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1. The term sociology was first used by

a) Auguste Comte b) Herbert Spencer c) Lordreith d) Max Webber

2. Sociology is a branch of social science that uses ———methods

a) empirical b) systematic c) personal d) critical

3. The main fields of sociology are the following except

a) Sociological theory b) historical sociology c) sociology of the country

d) sociology of the community

4. One of the following is not a special sociology

a) criminology b) deviant sociology c) sociology of law d) agricultural


5. One of the following is a relevance of sociology to nursing

a) it makes a scientific study of families

b) it promotes understanding in social science reasoning

c) It is of great importance in the problem of international solution

d) it equips the nurses for effective counselling function

6. Emile Durkheim's year range was

a) 1858-1910 b) 1864-1920 c) 1858-1917 d) 1818-1883

7. Anthropology is defined as the scientific study of

a) human resources b) human culture c) human tradition d)human lifestyle

8. One of the following is a characteristics of society

a) It is self-sufficient b) social relationships have boundaries


c) possesses no distinct and unique culture

d) it uses monarchy government

9. Anthropology types include all the following except

a) Cultural anthropology b) Biological anthropology c) architectural


d) anthropology of linguistics

10. STRATIFICATION comes from the word

a) stratum b) stratified c) strategic d) structural

11. One of the following is not a scientific method for studying social


a) reputational approach b) subjective approach c) phenomenal approach

d) objective approach

12. In which approach does the scientist have to "stand outside"

a) phenomenal b) reputational c) subjective d) objective

13. What is social class?

a) A category or group of persons having definite status in a society

b) A person who is higher than others in wealth

c) Movement of an individual from one status to another

d) Dynamic lifestyle of individuals in the society

14. People are ranked into _ classes a) higher, middle and lower

b) upper, middle and lower c) above, in-between and under

d) outer, middle and inner


15. Status is define as a person's _ in the society

a) mobility b) position c) stand d) class

16. Types of status are

a) achieved and ascribed b) Acquired and given c) horizontal and vertical

d) horizontal and ascribed

17. When an individual has so many functions to perform as regards

his/her status is known as

a) role power b) role reciprocity c) role conflict d) multiple role

18. One of the following is not a type of power

a) hidden b) naked c) legistimate d) confirmed

19. Functions of a family include the following except

a) Protection b) Economic function c) Recreational function

d) Racial function

20. Psychology is the study of the ———---a) Human head b) Human

mind c) Human heart

d) Human hand

21. Socialization is a basic social process that is from_ till _ a) birth,

adulthood b) grave, cradle

c) cradle, grave d) teen, old age

22. There are _ types of socialization

a) 5 b) 1 c) 3 d) 2

23. Which if the following is not a type of government?


a) democrazy b) monarchy c) democracy d) autocracy

24. One of the following is a type of traditional healer

a) Goal b) Oracle c) ritualist d) idolizer

25. Who wrote his principles in the volumes?

a) Max Webber b) Auguste Comte c) Karl Marx d) Harbert Spencer

26)Customary or habitual ways in which a group does things is referred to


a)Norms b)Culture c)Laws d)Folkways

27)The following are types of social integration except

a)Alternative b)Blending c)Dynamics d)Replacement

28)Harbert Spencer was born in a)1858 b)1818 c)1988 d)1820

29)_ used statistical data to support his thesis of the existence of a social


a) Emile durkheim b)Harbert Spencer c)Lester frank d)Max Webber

30)The science that focuses on individual behavior rather than group

behavior is_

a)Sociology b)Stratification c)Psychology d)Anthropology

31)Sociology is a_ a)Natural science b)Social science c)Applied science

d)physical science

32)This is a type of arrangement in which the husband moves in with the

wife's family is_

a)Patrilocal b)Matrilineal c)Matrilocal d)patrilineal


33)These are the causes of family disorganization except

a)Ethnic difference b)Age of marriage c)Fidelity d)Boredom

34)_ identified culture as a complex whole which include

beliefs,law,art,custom, and habits

acquired by man as a member of the society

a)Tylor (1859)b) Lordreith(2008) c)Taylor(1958) d)Tylor(1958)

35)_ refers to the types of behaviors, which is shared by all mankind no

matter their tribe,country

or continent a)Cultural diversity b)Cultural alternative Cultural dynamic

d)Cultural universal

36)culture is divided into_a)2 b)4 c)3d)7

37)_ expanded on preplan theory of interpersonal relationship

a)Harbert Spencer b)Max Webber c)Travel bee d)Lester frank

38)_ is a relationship between two individual without any feelings or

sexual desire

a)Friendship b)Interpersonal relationship c)Family d)Platonic

39)These are factors affecting interpersonal relationship except

a)Time b)Communication c)Honest d)Forgetfulness

40)_ is a German sociologist that researches complex organization and

comes up with what he

called an "ideal type" a)Karl Marx b)Harbert Spencer c)Emile Durkheim

d)Max Webber

41)_ traditionally divided culture a)Sociologist b)Culturist

c)Anthropologist d)Community

42)_ refers to the arrangement in which wife moves in with her husband's


a)Matrilocal b)Matrilineal c)Patrilocal d)patrilineal

43)_ is characterized by deep emotions and informal relationship

a)interpersonal relationship b)Family c)Friendship d)Primary socialization

44)The term "hoi polloi"means a)Stand outside b)upper crust c)Ordinary

people d)Community

45)Which one among these people's theory did not gain general


a)Auguste comte b)Lester frank c)Harbert Spencer d)Karl Marx

46)What is the basic unit that anthropologist studies

a)Community b)Village c)People d)Society

47)Today,nursing goes beyond focusing on disease and pathology to

incorporate which order

definition of both illhealth and personhood is said by_

a)Lordreith(2009) b)Lordreith(2008) c)Lordrieth(2008) d)Lordrieth(2009)

48)_ power is also called authority

a)Government power b)Legitimate power c)Naked power d)Hidden power

49)_ is referred to as day to day learning a)Education

b)Socialization c)primary socialization d)secondary socialization


50)_is the movement within the same rank/stratum/class without a

significant changes in

income,power or prestige a)social mobility b)social class c)horizontal

mobility d)status


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