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Interview of an Entrepreneur Marks: 55 see Mark Rubric

Due: April 26, 2011

The Assignment
The activities in this assignment are Iocused on you arranging and carrying out an interview oI an entrepreneur
Irom your community. This entrepreneur could represent a non- proIit enterprise or a commercial one, and
could be in manuIacturing, retailing, or service industries. You should try to interview a local entrepreneur or
take part in the Entrepreneurship Day on April 14, 2011 which will allow a number oI local entrepreneurs to be
available to you.

The Requirements
You can choose to do one oI the Iollowing:

1.Follow the guidelines Ior the interview and write a report based on the interview. The report should read
like a newspaper or magazine story on an entrepreneur, do not write the questions and then give the answer.
The report is to be at least 500 words, typed double spaced approximately three or Iour pages. Please include
a title page. Focus on the most relevant and interesting inIormation Irom the interview. Do not try to get
every piece oI inIormation Irom the interview onto paper. The report should stress the interesting Iacts, not
the mundane. Please reflect and comment on their entrepreneurial skills and characteristics. Please see
the mark rubric.

2.Do an oral presentation with a PowerPoint. The presentation should be a minimum oI Iive minutes and have
a minimum oI ten slides. Please reflect and comment on their entrepreneurial skills and characteristics.
Please see the mark rubric.

The Process

Step 1: Either take part in Entrepreneurship Day or contact a local entrepreneur and make an appointment. Be
sure to explain why you want the appointment and to give a realistic estimate oI how much time you will need.
Step 2: IdentiIy speciIic questions you would like to have answered and the general areas about which you
would like inIormation (This part is already done Ior Entrepreneurship Day). Using a combination oI open-
ended questions, such as general questions about how the entrepreneur got started, what happened next, and so
Iorth, and closed-ended questions, such as speciIic questions about what his or her goals were, iI he or she had
to Iind partners, and so Iorth, will help to keep the interview Iocussed and yet allow Ior unexpected comments
and insights. Choose at least two or three questions from each category.
Step 3: Conduct the interview. II both you and the person you are interviewing are comIortable, using a small
tape recorder during the interview can be oI great help to you later. Remember, too, that you most likely will
learn more iI you are an "interested listener."
Step 4: Evaluate what you have learned. Write down the inIormation you have gathered in some Iorm that will
be helpIul to you later on. Be as speciIic as you can. Jotting down direct quotes is more eIIective than
statements such as "highly motivated individual." And be sure to make a note oI what you did 349Iind out.
Step 5: Write a thank-you note. This is more than a courtesy; it will also help the entrepreneur to remember you
Iavourably should you want to Iollow up in some way on the interview.
Possible Entrepreneur Interview Questions

Background Information:
Basic Questions
1. What is your deIinition oI an entrepreneur?
2. Why did you choose to be an entrepreneur?
3. How do you motivate yourselI?
4. Why did you choose the type oI business you are presently in?
5. Have you been in any other type oI business that you owned ?
6. What are some oI the pros and cons oI being an entrepreneur ?
7. When did you Iirst decide that you wanted to work Ior yourselI?
8. What were your career plans when you graduated Irom high school?
9. How many hours do you work per week?
10. Do you enjoy doing something just to prove you can?
11. Do you believe that there should be security in a job?
12. Do you plan your tasks beIore getting started?
13. What are your hobbies?
14. How much time do you spend watching television?
15. How much time to you spend with Iriends and Iamily?
16. Do you Ieel that owning your own business has been worth the conIlicts that you had to deal with?

Background of the Entrepreneur
17. Were any oI your relatives or close Iriends involved in entrepreneurial activities?
a. II so, brieIly describe these activities.
18. Describe your secondary school education experience (courses taken, subjects liked, extracurricular activities, particularly as
these relate in some way to entrepreneurship).
a. Which oI these experiences proved valuable and which proved irrelevant to your present endeavour?
19. What previous types oI work experiences did you have?
a. How was this experience helpIul to you in relation to your present enterprise?
20. Had you any sales or marketing experience prior to starting your own enterprise?
a. How important was this experience, or lack thereoI, in starting your own enterprise?
21. How did you spot the opportunity or develop the idea Ior your enterprise?
22. What types oI goals did you have just prior to starting your own enterprise?
23. What type oI liIestyle did you have just prior to when you started your enterprise?
24. How did you evaluate your idea or opportunity in terms oI:
a. Market?
b. The competition?
c. Key elements oI success?
25. What type oI planning did you do prior to starting up?
26. How did you obtain the necessary Iunds to start up your enterprise?
27. Did you prepare an entrepreneurial plan prior to start-up?
a. (II answer is yes:) Was the plan helpIul in the preparation Ior your start-up?
b. What lessons did you learn Irom the preparation oI an entrepreneurial plan?
Operations (Early Stage)
28. How much capital was invested in your enterprise?
29. How long did you take to reach a positive cash-Ilow position (break-even point)?
30. How long did it take Ior your company to show a proIit?
31. What pressures did you Iace in the early stages oI your enterprise?
32. What type oI outside help were you able to obtain? (Lawyers, accountants, tax experts, patent and trademark specialists, etc.)
33. Explain how these experts were able to help you in your enterprise.
34. What did you learn about yourselI during this start-up experience?
35. What did you discover about your strengths and weaknesses?
36. What has been the highlight oI your entrepreneurial career to date?
37. What has been the low point oI your entrepreneurial career?
38. What do you see as the strengths oI your enterprise?
39. What do you see as the weaknesses oI your enterprise?

Operations (Later Stage)

40. What problems did you discover once your operation was well under way?
41. How did you Iind the key people Ior your enterprise?
42. What personal attitudes, characteristics, and skills were necessary Ior the success oI your enterprise?
43. Do you spend more or less time at your enterprise now than in the early stage?
44. What are your Iuture plans Ior this enterprise?
45. Have you met your initial goals?
46. Have your goals changed?
47. What are your present goals ?

Personal Observations
48. Has your personal liIe changed as a result oI this enterprise?
49. What would you do diIIerently iI you were to start all over again?
50. What things would you not change iI you were to do this all again?
51. Looking back on your experience, which oI the Iollowing do you Ieel are the most critical:
a. Skills?
b. Attitude?
c. Knowledge?
52. What are the things that you Iind personally satisIying and rewarding as an entrepreneur ?
53. What advice would you give an aspiring entrepreneur?
54. What are the most important lessons you have learned as a result oI your experience?
Entrepreneur Interview Rubric For the Paper

Criteria/ level Level
1: 0-5
2: 6-7
3: 7-8
4: 8-10
Some are
Some are
mentioned with
Good discussion
oI characteristics
with examples
understanding oI
characteristics oI


Some description
oI venture
Venture is clearly
Evidence oI good
understanding oI
the venture
and explanation
oI venture

Mildly interesting Attempt is made
to make the
report interesting
Entertaining and
creative report
Outstanding job
making the report
creative and

Writing Style
Below acceptable
standard in
spelling, grammar
and style.
Below standard
good, style Ilows,
good paragraphs
Excellent use oI
language to
weave a
wonderIul tale.
Strong command
oI the language
and writing

Handed in on



Entrepreneur Interview Rubric For The Presentation
Total __********* (of 55)

Very Good
Gave an interesting introduction
Presented inIormation in acceptable
order and used complete sentences.

Spoke clearly, correctly, distinctly,
and conIidently

Maintained eye contact and
acceptable posture

Presentation was interesting and
used visual/audio aids well

Handled questions and comments
Irom the class very well
(Maximum Three Marks)

Total __********* (of 23)

Attractive Design /5
Easy to read /2
General InIormation about the entrepreneur and their business. /5
Good discussion oI characteristics & skills with examples /5

Ready Ior Presentation
1 -2 days late
2 or more

Thank You Note /5

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