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The bones town

(solo player game)

Table of 3x3’

The game takes place in a cemetery area of felstad covered by a thick fog where ancient warriors and
wizards rest. do not disturb their sleep. The table should present a ruined city full of ruins and cemetery
areas. Place 1 treasure in the center of the table and 4 treasures at least 10 'from each corner of the table.

Special rules

The thick fog offers limited visibility, the line of sight, even for spells is reduced to 12 '. Every time you get a
treasure, roll a d20. With a result of 1-6 you normally get the treasure and nothing happens. Con7-10
appear in contact with the treasure two skeletons, one of which is armed with a bow with 11-18 two
skeletons in armor and 1 with bow with 19-20 A major demon that can use the Reveals death spell at 10+ if
a creature or demon has an enemy in line of sight, it will always strike if it can reach the nearest enemy and
then move towards him. If the creature has no enemies in line of sight it will move as usual in the creature

Thresure and experience

thresure give 50pt exp
Mage get 20 pt exp for each skeleton killed
Mage get 70 pt exp for each demons killed.
The goblin’s lair
(solo player game)


the game takes place on a 47x70 inch table the table must represent a maze of multi-storey structures
connected to each other by stairs, bridges and wooden planks. Scattered around the city are different types
of traps placed by hidden goblins. The goal of the game is to try to cross the city (from short side to short
side) attracting as little as possible the attention of the horde of goblins that infest it but trying to take the
huge amount of treasure accumulated by the goblins

special rule

Place at least 8 scenes / buildings: each time a figure enters a building, roll a D20: with a result of 1-6 a trap
is activated. Roll on the table to see what happens. With a result of 7-13 the goblins appear in the center of
the building, on the same level as the figure. Roll a D20 on the table to determine how many goblins come
in. With a result of 14-20 you will find a treasure.

Trap table:
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
2 hit point 4 hit point 6 hit point 8 hit point

Goblin table
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
2 3 4 5

Thresure and experience

If you will get at least 2 threasure you will get 100pt exp
If you will get at least 5 threasure you will get 350 pt exp
If you will get at least 8 threasure you will get 600pt exp
30pt exp for each goblin killed by the mage

Goblin Warrior
6 +1 +0 8 +0 3 A Goblin can climb without penalty

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