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Auckland Model Citizens Frostgrave Campaign:

“ Islands of Snow and Sand”

By William McCartney

In the Ghost Archipelago,there is a chain of Islands, known by the local tribes as “The cold islands”. Many of the islands are
steep, towering mountains, covered, half way up in steaming jungles, and capped with freezing snowy peaks, that does not
melt in the tropical sun.
Dotted across the islands are ancient ruins, bearing strange and wonderful glyphs. Locals claim they tell stories of
God-men, powerful wizards who drew their power from an ancient and terrible entity which dwelled in a forgotten cave.
Those Heritors and wardens who hear these tales, often believe that the source of the wizards power could be the fabled
crystal pool.
Far to the north, The wizards of the Magic schools and colleges who delve into the Frozen City, Frostgrave, have found
gates and portals that lead from the city, to the Cold Islands. Even in forgotten archives, Wizards have found the inhabitants
of Frostgrave and the Ghosts traded directly. It is yet unknown what passed between the city and the islands, but the
temptation of harnessing the God-men’s power is often too great for wizards in the pursuit of ultimate Knowledge.

The Campaign:

‘The Islands of Snow and Sand’ campaign is designed to allow players of both the GA and FC settings to come together and put their
skills to the test. Wizards May find themselves searching for Grimoires on islands inhabited by cannibal tribesmen, while Heritors Search
frozen streets for lost pieces of the map, to lead them to the crystal pool.
The Campaign was written for the Auckland Model Citizens Frostgrave players, and at the time of writing, the majority of our players
were playing Ghost Archipelago. As a result, many of the themes and scenarios for the campaign are set in the Ghost Archipelago. While
not required, we recommend that the Gods of fire supplement AND the cities of bronze supplement are owned by at least one player to
use some of the mechanics in the game, but this is not required to play. One requirement for wizards is the Maze of Malcor supplement.

. All Players start with either a Heritor and Warden, or Wizard and Apprentice at Level 0 with 250 gold crowns (the apprentice is free to
start the campaign). The Campaign is played in a series of Fortnight rounds.At the end of the round, the player with the most XP gained,
may choose to gain either one Grimoir, or One Map stone. The Gained Grimoir or Mapstone is rolled for randomly as usual.
For all basic rules purposes, the campaign will use the rules from the Ghost Archipelago rules book.

There are 3 ways to win the Campaign:

1. The Player who uncovers the ultimate secret of the island wins (the player who wins scenario 8)
2. The first Heritor Player to reach level 20 and find all map stones wins
3. The Wizard player who reaches level 20 and successfully casts Transcendence
In the event of a tie, the player with the most XP wins.

Campaign Scenarios:
Islands of Snow and Sand Scenarios
- Players can play any scenario, or series of scenarios, from the Ghost Archipelago or Frozen city books.
- Campaign Scenarios for Frostgrave: Islands of Snow and Sand are played in order each round.Once played however, a
scenario can be replayed in any other round. For example: Scenario 1 may only be played in round one, but in round 2, players
may play Scenario 2, and replay scenario 1
- Some times Campaign scenarios will give you an advantage, allowing you to play a scenario from a later round before it is
available. If playing a game when you have this advantage, your opponent does not need to have the advantage as well.
- Games played that use scenarios from the Frozen city or it’s supplements are assumed to be played in the frozen city. Games
played in Ghost Archipelago or it’s supplements are assumed to be played in the Ghost Archipelago. Campaign scenarios will
state where they take place

Campaign rounds:.
The Campaign is intended to be played over the course of 16 weeks, with 1 Campaign scenario to be played every 2 weeks.
Joining late in the campaign or missing rounds:
If you are late to joining the campaign, or life gets in the way and you miss a round, we will assume your crew or warband are off
exploring elsewhere. After your first game played after. Missing one or more rounds, you gain an additional 50xp (heritor players may
give 25 to the heritor and 25 to the Warden) and 20gold crowns for each round missed.
If you miss a round, you DO NOT have to play previous scenarios to catch up. Just play the current round’s scenario

Restrictions and changes to rules:

There are a few restrictions and changes used in this Campaign to accommodate the two core books.

1. Most importantly, all rules for movement, activation, combat, etc, are used from the Ghost archipelago rules. In the event there
is different wording in the two books for the exact same situation, the Ghost Archipelago book over rules the Frozen city book.
The exception for this is Wizard’s spells and spell rules. These rules only affect wizards and not wardens.
2. Hiring New crew/soldiers: This is treated differently depending on the game most recently played:
● If the last game played was set in the ghost Archipelago, You must still return to the mainland (a cost of 200gold coins)
before hiring new crew (unless you have appropriate favour with a drichean kingdom or hiring from a tribe (only
Dricheans may be hired from a Kingdom, and Tribals may be hired from Tribes).
● If the Last game played was set in the Frozen city, you may hire crew (excluding tribals or Dricheans) without returning
to the mainland. However, the next time you return to the mainland from the Ghost Archipelago however, you must pay
an extra 20gold to cover the extra provisions used on your time away from the ship.
3. Ships & home bases: Ships and Home Bases, like hiring crew, act differently from game to game. Heritors and Wizards can
have both a Ship and a Home base. Benefits of the Home base may only be used before or after a game in the Frozen city,
Likewise, Benefits provided by ships may only be used before or after a game in the ghost Archipelago
4. changes to crew in the basic rules books: Wizards follow the same restrictions as heritors when building their crew. they may
recruit up to 8 Thugs/deckhands for free, but may only hire a maximum of 4 other Soldiers. Wizards and Heritors must hire
starting crew from the table below. Crew from supplements cannot be hired before your Heritor or Wizard reach level 2:

Crew/Soldiers Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Cost Notes

Deck Hand/ Thug 6 +2 +0 10 -1 10 Free GA: p20

Warhound 8 +1 +0 10 +2 8 10gc Animal, cannot carry treasure

Thief 7 +1 +0 10 +0 10 20gc Dagger

Archer 6 +2 +2 11 +0 10 50gc Bow, Quiver, Dagger, Light


Crossbowman 6 +2 +2 11 +0 10 50gc Crossbow, Quiver, Dagger,

Light Armour

Infantryman 6 +3 +0 11 +1 12 50gc Two-handed weapon, light


Man-at-arms 6 +3 +0 12 +1 12 50gc Hand weapon, shield, light


Pearl Diver 6 +3 +0 10 +1 12 50gc Hand weapon, amphibious

Guide 7 +2 +2 11 +1 10 75gc Staff, bow, quiver, light


Tomb Robber 7 +3 +0 11 +2 12 75gc Hand weapon, dagger, light


Freebooter/Knight 5 +4 +0 13 +2 12 100gc Hand weapon, shield, heavy


Mercenary/Templar 5 +4 +0 12 +2 12 100gc Two-handed weapon, heavy

Scout 7 +2 +2 11 +2 12 100gc Bow, Quiver, Hand weapon,
light armour

Savage/Barbarian 6 +4 +0 10 +3 14 100gc Two-handed weapon

Crack shot 5 +2 +3 12 +1 12 100gc Crossbow, Quiver, Dagger,

Heavy Armour

Apothecary 6 +0 +0 10 +1 12 100gc Staff, starts each game with a

healing potion

Herbalist 6 +1 +0 11 +3 12 100gc Hand weapon, Light Armour,

3item slots, gatherer*

Hunter 6 +2 +2 11 +3 12 100gc Two-handed weapon, Bow,

Quiver, light armour,

*Gatherer: At the end of each game, Set in the Ghost Archipelago, in which an Herbalist takes part, roll a d20. On a 15+, immediately roll on the herbs
and potions table, re-rolling any results which yield a potion

5. Treasure tables: When it comes to rolling for treasure, Players may choose which table to roll on this may be any table from
any supplement, from the Ghost Archipelago or Frozen City. If the game played was set in the Frozen city, and a player chooses
to roll on a Ghost Archipelago treasure table, and rolls an herb or potion, they must roll on the Frozen city Potions table. Heritors
who find Grimoires may sell them to Wizard players. Wardens cannot learn spells from grimoires. If a wizard rolls a Map stone
as a treasure, they find a random grimoire instead.
6. Items May only be Bought or sold by returning to the mainland after playing a Ghost Archipelago game, or as normal after
playing a Frozen city game
7. Gaining xp: Wizards must use the Maze of Malcor XP table in place of the xp table in the frozen city book. Heritors use the XP
table in the Ghost Archipelago book. If a scenario has special rules for XP, any references to Wizards, Applies to Wardens and
heritors, as any Reference to Heritors or Wardens applies to wizards.

Death in the Campaign:

As this is a Friendly Campaign, when ever a Heritor, Warden, Wizard, or Apprentice rolls a survival roll, before reaching level 5, that
would result in them being dead, roll twice on the permanent injuries table instead. After a character has reached level 5, treat survival
rolls of 1 as normal.

Gaining The Advantage:

The Winner of a Special Campaign scenario game may gain an upper hand over their opponents. This is called Gaining the Advantage.
Some Scenarios will be available for players who have gained the Advantage from the previous round.A player may Only gain
Advantage once per round.

Tribes and City-states of the Islands of the cold islands:

When players encounter a wandering monster roll that is either a Tribal or Drichean, randomly determine which tribe or city-state they are
from before placing the model.
Scattered across the cold islands and the surrounding Archipelago, are several Tribal groups. Most notably the two Tribes, the Pachakat
and Zulotic.

Pachakat Tribe:
This Tribe is well known for their hatred of the undead. They believe that death is final and the undead are souls, tortured by an evil god.
They see it as their duty to destroy any Undead they encounter
Undead hunters: Members of this tribe have +1 fight, and their weapons count as magic weapons when they fight Undead.In addition,
when ever a Member of this tribe is called on to make a random move, they will always move toward the nearest undead, and will always
make a fight action against an undead, if able.

Zulotic Tribe:
Many of the Local Dricheans consider the Zulotic tribe to be cowardly and superstitious. Little is known about the tribe apart from their
great fear of the water demon Awa.
Camouflage experts: members of this tribe are experts in camouflage, which causes many to see them as cowardly. No figure may
draw line of sight to a member of this tribe if it is more than 16” away
Water fear: fearing the Demon will devour them in the depths, no member of this tribe will purposefully move into deep water. If they are
in contact with, or in deep water,they suffer -5 to swim rolls and -2 to all other rolls.
Along with the Tribals are three Drichean City states: the Kingdom of Kyte, Kingdom of Hybros and the Kingdom of Grygnos

Kingdom of Kyte:
The Kingdom of Kyte sits to the south of the Cold Islands along a busy trade route between several Drichean kingdoms, and even those
seeking their fortune in the Ghosts. Besides trade, the Kytians are also great scholars. Their libraries hold vast amounts of knowledge,
either lost or unknown to those outside the ghosts. Heritors and Wizards alike are welcomed as honoured guests, but it is only those few
who aid the King that may access this knowledge
Favours: T1: Markets T2:Royal Weaponsmith T3:Library
Martial Discipline: Tower shields: Soldiers with this Martial discipline have +1 fight when they are the target of a shooting attack, but
suffer a -3 swimming penalty

Kingdom of Hybros:
The Island of the Hybrosians is vast and covered in steep mountains and deep ravines. They are few in number, but are well respected
by other Kingdoms, often sending whole families as mercenaries to fight for their allied kingdoms. The island is also home to the Life
flower, a rare plant found only on the highest hills of the island. This flower has incredible healing properties, and is forbidden for
outsiders to take or use.
Favours: T1: SoldiersT2:The Seer T3:Royal Weaponsmith
Martial Discipline: Advanced Medicine: Once per Scenario, This soldier may spend an action to heal 2 points of lost health

Kingdom of Grygnos:
The kingdom of Grygnos lies on the Northern edge of the Cold islands. It is believed that in ages past, when portals existed between the
islands and what is now Frostgrave, The people of Grygnos married great scholars and wizards of Falstad, sharing knowledge and
customs. It is said that the People of Kyte hold but a mere fraction of the books and scrolls of Grygnos, and all the teachers and
academics of Kyte are descended from the first pupils of the Grygnos University. Despite the Grygnosians spending much of their life in
the pursuit of knowledge, every citizen is skilled warrior, fighting as fiercely as any Drichean, alone or in a shield wall.
Favours: T1: Tutor T2:Library T3:The seer
Martial Discipline: Shield fighters: If a soldier with this discipline wins a fight, but would inflict no damage, he inflicts 1 point of damage,
regardless of the enemies armour. This does not apply to enemies that have a large trait. Furthermore, if the soldier has a shield, they do
not count as being unarmed, but will do -1 damage instead, if he has no other weapon.

City-states and favour (From cities of bronze, supplement):

Some Campaign games will allow you to gain favour with a Drichean city state. After a game where you can earn favour, you may gain
oneTier of favour with your city-state. If you encounter a Drichean from a City state which you have Favour with, they will never force
combat or make an attack action against your Crew as long as your Wizard or Heritor is on the table.
A Heritor or Wizard may only visit one City-state at the end of a game and benefit only from that city state’s favours available.


A list of useful resources for Playing Frostgrave with the Auckland Model Citizens:

1. Wizard Crew Sheet:

2. Printable Wizard Spell cards:
3. Heritor Crew Sheet & Quick reference sheet:
4. Islands of Snow and Sand Scenarios

Auckland Model Citizens Frostgrave house rules for Islands of Snow and Sand:

Crew and Warbands:

● Warhounds purchased as part of the crew take the place of a specialist, unless you have a kennel
● Your crew may not exceed 10 models. The exception to this is a base or ship upgrade that states they
increase the size of your warband past the maximum limit (eg a kennel allows you to take a warhound as
an additional member to your party, increasing the size to 11)
● If you have a kennel on board your ship or at your base, the additional crew space may only be utilised in
the same location as the upgrade (either Ghost archipelago or Frostgrave). If you play a game with a
kennel onboard your ship, in the frozen city, the warhound replaces one basic crew instead, keeping the
maximum number of 10 models in the warband.
● If you have a kennel on the ship and base, you always get the benefit
● If you have an Inn (allowing for an additional crewman) and you play a game in the Ghost Archipelago, you
must leave 1 of your specialist crew behind to guard the Inn if you would have more than the maximum
crew allowed.
● Out of Game summoned creatures may replace a basic Thug/deckhand
Playing the Game:
- Setting up treasure: treasure is set up as per the Ghost Archipelago rules (1 central treasure is placed in the
centre of the board, each player places 2 treasure tokens each)
- Phases: Wizards activate in the Heritor Phase, Apprentices activate in the Warden phase.
- Spending treasure: ship upgrades can only be purchased by returning to the mainland or base upgrades after a
game played in the frozen city
- Gaining treasure and Hiring new crew: Share your books with your opponent. If you are hiring new crew or
rolling for treasure or other special rolls such as spells, let your opponent also make any of their rolls/purchases
from your books.

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