Lich Lord Solo Campaign 2-9

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The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Two: Battle on the River (Location 82 on Kindle)

 Kill Mage and recover his treasure
 Defeat all enemies (+50 Experience)

Enemy Army
Armored Skeleton Summoner: 4
+10 Experience for each
=Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 12 +0 1

Zombie Troll: 2
Sword +2 Damage
+15 Experience for Each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
4 +4 +0 14 +2 10

Orc Archer: 2
Sword +2 Damage
+20 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +4 10 +3 15

Human Mage (servant of the Lich Lord)

Elemental Bolt – Roll a 12 or more to successfully cast. Caster may make a +8 shooting attack against any
figure in line of sight
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 12 +5 14

*** If the treasure carried by the mage is recovered, roll twice on the Lich Lord Treasure Table

Ice Hazard: Any time a figure wants to move for a second time in the same activation, it must
first roll a die and add its Fight value. If the result is 10 or more, the figure moves as normal. If the
total is less than 10, however, the figure slips on the ice. It immediately takes one point of damage
and has to spend the rest of the action getting back to its feet (essentially, the action is lost).
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Three: Loot the Cart (Location 118 on Kindle)

 Defeat all enemies and collect all treasures to earn an extra 100 gc

Enemy Army

Death Cultist: 4
 only magic weapons cause damage)

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

6 +0 +0 10 +5 10

The death cultists do not follow the normal rules for creatures. Instead, they will remain standing
next to the cart and will not move except to force combat or move into combat with someone in
contact with the cart. A cultist will always move and attack the closest figure that is touching the
cart. If a death cultist wins a combat, they will push back the opposing figure and not take a
second action if one is left.

Orc Archer: 3
Sword +2 Damage
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +4 10 +3 15

Ghoul: 4
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 10 +2 10

During the creature phase of the third turn, four ghouls appear on the board, in the center of
one of the board edges not used for player entry. These ghouls follow all of the standard rules for

Set Up
 Place 3 Orc Archers on opposite side from where warband begins
 Set up the board as per a normal game of Frostgrave
 Place two treasure tokens in random locations
 Place a broken down cart containing four treasure tokens.
 Place four death cultists in contact with the wagon, one facing each board edge.
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Four: The Storm of Undeath (Location 142 on Kindle)

Snow Storm Rules

 The maximum line-of-sight in the scenario is 16”

 Due to the wind and poor visibility all ranged attacks, magic or mundane, are at -4
 50 experience points if the wizard is inside the square when the lightning strikes.
 20experience points if the wizard enters the square for the first time after the lightning strikes.

 At the End of the third turn, see the special rules section (location 142)

• Destroy all Enemy Bandits and recover as much treasure before round 12 ends (use a
die). At this point the storm becomes so strong that anyone left on the map gets
separated and loses any treasure they may have.

Enemy Army

Armored Skeleton: 6
+10 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 12 +0 1
 Follows normal creature rules
 Foes to ALL other figures and creatures

Frost Giant: 2
+25 Experience
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +5 +0 15 +4 25
 Immune to critical hits.

Frost Wraith: 4
+10 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2/+4 +0 10 +3 6

Icy Grip: +2 fight when fighting living creatures

The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Five: Run of the Rangifer (Location 176 on Kindle)

Rangifer: 6 (+1 fight, and attacks count as magic when fighting undead creatures)
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
7 +2 +0 12 +3 12

 Defeat the Wraith Knight and keep as many Rangifer creatures on the map
 Have no more than 3 random encounters remaining at the end (+40 experience)

Wraith Knight: 1
+50 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +3 +0 10 +5 10
 All attacks do double damage
 See Special Rules (Location 176)

Roll for random encounter at end of each round

Roll Result: 1-6 no encounter

Armored Skeleton
+10 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 12 +0 1

Zombie Troll
Sword +2 Damage
+15 Experience for Each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
4 +4 +0 14 +2 10

Orc Archer
Sword +2 Damage
+20 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +4 10 +3 15
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Six: The House of Longreach (Location 205 on Kindle)

 At the beginning of the creature phase on the third turn, four death cultists and a zombie troll
enter via the center point of a random board edge that wasn’t used as one of the starting edges
for one of the players.
 These creatures follow all of the normal rules for creatures except that, should these creatures
be in a position to roll for random movement, they will instead use all of their movement to
move to the nearest doorway.
 Any death cultists who reach the doorway will be transported through to the treasure room, as
the Lich Lord has provided them with a magic key that will ensure they travel to the right place.
 As undead, the zombie troll cannot use the doors. Once he reaches a doorway, he will behave
like a normal creature for the rest of the game.
 Death cultists that reach the treasure room will move into the center of the room and wait there
to attack any members of a warband.

Frost Wraith: 2
+10 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2/+4 +0 10 +3 6

Icy Grip: +2 fight when fighting living creatures

Roll for random encounter at end of each round

Death Cultist: 4
 only magic weapons cause damage)

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

6 +0 +0 10 +5 10

Zombie Troll: 1
Sword +2 Damage
+15 Experience for Each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
4 +4 +0 14 +2 10
Magic Portal Table
d20 roll Effect
1-10 The figure is immediately transported to one of the other five doorways on the
main table. Roll randomly to determine which. The figure may use whatever
remaining movement it has and take any remaining actions
11-13 The figure takes 2 points of damage, but nothing else happens.
14-15 The figure takes 2 points of damage, but any spell it casts in this turn or the next
receives a +5 bonus to its casting roll. Otherwise, nothing else happens.
16 The figure is transported to a building in another part of Frostgrave. It takes no
further part in this game, though it makes it back to its home base in time for the
next game
17-20 The figure is transported to the treasure room. Remove the figure from the board.
During its next activation, it may use an action to move into the treasure room from
the doorway.
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Seven: Lair of the Ghoul King (Location 264 on Kindle)

 Due to the darkness of the chamber, the maximum line-of-sight for this scenario is 12”
 The edges of the board count as impassable terrain in this scenario
 To open up an exit, one of the players must move a figure onto the Ghoul King’s throne and
then spend an action to pull one of the levers he finds there
 As soon as this is done, a 2”- wide doorway is opened up in the center of a random board edge.
A figure may continue to spend actions to keep pulling levers until a doorway is opened in all
four board edges. Each action spent will open a door, so four actions will always open them all

The Ghoul King

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

8 +4 +0 12 +6 14

1. Will not move from his throne until a warband figure gets within line-of-sight.
2. Regardless of the actual terrain piece, the Ghoul King has line-of-sight in every direction
while seated on his throne.
3. After he sees a warband member, he follows the standard rules for a creature for the rest of
the game.

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 10 +2 10

 At the beginning of each creature phase, a ghoul crawls up out of one of the trapdoors.
Roll randomly to determine which one.
 A ghoul will not come out of a trapdoor that has a member of a warband standing directly
on top of it. In this case, re-roll to see from which trapdoor the ghoul emerges.
 Additionally, roll a d20 – if result is 5-15 another ghoul has dropped from the ceiling. Place it
at least 6” away from all characters in the warband

Treasure and Experience

Treasure is determined normally for the scenario with the following addition:

 If a figure manages to kill the Ghoul King, it immediately gains the Amulet of the Ghoul King This
item may take the figure over its normally allotted item slots until the end of the scenario at
which point items may be rearranged amongst members of the warband as normal. This item
does not count as ‘treasure’ for the purposes of movement or experience. It may be handed to
another member of the warband within 1” with either the giver or receiver spending an action
to make the exchange. If the Ghoul King is killed outside of hand-to-hand combat, leave the
figure’s body on the board. The first warband member to come into base contact with the body
takes the amulet.


Determined normally for this scenario with the following additions:

 25 experience points if the wizard manages to exit the board.

 75 experience points for the wizard whose warband kills the Ghoul King.
 10 experience points for each door opened by the wizard’s warband.
 10 experience points for each ghoul killed by a member of the wizard’s warband.


 May not be purchased, but it may be sold for 500gc

 The Amulet of the Ghoul King gives the wearer a +1 to all Will rolls.
 Furthermore, it grants a +2 to the casting roll when casting Control Undead on a ghoul.
 Finally, if the wearer successfully casts a Raise Zombie spell Out of Game, then a ghoul may be
added to his warband in place of a zombie.
 The warband may still only have one zombie or ghoul in the warband at any one time.
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Eight: The Dark Cauldron (Location 313 on Kindle)

Set Up

1. In the center of the board, set up an area, about 8” square, bordered by broken walls with lots
of holes and access points. In the center of this square, place a large cauldron, surrounded by
five death cultists.
2. The rest of the board should be set up as normal. Treasure and starting warband placement
follow the rules for a standard game of Frostgrave.

Special Rules
 At the beginning of every creature phase place one zombie on top of the cauldron. It will move
as normal in the turn it appears.
 Because of the persistent fog, line-of-sight is reduced to 16” for this game.
 If a figure is in base contact with the cauldron it may spend one action to tip it over.
 The figure can use this action as an attack against any other figure within 1” of the cauldron.
 This counts as a +8 shooting attack, but does no damage to undead or constructs.
 Once a figure has tipped over the cauldron, it will not produce any more zombies.

 If the game ends with all five of the death cultists dead, the warband may choose to load up the
cauldron on the abandoned sledge and take it back to their base, gaining the Dark Cauldron
magic item. Or they may destroy it.

DARK CAULDRON: functions as an addition to a wizard’s base. The Dark Cauldron provides a +1 to all
Create Zombie and Revenant spells cast Out of Game. The Dark Cauldron may be sold for 250gc.

Death Cultist: 5
 only magic weapons cause damage)

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

6 +0 +0 10 +5 10

Zombie Troll
Sword +2 Damage

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

4 +4 +0 14 +2 10
The Lich Lord Solo Variant Campaign

Scenario Nine: The Bone Wheel (Location 346 on Kindle)

Set Up

 Place some sort of circle or wheel in the middle of the table. The wheel should be approximately
6” in diameter.
 Six treasure tokens should be placed evenly around the edge of the wheel.
 The rest of the board should be covered in terrain as for a normal game of Frostgrave.
 The warband should set up in a corner of the board, deploying within 8” of its starting corner.
The other corner is a band of 5 Armored Skeletons (immune to the banshees’ wail) intent on
getting hold of the treasures as well.
 Two banshees are then then placed on the board, 6” away from the edge of the wheel on a
direct line with the warband’s starting corner.


 Can move through terrain

 Immune to non-magic attacks/weapons

Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health

9 +0 +0 10 +5 10

 will never willingly attack a living creature, their constant soul-shattering wail can harm and
even kill the living
 if they can, they will always make a random movement for their first action, regardless of
their distance or line-of-sight to any other figures
 If they have a second action, they will use their WAIL: every model within 6” must make a
Will roll against a target of 10. Any model that does not succeed with this roll takes damage
equal to the amount by which they failed.

Armored Skeleton: 5
+10 Experience for each
Movement Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 +2 +0 12 +0 1
Special Rules

1. The banshees will never move further than 12” from the wheel
2. Due to the magical nature of the wheel, it is impossible to climb on it. It also blocks all line-of-
3. At the end of each turn, the wheel rotates 60 degrees clockwise, essentially moving each
treasure token one place clockwise. For all practical purposes, there is no point in moving the
wheel until at least one treasure token has been taken.


 20 experience points for each banshee killed by the wizard’s warband.

 5 experience points for each armored skeleton killed
20 experience points for any wizard who comes into base contact with the Bone Wheel
Creature Reaction Tables for Scenario 2
Use only when creature is NOT engaged in combat
All result count as both actions.

Scenario Two

d20 Armored Skelton Summoner Action d20 Zombie Troll Action

1-3 Summons another Armored Skeleton. 1 Adds +3 to first movement
Appears in an adjacent space
4-5 Extra Sense (move toward closest enemy 2-4 Will move toward nearest treasure and
regardless of terrain and distance) take, if enough actions remain.
6 Adds +1 to health (can only do once) 5-7 Adds +2 fight through next turn
7-8 Gains +2 armor through next round 8 Does absolutely 0 actions
9-10 Move toward any figures on an elevated 9-10 Gains an extra action (can use for one
platform. Otherwise, moves in a random extra attack if applicable)
direction, going around obstructions
11-12 Loses an action this turn 11 Moves toward Wizard no matter the
distance or line of sight (lucky move)
13 Emits loud shrieks. Warband members 12-13 Distracted (-2 fight until end of next
within 20” make a Will test check of 10. round)
Failure does automatic 2 damage
14-17 Normal Creature Actions 14 Add +2 health (may exceed maximum)
18 Does absolutely 0 actions 15-18 Normal Creature Actions
19 Will move toward nearest treasure and 19 +2 Will and +2 Health rest of game
take, if enough actions remain
20 Ice Hazard (see bottom of Scenario 2 20 Ice Hazard (see bottom of Scenario 2
Sheet for rule) Sheet for rule)

d20 Orc Archer Action

1-4 Heads toward and climbs nearest perch
for ranged attacking
5 +1 shoot until end of next round
6-8 Heals self for +2 if needed
9-10 Makes 3 arrow shots at any targets (same
or different) within 20”
11-14 Normal Creature Actions
15 Ice Hazard (see bottom of Scenario 2
Sheet for rule)
16 Moves in a random direction
17 +2 armor through next round
18 Will move toward nearest treasure and
take, if enough actions remain Becomes soul mission until either
19-20 Will head toward to Mage and attempt to achieved or killed trying. ONLY
defeat and steal treasure one Orc may attempt at a time.
Creature Reaction Tables Scenario 4

Use only when creature is NOT engaged in combat

All result count as both actions.

Scenario Four

d20 Frost Wraith d20 Frost Giant

1-3 Makes a Will role of +12 or does 0 1 Adds +3 to first movement
actions. Otherwise normal creature
4-5 Extra Sense (move toward closest enemy 2-4 Will move toward nearest treasure and
regardless of terrain and distance) take, if enough actions remain.
6 Adds +1 to health (can only do once) 5-7 Grenade attack *** (see below)
7-8 Gains +2 fight through next round 8 Does absolutely 0 actions
9-10 Moves in a random direction, going 9-11 Gains an extra action (can use for one
around obstructions extra attack if applicable)
11-12 Loses an action this turn 12 Moves toward Wizard no matter the
distance or line of sight (lucky move)
13 Icy Emission: Warband members within 13-14 Make a Will role of +15 or lose 3 armor
14” make a Fight test check of 12. Failure for rest of game (once only)
does automatic 2 damage
14-17 Moves toward and engages in combat 15 Add +2 health: may exceed maximum
with nearest armored skeleton if possible (only once) – otherwise normal
creature actions
18-19 Gains an extra action 16-19 Normal Creature Actions +1 Action
20 Will move toward nearest treasure and 20 Move 12” away from nearest warband
take, if enough actions remain member (will break combat if
*** Grenade: Casting Number is 10 to successfully cast. The caster picks
a target point within 12”. Every figure, including allies, within 2” of that
point immediately suffers a +3 shooting attack.
Creature Reaction Tables Scenario 5

Use only when creature is NOT engaged in combat

All result count as both actions.

Scenario Five

d20 Armored Skelton Summoner Action d20 Zombie Troll Action

1-3 Summons another Armored Skeleton. 1 Adds +3 to first movement & heads
Appears in an adjacent space toward nearest Rangifer
4-5 Extra Sense (move toward closest enemy 2-4 Will move toward nearest treasure and
regardless of terrain and distance) take, if enough actions remain.
6 Adds +1 to health (can only do once) 5-7 Adds +2 fight through next turn
7-8 Gains +2 armor through next round 8 Does absolutely 0 actions
9-10 Move toward nearest Rangifer and 9-11 Gains an extra action (can use for one
attacks if possible extra attack if applicable)
11-12 Loses an action this turn 12 Moves toward Wizard no matter the
distance or line of sight (lucky move)
13 Emits loud shrieks. Warband members 13-14 Distracted (-2 fight until end of next
within 20” make a Will test check of 10. round)
Failure does automatic 2 damage
14-17 Normal Creature Actions 15 Add +2 health (may exceed maximum)
18-19 Does absolutely 0 actions 16-19 Normal Creature Actions
20 Will move toward nearest treasure and 20 +2 Will and +2 Health rest of game
take, if enough actions remain

d20 Orc Archer Action

1-4 Heads toward and climbs nearest perch
for ranged attacking
5 +1 shoot until end of next round
6-8 Heals self for +2 if needed
9-10 Makes 3 arrow shots at any targets (same
or different) within 20”
11-15 Normal Creature Actions
16 Does absolutely 0 actions
17 Moves in a random direction climbing
over obstacles if necessary
18 +2 armor through next round
19 Will move toward nearest treasure and
take, if enough actions remain
20 Will move toward the Wizard and engage Becomes soul mission until either
in combat if possible achieved or killed trying. ONLY
one Orc may attempt at a time.
All Purpose Creature Reaction Table

 Use only when creature is NOT engaged in combat

Situation First Action Second Action

Is creature in combat? Fight Move into or stay in
Is there a figure within Move towards figure Fight or move again
10” LOS?
None of the Above Roll on Table. Take Roll for a random move
action. Then check
situations again

d20 Creature Action

1 Distracted: -2 Fight for next time in combat (lasts only first round of that combat)

2 Summons an Armored Skeleton (stats above). Appears in an adjacent space

3 Swift: Add +3 to first movement

4 Extra Sense: move toward closest enemy regardless of terrain and distance

5 Stumble: all movement is halved

6 Adds +1 to permanent health (can only do once); otherwise re-roll

7 Gains +2 armor for next time in combat (lasts only first round of that combat)

8 Will move to and begin climbing nearest elevated platform over 2” high. If no platform is within
movement range, will move a random direction
9 Lucky Move: Moves toward Wizard no matter the distance or line of sight

10 Blind Toss: throws a grenade in random direction 12” with a blast radius of 5”
This throw goes over any obstacle less than 10”
Target(s) must make a Will Test of 10 or suffer 2 damage (armor cannot block)

11 Bewildered: Loses an action this turn

12 Frightened: All movement this turn is away from nearest warband figure
13 Intimidation: hollers and shrieks. Warband members within 20” make a Will Test check of 10.
Failure does automatic 2 damage
14 Normal Creature Actions

15 Heals self for +2 if needed (not to exceed maximum health)

16 Daydreaming: Does nothing this round

17 Camaraderie: Nearest ally gains a single action to move toward this figure

18 Motivated: Gains an extra action this turn

19 Will move toward nearest treasure and take, if enough actions remain

20 Disoriented: makes one attack against nearest ally (roll for both and resolve). If no ally within
movement and has no ranged attacked, will move in a random direction

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