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No Documents Needed
1. Resume/CV (should include relevant teaching experience and educational background) with Cover per J1 Sponsor format.
2. Copy of applicant’s passport: Name, date of birth, and expiration date must be legible; must not
expire within the first 6 months of the program.
3. Copy of Licensure/Teaching Certification in home country and Certificate of Good Standing (including
translation if applicable)
4. Course-by-Course Foreign Credential Evaluation of university transcripts and diploma completed by
an agency approved by the state in which teacher is teaching
5. Signed Letter from Head of School (preferably on school letterhead, signed and dated) which confirms
the school’s willingness to work with the exchange teacher on the cross-cultural activity component.
The official signing the letter must list both email and telephone contact information.
6. Certificate of Employment from Previous and Current Employers: Must show at least 2 years full-time
teaching or related experience, the position/s held, and indicate teacher was employed at the time of
applying for the program (unless teacher is actively pursuing an advanced degree in Education).
Practicum, on-the-job training, teaching internships, student teaching do not count for full-time
7. 3 Letters of Reference attesting to good reputation, character, and teaching skills. One must be from
a current or former supervisor and one from a current or former teaching colleague.
8. Police record or criminal background check dated within 3 months of application
9. Signed job offer letter/ after getting job
10. USAE Teacher Exchange Program Application
11. Contract bundle signed by sign request
12. Program Disclosure Letter/ after getting job
13. Last three months copy of paycheck from current employer and appointment letter
14. Sign request Online J1 Sponsor Orientation/ after getting job
15. TB test/MMR Rubela record/Covid vaccine record / IF your school requires

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