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IInd B.

Tech ECE - 2nd mid


faculty: K RAMA RAO


Descriptive quations
1. A. Draw and explain the Weighted resistor DAC

B. Draw and explain the R-2R ladder DAC

2. A. Draw and explain the Successive approximation ADC

B. Draw and explain the Dual slope integration type ADC

3. A. Define Magnitude Comparator,give the PIN diagram and logic symbol for 74LS85-

4bit magnitude comparator

B. Use 74LS85 comparators to compare the magnitude of two 8-bit numbers.

Show the comparators with proper inter connections.

4.A .Draw the block diagram ,PIN diagram and logic diagram of 4-bit parallel adder

B. Show, how to connect 8-bit parallel adder by using the 74LS283 adders and show
output bits

For following 8-bit input numbers A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1=10111001

and B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1=10011110

5.A . Define Multiplexer ,design and draw the 4:1 Multiplexer

B. Draw and explain the 74HC157 QUAD 2-input data selector PIN ,logic symbol diagrams

6. A. Explain the Parity generator/ Checkers and give the basic parity logic

B.Draw the PIN,logic symbol diagrams of IC74LS280-9bit parity generator/checker and

how to

use this IC as even parity generator &even parity checker

7. .Draw and explain the Parallel comparator type ADC

8. .Draw and explain the Counter type ADC

9.Give the specifications of DAC and ADC techniques

10. Give the classifications of Memory

11.Draw and explain the Architecture of Memory

12.Explain the RAM and ROM Memories

1. The resolution of 8-bit DAC IS-------------

A.256 B.128 C. 64. D. 32

2....Which of the following is a type of error associated with digital-to-analog

converters (DACs)?
A.nonmonotonic and offset error
B.incorrect output codes
C. offset error
D. nonmonotonic error
3..The practical use of binary-weighted digital-to-analog converters is limited to

A .4-bit D/A converters

B .R/2R Ladder D/A converters
C .8-bit D/A converters
D .op-amp comparators

4.8-bit DAC has resolution of 20mv/LSB ,Then VOFS=----------------

A. 5.1V B.4.1V C. 3.1V D.2.1V

5. 8-bit DAC has resolution of 20mv/LSB ,then find vo if input is


A. 2.56V B. 3.56V C. 4.56V D. 5.56V

6. Which logic gate is used for code converter-----------------

A. X-OR gate B. X-NOR gate C. NAND gate D. NOR gate

7.The 74LS280 is a --------bit parity generator

A..9bit B.8bt C. 7bit D.4bit

8. Howmany no.of 2-input MUXs consists of theIC 74HC157----

A. 4 B. 8 C.16 D. 2
9.Decade counter counts the no.of states--------

a.10. B.9 C.7 D.5

10.In a counter all flip-flops are triggered at the same time,the counter is called----

A. Synchronous counter B. Asynchronous counter C .Decade counter D. Ring



1.what is the advantage of using flash type A/D converter?--------------

2.How many control lines are present in analog to digital converter in addition to
reference voltage?---------------------

3.Which A/D converter is considered to be simplest, fastest and most


4.Give the integrating type analog to digital


5.The flash type A/D converters are called as-------------------------------------

6.What is the advantage of using flash type A/D converter?-----------------

7. drawback of counter type A/D converter-------------------------

8’. Which type of ADC follow the conversion technique of changing the analog input

to a linear function of frequency?-----------------------------

9.Give the IC number for 4-bit parallel adder-----------------------------------------

10..RAM stands for------------------------------ROM stands for---------------------.

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