in a

peaceful, inclusive manner.

In a secure learning atmosphere, both boys and girls must feel accepted. To

ensure that schools are free from violence and prejudice and deliver high-quality

instruction that takes gender equality into account, it is the responsibility of

governments, schools, instructors, and students.

Being an example to our pupils is more than just having a beautiful appearance;

it also means having a good relationship with everyone and teaching them valuable life

lessons. Our parents serve as our role models, providing guidance and encouragement

for our future endeavors. Everyone who aspires to be a great person must develop.

Everyone often says that great is the greatest, but for me, great is not the best because

in order to be great, one must respect.


One of the most prevalent issues that is spreading throughout the world is

teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancies are caused by a number of circumstances.

For instance, higher poverty rates, lesser educational attainment, etc. Teenage

pregnancies have a number of unfavorable effects, including reduced employment

opportunities, smaller families, a higher probability of being a single parent, and poverty.

Teenage pregnancy will have a detrimental impact on their schooling since it will

force them to devote all of their time to the wants and worries of the unborn child. It has

grown to be a significant problem in nations all over the world, despite the fact that few

people talk about it. Given the impact of society, the environment, and the Internet,

raising kids to remain out of trouble and refrain from harmful behavior is extremely

difficult. It might be challenging for parents to give their kids the proper care and

direction when they don't even have control over their lives or know what they're up to

after school. Because they can give teens comprehensive knowledge about all they

need to know and, with the aid of their parents, help minimize the frequency of teenage

pregnancies, teen pregnancy prevention programs are essential in schools.

Early pregnancy among teenagers prevents them from continuing their education

because of the additional responsibilities, which raises the rate of literacy in society.

Teen mothers' education is put on hold while they are pregnant, and some even opt to

drop out of high school and find a job as a means of support.

What can we do as a concern citizen in the society? Programs that incorporate

assistance, tutoring, education, and fun should be mandated in all schools as they can

reduce high-risk behavior among teenagers and prevent teen pregnancy. To lower the

likelihood of high-risk conduct among teenagers, schools should promote values such

as academic success, self-worth, and connection. Schools should make an effort to

establish initiatives that support the growth of young people.

People in and out of the educational system have to cooperate and share the

same values and goals to be able to provide the kids with the necessary education and

tutoring on preventing teen pregnancy. With the help of all available resources, all

schools together with the parents can help provide the kids with comprehensive

knowledge on how to prevent teen pregnancy and promote healthy lifestyle choices.

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