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School of Computing Science and Engineering

Master of Computer Applications

Academic Year: 2024 – 2025 Fall Semester
Review-1 Details

1. Origin of the Proposal:

The project proposal originated from a team visit to the Bhopal Museum, where we
observed visitors struggling to identify objects due to a lack of available information.
Recognizing this gap, our team is proposing to develop a chatbot to serve as a virtual guide,
offering insights about the museum's artifacts. By leveraging technology, the chatbot aims
to enhance visitor experience and facilitate engagement with the museum's collection. This
initiative seeks to address the challenge of limited human resources for guiding visitors,
providing a scalable solution to empower visitors with knowledge about the museum's
exhibits and fostering a deeper connection between patrons and the museum's offerings.

2. Review of status of Research and Development in the subject:

2.1 International Status: Internationally, there's a growing trend in leveraging

chatbot technology to enhance visitor experiences in museums. Several notable
projects have demonstrated significant advancements in this field:

2.1.1 The Louvre's Chatbot: The Louvre Museum in Paris has

implemented a chatbot named "Louvois" to assist visitors. It provides
information about the museum's collections, exhibitions, and practical
details such as opening hours and ticket prices. Louvois employs natural
language processing (NLP) to understand visitors' questions and offers
responses in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, and

2.1.2 The British Museum's Chatbot: The British Museum in London

has developed a chatbot to engage visitors and provide insights into its vast
collection of artifacts. This chatbot utilizes machine learning algorithms to
understand visitor queries and offers detailed information about specific
artifacts, exhibitions, and museum facilities. It also adapts its responses
based on the visitor's language preference, enhancing accessibility for
international guests.

2.1.3 The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Chatbot: The Metropolitan

Museum of Art in New York City has introduced a chatbot called "Met
Chat" to enrich visitor experiences. Met Chat is integrated into the
museum's website and mobile app, allowing visitors to ask questions about
artworks, exhibitions, and museum services. With its multilingual
capabilities, Met Chat accommodates a diverse audience, providing
responses in languages such as English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic.

2.1.4 The Rijksmuseum's Chatbot: The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has

implemented a chatbot named "Rijksbot" to engage visitors and offer
personalized experiences. Rijksbot assists visitors in exploring the
museum's collection, providing historical context, and answering
questions about specific artworks. With its language detection feature,
Rijksbot caters to visitors from around the world by responding in their
preferred language.

2.2 National Status: According to our research there are no museum that has
implement the chatbot.

3. Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status

The proposed project holds immense importance for enhancing the museum experience in
multiple dimensions. By installing a chatbot accessible via mobile phones for scanning
objects in the museum, visitors are empowered with a comprehensive digital guide at their
fingertips. This guide provides detailed knowledge about each object, enriching visitors'
understanding and appreciation of the exhibits. The integration of a language translator
ensures inclusivity, enabling seamless communication with visitors from diverse linguistic
backgrounds. Moreover, the chatbot's ability to collect feedback facilitates continuous
improvement, ensuring that the museum caters effectively to visitor preferences and
needs. Additionally, the chatbot serves as a catalyst for organizational growth by
streamlining membership registrations, donations, and fundraising efforts, thereby
fostering community engagement and support. Finally, the project contributes to digital
record preservation, safeguarding the museum's rich cultural heritage for future
generations through secure storage and accessibility of digital records. In essence, this
project not only revolutionizes the museum experience but also enhances operational
efficiency and preserves cultural legacy for posterity.

4. If the project is location specific, basis for selection of location be

highlighted: Currently we are aiming to implement the project in the Bhopal

5. Work Plan:

5.1 Methodology:

The methodology for implementing the proposed museum chatbot project involves
a comprehensive approach encompassing needs assessment, research,
development, integration, deployment, and iterative improvement. Beginning with
stakeholder consultations and market research, we define project scope and
objectives. Development focuses on creating an intuitive chatbot interface with
backend infrastructure supporting natural language processing and object
recognition. Integration and testing ensure seamless functionality across digital
platforms, followed by staff training and deployment. Continuous monitoring and
evaluation inform iterative improvements, optimizing user experience and
enhancing visitor engagement. This structured methodology ensures the successful
implementation of the chatbot, enriching the museum experience and preserving
cultural heritage.

5.2 Time Schedule of activities giving milestones through BAR


5.3 Suggested Plan of action for utilization of research outcome

expected from the project.

5.4 Environmental impact assessment and risk analysis.

6. Expertise:
Expertise available with the investigators in executing the project:
7. Summary of roles/responsibilities for all Investigators:

S Name of the Roles/Responsibilities

. Investigators

8. Name and address of experts/ institution interested in the subject /

outcome of the project.

9. References / Bibliography

1. Gaia, G., Boiano, S., Borda, A. (2019). Engaging Museum Visitors with AI: The
Case of Chatbots. In: Giannini, T., Bowen, J. (eds) Museums and Digital
Culture. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Springer, Cham.

2. Štekerová K.. Chatbots in Museums: Is Visitor Experience Measured?. Czech

Journal of Tourism. 2022;11(1-2): 14-31.

3. Bouras, V.; Spiliotopoulos, D.; Margaris, D.; Vassilakis, C.; Kotis, K.; Antoniou,
A.; Lepouras, G.; Wallace, M.; Poulopoulos, V. Chatbots for Cultural Venues: A
Topic-Based Approach. Algorithms 2023, 16, 339.

4. Towards implementing an AI chatbot platform for museums.

5. Boiano, Stefania & Borda, Ann & Gaia, Giuliano & Rossi, Stefania &
Cuomo, Pietro. (2018). Chatbots and New Audience Opportunities for
Museums and Heritage Organisations. 164-171.

6. Noh, Y.-G.; Hong, J.-H. Designing Reenacted Chatbots to Enhance Museum

Experience. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7420. https://

7. Vidu, Cristian-Mihai & Zbuchea, Alexandra & Pinzaru, Florina. (2021).

Old meets new: integrating Artificial Intelligence in museums’
management practices.

8. Galuk, Mariana Bianchini. “Conversations with Art : The use of chatbots in

museums.” (2018).

9. Boiano, Stefania & Borda, Ann & Gaia, Giuliano & Rossi, Stefania &
Cuomo, Pietro. (2018). Chatbots and New Audience Opportunities for
Museums and Heritage Organisations. 164-171.

10. Chunyan Zhou, Baivab Sinha, Minghua Liu. 2020. An AI chatbot for the
museum based on user Interaction over a knowledge base. In AIAM’ 20: 2020
2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced
Manufacture, October 15–17, 2020, Manchester, United Kingdom. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 5 pages.

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