Karvok Test

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How to use

Warband Builder Tab

Yellow cells need player input. Provide your wizard and apprentice names. Select your wizards school from the
dropdown and select if you want to hire an apprentice.
For selecting soldiers, use dropdowns on the “Soldier Type” column to add those to your warband. Watch the gold
remaining in cell L3. You can select up to 4 specialists and the remaining soldiers must come from the Standard
soldier list

Spells Tab
Lots of hidden rows and columns here to try to clean this one up.
Along the top, you’ll see the increased difficulty of the spell schools based on the school you selected on the
warband builder tab.
On the left, a very long table lists all of the spells in the rulebook. The leftmost column gives you a place to select a
spell by placing an X or really anything else. If you change your mind about a spell, make sure you delete out your
mark. All of the spell descriptions are present.
Back near the top of this tab, the “The spells you you picked” table lets you enter in a number from 1 to 8. This will
set the order that they appear when you print from the Warband Printout tab. Don’t repeat numbers and the
prinout only has room for 8 spells.

Warband Printout Tab

Here, double check that everything looks good and hit print. It should print out 2 pages. Once printed, darken in
the extra HP squares that won’t be needed in your next fight.
Along the bottom of the warband page, there is room for recording treasures secured and uncontrolled monsters
Along the bottom of the spells page, there is room to record failed and successful castings.

Page 1
Warband Builder

Frostgrave 2.0 Warband Builder

Name Move Fight Shoot Armour Will
Karvok 6 2 0 10 4

Name Move Fight Shoot Armour Will
Arlon 6 0 0 10 2

Name Soldier Type Move Fight Shoot Armour
Valentia Barbarian 6 +4 +0 10

Rahea Ranger 7 +2 +2 11

Hamos Thug 6 +2 +0 10
Standard Soldiers

Benaen Thug 6 +2 +0 10
Glarg Thief 7 +1 +0 10
Hank Thief 7 +1 +0 10
Steve Javelineer 6 +0 +0 10
Laxon Javelineer 6 +0 +0 10

Standard Soldier Table

Soldier Move Fight Shoot Armour Will
Standard Soldier List

Thug 6 +2 +0 10 -1
Thief 7 +1 +0 10 +0
War Hound 8 +1 +0 10 -2
Infantryman 6 +3 +0 11 +0
Man-at-Arms 6 +3 +0 12 +1
Javelineer 6 +0 +0 10 +0
Apothecary 6 +1 +0 10 +3

Specialist Soldier Table

Soldier Move Fight Shoot Armour Will
Specialist Soldier Table

Archer 6 +1 +2 11 +0
Crossbowman 6 +1 +2 11 +0
Treasure Hunter 7 +3 +0 11 +2
Tracker 7 +1 +2 11 +1
Knight 5 +4 +0 13 +1
Templar 5 +4 +0 12 +1
Ranger 7 +2 +2 11 +2
Barbarian 6 +4 +0 10 +3
Marksman 5 +2 +2 12 +1

Page 2
Warband Builder

Page 3
Warband Builder
Starting Gold:
Soldiers Hired
Remaining Gold:

Health School
14 Elementalist

Health School
12 Elementalist

Will Health Cost (gc)
+3 14 125
+2 12 125

-1 10 0
-1 10 0
+0 10 0
+0 10 0
+0 10 25
+0 10 25

Health Cost (gc) Notes
10 0 Hand Weapon
10 0 Dagger
8 10 Animal
10 50 Two-Handed Weapon, Light Armour
12 75 Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Armour
10 25 Javelins
12 75 Staff, Healing Potion

r Table
Health Cost (gc) Notes
10 75 Bow, Quiver, Dagger, Light Armour
10 75 Crossbow, Quiver, Dagger, Light Armour
12 100 Hand Weapon, Dagger, Light Armour
12 100 Staff, Bow, Quiver, Light Armour
12 125 Hand Weapon, Dagger, Shield, Heavy Armour
12 125 Two-Handed Weapon, Heavy Armour
12 125 Bow, Quiver, Hand Weapon, Dagger
14 125 Two-Handed Weapon, Dagger
12 125 Crossbow, Quiver, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour

Page 4
Warband Builder

Page 5
Warband Builder

Two-Handed Weapon, Dagger
Bow, Quiver, Hand Weapon, Dagger

Hand Weapon
Hand Weapon

Page 6
Warband Builder

Page 7

Chosen School: Chronomancer Elementalist Enchanter Illusionist Necromancer Sigilist Soothsayer

Elementalist 2 0 2 6 4 4 4

Beginning with 8 spells known, 3 from your school, 1 from each of your aligned schools, 2 total from your neutral schools
Spells Known: 8
Pick Spell (X) School Name Base Castin Your Casti Targeting Descript .
Chronomancer Crumble 10 12 LoS This spel.
Chronomancer Decay 12 14 LoS The spell.
Chronomancer Fast Act 8 10 LoS The spell.
Chronomancer Fleet Feet 10 12 LoS The targe.
X Chronomancer Petrify 10 12 LoS The target .figure must make an imm
Chronomancer Slow 10 12 LoS The targe.
Chronomancer Time Store 14 16 Self Only The spell.
Chronomancer Time Walk 14 16 Self Only Wizard on .
X Elementalist Call Storm 12 12 Area Effect All bow a.
Elementalist Destructive Sphere 12 12 Area Effect Every fig.
Elementalist Elemental Ball 12 12 LoS The spell.
Elementalist Elemental Bolt 12 12 LoS The spell.
Elementalist Elemental Hammer 10 10 LoS This spel.
X Elementalist Elemental Shield 10 10 Self Only The spell.
Elementalist Scatter Shot 12 12 Area Effect The spell.
X Elementalist Wall 10 10 LoS This spel.
Enchanter Animate Construct 10 12 OoG B It is ass .
Enchanter Control Construct 12 14 LoS The targe.
Enchanter Embed Enchantment 14 16 OoG A This spe.
Enchanter Enchant Armour 8 10 LoS This spel.
Enchanter Enchant Weapon 8 10 LoS This spe.
X Enchanter Grenade 10 12 LoS The spell.
Enchanter Strength 10 12 LoS The targe.
Enchanter Telekinesis 10 12 LoS The spell.
Illusionist Beauty 10 16 Self Only This spel.
Illusionist Blink 12 18 LoS This spel.
Illusionist Fool’s Gold 10 16 LoS This spel.
Illusionist Glow 10 16 LoS A brightl .
Illusionist Illusionary Soldier 12 18 OoG B OR ToucAn illusi .
Illusionist Invisibility 12 18 Touch The targe.
Illusionist Teleport 10 16 Self Only The spell.
Illusionist Transpose 12 18 LoS This spel.
Necromancer Animate Skull 8 12 LoS The spell.
Necromancer Bone Dart 10 14 LoS This spel.
Necromancer Bones of the Earth 10 14 LoS A skeleta.
Necromancer Control Undead 12 16 LoS The targe.
Necromancer Raise Zombie 10 14 OoG B OR ToucThe spell.
Necromancer Spell Eater 12 16 LoS Casting t.
Necromancer Steal Health 10 14 LoS The targe.
Necromancer Strike Dead 18 22 LoS This spel.
Sigilist Absorb Knowledge 12 16 OoG A Wizard on .
Sigilist Bridge 10 14 LoS The spell.

Page 8
Sigilist Draining Word 14 18 Area Effect This spel.
Sigilist Explosive Rune 10 14 LoS The spell.
Sigilist Furious Quill 10 14 LoS The targe.
Sigilist Power Word 14 18 Area Effect This spel.
X Sigilist Push 8 12 LoS The targe.
Sigilist Write Scroll 12 16 OoG A This spel.
Soothsayer Awareness 12 16 OoG B If this s .
Soothsayer Combat Awareness 12 16 Touch This spel.
Soothsayer Mind Control 12 16 LoS The targe.
Soothsayer Mind Lock 12 16 LoS The targe.
Soothsayer Reveal Secret 12 16 OoG B This spel.
Soothsayer Suggestion 12 16 LoS The targe.
Soothsayer True Sight 10 14 Self Only The spell.
Soothsayer Wizard Eye 8 12 LoS This spel.
Summoner Control Demon 10 12 LoS The targe.
Summoner Imp 10 12 LoS The spell.
X Summoner Leap 8 10 LoS This spel.
Summoner Plague of Insects 10 12 LoS The targe.
Summoner Planar Tear 12 14 LoS The spell.
Summoner Plane Walk 10 12 Self Only Although.
Summoner Possess 12 14 LoS This spel.
Summoner Summon Demon 12 14 Touch Immediate .
Thaumaturge Banish 10 14 LoS All demon .
Thaumaturge Blinding Light 8 12 LoS The targe.
Thaumaturge Circle of Protection 12 16 Touch Creates a .
Thaumaturge Destroy Undead 10 14 LoS The targe.
Thaumaturge Dispel 12 16 LoS Immediate .
Thaumaturge Heal 8 12 LoS This spel.
Thaumaturge Miraculous Cure 16 20 OoG A Wizard on .
Thaumaturge Shield 10 14 LoS The targe.
X Witch Animal Companion 10 14 OoG B The spel.
Witch Brew Potion 12 16 OoG B The spell.
Witch Control Animal 12 16 LoS The targe.
Witch Curse 8 12 LoS The targe.
Witch Familiar 10 14 OoG B The spell.
Witch Fog 8 12 LoS Place a l.
Witch Mud 10 14 LoS All groun.
Witch Poison Dart 10 14 LoS Make an. i

Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom

Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom

Page 9

Summoner Thaumaturge Witch

2 4 4

neutral schools
The spells you picked
Order for Printout Spell Page Name School
1 5 Petrify Chronomancer
2 1 Call Storm Elementalist
3 2 Elemental ShieElementalist
4 3 Wall Elementalist
5 4 Grenade Enchanter
6 7 Push Sigilist
7 6 Leap Summoner
8 8 Animal CompaWitch

Page 10

Your Casting Targeting Description
12 LoS The target figure must make an immediate Will Roll with a Target Number equal to the Casting Roll. If
12 Area Effect All bow and crossbow attacks are made with -1 Shoot for the rest of the game. This spell may be cast
10 Self Only The spellcaster forms a floating shield that absorbs the next 3 points of damage the spellcaster would
10 LoS This spell creates a 6”-long, 3”-high wall, part of which must be within 10” and line of sight of the spellc
12 LoS The spellcaster takes an object, commonly a simple rock, imbues it with magic energy and throws it at
12 LoS The target suffers an immediate +10 attack. Instead of taking damage from this attack, the target is m
10 LoS This spell may only be cast on a member of the spellcaster’s warband. Immediately move the target fi
14 OoG B The spellcaster summons an animal companion of their choice from the following options to become a

Page 11

al to the Casting Roll. If it fails, it receives no actions in its next activation. Furthermore, the figure suffers -3 Fight (to a minimum of +0) and
This spell may be cast multiple times (and by multiple spellcasters), with each additional casting increasing the penalty by a further -1, up to
e the spellcaster would normally suffer in combat or from a shooting attack. Once 3 points have been absorbed the spell is cancelled. A spe
ine of sight of the spellcaster. This wall can be climbed as normal. At the end of each turn, after the turn in which the spell was cast, roll a d
energy and throws it at their target, whereupon it explodes into hundreds of fragments. The spellcaster picks a target point within 14”. Ever
s attack, the target is moved 1” directly away from the spellcaster for every point of damage they would have taken. If this pushes the target
ately move the target figure up to 10” in any direction, including vertically. This move must either be in a straight line or an arc. It cannot cur
ng options to become a permanent member of their warband: bear (page 179), ice toad (page 180), snow leopard (page 182), or wolf (page

Page 12

a minimum of +0) and may not have Leap cast upon it until after it makes its next move action. Large creatures receive +8 to their Will Roll
alty by a further -1, up to a maximum of -5.
spell is cancelled. A spellcaster may only have one Elemental Shield active at any time.
spell was cast, roll a die, on a 1–4 the wall vanishes.
t point within 14”. Every figure, including allies, within 1.5” of that point immediately suffers a +3 magic shooting attack. Use the target point
f this pushes the target into the edge of the table or a piece of terrain over ½” high, they stop immediately. Other figures do not stop (or get
or an arc. It cannot curve around corners. If this move leaves the figure above the ground, it immediately falls, taking damage as normal. If
age 182), or wolf (page 182). All Animal Companions count as standard soldiers. Animal companions are more strong-willed than wild exam

Page 13

ive +8 to their Will Roll to resist this spell.

ck. Use the target point as the origin of the attack for working out line of sight and cover.
res do not stop (or get hit by) a pushed figure – they are assumed to step out of the way. If this spell is cast from beneath a figure it will pus
g damage as normal. If the target is carrying treasure, this move is reduced to 5”. This move may not take a figure off the table or into comb
ng-willed than wild examples of their species and receive a permanent +3 Will. A spellcaster may only have one animal companion at any ti

Page 14

neath a figure it will push them up. If the target is pushed up or off a height, it suffers falling damage as normal. This spell can push a figure
f the table or into combat. The target of the Leap spell may take no other actions this turn, though it may have taken actions previously.
mal companion at any time.

Page 15

spell can push a figure out of combat, and as it is not a shooting attack, the target is not randomized.
actions previously.

Page 16
Warband Printout
Wizard Karvok 5 10 15 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health School
6 2 0 10 4 14 Elementalist

Apprentice Arlon 5 10 15 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health School
6 0 0 10 2 12 Elementalist

Rahea Ranger 5 10 15
1 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health
Weapon, Dagger
Err:502 +2 +2 Err:502 +2 Err:502

Valentia Barbarian 5 10 15
Bow, Quiver, Hand
2 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health
Weapon, Dagger
6 +4 +0 10 +3 14

Hamos Thug
3 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Hand Weapon
6 +2 +0 10 -1 10

Benaen Thug 5 10 15
4 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Hand Weapon
6 +2 +0 10 -1 10

Glarg Thief 5 10 15
5 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Dagger
7 +1 +0 10 +0 10

Hank Thief 5 10 15
6 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Dagger
7 +1 +0 10 +0 10

Steve Javelineer 5 10 15
7 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Javelins
6 +0 +0 10 +0 10

Laxon Javelineer 5 10 15
8 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health Javelins
6 +0 +0 10 +0 10

0 0 5 10 15
9 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health

0 0 5 10 15
10 Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Max Health

Treasure Secured: Uncontrolled Creatures Killed:

Page 17
Warband Printout
Call Storm Elemental Shield
Elementalist 12 Area Effect Elementalist 10 Self Only
All bow and crossbow attacks are made with -1 Shoot for the rest of the The spellcaster forms a floating shield that absorbs the next 3 points of
game. This spell may be cast multiple times (and by multiple spellcasters), damage the spellcaster would normally suffer in combat or from a shooting
with each additional casting increasing the penalty by a further -1, up to a attack. Once 3 points have been absorbed the spell is cancelled. A
maximum of -5. spellcaster may only have one Elemental Shield active at any time.

Wall Grenade
Elementalist 10 LoS Enchanter 12 LoS
This spell creates a 6”-long, 3”-high wall, part of which must be within 10” The spellcaster takes an object, commonly a simple rock, imbues it with
and line of sight of the spellcaster. This wall can be climbed as normal. At magic energy and throws it at their target, whereupon it explodes into
the end of each turn, after the turn in which the spell was cast, roll a die, on hundreds of fragments. The spellcaster picks a target point within 14”.
a 1–4 the wall vanishes. Every figure, including allies, within 1.5” of that point immediately suffers a
+3 magic shooting attack. Use the target point as the origin of the attack for
working out line of sight and cover.

Petrify Leap
Chronomancer 12 LoS Summoner 10 LoS
The target figure must make an immediate Will Roll with a Target Number This spell may only be cast on a member of the spellcaster’s warband.
equal to the Casting Roll. If it fails, it receives no actions in its next Immediately move the target figure up to 10” in any direction, including
activation. Furthermore, the figure suffers -3 Fight (to a minimum of +0) and vertically. This move must either be in a straight line or an arc. It cannot
may not have Leap cast upon it until after it makes its next move action. curve around corners. If this move leaves the figure above the ground, it
Large creatures receive +8 to their Will Roll to resist this spell. immediately falls, taking damage as normal. If the target is carrying
treasure, this move is reduced to 5”. This move may not take a figure off
the table or into combat. The target of the Leap spell may take no other
actions this turn, though it may have taken actions previously.

Push Animal Companion

Sigilist 12 LoS Witch 14 OoG B
The target suffers an immediate +10 attack. Instead of taking damage from The spellcaster summons an animal companion of their choice from the
this attack, the target is moved 1” directly away from the spellcaster for following options to become a permanent member of their warband: bear
every point of damage they would have taken. If this pushes the target into (page 179), ice toad (page 180), snow leopard (page 182), or wolf (page
the edge of the table or a piece of terrain over ½” high, they stop 182). All Animal Companions count as standard soldiers. Animal
immediately. Other figures do not stop (or get hit by) a pushed figure – they companions are more strong-willed than wild examples of their species and
are assumed to step out of the way. If this spell is cast from beneath a receive a permanent +3 Will. A spellcaster may only have one animal
figure it will push them up. If the target is pushed up or off a height, it companion at any time.
suffers falling damage as normal. This spell can push a figure out of
combat, and as it is not a shooting attack, the target is not randomized.

Failed Spells: Successful Spells:

Page 18

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