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The Eye of Fatima

A Frostgrave solitaire campaign written by Nevin Ball

and as seen on The Fantasy Skirmisher YouTube Channel.

Campaign Instructions
 The Eye of Fatima uses the following sequence-of-play:
1. Wizard Phase
2. Creature Phase 1 – Wraiths activate
3. Apprentice Phase
4. Creature Phase 2 – All cultists activate, then creatures other than wraiths.
5. Soldier Phase
 Use the Closely Connected Scenarios rules (Perilous Dark, page 65). Exception: If your
wizard’s health is ever reduced to or below zero, the campaign ends in failure. Read the
Quest Failed paragraph below.
 One out-of-game spell may be cast before each scenario.
 Treasure and supplies do not impede movement. Any acquired treasure may be rolled after
each scenario and may be rolled on the regular Treasure Table in the core rulebook or once
per scenario in any other supplement.
 Use the Creature Rules found in Perilous Dark (pg. 14). Non-cultist creatures will move
toward and/or attack a cultist if it is the nearest figure. Cultists will ignore other creatures
unless in base contact.
 Add the Tome of Murmurs to your wizards starting equipment (uses one slot).
 Optional: Characters can spend one action to search a dead cultist or zombie. Replace killed
cultists and zombies with a token. After the body is searched, remove the token from the
d20 Body Search Table
1-5 Nothing!
6-8 3 GCs
9-11 9 GCs
12-14 15 GCs
15-17 Potion of Toughness (+1 armor)
18-20 Potion of Healing (restores 5 health)
 Optional: The New York City Frostgrave Club made challenge coins for its members. These
coins also serve a game function! Once per game, a player possessing the coin may place it
on the table to re-roll one die. This is known as a Fate Roll. The player must accept the
second roll.

Scenario 1: No Grave Left Unturned

The Tome of Murmurs, scavenged in an earlier expedition, tells of a powerful relic called the
Eye of Fatima. According to the tome, a secret society known as The Open Hand was based in
Feldstad and used the relic to infiltrate and influence powerful institutions and monarchies
across the realms. They were eventually exposed and hunted down mercilessly, but the Eye of
Fatima was never recovered. After extensive research, you think you are close to determining its
location. According to the tome, two artifacts - the Deciphering Medallion and Shadow Key -
are needed to recover the relic. You have been searching for them well past the time you
usually stay in the Frozen City and your provisions are getting low. Also, it seems you are not
the only one looking for the powerful relic. You’ve had several encounters with cultists which
gives you reason to believe you are on the right track. Storm clouds are darkening the horizon
and your supplies dwindling, so there is no time to waste. Your search takes you to the far
outskirts of Feldstad. You come across a small cemetery and notice that the graves have been
dug up. The bodies of several cultists lay scattered indicating a recent struggle. You examine a
body near the cemetery gate and conclude that they are members of The Open Hand! A
glimmer of light catches your eye within a copse of trees on the opposite corner of the cemetery,
so you decide to investigate. As your party moves into the cemetery, skeletons suddenly rise
from the ground and dug up coffins. They are not happy that their eternal slumber has been

This scenario is played on a 2x2’ table. The edges of the table are assumed to be fenced in with
stone with spiked iron bars. Place a gate in a corner of the bottom edge of the table. The
warband sets up within 3” the gate entrance. Place several trees on the opposite corner of the
table. In the middle of this wooded area, place a forgotten sarcophagus. The rest of the table
should be covered with appropriate cemetery terrain such as gravestones, tombs, statuary,
trees, etc. Place five numbered spawn tokens next to five of the gravestones. One should be in
the center of the table. The other four should each be about 8” away from the center one so that
they form an ‘X’. Place one skeleton at each of the five spawn points. Two of them are skeleton
archers and are placed at any spawn point furthest away from the cemetery gate. Place the
bodies of three cultists within 6” of the center spawn token (the bodies may be searched). Place
three giant rats, adjacent to one of the bodies.

Special rules:
 At the end of each turn, roll a d6 to determine the spawn point location. If you roll a 6 when
determining the spawn point, roll again for placement and add a skeleton in addition to
whatever creature(s) you roll. (Repeat if necessary). Then roll another d6 and consult the
table below:
d6 Creature (standard game) Creature (challenge level)
1 Giant Rats (3) Skeleton
2 Skeleton Armored Skeleton
3 Skeleton and Giant Rat Skeleton Archer
4 Skeleton Archer Ghoul
5 Armored Skeleton Ghouls (2)
6 Ghoul Banshee
 Opening the forgotten sarcophagus requires one or more members of your warband to be
adjacent to it and takes two actions to open. For example, 1) a soldier uses his second action
to move adjacent to the sarcophagus. On his next turn, he spends both his actions opening
the sarcophagus. 2) A soldier moves next to the sarcophagus and spends his second action
to open it. Another soldier then moves adjacent to the sarcophagus and spends her second
action to open it. The sarcophagus is now opened.
 When the sarcophagus is opened, place the Wraith Knight of the Keyman anywhere
adjacent to it (see bestiary below). After the Keyman is killed, it drops three items that may
be picked up: 1) A magic two-handed weapon +1 Fight, 2) the Shadow Key and 3) the
Deciphering Medallion. The Deciphering Medallion must be given to your wizard after the
scenario is over. Each item uses one slot.
 Keep track of the turns. Members of your warband that don’t exit the opposite side of the
table by the end of turn 12 will be able to enter Scenario 2 during the Soldier Phase on turn 2
and can use their two actions at that time.

Objective & game end: You win the scenario by recovering the Deciphering Medallion and
Shadow Key, then exiting through the gate you entered with your wizard and the items by the
end of turn 12 (to seek shelter before the approaching storm hits).

Treasure and Experience:

In addition to the Experience Table on page 83 of the 2nd edition rulebook, you gain:
 40XP for killing the Wraith Knight of the Keyman and recovering the Deciphering
Medallion and Shadow Key.
 5XP for each member of the warband that exits the opposite edge of the board (from where
you started) before turn 12.

Scenario 2: Caravan of the Dead

After escaping the cemetery, you find shelter in a ruin just as the storm is upon you; the snow
and wind is relentless. As you ride it out, you consider your situation. The storm has slowed
your progress and your provisions are nearly gone. Soldiers fight for pay and the promise of
treasure, but these things so do not sustain them in the field. Your warband must eat. You
should head back to your home base, but now that you recovered the Deciphering Medallion
and Shadow Key, you feel that you are close to your goal. Complicating matters, scouts from
The Open Hand are trailing you and block the way back to your home base. As you
contemplate your next move, the scout you sent to recon the area interrupts your thoughts. She
reports finding a catch of supplies about a mile away. This is a godsend, as it would allow you
to keep moving toward your prize, the Eye of Fatima. There is one catch. The former owners
are guarding the supplies they’ll never use. They have all been turned… zombies!

This scenario is played on a 2.5x2.5’ table covered with terrain, not too dense, with a clearing
(open space) in the center. Place four supplies (sacks, crates, barrels, or tokens) and one
treasure in the middle of the clearing. Place ten zombies within a 3” radius of the supplies.
Your warband starts within 3” of the south table edge.

Special Rules:
 Range and LOS is limited 10” due to the snowstorm.
 Your exhausted party suffers from -1 movement during the entire scenario because of the
wind and snow.
 Supplies take one action each to pick up and take up one slot.
 Cultists:
o At the end of each turn, one or more cultists will enter the center of a random map
o To determine how many cultists, enter, roll a d6: 1-2 = 1 cultist; 3-5 = 2 cultists; 6 = 3
 Zombies
o A Zombie will not activate in Creature Phase 2 until a member of your warband, or a
cultist is within 10” and in line-of-sight.
o Zombies will attack the cultists if they are the closest enemy. However, if one of
your models is of equal distance, you will be the target of the attack. Cultists will
always prioritize your warband over zombies. That is, they will move toward or
attack one of your models even if a zombie is closer.
o These zombies are quite infectious! If a character or cultist is wounded by a zombie,
he/she will lose one point of health each turn before they take their first action.
While still alive, characters may be healed from the effects of a zombie bite by using
a Heal spell/potion or exiting the opposite edge of the map. If the bitten character
reaches zero health, replace it with zombie miniature which will activate in Creature
Phase 2 of the following turn. Characters that become zombies are dead and will not
roll on the Survival Table after the scenario.

Objective & game end: You win the scenario if you exit the opposite edge of the board with
your wizard and two or more supply tokens. You lose otherwise and the campaign is over (you
had to turn back to base camp).

Treasure and Experience:

In addition to the Experience Table on page 83 of the 2nd edition rulebook, you gain:
 10XP for each supply token carried off the north edge of the board.
If the treasure is recovered, roll once on the Magic Weapon and Armour Table on page 98. The
item may be used in the next scenario.

Scenario 3: The Traitor Among Us

The dark skies are clearing, and you are well provisioned. Travelling deep into mountainous
country outside Frostgrave, you spot a rune covered obelisk atop a rocky outcrop that matches
the description in the Tome of Murmurs. Yet again, The Open Hand seems to anticipate your
every move and are closing in to attack. Unbeknownst to you, one of the cultists had infiltrated
your warband – there is a traitor in your midst!
This scenario is played on a 3x3’ table. In the center of the table, place a hill or rocky outcrop
then place an obelisk on the top of it. The rest of the table should have wilderness scatter
terrain such as rocks, trees, etc. The north edge of the map is to be considered unpassable
mountainous terrain. Your warband starts within three inches of the southern edge of the map.
Roll a d6 and place five cultists on the center of the west (d1-3) or east (d4-6) edge of the table.
At least one of the cultists must be armed with a bow or crossbow.

Special Rules:
 Five cultists enter the table on turn 2 during Creature Phase 2. Roll a d6 to determine what
center edge they enter: west (1-2), south (3-4), east (5-6). At least one of the cultists must be
armed with a bow or crossbow. If the cultists don’t have LOS to any members of your
warband, then they move toward the obelisk.
 The wizard activates the obelisk by reading the magical runes on the Deciphering
Medallion. To do so requires spending one action in base contact with the obelisk and
succeeding a Will Roll (TN=16). Note: Reading the runes must be done by the wizard as it is
still beyond the ability of the apprentice.
 After the obelisk is activated, its top begins to glow and shoots a beam of light at the sheer
mountain face, exposing a secret entrance on the north side of the table. Place a door on the
center edge. The warband will then have two turns, including the turn it was activated, to
use the Shadow Key to open (for one action) the revealed door before the beam of light
stops and the door becomes hidden once more. The wizard may reactivate the column if
 Whenever the obelisk is activated, roll on the Random Encounter Table below. Roll a d6 to
determine what center edge they enter: west (1-2), south (3-4), east (5-6).

Random Encounter Table

d20 roll Encounter d20 roll Encounter
1 Snow Leopard 11 Skeleton Archer
2 Bear 12 Armored Skeleton
3 Ice Spider 13 Gnolls (2)
4 Ice Toad 14 Gnolls (3)
5 Boar 15 The Open Hand Cultist
6 White Gorilla 16 The Open Hand Cultists (2)
7 Wolves (2) 17 The Open Hand Cultists (3)
8 Wolves (3) 18 Snow Troll
9 Wolves (4) 19 Giant Worm
10 Zombie 20 Frost Giant

 After the obelisk is first activated, the cultist spy reveals his hand (pun intended) at the
beginning of Creature Phase 1. The lowest cost surviving soldier in your warband is the
traitor. If you have more than one (e.g., a 20gc thief and a thug), determine the traitor
randomly. That soldier is now a cultist (using his original stats) and activates in the turn’s
Creature Phase 1. The traitor will then activate in Creature Phase 2 in all subsequent turns.
Note: If the traitor has the Shadow Key, you must kill him or her then spend an action to
search the body and retrieve the key. Also, if a warband member has the key and is knocked
out (health reduced to zero) an adjacent member of your warband may do a search action to
retrieve the key.
Objective: Activate the obelisk/column/runestone then enter the north edge mountainside
through the secret entrance.

Treasure & Experience:

In addition to the Experience Table on page 83 of the 2nd edition rulebook, you gain:
 40XP for activating the obelisk.
 5XP for each member of the warband who exits the north edge of the table through the
secret door.

Scenario 4: The Eye of Fatima

Into the mountain, you enter the blackness of an unlit stairway. You create a magical light as
your party works their way upwards until you reach an entrance into a catacomb. Eerie light
illuminates the catacomb which appear to come from fissures in the ceiling that serve as natural
skylights. It’s time to begin your search…

This scenario uses the 3’x3’
Dungeon Liar mat from Cigar
Box Battle Mats. Of course,
7.5x7.5” 4x8.5”
you are free to create your own layout. Osprey Publishing offers free terrain downloads that
you can use for this scenario as well. The weblinks are listed below. The corridors are 3 inches
wide except for the one shown. The room sizes are approximate, so feel free to adjust as you see
fit if you are not using this mat.

Room exploration uses a deck of playing cards. Pull out an ace (1) and cards 2-6. Set the 6 card
aside and shuffle the deck. Draw two cards then shuffle the 6 card in with them. Put these
cards underneath
9x9” the other three cards to form your draw deck. (This ensures that you have to
explore at least three rooms before finding the library/study).

Place a Balista II construct (Perilous Dark, pg. 87) in alcoves A and B.

They are inactive until activated by a room event. In the tomb, place a
sarcophagus in the center of the room and place a treasure chest on the back wall of
the tomb. The treasure chest contains the Eye of Fatima and can only be opened,
for one action, after the Wraith of the Keeper is destroyed.

Special Rules:
 The tomb and alcoves A & B do not have doors but are blocked by metal bars. There is no
way to open them unless you find a way by searching rooms.
 Doors take one action to open or to close. When a door is first opened, draw a playing card
to determine the room and its set-up per the room table below.
 Use the Random Encounters rule on page 176 of the rulebook. When a treasure token is
picked up, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or more, a wondering monster is placed as close to a
warband member as possible and is out of line-of-site. Roll a d6 to determine the creature:
Roll Creature
1 Giant Rat
2 Giant Rats x2
3 Ice Toad
4 Ice Toad
5 Ice Spider
6 Cultist (Who managed to enter the secret door while it was revealed).

Room Chart
Room # When you open a door to an unexplored room, pull a chit from the cup and
consult this table.
1 (ace) This was a kitchen & dining area has been overrun with rats! Place five giant
rats adjacent to each other in any room corner. After the rats are defeated, a
character may search the room by spending one action. Roll a d6: 1-4 nothing, 5-
6 treasure token. The room may only be searched once.
2 Spider silk covers the floors and walls of the room. Place three ice spiders, one
in each corner, except the one closest to the door. Venom may be extracted from
killed spiders and costs one action per spider. The venom may be sold for
35GC each after the campaign.
3 This supply room contains piles of barrels and crates. Two ice toads (rulebook,
pg. 180) sit in the center of the room. Place one treasure token on the far side of
the room from where you entered.
4 This armory is guarded by two armored skeletons and one skeleton archer.
Place one treasure token on the far side of the room from where you entered.
After this treasure is picked-up, roll once on the Magic Weapons and Armor
table (rulebook, page 98). This item is available for immediate use.
5 This was an alchemy room. Place two small vapor snakes (Perilous Dark, pg.
96) in the center of the room and a treasure in one corner of the room. After this
treasure is picked-up, roll once on the Lesser Potions table on page 86 of the
Frostgrave, 2nd ed. rulebook. This item is available for immediate use.
6 This was a library and study. You notice a lever on the wall opposite of the
door. A character standing adjacent to a wall in the room, for one action, can
pull the lever. After doing so, two things happen: 1) Make a Will Roll TN=12. If
the roll fails, a poison dart shoots from the wall and makes a +5 shooting attack
against the character who pulled the lever. 2) Your party hears metal grinding
as the bars that sealed the tomb and the alcoves (A&B) sink into the floor. These
areas are now accessible. The two Ballista II’s are now activated and move in
Creature Phase 2. They will move towards the tomb if they don’t have LOS to
one of your warband. Place the Wraith of the Keeper adjacent to the
Sarcophagus. The wraith will not leave the confines of its tomb unless it has
LOS to a member of your warband.

Objective: Recover the Eye of Fatima then read “Quest Completed” below.
Treasure & Experience:
In addition to the Experience Table on page 83 of the 2nd edition rulebook, you gain:
 75XP for killing the Wraith of The Keeper and recovering the Eye of Fatima.
The Eye of Fatima is a magnificent, golden amulet with powerful, magical properties. You may
activate the Eye of Fatima as an action to control any non-wizard/apprentice character or
creature within line of sight for one turn. No casting roll is needed, and it doesn’t require a
wizard or apprentice to use. The target does not make any Will rolls. The Eye of Fatima can only
be used once per scenario.

Quest Completed
Congratulations! The prize is in your hands! The journey to your home base is arduous, but you
eventually make it back safely. All the best on your continued adventurers in the Frozen City!

Quest Failed
As your consciousness fades, the last thing you remember is a cultist leaning over you, taking
the Tome of Murmurs (and Deciphering Medallion and Shadow Key if you have it) that led you
on your quest to find the Eye of Fatima. It is then you realize that the illuminati referred to in
the ancient book is the same one that has been tracking you – The Open Hand! They have been
seeking their lost relic and you have unwittingly helped them.

The Open Hand, having recovered the Eye of Fatima, can now begin their work of infiltrating
the upper echelons of the ruling class and wielding power behind a curtain of secrecy.

Cultist of The Open Hand
M F S A W H Notes
6 +2 +2 10 +7 10 Can be armed with either a hand
weapon OR a missile weapon &

Wraith Knight of the Keyman

M F S A W H Notes
6 +3 +0 12 +5 14 Undead, Immaterial (can move
through terrain), Immune to
Control Undead, Drain Life Force
(all attacks do double damage).
Non-magic weapons do half
damage, rounded down)

Wraith of the Keeper

M F S A W H Notes
6 +2 +0 10 +5 10 Undead, Immaterial (can move
through terrain), Immune to
Control Undead, Drain Life Force
(all attacks do double damage).
Immune to non-magic weapons.

Zombie - Infectious
M F S A W H Notes
4 +0 +0 12 +2 6 Undead. Zombie Bite (see special

Design Notes:
I hope you enjoyed this adventure. The Eye of Fatima evolved from a single one-off scenario I
wrote in 2018 called Supply Run (renamed Caravan of the Dead) and featured gnolls instead of
cultists. In anticipation of Perilous Dark being released, I decided to expand the scenario it into
a campaign.

Inspiration came from many sources. The Open Hand was inspired by the Illuminati in popular
culture and in Indiana Jones. Their name was inspired by one of the fictional Hackmaster RPG
groups, The Black Hands, in the excellent comic, Knights of the Dinner Table published by Kenzer
& Co. When pondering a cool sounding name for the relic, the song Eye of Fatima by Camper
van Beethoven came to mind. Having my dungeon being naturally lit by outside light peeking
through holes or fissures was inspired by my family trip to Switzerland in 2019. Mount Pilatus
has tunnels dug into it and they are lit by holes dug out through the sides of the mountain.
These fissures also explain how creatures such as rats and ice toads were able to get into the
sealed dungeon. The idea of searching bodies came from my favorite video game, Elder Scrolls
V: Skyrim. (dungeon mat)

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