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 Unit 1: Our Constitution

 Unit 2: Media and Government

 Unit 3: The Medieval World

 Unit 4: The Turkish Invasion and the

Delhi Sultanate

 Unit 5: South Indian Kingdoms

 Unit 7: Revision

HWSH – 1A Date 18/6/2020_

Name: ARINA KOTHARI_______________________________________

Grade: 7 Unit 1: Our Constitution Subject: History and Civics

1. Write about Constituent Assembly’s role in the preparation of the


Our constitution was prepared after a great deal of thought and discussion . The

group of representatives of the people who prepared it formed the constituent

assembly.The members of the provincial legislative assemblies voted to elect

people did not directly elect the constituent assembly.It was made of members

belonging to different political parties,communities and regions of India.

2. Write the salient features of the Constitution highlighting the

a) Federal Government-

India is divided into a number of states, each with a government of its own. Thus, there

are two sets of government – the Union Government and State Governments. The

government at the centre is responsible to the Parliament. At the State level the state

governments are answerable to the State Legislature.

b) Division of Power –

In the Union and State Governments, there are three organs - the Legislature, the

Executive and the Judiciary. The functions of the Union and State Governments are

distributed among these three branches of the government.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 1
HWSH – 1B Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 1: Our Constitution Subject: History and Civics

c) Single Citizenship –




3. List any 4 aims and objectives of the Constitution in the space provided.





4. State whether true or false.

a) Indian Constitution is the longest written document containing laws

and procedures for governance. True__

b) Only an Indian who is rich can vote in the election of members to the
Parliament, State Legislature or Local Governments. _False

c) India is a ‘Secular State’. True

d) Our Constitution does not provide for a Parliamentary form of government.


* ****

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 2
HWSH 1 Date____________

Grade: 7 Unit 2: Media and Democracy Subject: History and Civics

Answer the following question in your notebook.

1. What information cannot be secured through RTI?

2. Write four features of Right to Information Act of 2005.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 3
HWSH – 1A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 3: The Medieval World Subject: History and Civics

1. Name the archeological sources of history of the medieval period.



2. What is Trinity according to teachings of Christianity?







3. Fill in the blanks.

a) The day Jesus was crucified came to be known ____________ ___________.

b) It is believed that Jesus arose from the dead on the ___________ day after

the crucifixion.

c) The Christians celebrate the day of Christ’s resurrection every year as

______________________ in memory of this event.

d) The _______________________ era starts with AD 1.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 4
HWSH – 1B Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 3: The Medieval World Subject: History and Civics

The box below has the pictures and a list of events related to Christianity. Cut and paste the events and the
pictures related to it on the table given in HWSH 2B in the correct sequence.

First English bible is written Crucifixion of Jesus Resurrection of Jesus

St. Paul preaches Christianity Teachings of Jesus Birth of Jesus

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 5
HWSH – 1C Date _____________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 3: The Medieval World Subject: History and Civics

1. Birth of Jesus

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 6
HWSH – 2 Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 3: The Medieval World Subject: History and Civics

1. Besides the five pillars of Islam, what are the other obligations that
a Muslim should follow?






2. How did Prophet Muhammad’s migration influence the spread of Islam?






3. Name the following.

a) The place where Prophet Muhammad was born. ___________________

b) The angel who appeared to Prophet Muhammad. __________________

c) One of the five pillars of Islam that says one must give alms to the poor as an

act of charity. _____________________________

d) The starting point of Muslim Calendar. _________________________

* ****

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 7
HWSH – 1 A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Unit 4: The Turkish Invasion and The Delhi
Grade: 7 Subject: History
Sultanate and Civics

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The ___________________brought Islam to India.

2. Mahmud Ghazni’s attack on _______________________ proved to be the

most beneficial for him.

3. The defeat of __________________________marked the end of the Rajput rule

in North India.

4. Qutubuddin Aibak is also remembered as ______________________ , or the

‘giver of lakhs’ due to his generosity.

5. _______________ ______________the founder of the Khalji dynasty.

6. _________________ ___________rule is considered as the golden period of the

Khalji rule.

7. Iltutmish nominated _____________________ as his successor.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Write any 3 things Ala-ud-din Khalji did to restrict the powers of the nobles.



2. Write one thing Alauddin Khalji did under his famous ‘market control policy’.



Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 8
HWSH – 1 B Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Unit 4: The Turkish Invasion and The Delhi
Grade: 7 Subject: History
Sultanate and Civics

3. Name the places Iltutmish conquered.

Ans. _______________________________________________________________

4. How did the Turkish invasions influence the intermingling of cultures?




5. Which Persian custom did Ghiyas-ud-din Balban introduce in India?




C. Write the date when the following events took place.

 AD 971 - __________________________________________

 AD 1191 - _________________________________________

 AD 1210 - _________________________________________

 AD 1236 - _________________________________________

 AD 1290 - _________________________________________

 AD 1296 - _________________________________________

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 9
HWSH – 2 A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Unit 4: The Turkish Invasion and The Delhi
Grade: 7 Subject: History
Sultanate and Civics

1. Write 2 things included by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq in his administrative





2. Write about the personality of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.




3. Describe Sikander Lodhi as an administrator.




4. Fill in the blanks.

a. The founder of the Tughlaq Dynasty was ______________________ Tughlaq.

b. Ghiyas –ud-din Tughlaq carried out military campaigns against Pratap Rudra Dev

of ____________________________.

c. _______________________victories in India paved the way for Babur’s invasion.

d. ___________ ____________ of the Sayyid dynasty ruled from 1443 to 1450 AD.

e. The first battle of Panipat was fought between ______________ and _________.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 10
HWSH – 2 B Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Unit 4: The Turkish Invasion and The Subject: History and Civics
Grade: 7
Delhi Sultanate

5. Give three reasons for the downfall of the Delhi Sultanate.






6. Explain the personality of the Ibrahim Lodhi.






7. Write about Ibn Battuta’s observation of Muhammad Tughlaq.






* * * * *

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 11
HWSH – 1A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 5: South Indian Kingdoms Subject: History and Civics

1. Write about the contributions made by Krishnadeva Raya.







2. Explain the following:

a) The work done by the governors of the Bahmani kingdom-



b) Temple architecture of the Vijaynagar kingdom –




c) Literature in the kingdom of Vijaynagar.





Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 12
HWSH- 1B Date:
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 5: South Indian Kingdoms Subject: History and Civics

3. Below is a series of conversation between Amit and Anu. They are playing the game ‘Catch the bluff’. In this

game both of them say statements that are true or false. Help them by finding which statement is true and

which one is a bluff. Read the conversation and write ‘True’ for statement that is true and ‘bluff’ if the

statement is untrue in the space provided.

The disintegration Vijaynagar

of the Sultanate of became an The Bahmani
Delhi gave rise to a important centre of kingdom was
number of the Hindu destroyed by the
kingdoms in the civilisation and rulers of
South of India. culture in South Vijaynagar.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 13
HWSH – 1C Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 5: South Indian Kingdoms Subject: History and Civics

The downfall of the Vijaynagar kings .Saif-ud-din and

Bahmani kingdom issued coins which Mahmud Gawan
led to emergence had stamps of were two corrupt
of new powers in Hindu deities. officers of the
India. Bahmani kingdom.

4. Complete the tree of the rulers of the Bahmani kingdom beginning with

the founder of the kingdom at the root of the tree.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 14
HWSH – 1A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

I. True or False –

a) Jesus referred to God as father and himself a Son of God. ________________.

b) The Turks dominated the Muslim world till the 15th century. ________________.

c) Our Constitution is the longest written document containing laws and procedures

for governance. _______________.

d) The first newspaper published in India was Bengal Gazette. -------------------------.

II. Name the following –

1. RTI was passed in ______________.

2. The members of the Provincial Legislative Assemblies voted to elect them.


3. The greatest king of the Abbasids. _______________________________.

III. Write short notes on –

a) Right to Information Act, 2005





Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 15
HWSH – 1B Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

b) The Bible.




C) Media ethics and accountability






IV. Give reasons –

a) Media is an important element of democracy.






Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 16
HWSH – 1C Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

b) Parliamentary system is a salient feature of the Constitution.






a) Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina.





V. Explain with reference to the following points

1. Government’s role in healthcare.
a) Public healthcare services -






Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 17
HWSH – 1D Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

b) Private healthcare services






VI. Write in details.

The functions of the Parliament with respect to ‘law making and budget’.






Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 18
HWSH – 2 A Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

I. Fill in the blanks –

a) ________ tops in the Human Development Report published in 2002.

b) The Kingdom was divided into __________________ each headed by a


c) The battles of ________________and ______________________ laid the

foundations of the Turkish rule in North India.

II. True or False –

a) Medical expenses incurred in a public hospital is high.

b) Vijaynagar became an important centre of the Hindu civilization. ____________.

c) Sikander Lodhi shifted his capital from Delhi to Agra. ____________________.

III. Name the following –

a) A language that was encouraged by the kings of the Vijaynagar kingdom.


b) RTI is not acceptable in this state. ------------------------------------------.

c) Founder of the Khalji dynasty. _______________________________.

Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 19
HWSH 2B Date_______________
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

IV. What are the important features of RTI, 2005?





V. Give reasons –

a) Accuracy of information is one of the most important credentials of media.





b) Public opinion is shaped in the country with the help of media.





Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 20
HWSH – 2 C Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

VI. Explain the following:

a) Ayushman Bharat programme





b) Role of Censorship board






VII. Explain the following:

a) Why is accuracy and confidentiality important in the field of media?







Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 21
HWSH – 2 D Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

b) Architecture of the Bahamani kingdom with reference to the famous monuments.







VIII. Picture based questions

Observe the following picture and answer the questions based on it.

 Name the king shown in the picture and the dynasty he belonged to.


 Describe the practice of Sijdah started by this king.


 Write one thing the king did for his subjects.


Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 22
HWSH – 2 E Date ______________

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Grade: 7 Unit 7: Revision Subject: History and Civics

IX. Write in details.

a) Work done by Firoz Shah Tughlaq for the upliftment of slaves.






Sec_gr7_hist-civ_T1_hwsh 23

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