B.Com. Sem-2

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Unit - 1 : Lesson 1 Three Questions


'Three Questions' is an interesting lesson written by the great philosopher Leo

Tolstoy. The story moves round the King's effort to get the answers of the
following three questions;
1) What should be the right time to begin everything?
2) Who are the people the king most need and to whom should he pay more
attention than the rest?
3) What is the most important thing to do and need his first attention?

The King

The king thought that if he would know the answers of above three questions
then he would never fail in life. He sent his messengers to seek the answers .In
response of the first question some suggested that the king should make timetable
to start the right thing at right time. Some suggested to make council of wise men,
some suggested to consult the magician to know the right time.
In reply of second question people answer varied. Some suggested that
necessary people are councilors, priests ,doctors ,workers, soldiers.etc
To the third question some said that science was the most important. Others said
that the king's first attention should be to the welfare of the people or some says it
should be to the religious worships.
King was not satisfied with the answers. He decided to go to the jungle to meet

The King and Hermit

King went to the jungle as a common man. He left his soldiers and horse
behind. When the king reached to the hermit he was busy in digging the beds. King
asked his three questions but the hermit did not reply. The king offered his help
and started to work. At that time a wounded man came there with bleeding. The
king treated his wound and saved his life. Actually the wounded man came to the
king to take his revenge but caught by the soldiers on his way. He escaped from
soldiers and came there wounded.
Answer to three questions
Then the hermit explained the king that the most important time was when the
king was digging the beds and the hermit was the most important man for him and
to do good to him was the most important work for the king .
If the king would not dig beds and help the hermit he would not help his enemy
and might be killed by him.
So here Leo Tolstoy wants to teach us that present is the most important time
because at that time we have power. The most important man is he with whom we
are and most important work is to do good to him!
Lesson-2 Rani Laxmibai

Introduction: 'Rani Laxmibai' is the life story of Queen Laxmibai of Janshi. It

describes her childhood, her marriage and her contribution to the struggle of

Rani Laxmibai: Rani Laxmibai was born in the holy city of varanasi on
November 21, 1835. Her name Manikanika was given after one bathing ghat of
Varanasi. Her father was a courtier in the court of Maratha ruler Peshwa Baji Rao-
II. she was very brave from her childhood. Once in the court one cobra came.
Everybody was frightened but Manikanika didn't. She enjoyed frightened

Marriage: At the age of eight she was married with the king of Janshi. 'Laxmibai'
name was given to her by her in-laws. After king's death she refused to give her
Janshi to the Britishers. Britishers refused to accept their adopted son 'Damodar
Rao' as the prince.

Indian Freedom struggle: Laxmibai showed a great courage when she was in
charge of defending the fort against the British attack. When British captured the
fort she slipped out of the fort, under cover at night, dressed as a man with her son
and few soldiers. In 1857 Britishers introduced new rifle which had beef and pig's
flesh on its cartoos. Soldiers had to open it with their teeth. They protested and
killed many British officers and the revolt started when Britishers attacked janshi,
Queen fought with courage till her last breathe. Her last words were:
"Don't let Britishers touch my dead body."

Simple Present Tense (શાદો ળર્તમાનકાલ)

ઉપયોગ ક્યારે થાય?

 રોજીંદી ક્રિયા, ટેળ નો ઉલ્઱ેખ કરળા માટે .
 શનાર્ન શત્ય ની રજૂઆર્ માટે
 નાટક, રમર્ ળગેરે ન ું ળર્તન કરળા માટે
 કેટ઱ીક ળાર શાદા ભવળષ્ય કાલ ની વનવિર્ ક્રિયા ની રજૂઆર્ કરળા
ળાક્યરચના નો ર્ફાળર્
કર્ાત + કમત + ક્રિયાપદ (ગજરાર્ી)
ર્ે ક્રિકેટ રમે છે .
કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદ + કમત (અંગ્રેજી)
He plays cricket.

રચના (ષકાર)
Subject+Verb (મ ૂલ રૂપ/-s,es)+Object+time
કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદ + કમત +શમય દ઴તક ઴બ્દ
I / We /You / They/ ત્રીજો પરવ બહળચન ની શાથે મ ૂળરૂપ
He / She / It/ત્રીજો પરવ એક ળચન ની શાથે s/es ળાળું રૂપ
 શાદા ળર્તમાનકાલ માું ત્રીજા પરવ એક ળચન ના કર્ાત શાથે
આળર્ા ક્રિયાપદ ના અંવર્મ અક્ષરો SS/ SH/ CH/ O કે X ષોય ર્ો
ર્ેની પછી ‘es’ ઱ાગે છે .
 શાદા ળર્તમાનકાલ માું ત્રીજા પરવ એક ળચન ના કર્ાત શાથે
આળર્ા ક્રિયાપદ નો અંવર્મ અક્ષર ‘y’ ષોય અને ર્ેની આગલ નો
અક્ષર વ્યુંજન ષોય ર્ો ‘y’ નો ‘i’ કરીને ર્ેની પછી ‘es’ ઱ાગે છે .
ક્રિયાપદો :- cry-cries, marry-marries, try-tries etc.
Play - plays

નકાર રચના
Subject + Do/Does + not +Verb(મ ૂલરૂપ) + Object + time
I / We / You / They/ત્રીજો પ.બ.ળ.–do+not +મ ૂલરૂપ
He / She /It /ત્રીજો પ.એ.ળ. - does + not + મ ૂલરૂપ
શમય દ઴તક ઴બ્દ
Daily, often, sometimes, everyday, always, usually,
regularly, every Sunday, Sundays, never
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
Do/Does +Subject + મ ૂળરૂપ + Object + સમય?
Simple Present Tense
1. The sun ___late in winter. (rise/rises/rising)
2. The earth ____ round the Sun. (Move/moves/moved)
3. My friend often _____ me in my work (Help/helps/helped)
4. The sun _____ in the West. (Set/sets/setting)
5. She ______ us regularly. (Visit/visits/visiting)
6. He always ______ the truth. (Speak/speaks/speaking)
7. My friend never ______ a lie. (Tell/tells/told)
8. My brother ______ to college daily by bus. (go/goes/gone)
9. We _____ to God daily in the morning. (pray/prays/praying)
10. Does she regularly _____ the classes?
11. God _____ those who help themselves. (Help/helps/helped)
12. She __ not ___ French. (do/does/did +Know/knows)
13. Light _____ straight. (Travel/travels/travelled)
14. I ___ your difficulty. (Understand/understands/understood)
15. She __ to be innocent, doesn’t she?
16. My teacher usually ___ to his college on foot.
17. I __ detective stories during vacation. (Read/reads/reading)
18. Rajesh ___ early in the morning every day. (Get up/gets up)
19. We __ English everyday in Language Lab. (Learn/learns)
20. I __ light breakfast every morning. (Take/takes/took)
21. Water ___ at 100 Degree Celsius. (Boil/boils/boiling)
22. I __ not _____ chess. (do/does + Play/plays/played)
Continuous Present Tense (ચાલ ળર્તમાન કાલ)
ઉપયોગ ક્યારે ?
 કોઈ ક્રિયા અત્યારે ચાલ છે ર્ેવ ું દ઴ાત ળળા
હકાર રચના
 કર્ાત +is/am/are+ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+ કમત +શમય
Ex. I am reading a book now.
એક ળચન બહળચન
પષે઱ો પરવ I am We are
બીજો પરવ You are You are
ત્રીજો પરવ He is
She is They are
It is

 શામાન્ય રીર્ે ક્રિયાપદ ની પાછલ ‘ing’ ઱ાગે છે .

1. જો ક્રિયાપદ નો છે લ્઱ો અક્ષર p, b, t, d, m, n ષોય અને ર્ેની
આગલ સ્ળર (a,e,i,o,u) ષોય ર્ો ‘ing’ ઱ગાળર્ી ળખર્ે ર્ે અક્ષર
બેળડાય છે .
For Examples:
Rub – rubbing, cut – cutting, bud-budding, swim-swimming,
run – running,
2. જો ક્રિયાપદ નો છે લ્઱ો અક્ષર ‘e’ ષોય અને ર્ેની આગલ વ્યુંજન
ષોય ર્ો ‘ing’ ઱ગાળર્ી ળખર્ે ર્ે ‘e’ ને ષટાળીને ર્ેની ર્રર્
પછી ‘ing’ મકાય છે .
For example: -
Take-taking, make-making, write-writing
3. શમયદ઴તક ઴બ્દો
Now, at present, at this time, at this moment તેમજ વાક્ય ની
શરૂઆત માાં Look, See, Listen, Observe, Don’t + Verb જેવા
ક્રિયાપદો હોય તો
નકાર રચના
કર્ાત +is/am/are+not +ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+ કમત +શમય
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
Is/am/are+ કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+ કમત +શમય+?
1. She __ an answer now. (is/am/are + Write/writes/writing)
2. Look, those birds ___ in a row. (is/am/are + Fly/flies/flying)
3. Look, it is __ now. (Rain/raining/rained)
4. Do not disturb me while I ______. (be + Read/reading/reads)
5. Be quiet! John _____. (be +sleep/sleeps/sleeping)
6. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It ______. (be + rain/raining)
7. The sun __ now. (is/am/are + shine/shining/shone)
8. Look! It ____. (is/am/are + rain/rains/raining)
9. Is your principal __ a lecture now? (deliver/delivered/delivering)
10. Listen, Lata is __ a nice song on Radio Mirchi. (sing/sings/singing)
11. Look, the bus __ on the road. (is/am/are + come/comes/coming)
12. Why __ you ______ in the middle of the street in this afternoon?
(is/am/are + stand/stood/standing)
13. Hurry up, We __ eagerly __ for you. (be + wait/waits/waiting)
14. See, it __ heavily. (is/am/are + snow/snows/snowing)
15. Who ___ me outside now? (is/am/are + call/calls/calling)
16. Run fast, the train ___ the platform. (be + reach/ reaches/ reaching)
17. Hurry up, we _ _ late. (is/am/are + got/get/getting)
18. Look, Vivek is ___with a villain. (fight/fights/fighting)
19. Why __ you __ now? (is/am/are + cry/cried/crying)
20. __ the students __ their homework now? (is/am/are +

Present Perfect Tense(પ ૂર્ત ળર્તમાનકાલ)

ઉપયોગ ક્યારે ?
4. કોઈ ક્રિયા થોડી ળાર પષે઱ાજ પ ૂરી થઇ છે અને ર્ેની
અશર ષજી ચાલ છે ર્ેવ ું દ઴ાત ળળા માટે
હકાર રચના
5. કર્ાત +has/have+ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્(V3)
+ કમત +શમય
6. I/We/You/They/ત્રીજો પ.બ.ળ. – Have
7. He/She/It/ત્રીજો પ.એ.ળ. - Has
8. શમય
Just now, just, recently, already, yet, still, lately, ever, never, this
morning, this month, since, for
નકાર રચના
9. કર્ાત +has/have+not +ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+કમત +શમય
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
10. Has/have+કર્ાત +ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+કમત+
11. Wh-ળાલો ઴બ્દ + Has/have+કર્ાત +ક્રિયાપદન ું
ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+કમત+શમય+?
12. Who + Has+ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+ કમત+ શમય+?
13. What + has/have + કર્ાત +ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+શમય+?

1. Maya _ ___ not _____ from school yet. (Return)
2. He ___ not __ his work yet. (Do)
3. She ________ a letter just now. (Receive)
4. She ________ a nurse since 1995. (Be)
5. __ you ever __ poison? (Taste)
6. ____ Raju __a new house recently? (Buy)
7. They __already__ their old car. (Sell)
8. I __ never __ a ghost. (see)
9. __ they not __ their homework yet? (Finish)
10. She __not __ yet. (Come)
11. __ she __ her dinner just now? (Take)
12. ____ you ever __ Palanpur? (Visit)
13. She __ many medals lately. (Win)
14. Boys __ just ___ from school. (Return)
15. Who __ my book just now? (Take)
16. What __ you __ recently? (Buy)

Simple Past Tense (શાદો ભ ૂર્કાલ)

ઉપયોગ ક્યારે થાય?
14. ભ ૂર્કાલ ની કોઈ એક ઘટના ની રજૂઆર્ માટે
15. કેટ઱ીક ળાર શમય દ઴ાત વ્યા ળગર ભ ૂર્કાલ ની જાર્ીર્ી ઘટના
ની રજૂઆર્ માટે

રચના (હકાર)
Subject + Verb (ભ ૂર્કાલ ન ું રૂપ)V2 + Object + time
કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદ + કમત +શમય દ઴તક ઴બ્દ
સમય :- Yesterday, Last week, Last વાળા શબ્દો, before, ago, in the
past, 1950, World War-I
નકાર રચના
Subject + did + not +Verb(મ ૂલ રૂપ)+Object+time
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
Did +Subject + મ ૂલરૂપ + Object + શમય?
Wh-word + did + subject + મ ૂલરૂપ + Object + શમય?
Who + Verb (ભ ૂર્કાલ ન ું રૂપ) + Object + time+?
What + did + subject + મ ૂલરૂપ + શમય?

1. Nishendra _______ two mistakes in the examination yesterday.
2. India _______ the last one day match. (Win/wins/won)
3. My neighbours _______ a new house last year.
4. We _______ to Kashmir last year. (Go/went/gone)
5. Long ago there _______ a famous Rishi. (Live/lived/lives)
6. The police _______ the thief last night. (Catch/catching/caught)
7. I ______ him yesterday. (Meet/met/meeting)
8. I ______ this car in England. (Buy/bought/buys)
9. The train ______ late yesterday. (be/is/was)
10. She ______ there before 5 years. (Work/works/worked)
11. She ___ in Rome for a long time. (live/lives/lived)
12. He __ not __ the match last night. (win)
13. She __ not __the song in that party. (sing)
14. Did you __ that movie last night? (watch/watched/watching)
15. Did she __ a sweet dish yesterday? (cook/cooked/cooking)
16. Who __ me a phone call last night? (Give)
17. Who ____ this window yesterday? (Break)
18. What __ you __ yesterday? (Eat)
19. Where __ you __ during the vacation? (Go)
20. Which book _did_ she _read_ last Sunday? (read)

Continuous Past Tense (ચાલ ભ ૂર્કાલ)

ઉપયોગ ક્યારે ?
16. કોઈ ક્રિયા ભ ૂર્કાલ ના કોઈ શમયે ચા઱ી રષી ષર્ી
ર્ેવ ું દ઴ાત ળળા
17. ભ ૂર્કાલ માું કોઈ એક ક્રિયા બની ત્યારે
અન્ય કોઈ ક્રિયા પર્ બની રષી ષર્ી ર્ેવ ું
દ઴ાતળળા માટે
18. ભ ૂર્કાલ માું કોઈ એક ક્રિયા બની રષી ષર્ી ત્યારે
અન્ય કોઈ ક્રિયા પર્ બની રષી ષર્ી ર્ેવ ું
દ઴ાતળળા માટે
હકાર રચના
19. કર્ાત +was/were+ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું
રૂપ+ કમત +શમય
એક ળચન બહળચન
પષે઱ો પરવ I was We were
બીજો પરવ You were You were
ત્રીજો પરવ He was
She was They were
It was

21. શમય
Then, at that time, at that moment,
when, while
When સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ, ચાલ ુ ભ ૂતકાળ
સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ While ચાલ ુ ભ ૂતકાળ
While ચાલ ુ ભ ૂતકાળ, સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ
ચાલ ુ ભ ૂતકાળ When સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ
નકાર રચના
22. કર્ાત +was/were+not +ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ
+કમત +શમય
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
23. Was/were+ કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+કમત +શમય+?
24. Wh-word + was/were+ કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+ કમત
25. Who + was+ ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+ કમત +શમય+?
26. What + was/were+ કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું -ingળાળું રૂપ+શમય+?
1. When I saw him, he _____ chess. (Play)
2. Amita ______ when I came. (Sleep)
3. The sun ______ when we went out. (Shine)
4. We ______ TV when it started to rain. (to watch)
5. The students ____ not _____ their homework
when the teacher came. (Do)
6. Mehul __ not __ a cigarette then. (Smoke)
7. Sanjay __ not __ a picture at that time. (Draw)
8. What __ they __ when you came here? (Watch)
9. Who __ noise in the class at that time? (Make)
10. Why __ you __ so loudly at that time? (talk)
11. When he shouted, the children _____. (Sleep)
12. __ he __ music then? (Listen to)
13. While I was watching TV, he ________. (Read)
14. She _________ a letter while Mehul was listening
to music. (Write)
Past Perfect Tense (પ ૂર્ત ભ ૂર્કાલ)
ઉપયોગ ક્યારે ?
27. ભ ૂર્કાલ ની કોઈ ક્રિયા બની ર્ે પષે઱ા અન્ય કોઈ
ક્રિયા પ ૂરી થઇ ગઈ ષોય ર્ો પષે઱ા બની ચકે઱ ક્રિયા
ને પ ૂર્ત ભ ૂર્કાલ ળડે રજ કરાય છે
હકાર રચના
28. કર્ાત +had+ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્ + કમત +શમય
29. શમય
Before, after, since, for
પ ૂર્થ ભ ૂતકાળ before સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ
સાદો ભ ૂતકાળ after પ ૂર્થ ભ ૂતકાળ
નકાર રચના
30. કર્ાત +had+not+ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્+કમત+શમય
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
31. (Wh-word) +Had+કર્ાત +ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્ +કમત+શમય+?
32. Who + Had+ ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્ +કમત+
33. What + Had + કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું ભ ૂર્કૃદુંર્ + શમય+?
1. The boys _had won_ the match before the rain came. (Win)
2. The doctor came after the patient _had died_. (die)
3. The train _had left_ before we reached the station.(Leave)
4. The police came after the thief _had run_ away.(Run)
5. The boy _had gone_ to bed before his father came.(Go)
6. Manish _had left_ USA before 2001. (Leave)
7. _Had_ you _used_ any imported pen before
yesterday? (Use)
8. Who _had touched_ this board before I came. (Touch)
9. What _had_ they _prepared_ before you arrived? (Prepare)
10. Which book _had_ you _read_ before that day? (Read)

Simple Future Tense (શાદો ભવળષ્યકાલ)

ઉપયોગ ક્યારે ?
34. ભવળષ્ય માું બનનારી કોઈ ક્રિયા રજ કરળા માટે
હકાર રચના
35. કર્ાત +shall/will+ક્રિયાપદન ું મ ૂલરૂપ+કમત+શમય
I/We – shall
You/He/She/It/They - will
36. શમય
Tomorrow, next week, next year, next Sunday
નકાર રચના
37. કર્ાત +shall/will+not+ક્રિયાપદન ું મ ૂલરૂપ+કમત
પ્રશ્નાર્થ રચના
38. (Wh- word) + Shall/will+ કર્ાત + ક્રિયાપદન ું મ ૂલરૂપ + કમત
39. Who + will+ ક્રિયાપદન ું મ ૂલરૂપ + કમત +શમય+?
40. What+will/shall+કર્ાત +ક્રિયાપદન ું મ ૂલરૂપ+ શમય+?

1. My uncle _will go_to Canada next year. (Go)
2. She _____ a party tomorrow. (shall/will +
3. There are a lot of clouds! It _will rain_ soon. (to rain)
4. They _will buy_ a new house tomorrow.
5. He _will watch_ a new film next Friday. (Watch)
6. Manish _will shift_ to Surat next year. (Shift)
7. Where _will_ they _go_ during the next vacation? (Go)
8. Who _will be_ the captain of our team during the next
series? (Be)
9. What _will_ you _do_ if you do not pass? (Do)
10. Where _will_ they _stay_ next week? (Stay)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1.She _ __cakes since morning. ( make/makes/has made)

2.She _ __ for five hours last night. (sleep/slept/sleeping)
3.A good man always_____others. (help/helps/helped)
4.Mohan___ lunch before we arrived. (has/had/had had)
5.My brother __ with his friends when his son began to
shout. (talking/had talked/was talking)
6. __ you _____ me? (do/did + understand/understands/understood)
7. Hurry up! The train __not_____ yet. (has/have/had +
8. The drama ____ not _____ yet. (has/have + begin/began/begun)
9. I __ just __ from the station. (has/have+come/comes/came)
10.He ____ him work hard yesterday. (make/made/making)
11.He met me after he ___ his work. (finish/finished/had finished)
12.He ___ to meet me that day. (want/wanted/wanting)
13.He ____ here since 1999. (work/has worked/working)
14.Her brothers __ cricket at present. (play/are playing/played)
15.I ____ your question. (understand/understands/understood)
16.I __ him to keep quite last time. (order/orders/ordered)
17.I ____him while I was driving a car. (see/saw/seen)
18.I saw him while he ______ the road. (cross/was crossing/crossed)
19.I _______ watching TV regularly. (like/likes/liked)
20.I ___ to temple regularly. (go/goes/went)
21.Kala and Kavita _____ the windows at present. (open/are opening/opens)
22.Keep quite; we _are listening to_ music. (listen to)
23.Look, they _are laughing_. (laugh)
24.Listen, my brother _______ a song. (sing)
25.My sister _________ clothes then. (wash)
26.Wood _____ on water. (float)
27.___________ you ever ____ to America? (be)
28.The two friends _______ not ________ since last spring. (meet)
29.She _____ ill since Sunday. (be)
30.She ____not ______me. (know)
31.India _________ free since 1947. (be)
32.The earth ___revolves_ round the sun. (revolve)
33.The saint said that truth _wins____ in the end. (win)
34.The sun _____ in the east. (Rise)
35.Shital _has_ just _learnt_ Lesson No. 1. (learn)
36.Hetal and Swetal ________ never ________ Rampur. (visit)
37.________ you ever ______ Agra? (visit)
38.Poonam _____ not ____ my book yet. (return)
39.What ____Reshma _____ now ? (do)
40.Who _is drinking_ tea at this time? (drink)
41.________ the students not _________ the assignment yet? (finish)
42.Mr. Shah _has_ just _invited_ me to attend his birthday party. (invite)


Gandhi Road,
Patan (N.G) Pin – 385555

26th September, 2020.

The Sales Manager,

Sheetal Garments Ltd.
Relief Road,

Subject: An Inquiry for Readymade Garments.

Dear Sir,
We read your advertisement of ‘Sheetal Readymade Garments' in ‘The
Gujarat Samachar’ dated 22nd September, 2020. We plan to deal readymade
garments at ‘Sarita Dress Emporium.’ We therefore request you to send us your
latest catalogue and pricelist.
As our order is likely to be large, we request you to offer us maximum
discount and favourable terms of business.
Please note that we want our goods before 15th October, 2020. So, let us
know whether it will be possible for you to supply the goods within the stated
We look forward receiving your prompt and favourable reply.

Yours faithfully,
Hirak Raval
Sheetal Garments Ltd.
Relief Road,

1st October, 2020.

The Proprietor,
Gandhi Road,
Patan (N.G) Pin – 385555

Subject: A reply letter for an inquiry of Readymade


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 26th September, 2020. We appreciate your
interest in our readymade garments.
We believe in the best quality. Our prices are very competitive and our
terms of business are generous. We always believe in the most satisfactory service.
Herewith we are enclosing our latest catalogue and pricelist. We shall
allow you 15% discount on the list price and if your order is worth Rs. 1,00,000/,
we shall allow you 5% extra discount.
We assure you the prompt delivery of goods.
We shall wait for an order from you.

Yours faithfully,
Sanjay Shah
(Sales Manager)

Enclosure: (1) Catalogue

(2) Pricelist
Order Letter
Cancellation of order - 1
Cancellation of order - 2

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