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By Chuck Green

A Frostgrave scenario perfect for playing solo, coop, or when at a gaming convention.

10 playing cards: 2 black aces, 2 red aces,

2 black kings, 2 red kings, 2 black
queens, 2 red queens.
6+ Armored Skeletons
4+ Ghouls
2+ Ice Spiders
2+ Snow Trolls
1 Adult Dragon “The Destroyer”

Your Seekers have discovered the ruins

known as the Old Palace. A broken and
sad version of a once vibrant and
beautiful mansion, this location is said to
contain many powerful artifacts as well
as loads of treasure of all kinds.
Investigate these ruins to find as much
loot as you can, but the clock is ticking.
After 10 turns a powerful blizzard will hit
the area and trap you all. Get in and get
out within the time limit to keep your new
found treasures or die in the frozen city!!

Place ruined terrain of any shapes and sizes all over the board per normal. Place 6 treasure tokens
randomly around the board making sure that no token is closer than 10 inches from any other
token or from the warband’s starting positions. Place an Armored Skeleton in each corner of the
Shuffle your Event Deck of cards and place them off to the side of the table.

At the end of each Creature Phase, draw a card from the Event Deck, and immediately apply its
effect/follow any instructions from its corresponding description on the Event Deck Table.
Anytime a treasure token is investigated, roll a d20 and refer to the Treasure Token Table.
Immediately apply any effect or acquire any item found. If an item listed as ‘Artifact’ is rolled
and has already been acquired, disregard this roll and roll again.
At the end of the scenario, each character gains:
+1 XP for each Armored Skeleton they destroy.
+4 XP for each Ice Spider they destroy.
+10 XP for each Ghoul they destroy.
+16 XP for each Snow Troll they destroy.
+10 XP for each treasure token investigated.
+5 XP for each spell cast successfully.
+5 XP if the Destroyer flies over the table.
+5 XP if the Destroyer lands in your line of sight.
+10 XP if you fail a Will Check versus the Destroyer.
+50 XP if you slay the Destroyer.


1-2 Replace this token with an Armored Skeleton and have it attack immediately!
3-4 You have found an Artifact known as Virion’s Mail. This intricate chain mail armor makes you
immune to poison as long as you are wearing it.
5-6 Replace this token with a Ghoul and have it attack immediately!
7-8 You find a small cloth sack filled with 200 gold crowns.
9-10 You find a magic item! Roll on the Magic Item Table.
11-12 You hear a sizzling sound and a loud pop! You are instantly teleported back to the starting point!
13-14 You have found an Artifact known as the Tome of Oorahnus. This grimoire contains 6 random
spells. Roll on the Random Spell Table to find them.
15-16 You find a magic weapon/armor. Roll on the Magic Weapon and Armor Table.
17-18 Replace this token with a Snow Troll and have it attack immediately!
19-20 You find a small chest filled with 200 gold crowns!! Roll again!


Black Ace The Destroyer flies over the table surveying her dominion. Each character makes a Will
Check (Target Number 10). Any character who fails this check must miss their next
Red Ace Place a Snow Troll on a random corner of the table.
Black King The Destroyer lands in a random quarter of the table. Any character in line-of-sight of
her must make a Will Check (TN10). Any character who fails this check must miss their
next activation. She activates during the Creature Phase. When the next event card is
drawn, the Destroyer takes flight and disappears over the horizon.
Red King Place an Ice Spider at each corner of the table.
Black Queen Place an Armored Skeleton at each corner of the table.
Red Queen Place a Ghoul at each corner of the table.
The Destroyer Adult Dragon
Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
+7 +0 15 +8 26
Notes Large, Flying (ignore terrain for purposes of movement), Powerful (treat as using
two-handed weapon), Immune to Poison, Elemental Damage Resistance +2, Breathe
Fire, Horrific, Immune to Critical Hits, Immune to Mind Control, Self-Preservation.

Breathe Fire requires the dragon to spend an action, but this action can replace its move action. To breathe fire,
the dragon simply picks the closest enemy within line of sight. The target, plus any other figures within 2” and
line of sight, all suffer a +5 elemental magic shooting attack.

June 8, 2023

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