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A detailed Lesson Plan for English in Grade 7

Student Teacher: Jhon Jay M. Dechos

Teaching Date: January 18, 2023
Time: 1:00-2:00pm | 3:00-4:00
Section: Grade 7 Faith and Peace
I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, at least 70% of the students are able to;
a. unlock difficult terms using context clues;
b. use a graphic organizer in summarizing;
c. identify positive Filipino values, and;
d. write a summary based on the given texts.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: “Summarizing A Text”
Values Integration: Understanding
Reference: Book- English Quarter 2- Module 5
Materials: Books or Power Point presentation
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
“Everybody please stand for our opening Student volunteer to lead the prayer
prayer, kindly lead the prayer!”

2. Greetings
“Good Afternoon Class!” Good Sir Jay

3. Checking of attendance

“Before you sit down, kindly pick pieces of Students will pick pieces of paper
paper and arrange your chairs properly.” and arrange their chairs properly.

“Okay please take your seats, who’s absent No one’s absent Sir

“Okay very good, a perfect attendance.” Thank you, Sir

B. Review

“ Who can recall the discussion last Students raise their hand to answer
meeting? Anyone from the class?

Okay very good!

It is all about “Comparing materials viewed
from other sources of information”

C. Motivation
Before we start our lesson for today, you are Okay Sir
going to watch a short Video first.

D. Preparation
Okay, open your book in no. 8 and answer
the given activity. Unlocking of Difficult Students opened their book and
Terms. answered the given activity

Activity 1- Guess and arrange the given

jumbled words.


1. A brief statement that gives the most
important information about
2. Knowledge that you get about
someone or something.
3. The main point or part
4. The way that something is built,
arranged, or organized.
5. Something that you imagine or
picture in your mind.
Okay, so do you know have an idea of what It’s about Summarizing Sir
is our topic for today all about?

Okay, very good

E. Discussion
Let’s proceed to our new topic for today, it is Okay, Sir
all about “Summarizing A Text”

What is a summary?

It is a shortened version of a text, piece or

gist. Remember the following when
Summarizing a text:

 Base your summary on the original

 Keep your summary short
 Use your own wording
 Refer to the central and main ideas of
the original piece.
 Read with who, what, when, where,
why and how questions in mind.
 Avoid putting in your opinion about
the issue or topic discussed in the
original piece.

Open your book in page 6 Students opened their book in page

Activity 2: Read and understand the text
about Covid 19 to answer the questions that Students read the text

COVID-19 is a serious global infectious

disease outbreak with thousands of cases
and deaths worldwide. It is part of a family of
viruses called CORONA VIRUS that infect
both animals and people. This particular one
originated in China at the end of 2019, in the
city of Wuhan, which has 11 million
residents. In the past two decades corona
virus outbreaks have caused global
concern. COVID-19 can cause symptoms
very similar to the flu-fever and a dry cough.

1. What is Covid-19?
2. What do you call the family of Covid? Students will answer the questions
3. Where did Covid-19 originate?
4. What are the symptoms of Covid-19?
5. Who are at risk of Covid-19?
6. How does COVID-19?

Several Strategies to Consider When

Summarizing a Text:

1. Read the entire text- This helps you

understand the details of the text.

2. Identify the title, author, and text type.

-This will make it clear which ideas are
those of the author and the text being

3. Describe the central ideas- This tells

what the text is mainly about.

4. Identify key supporting details- This is

one way of analyzing a text which helps you
understand the overall text clearly.

5.Avoid opinions and unimportant

-This could change how you interpret the
text based on the summary. You must relay
only the factual elements.

Okay, so these are the strategies when you Okay, Sir

are going to summarize a text.

In order for you to better understand a

text in summarizing, it is important

 to learn the different types of text


 Classification-division- sorting
information into topics and categories

 Chronological - discussing things in


 Problem and Solution-presenting a

problem and offering a solution

 Compare and Contrast -discussing

similarities and differences

 Cause and Effect - explaining a

cause and its results
1. Text Structure: Classification-

Kindly read page no.11 “Lessons One Can
Learn About Life From A Dog

2. Text-Structure: Chronological

Example: Kindly read page no.12

3. Text Structure- Problem and

Example- Kindly read page no.13

4. Text Structure- Compare and

Example: kindly read page no. 14

5. Text Structure- Cause and Effect

Example: kindly read page no.15

“Importance of Trees”

Okay so these are the different types of Text


Now, I want you to summarize Text

Structure 5- Cause and Effect.

Who can summarize it? Importance of Trees

Okay if there’s no volunteer then, I will call Students volunteered to summarize

someone to answer. the text.

Okay, Very Good!

Now, please read and understand the story Okay, Sir

in page no.15


Zeah was a girl who grew up in a home
where she cleaned her bed after waking up,
prepared foods for a meal of the family and
washed dishes after eating. On Saturdays
and Sundays, her household chores
became more compared to the days where
she had to go to school.
Activity 3: Gist Summary
Directions: Summarize the story “Que Sera
Sera” by picking out some important details. Okay Sir
Use the Gist Summary Graphic Organizer.

Thank you Sir

Okay, Very good class

Now let us try to answer, what i have Okay, Sir

learned in page 17.

Activity 4: Directions: Fill in each blank with Students answered the activity
the correct answer.

A _____is a shortened version of a piece or

a gist. In summarizing a text, there are
different types of text structure you need to
learn:_____, _______,_________ and

The first type,______means sorting

information into topics and categories.
The second one is called______ it
discusses things in order.
Another is the ______ type, which presents
a problem and offers a solution. Next,
________ discusses similarities and
differences. Lastly______ explains a cause
and its results.

Okay very good

Now I want you to read the narrative and Okay Sir

answer the activity that follows.
Activity 5

Love Your Family

My name is Shekinah. I have a big

family. I understand the point of having such Students will read the narrative
a big family. Living in a big family is such a
headache. I feel that I'm never alone for
there is always somebody bothering me.

One day, my family planned a picnic

together with my aunties, uncles and
cousins I thought it would be a nice chance
to spend some time with my friends so I
made an alibi. I told them I will just stay
home and do my homework instead of going
to the picnic. My parents were about to
cancel the plan but somehow i managed to
make them leave.
Students answered the given
Directions: Answer the following questions questions
based from the story that you read.

1. What is the story about?

2. What does the title of the story
3. Sequence the events in the story
using the given sequence organizer.

Okay very good, now let us try to apply what Okay, Sir
you have learned from our lesson for today
F. Application

Activity 6
Directions: Get ½ crosswise and Identify Students will get ½ sheet of paper
each situation below whether each suggests and answer the activity
positive Filipino values in a family or not.
Just write Yes or No.


1. Dining together and sharing stories

about oneself.
2. Telling white lies when needed.
3. Kissing the of the elders.
4. Leaving home without permission.
5. Shouting ting at each other.
6. Helping one another during crisis.
7. Gathering together during special
8. Listening about someone's problem.
9. Taking someone's property in the
10. Praying together during good or bad

11. Showing respect about differences.

12. Showing hospitality to visitors.

13. Insulting one's own weaknesses.

14. Understanding the suffering of others

and wanting to do something about it.

15. Ignoring others whose ideas and

practices differ from yours.
Done, Sir
Are you done?

Activity 7
Okay at the back of your paper write a
summary about a Filipino values using the
checklist as your guide.

G. Generalization
Do you have any questions regarding our None so far Sir
lesson for today about Summarizing a
Yes Sir
Okay if none then, I assume that you
already understand our discussion

Give yourself a run of applause.

Now before we end our lesson I want to Okay Sir

assess if you are really listening to our

IV. Evaluation
Students will get ½ sheet of paper
Get 1 haft sheet of paper and answer this

Activity 8
Directions: Write a letter to a friend, share
what you have learned from your lesson Students answered the given
about “ Summarizing A Text”. You may use activity
the following guide questions in composing
your letter.

Guide questions:
1. What are the different text
2. What strategies shall be used in
Summarizing a text?
3. Why is it important to summarize a

V. Assignment
Answer this in your notebook Students will answer the assignment
and will pass it tomorrow.
In your own opinion, why do we need to
summarize a text?


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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