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a mistake a shower swimming notes sports

friends a party skiing a break some


a noise fun riding the bus the dishes

progress time shopping a photo a job

time friends cycling time a english


fun of a break fishing a job crossword

suggestion a job a shower the cooking

decision a metting a exam

an idea

beat catch earn hol keep lose miss pass play save spend

a a money the going friend some an baske mone moen

record cold doo s one exam t y y

the a ball a salary han calm mone a the piano energ time
appoin ds y party ball y

the respect a alive the the the

bus me job bus night

the a intere a the

train secret st flight week
…for …of …on …in …to …with

appy afraid keen interest object agree


care jealous depend belong familiar

famous aware rely agree involved



- Assesed: juzgado
- Enclose: encerrado
- Largery: más grande
- Reached: alcanzó
- Fed up: estar harto
- Caught up with: alcanzar
- Put up with: soportar
- Come up with: proponer
- Kept up with: mantenerse al día con
- Junk: basura/chatarra

addition conditional contrast purpose reason

and if while/but to because

in addition to unless althought/yet so as to because of

(además) (aunque/ (a fin de)

besides as long as in spite of in order that in case

(siempre que) (a pesar de) (para que..)

as well as provide that thought so the fact that

(así como….) (el hecho de

however on account of
(sin embargo) (a causa de)

despite owing to

- Overcome: superar
- Narrow: estrecho
- Wide: extenso
- Ensuring: asegurar
- Ought: deber

for the first point for further points for the last point In the conclusion

to beging with next lastly in conclusion

- Also too: también

- Often: frecuentemente

Writing (email)

Formal Informal

I have received your letter… (principio) Well, that´s all for now (final)

Yours sincerely, (final) It was great to get your email (inicio)

Dear sir/madam, (principio) Thanks for your letter (inicio)

I apologise for the delay in replaying This is a quick note to say ( inicio)

I look forward to hearing from you (final) Best wishes (final)

Lots of love (final)

Dear Stefan, (principio)

Hi Susana (inicio)

Give my love to everyone (final)

Sorry for getting back to you (inicio)

- Filthy: sucio
Writing (articles)
Intro Description and Recomendations Conclusion

This report looks at It is said to be… I would To sum up,

recommend that

The aim of this It would appear I would suggest In conclusion

repor is to that..

The purpose of this It is felt that It has been

report is to suggested that

this report is There would seem I strongly

intended to show to be recommend
- Amount: importe
- Slope: una cuesta
- Devide: dispositivo
Wirting (compare photos)
- In the photo on the left/right
- The picture at the top
- There are
- In the one at the button
- They both show
- Seems/looks
- Might/may/could be
- Hay que comparar las fotos, (esta actividad de esta foto parece más interesante
que la otra…cosas así)
- Contrastarlas: esto se hace asi mientras que lo otro es de otra manera
- Decir qué actividad prefiero
Charleta con el compañero

Making Ask Agreeing Disagreeing Giving reasons

suggestions suggestions suggestions for disagreeing

How about…? Dont you think Right Im not really Thats

so? sure about beacause

Why dont Would you I think so too I think id For one thing…
we..? agree? rather for another…

Perhaps we I completely I dont really Well, the thing

should…? agree with you agree. I think… is…

What do you I think the

think…? problem is that

The main
reason is that
- Empezar conversación con: Would you like to start, or shall I?/Shal we begin
with this one?
- Dar mi opinión o alguna sugerencia. Después preguntar qué piensa el
- Debatir
- Decidir qué opción es mejor. Witch do you think would be best?/
- Cuando decida: Im in a favour of that one
- Si estamos de acuerdo: Right, thats what well do
- Si no estamos de acuerdo: Lets agree to disagree, then….

Más frases
- Whats your opinión?/ what do you think about…?
- I think/Id say that/It seems to me/In my opinion
- Yes, but that inst possible that…?/Another way of looking at it would be…

- Whereas: mientras que

- Got up: llegar
- Advertised: anunciado
- Crowded: concurrido
- Good shape: buena forma
- Widelly:ampliamente
- Growth: crecimiento
- Profit: beneficio
Geography Healthy eating
bank - orilla Nouns
jungle - selva calorie - caloría
landscape - paisaje carbohydrate - carbohidrato
mud - lodo dairy (food) - lácteos
orchard - huerto fat - grasa
peak - pico fibre - fibra
pine tree - pino junk food – comida basura
root - raíz portion – porción de comida
slope - cuesta protein - proteína
soil - suelo vitamin – vitamina
spring - primavera
stream - corriente Adjectives
track - pista balanced (diet) – dieta equilibrada
(tree) trunk – tronco del árbol (un)healthy – salulable/no asludable
valley - valle high in (fat) – alto en grasas
vegetation – “” lean (meat) - carne
low in (salt) – bajo en sal
Adjectives substantial (portion) – porción sustancial
breathtaking - impresionante
cultivated - cultivado Verb phrases
fertile - fértil cut down (on) (salt) – reducer consumo
gentle - amable
cut out (fat) – cortar la grasa
muddy - embarrado
get round to / desplazarse
shallow – poco profundo
go on (a diet) – ponerse a dieta
steep - escarpado
go for (a run) – salir a correr
winding – con ondulaciones irregulares
keep to (a diet) – seguir una dieta
take up (a sport) – practicar un deporte
put on (weight) – aumentar de peso
emerge - aparecer
flow – fluir
Health Issues
Climate and Nouns

weather antibiotic - antibiótico

Nouns antihistamine - antiestamínico

darkness - oscuridad bandage - venda

forecast - previsión blister - ampolla

(wet/dry) season –temporada casualty (department) – baja médica

seca/húmeda flu - resfriado
thunderstorm - tormenta de truenos plaster – escayola
prescription - receta médica
Adjectives scales - balanza
clear - ser claro scar - cicatriz
freezing - congelado stitches – puntos de sutura
frosty - helado stomach upset – dolor de barriga
humid - húmedo stress – “”
mild - blando surgery - cirugía
misty - brumoso symptom - síntomqa
tropical – “” treatment - tratamiento
vaccination – vacunación
Verb phrases
be cut off – ser cortado Adjectives
fall/rise (temperature) – aumento/caída jet-lag
de las temperaturas
run down - agotado
pour (= rain heavily) - tormenta
sore (throat) – dolor de garganta

Verb phrases
build up (a healthy immune
system) – desarrollar un Sistema inmune
come down with (a cold) – coger un
lose (your voice) – ronco

Phrasal verbs
make out (what sb is
saying) – divisar lo que algueiin está
make up (an excuse) – decir excusa
make up for (lost time) – recuperar
tiempo perdido

Music Feelings
beat - ritmo Nouns
cello - violonchelo anger - enfado
charts – lista de éxito amazement - asombro
choir - coro annoyance - molestia
composer - compositor anxiety - ansiedad
conductor – director de banda/orquesta. depression – “”
cover version – “” embarrassment - verguenza
duet – dueto fear - miedo
harmony - armonía jealousy - envidia
hit - temaso misery - miseria
lyrics – letra de la música pleasure - placer
rhythm - ritmo pride – orgullo
saxophone - saxofón
solo – “” Adjectives
style – estilo de música amazed - asombrado
track – pista de música amazing - asombroso
(in) tune – sintonizar anxious - ansioso
ashamed - avergonzado
Adjectives astonished - asombrado
catchy (tune) - pegadizo concerned - preocupado
classical (music) – música clásica confident – Seguro de sí mismo
country and western delighted - encantado
distinctive (style) – estilo distintivo fed up - harto
folk (music) furious - furioso
musical (family) guilty - culpable
original (song/number/ jealous - celoso
version) miserable –“”
proud - orgulloso
Sounds relieved - aliviado
Nouns and verbs scared - asustado
bang - explosión upset – decepcionado
bark - ladrido
smash – sonido de algo que se rompe Verbs
sneeze - estornudo annoy - molestar
splash - salpicadura depress - deprimir
snore - ronquido disappoint - decepcionar
whistle - silbar embarrass - avergonzar
excite - excitar
frighten - asustar
terrify - aterrar

History Personality

Nouns Adjectives
ancestor – ante4pasado aggressive - agresivo
archaeologist - arqueólogo ambitious - ambicioso
archaeology - arqueología arrogant - arrogante
belief - creencia bad-tempered - con mal temperamento
cave - cueva bossy - mandón
descendant - descendiente cheerful - alegre
evidence - evidencia (in)considerate - considerado
figure - figura courageous - valiente
gadget - artilugio determined – determinado
historian - historiador devoted - devoto
inhabitant - inhabilitable easy-going - relajado
invasion – “” energetic - enérgico
prehistory - prehistoria generous - generoso
population - población gentle - amable
record – “” graceful - elegante
resident - residente hard-working - trabajador
site - sitio (dis)honest - honesto
survivor - superviviente hopeless - desesperado
survival - supervivencia (un)imaginative - imaginativo
tribe – tribu (un)kind - amable
lazy - perezoso
Adjectives lively - animado
ancient - antiguo mean - malo
archaeological - arqueológico modest - molesto
historic - histórico outgoing - extrovertido
historical – “” (im)patient - paciente
prehistoric – prehistórico (im)polite - educado
(un)popular – “”
Verbs (un)reliable - fiable
attack - atacar rude - grosero
hunt - cazar selfish - egoísta
invade - invadir sensitive - sensible
settle down - asentarse sensible – sensate, razonable
survive - sobrevivir self-confident – con confianza
trade – comerciar shy - tímido
stubborn - cabezón
Time sympathetic - simpático
Verb phrases talented - talentoso
go on (for days) – continuar durante días talkative - hablador
kill time – matar el tiempo tense - tenso
last - último thoughtful – atento, pensativo
pass - pasar thoughtless - desconsiderado
make time (for) – hacer tiempo relaxed - relajado
versatile - versátil

Sport Family and relationships

Nouns Nouns
aerobics - aerobic Acquaintance – conocido
athlete - atletismo Anniversary – aniversario
athletics - atleta Community – comunidad
badminton – “” Couple – pareja
balance - equilibrio Density – destino
bat - bate Engagement – compromiso de boda
(golf) club – “” Flatmate – compañero de piso
(golf) course - curso Generation – generación
(tennis/squash) court – pista de.. Household – familiar
cyclist - ciclista Loyalty – lealtad
diving - buceo Neightbour – vecino
gymnast - gimnasta Nephew – sobrino
gymnastics - gimnastas Partner – compañero
hiking - senderismo Roots – raíces
(ice) hockey – “” Widow – viuda
jogging - footing
judo – “” Verb phrases
marathon – “” Fall in love – enamorarse
martial arts – artes marciales Fall out – pelearse
opponent - oponente Get in touch – tener contacto con
racket - raqueta
Get on well – llevarse bien con alguien
reaction - reacción
Get to know – conocer a alguien
rival - rival
(first) round – “” Get out with – salir con alguien
snorkelling - snorkel Keep in touch – mantener contacto
squash – “” Lose touch – perder contacto
make friends – hacer amigos
stick - palo
Make up with sb – hacer las paces
track - pista
Propose – proponerse
trophy - premio
Provide for – prever
yoga – “”
Support – apoyar

Verb phrases
beat - golpear
pass (the ball) – pasar la pelota
score (a point/goal) – marcar puntos
stretch - estirar
tackle (an opponent) – atacar al

Transport and travel Leisure activities

Nouns Nouns
Boarding pass – tarjeta de embarque Backgammon – es un juego de mesa xd
Cabin crew – personal de tripulación Chess – ajedrez
Camper van – autocaravana Dominoes –
Carriage – carruaje Jigsaw puzzle – rompezabezas
Escalator – escalera mecánica Scrabble-
Fare – tarifa
Headset – auriculares con micrófono Verb phrases
Landing – aterrizaje Collect (postcards)- coleccionar
Taxi meter – taxímetro Do a crossword - hacer un crucigrama
Passport control – control de pasaporte Go clubbing – salir de party
Rush hour – hora punta Have a barbecue – tener una barbacoa
Seat belt – cinturón de seguridad Have a quiet night – tener una coche
Season ticket – abono
Have a takeaway – tener comida para
Security check – control de seguridad
Sliding doors – puertas automáticas
Have Friends round – estar rodeado de
Terminal – amigos

Trolley – maleta de ruedas Play chess – jugar ajedrez

Underground – metro Take out money – sacar dinero

Take over business – encargarse de los
Verb phrases
Take to a person – llevar a una persona
Board a plane – subir a bordo de un
avión Take up space – ocupar un espacio

Commute – ir diariamente al trabajo

Get away from – alejarse de
Get to know - recoger

Cities and towns Facilities

Nouns Nouns
Atmosphere – atmósfera Art gallery
Atracción – “” Bowling alley – bolera
Estate – propiedad Concert hall – concierto en pista
Mosque – mezquita Health centre –
Nihgtlife – ambiente de noche Ice rink – pista de hielo
Outskirts – las afueras Leisure centre – centro de ocio
Suburs – suburbios Recreation ground – sitio de recreacion
Temple – templo

Capital – capital
Cosmopolitan – cosmopolita
Cultural – “”
Delightful – delicioso
Impressive – impresionante
Industrial – industrial
Lively – vivo
Medieval – medieval
Peaceful – pacífico
Picturesque – pintoresco
Residencial – “”
Rural – “”
Ruined – ruinas
Unspoiled – sitio virgen

Verbs phrases
Ban – prohibir
Neglect - negligencia

Food and coocking Art

Nouns Nouns

Flavour – sabor Landscape – paisaje

Microwave – microondas Oil painting

Noodles Portrait- retrato

Stir- fry: salteado Pottery – cerámica

Print – impreso

Verbs Shade – sombra

Bake – ornear Sketch – dibujo

Beat – batir Still life – bodega

Boil – hervir Textiles –

Cater – abastecer Water colour – acuarela

Chop – cortar/picar
Grate – rallar Adjectives
Grill – asar a la parrilla Abstract – abstracto
Melt – fundir Artistic- artístico
Peel – pelar Convencional –
Pour – verter Tasteful – con gusto
Slice – rebanar Tasteless – sin gusto
Stir – remover
Taste – probar
Straightfoward – sencillo
Spicy – picante
Tasty – sabroso

TV, cinema and theatre Home and house

Nouns Nouns
Audience – air conditioning-
Box office – taquilla basement- sótano
Cast – brick- ladrillo
Character – personaje cellar- bodega
Chat show – cement-
Comedy- chimeney-
Critic – central heating- calefacción central
Current affair - tema de actualidad drier- secadora
Director – freezer- congelador
Documentary - loft- desván
episode –
lounge- salón
Location –
plumbing- cañerías
Musical – shed- cobertizo
Performance – actuación shutter- contraventana
Plot – staircase- escalera
Reality tv – yard- patio
Rehearsal – ensayo Decorator- decorador
Repeats – electrician- electricista
Review – guarantee- fianza
Science fiction – plumber- fontanero
Screen – pantalla tap- grifo
Series- Adjectives
Soap opera – telenovela Domestic
Soundtrack – Luxurious- lujoso
Special effect –
Storyline – la narrativa Verb phrases
Subtitle – break down- descomponerse
drip- goteo
Verbs install
Broadcast – emission leak- fuga

Compelling – irresistible
Confusing – confuso
Convincing - convincente
Dramatic- dramática
Dull- insensible
Entertainment- entretenido
Gripping- fascinante
Moving. conmovedor
Outstanding- excepcional
Superb- magnífico

Science Books

Nouns Nouns
astronomer atlas
astronomy biography
biologist brochure- folleto
chemist (profesión) catalogue
ecology chapter
ecologist cookery book
geologist detective story
geology verse- verso
mathematician rober- ladrón
physicist robbery- robo
acid rain
carbon dioxide
carbon foodprint- huella de carbono Verbs
flooding- inundación blink- parpadear
shortage- escasez creep- arrastrar
Adjectives gaze- mirar
artificial spot- encontrar
extreme stare- mirar fijamente
local tremble- temblar
organic witness- testificar
self-sufficent yell- gritar
rob- robar
Verb phrases steal
cut down- reducir
end up- parar
insulate- aislar
maintain- mantener

Clothes School and education

Nouns Nouns
high heels canteen- cantina
label- etiqueta career- carrera profesional
shade-tonalidad de color nursery assistant
chest of drawers- cajonera overtime- horas extras
cushion- almoadón rate of pay- tarifa de pago
duvet- nórdico sales manager- gerente de ventas
shift work- trabajo partido por turnos
Adjectives vacancy- vacante
plain- simple wage-salario
silk- de seda
sleeves Adjectives
v-neck employed- empleado
dimly-lit- iluminación tenue
restful- sosegado Verb phrases
be made redundant- ser redundante
Verb phrases be out of work- estar fuera del trabajo
alter- alterar be promoted- ser ascendido
retire- retirarse
resing- renunciar

Personal qualities Phrasal verbs

Nouns think back to- volver a pensar en

ambicius think over- reflexionar
caring think straight- pensar con claridad
creative think throught- pensar bien
efficent think twice about- pensar dos veces
reliable- confiable

Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse

Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse

Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar

Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz

Beat Beat Beaten Golpear

Become Became Become Llegar a Ser

Begin Began Begun Empezar

Bend Bent Bent Doblar

Bet Bet Bet Apostar

Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar

Bid Bid Bid Pujar

Bite Bit Bitten Morder

Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar

Blow Blew Blown Soplar

Break Broke Broken Romper

Breed Bred Bred Criar

Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar

Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar

Build Built Built Edificar

Burn Burnt /Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar

Burst Burst Burst Reventar

Buy Bought Bought Comprar

Cast Cast Cast Arrojar

Catch Caught Caught Coger

Come Came Come Venir

Cost Cost Cost Costar

Cut Cut Cut Cortar

Choose Chose Chosen Elegir

Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse

Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse

Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar

Dig Dug Dug Cavar

Do (Does) Did Done Hacer

Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar

Dream Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soñar

Drink Drank Drunk Beber

Drive Drove Driven Conducir

Eat Ate Eaten Comer

Fall Fell Fallen Caer

Feed Fed Fed Alimentar

Feel Felt Felt Sentir

Fight Fought Fought Luchar

Find Found Found Encontrar

Flee Fled Fled Huir

Fly Flew Flown Volar

Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir

Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar

Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar

Freeze Froze Frozen Helar

Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener

Give Gave Given Dar

Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir

Grow Grew Grown Crecer

Grind Ground Ground Moler

Hang Hung Hung Colgar

Have Had Had Haber o Tener

Hear Heard Heard Oir

Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar

Hit Hit Hit Golpear

Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar

Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir

Keep Kept Kept Conservar

Know Knew Known Saber Conocer

Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse

Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto

Lay Laid Laid Poner

Lead Led Led Conducir

Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse

Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar

Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned Aprender

Leave Left Left Dejar

Lend Lent Lent Prestar

Let Let Let Permitir

Lie Lay Lain Echarse

Light Lit Lit Encender

Lose Lost Lost Perder

Make Made Made Hacer

Mean Meant Meant Significar

Meet Met Met Encontrar

Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar

Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer

Pay Paid Paid Pagar

Put Put Put Poner

Read Read Read Leer

Ride Rode Ridden Montar

Ring Rang Rung Llamar

Rise Rose Risen Levantarse

Run Ran Run Correr

Say Said Said Decir

See Saw Seen Ver

Seek Sought Sought Buscar

Sell Sold Sold Vender

Send Sent Sent Enviar

Set Set Set Poner(se)

Sew Sewed Sewed / Sewn Coser

Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir

Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar

Shine Shone Shone Brillar

Shoot Shot Shot Disparar

Show Showed Shown Mostrar

Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse

Shut Shut Shut Cerrar

Sing Sang Sung Cantar

Sink Sank Sunk Hundir

Sit Sat Sat Sentarse

Sleep Slept Slept Dormir

Slide Slid Slid Resbalar

Smell Smelt Smelt Oler

Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar

Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar

Speed Sped Sped Acelerar

Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear

Spend Spent Spent Gastar

Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar

Spin Spun Spun Hilar

Spit Spat Spat Escupir

Split Split Split Hender / partir /


Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear

Spread Spread Spread Extender

Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar

Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie

Steal Stole Stolen Robar

Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar

Sting Stung Stung Picar

Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar

Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas

Strike Struck Struck Golpear

Swear Swore Sworn Jurar

Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar

Sweep Swept Swept Barrer

Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar

Swim Swam Swum Nadar

Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse

Take Took Taken Coger

Teach Taught Taught Enseñar

Tear Tore Torn Rasgar

Tell Told Told Decir

Think Thought Thought Pensar

Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar

Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir

Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar

Understand Understood Understood Entender

Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir

Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender

Wake Woke Woken Despertarse

Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto

Weave Wove Woven Tejer

Weep Wept Wept Llorar

Wet Wet Wet Mojar

Win Won Won Ganar

Wind Wound Wound Enrollar

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse

Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer

Write Wrote Written Escribir

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