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Official Homebrew Product



Original idea by Jerry Bio

Written and graphics by Chuck Green of Wizard of the Ozarks
The Headless Horseman Campaign
Original Idea by Jerry Bio / Written and Graphics by Chuck Green

Design Notes
This campaign has had several formats and from several
systems. I love the story line of it and continue to adapt it,
taking advantage of each gaming system’s unique take on the
story. To begin, this was a Mordheim Campaign based on the
Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I have since long lost those files, but I
did an adaptation of it for Warhammer Fantasy. These first two
incarnations were based on the board game Clue. Players
would earn Plot, Person, and Place cards. Each successful game
allowed players to guess the Plot, Person, and Place of where
the Horseman was summoned. Guess incorrectly and the
Horseman appeared in the next scenario to hunt you down. I
altered the story a bit for Warhammer and based it on the story
of The Beast of Gevaudan. I further made another version of
the boardgame Shadows of Brimstone. I liked the theme so
much, I adapted it here. This one is based on the Sleepy Hollow
legend. I have ideas of doing a different version using the Beast
of Gevaudan story line.
- Jerry Bio

The Story
“In the ancient days of the jeweled city of Felstad, there was a small noble family who held a long line of
honorable service to the great Wizard Lords of the city. When such a time came, that the city needed fighting
men, a young scion of this family volunteered without hesitation. The young nobleman died soon after, in the
coming battle, and his body was brought back to Felstad. Some rumors claimed that the young man was betrayed
by his own men, while others whispered that he was executed as a coward and a traitor. The man’s living family
was immediately exiled from the area under accusations of evil witchcraft and dark sorcery. What is known,
through scrolls written by locals soon after, are as soon as the nobleman’s body was buried in the forest near his
home, a dark evil began to grow, transforming the area into a place of forbidding doom. Witnesses claimed that
any who ventured into the forests were terrorized by the undead and haunted by restless spirits! Some even
reported seeing a headless rider on horseback, its hooves alight with flame, the nobleman himself searching for
those who betrayed him and his family.”

Since the city has become uncovered, the legend of the Headless Horseman has become known. It is said
that the Horseman has acquired treasure, powerful magic, and knowledge beyond our understanding.
Wizards and their warbands seek to destroy this pure evil and claim his prizes.

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It’s all about the Journey
There are a total of five core scenarios that make up this campaign. Each player must play these scenarios
in order, one after the other. It is implied that the warbands must travel between each scenario, from
their Wizard’s Base to the scenario location, and then back again. To simulate this travel, before each
scenario begins; roll a d20 for each member of the warband (the larger the warband, the more likely
something bad happens). For every 17+ rolled, roll on the Travel Mishap Table. Unless noted in the result,
no mishap results negate each other. Resolve them in the order they were rolled.

The Horror of It All

A new element added for this campaign is Sanity score and Horror checks. With the veil between the real
world and the spiritual world so thin, each character has a Sanity score equal to 3 + their Will rating. Events
or creatures may cause Sanity damage or force you to make a Horror check. If a character takes more
Sanity damage than they have Sanity points, they become unconscious and are laid down. Another
member of the warband can “encourage” the downed character by moving into contact and spending an
action. Immediately stand the downed character up
and roll a d20, then divide by 2 (rounding up). This is
the number of Sanity points added to the revived
character, though no more than their original max.
Healing spells or potions DO NOT heal a character’s
Sanity points. Now the character makes a Horror check
against a base number 12 + any modifiers. Check the
character’s result against the Madness Chart. As an
optional rule; keep the Mental Illness results in further

Clues to the Mystery

Instead of the normal treasure tokens, warbands
search for clues that will lead them to find and destroy
the Headless Horseman and claim his treasure. Before
the beginning of each scenario, place clue tokens as
you would treasure tokens. The warband with the most
clue tokens will win the scenario, in addition to any other conditions placed by the scenario itself. Clue
tokens yield 25 experience points per token. Once a token is found and claimed, that character rolls a d20.
On a 1-9 the token reveals nothing but the clue itself, on a 10-15 treat this as a normal treasure token, on
a 16+ a zombie bursts from the rubble! Place a zombie in contact with the character and allow it to attack
immediately. A treasure yields an additional 15 experience points.

Main Scenarios
Scenario One – Into the Western Woods
Scenario Two – The Wooded Trail
Scenario Three – The Tree of the Dead
Scenario Four – The Archer House Ruins
Scenario Five – The Horseman Comes

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Travel Mishap Table
Making a Sanity check = roll d20 then add the number of Sanity points you currently have. If you are
making a Sanity check against a Horror value and lose, you lose Sanity points equal to the difference.
1-3 – Dark Dreams: Each Spellcaster has terror filled dreams the previous rest. Each spellcaster must
make a Sanity check versus a Horror value of +2. Success grants you 5 experience points; failure means
you take Sanity damage.
4-5 – The Horseman Claims Another: You come across a horrifying scene of carnage. Bodies and blood
cover the area. All Spellcasters suffer 1 Sanity point of damage.
6 – Words Long Written Down: The sky brightens as mystical flame scrolls out an ancient text just above
the warband. The words burn into each spellcaster’s mind forcing each of them to make a Sanity check
against a Horror value of +3. If the spellcaster survives, he is granted any Summoner spell at standard
casting cost +2 for the duration of the next scenario.
7 – Something Wicked This Way Comes: A shadowy figure stands before you. It has no face and no
discerning features other than a wide brimmed hat and a cloak of darkness bellowing out behind it. In its
hand is a glowing rapier sword. The Horseman’s Dark Rider has challenged you to a duel. One character
must be chosen to accept the challenge. Fight as normal. The Dark Rider is a powerful wraith who will not
break off combat. Its stats are +5 Fight/12 Armor/+4 Will/12 Health, Undead, Immaterial, Drain Life
Force, Immune to non-magic weapons. If the warband wins, the Dark Rider disappears, 50 experience
points are gained, and 2 Sanity points are received. If the warband loses, the character fighting disappears
along with all his belongings, and the warband’s Wizard takes 2 Sanity points of damage.
8 – Master of Time: The Horseman is said to ride between Time itself, appearing and disappearing at will.
Three random characters must make a Will check or be dropped to one Action per turn during the next
9 – Ghost Riders: A tear in the fabric of the veil expels half a dozen skeletal riders on black horses, their
hooves alight with hellish flame! The monsters wield flails that shine bright with orange and red
brimstone! They ride quickly past the warband and disappear into the night but not before howling their
message… “Turn back now or suffer the wrath of our Master!!!” Spellcasters must make a Sanity check
against a Horror value of +4.
10 – The Forest Has Eyes: As the warband rides through a small copse of trees, branches reach out and
attack! Each character in the warband rolls against a +4 attack!
11-13 – Even the Hills Do His Bidding: The evil saturates even the earth and the trees in this area. Once
familiar trails no longer appear as they once were, and landscapes disappear forcing you to become lost.
The warband must camp in the woods tonight. Wizards and Captains do not level up and you may not
replace nor buy equipment.
14-15 – Even the Creatures of the Dark Flee: As the warband advances, the road appears to be moving,
squirming in the dying light. The road is covered with a swarm of Ancient Spiders! Six of them attack the
warband! Their stats are 6 Move/+2 Fight/15 Armor/+0 Will/10 Health, Animal, Venom, Calcified Skin
grants a hardened body. Gain 10 experience points for every Ancient Spider killed.
16 – Snake Oil Salesman: You meet a traveling salesman on the road who excitedly opens the sides of his
cart revealing a multitude of potions. He spins a good yarn about the medicinal quality of his tonics! The
Wizard may buy ANY potion from the salesman at 50% the normal price. After buying, roll a d20 for each
potion bought. A result of 15+ means the potion is sugar water.

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17-18 – The Gambler: A wizened old man appears out of the fog, wearing bright colored robes, smiles,
and offers to play you in a game of chance. He warns you, while the gifts are high, so are the stakes.
Only the Wizard may play, and the Gambler only plays for blood. One point of blood equals one Health
point. First decide how many points of blood you want to wager, then roll a d20, and refer to the Game
Table to find your result.
Game Table
1-5 You have lost BIG! You gain a niggling injury.
6-10 Not too bad, you didn’t win, but replace any lost Health points.
11-13 You WON! Gain a Potion of Restoration.
14-18 Well done! You gain Gauntlets of Strength.
19 You gain an Amulet of Resistance
20+ You soundly beat the Gambler. He collects his things and disappears in a puff of smoke. On the
ground is an Orb of Power (8).
19 – Too Late! The Horseman has discovered your base! Roll a d20 for each upgrade. On a 17+ that
upgrade has been destroyed. In addition, any bonuses your base offered are not valid for this scenario.
20 – The Horseman Comes For You! In the distance, you see the Headless Horseman perched upon his
dread horse. Even from here you feel the pure hate that he radiates. The warband and especially the
Wizard are open to the darkness around them. Make a Sanity check against a Horror value of +5. Failure
means the wizard loses 2 Will points.

Madness Chart
1-2 – Lost to the Darkness: You have descended into the depths of madness. With a final whimper, you fall to the
ground and slip into a catatonic state that you never recover from. This character is for all intents and
3 – Delusions: Your fractured state of mind is in shambles and you are ready to slip over the edge at any moment. Any
further rolls on this chart are done at -5 to the roll.
4 – It Itches: Your skin burns and itches as you scratch and claw it feverishly. Why isn’t anyone else scratching??? At
the start of each turn, this character takes 1 point of damage. A Heal spell or potion will cure this result.
5 – It’s Coming For You! How does it know? Why is it calling my name? What does it want? This character takes
an additional +1 Sanity damage.
6 – Paranoia: They really are out to get me. All of them! Especially that one over there. He’s always been jealous of me.
Beady little eyes. Breath that stinks…I bet he’s possessed. At the start of every turn, make a Will check against
16. If failed, this character acts like a creature in the Creature Phase. His paranoia is taking over!
7-8 – Berserker Rage: You have come unhinged! You lash out at the Darkness! At the start of every turn, make
a Will check against 16. If failed, this character activates immediately and moves/attacks the nearest
model, friend or foe.
9-10 – My Precious! You are obsessed with shiny objects and the idea of treasure. This character is drawn to
treasure and he hordes it. Each turn this character is in possession of a treasure token, make a Will check
against 12. If failed, this character immediately moves to exit the table with his treasure.
11 – Open to the Other Side: You can feel the spirit realm tickling your mind and tempting you to evil actions. Such
ecstasy! -2 to your Will.
12-15 – Get a Grip! You shake it off. You’re fine. Nothing is wrong.
16 – The Chills: You begin to shake uncontrollably and feel a deep chill in your bones! -2 to your Shoot.

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17 – Hallucinations: You are seeing things. You can’t discern real from fake, but the images are terrifying! At the start
of every turn, make a Will check against 12. If failed, this character is frozen in place with fear and cannot
defend himself. All attacks against this character automatically hit. Still must roll for damage versus Armor.
18-19 – Survival is Possible: Despite the Darkness you have faced, you begin to see hope. Remove one Madness
result. If you have none, restore +4 Sanity points. If you are at max add +1 Will.
20 – Mind of Steel: Having seen the horrors of the dark, your mind becomes emboldened and stronger than ever!
+2 Will.

Scenario One
Into the Western Woods
The young nobleman grew up in the Sleepy Hollow area but left to fight in
the wars. Unlike his companions, who fought with honor and for the city of
Felstad, the Horseman fought for the love of war itself and how much misery
he could inflict. Eventually, he lost his life in the forests west of the city, but
his soul returned to his home in the Hollow. Even brave men do not venture
here for what was planted in the ground that day was a seed of evil.

This board should be set up on a 2’x2’ board using standard rules
though adding more trees than normal. Add 5 clue tokens
randomly across the table no less than 9” apart. Place a Wraith
and 4 Skeletons randomly. Random monster is Skeleton.
Special Rules
The Night Listens – Played at night, line of sight is reduced to 16”
and all ranged attacks are at -4.
A Dreadful Place – Still trying to come to terms with the palpable evil, all Will scores are at -1.
At Night the Veil is Thin – Magic is stronger
here. All spells have their casting costs
reduced by 2 but a failed spell always deals
at least 1 point of damage to the
spellcaster’s Health.
Find the most clues.

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Scenario Two
The Wooded Trail
You seek the Horseman covered in blood. Follow the Wooded Trail to where the sun dies. Beware the right and its haunted
cries. The Shadows lie and stalk the living. Continue to the Tree of the Dead. Find the Horseman’s resting place.

Cover this 2’x2’ table with ample trees and rocks. Run a trail 2” wide down the center of the table to
represent the trail itself. Place 5 clue tokens and 3 skull tokens randomly across the table. Random
monster is Skeleton.
Special Rules
The Night Listens – Played
at night, line of sight is
reduced to 16” and all
ranged attacks are at -4.
We are Legion! – At the
beginning of every new
game turn, place a
skeleton in contact with
each skull token. These
new skeletons can
move/attack. If playing
with 2 or more
warbands, instead place
2 skeletons in contact
with each skull token. A
skull token can be
attacked and
automatically hit though
you must roll for damage. Each skull token has 15 Health points.
Find the most clues. Each skull token destroyed gains you 10 experience points. If a member of a warband
reaches zero Health, that Wizard gains 10 experience points.

It was eerie as hell, watching a fleshless skeleton tear itself from the earth. I won’t sleep for weeks…

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Scenario Three
The Tree of the Dead
The Tree of the Dead is a sinister place, the foul stench of decomposition lingers here. Any who venture here seek to gain
control of the Horseman by finding his bones, but it appears you are too late! A grave is torn asunder and lies empty under
the night sky. As you search for clues that may tell you where to look now, you are attacked! There is no doubt that the
Horseman’s minions harry your every move!

Cover this 3’x3’ table with
ample trees and rocks but leave
a circle in the center of the
board. Here, place a large tree
to represent the Tree of the
Dead. Place 3 clue tokens and 3
skull tokens randomly across
the table. Place 2 more clue
tokens within 6” of the Tree of
the Dead.
Special Rules
Voices in the Dark – At the
beginning of every new game
turn, place an Armored
Skeleton in contact with each
skull token. These new
monsters can immediately move/attack. If playing with 2 or more warbands, instead place 2 Armored
Skeletons in contact with each skull token (but only 1 after the first turn). A skull token can be attacked
and automatically hit though you must roll for damage. Each skull token has 15 Health points. If an
Initiative Roll of 16 is ever rolled, place a Wraith in contact with the Tree of the Dead.
Tree of the Dead – This entity is a malevolent creature of ancient power. At the beginning of every turn,
each member of the warband within 12” of the tree must make a Will check against 12 or fall under the
tree’s control. Any character under the tree’s control acts like a creature during the Creature Phase but
regains its senses by the end of the game turn, just before having to roll again. The closer to the tree a
character gets, the easier it is to fall under the tree’s control. Characters within 10” of the tree receive a -
1 penalty to their Will score. Within 6” grants you a -2 penalty. Within 3” gives you a -3 penalty. At the
start of each turn BEFORE the tree takes control, each character within 6” must make a Sanity check versus
Horror +2. Note: A controlled party member will never use spells or ranged weapons, instead they will
always attack its target in melee.
Base stats for the Tree of the Dead are +4 Fight/+2 Shoot/14 Armor/25 Will/20 Health. Its special abilities
and flaws are as follows:
Susceptible to Fire – Any attack with fire (including elemental spells) inflicts damage to the tree using Armor
of 8 instead of 14. Magic attacks also add +2 to the damage.

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Whirling Limbs – Attacking the Tree of the Dead is not an easy
thing. It has a Fight range of 6” and a Shoot range of 10”. It
doesn’t fight as normal. Follow these rules:
Each Creature Phase determine the number of characters within
6” of the tree. It will attack each one once. If there are no
characters within 6” it will make shooting attacks at all
characters within 10”.
Ancient Evil – This tree is a powerful ancient source of power. It
dampens magic in the area. All magical ranges are reduced to
10” and all casting costs increase by +2. Unsuccessful spells deal
+1 damage to the Wizard trying to cast.
Mysterious Fog – All non-magic ranged attacks are reduced to 12”
line of sight.
Find the most clues.
Each skull token destroyed gains you 10 experience points.
The warband who slays the Tree of the Dead gains 100 experience points. Any warband who at least
damages the Tree of the Dead gains 20 experience points.
If a member of a warband reaches zero Health, that Wizard gains 10 experience points.
The character who deals the killing blow, finds at the base of the tree a small platinum ring called the Ring
of Bram and an enchanted long sword called Thriller. The ring grants its wearer a +2 Will bonus. The sword
grants its user with +1 Fight, +2 damage versus undead, and increases the character’s maximum Sanity
score by 2.

Of the many adventures

I have had the privilege
of partaking in, the Tree
of the Dead is by-far the
most brutal. Strong
magic rules those
woods. May the gods
save us…
-Sir Bjorn Steelheart
Knight of the Order of
the White Wolf

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Scenario Four
The Archer House Ruins
The Horseman was said to have lived in a cottage not far from here. While he was away to war, his father died and the
lord that owned the land evicted the family, despite years of loyal and faithful service. Legends state that the Horseman’s
mother was wrongly accused of being a dark sorcerer, delving in magic far more evil than was generally allowed. Forever
outcasts, the Horseman’s mother and sisters lived out their lives in the forest. No one knows if they were truly evil
spellcasters, but the place has forever been haunted and now radiates dark energy.

Using a 3’x3’ table, place ample amounts of trees and rocks around the outer rim, and a one room cottage
in the center. In front of the cottage, place a special minor demon. Place 3 clue tokens randomly on the
table, no more than 12” from each other, and 1 clue token inside the cottage.
Special Rules
Sinister Guardian – The minor demon in front of the cottage is called Agramon. He has been commanded
by the Horseman to guard this structure from would-be treasure seekers. He has several special abilities
not normally held by minor demons. His base stats are
6 Move/+4 Fight/+1 Shoot/14 Armor/+5 Will/16 Health, Demon, Spellcaster, cast Petrify (6) and
Teleport (8), carries a poisoned sword called Fright (if it causes damage, it also inflicts 2 Sanity points of
damage), Immune to the spell Bind Demon.
Haunted House – At the beginning of every turn, place a ghost in contact with the cottage. This ghost can
move immediately. Ghost stats are 6 Move/+0 Fight/+0 Shoot/10 Armor/+3 Will/10 Health, Undead,
Immaterial, Immune to Control Undead, Immune to non-magic weapons, Deals Sanity damage.

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Mystical Presence – Inside the cottage is a special clue token. If a character spends the action to
open/investigate it, he must make a Sanity check against a Horror value of +4. If he wins, roll normally for
the token. If he loses, he suffers Sanity damage as normal, and is teleported to a random table edge.
Find the most clues. Inside the special clue token, besides the normal result, is also a small diary written
by a Lady Gwyndylyn Archer, the Horseman’s mother, 2 Potions of Healing, and a grimoire containing the
new lost spell Shadow Shroud. A quick scan of the diary confirms the Horseman’s true name.
50 experience points are earned by a warband if they slew Agramon.
10 experience points are earned if anyone in their warband was poisoned by the sword Fright.
75 experience points go to any warband who confirms the Horseman’s true name.

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Scenario Five
The Horseman Comes
Tonight, he comes for you. Your search has finally aroused his wrath. You don’t need to find him. He has found you and
he has brought Hell with him.

Using a 3’x3’ table, cover it with a few trees, rocks, and rubble large enough to help block line of sight.
Place all members of the warband(s) on one table edge. Place the Horseman and 4 armored skeletons on
the opposite table edge.
Special Rules
The Headless Horseman – He is an insanely powerful type of undead wraith. His base stats are
9 Move/+6 Fight/+0 Shoot/16 Armor/+15 Will/20 Health, with the following abilities:
Undead & Immaterial – can move through terrain.
Drain Life Force – attacks do double damage.
Invulnerable – immune to both non-magic weapons & critical hits.
His Name is Death – Every turn, each
spellcaster must make a Sanity check
against a Horror value of +4.
Death Incarnate – he heals 2 Health points
at the beginning of each PHASE!
Hell Follows With Him – At the beginning
of every turn, 2 armored skeletons sprout
from the ground within 6” of the Horseman.
Of His Own Power – immune to Control
Undead spell.
Spellcaster – has the ability to cast Bind
Demon (8), Banish (8), Summon Minor
Demon (10), Possess (12), Dispel (12), and
Mind Control (12).
Spirit Reaver – any warband members
reduced to zero Health by the Horseman
himself, disappear, leaving only their
belongings. Consider them devoured by
the Horseman and are gone forever.
You Know His True Name – Clues have
allowed you discern and confirm the
Horseman’s true name. This information
gives the Wizard and his warband power
over him. You can use the clues you have
found in the following ways:
At the beginning of every turn, total the
number of clues your warband has

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acquired throughout the campaign. Each of these clues transform into +1 bonus to Fight, Shoot, Will, or
to a spell casting cost. Distribute these bonuses out to various members of the warband (one character
cannot receive more than a total of +5 per turn). At the end of the turn, all the bonuses change back to
clues. Lady Archer’s Diary counts as 3 clues.

Order of Operation – the Horseman will try to stay out of combat, instead letting his power and minions
whittle his enemies down. If he doesn’t control a demon, he will cast Summon Minor Demon. If a warband
controls a demon and he doesn’t, he will cast Banish. If he controls a demon, he will cast Possess or Mind
Control on the nearest warband member. If a warband member under the effects of a spell gets within
12” of him, he will cast Dispel. Once engaged in combat however, he will not push away.
Stay alive long enough to see the Horseman vanquished. The warband who strikes the killing blow to the
Horseman gains his treasure trove and 175 experience points. Any warband who inflicts damage at least
once to the Horseman still gains 50 experience points. The Horseman’s treasure trove allows you to roll 4
times on ANY Frostgrave treasure table + three special items.

The Scepter of Horror– this short 3’ long ebony staff radiates cold evil. Besides the holder, anyone within 6”
of it must make a Sanity check against a Horror value of 14. Failure forces you to take Sanity point damage
as normal and lose your next turn. In combat, this magic weapon grants its user +1 Fight and +1 Health.

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The Talisman of Unyielding – the wearer of this amulet, if he be a spellcaster, may cast any one
Chronomancer spell once per scenario without rolling for casting cost. If a number is needed for a save
use 16. Unknown to the owner, it only has 9 charges left. If a non-spellcaster tries to wear this talisman,
he suffers a niggling injury.

The Bones of the Horseman – the actual bones of the dreaded Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. These
can be sanctified and buried, putting the evil to rest, for a mere 40 gold crowns but gaining you 75
experience points, or they can be sold for 500 gold crowns.

Hope you enjoyed this homebrew campaign. Look for future

Frostgrave adventures by Wizard of the Ozarks!
Game On!

First written by Jerry Bio for the page Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames
in the Frozen City, Chuck Green took The Headless Horseman
Campaign, added some more content to it, and polished it up, creating
the vicious sinister adventure you now read. Chuck works at Wizard of
the Ozarks, a small RPG publishing company, and admins several
Facebook groups like 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
(Uncensored), DM Talk, Tabletop RPG Gamers, and World Building:
AD&D 1st & 2nd Edition. He is an AVID Frostgrave fan and loves Rangers
of Shadow Deep by Joseph McCullough.

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Campaign Bestiary

Name Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health Other

Agramon 6 +4 +1 14 +5 16 Demon, Spellcaster, Sword

Fright, Horseman’s Thrall +2
Health, Immune to Bind Demon
Ancient Spider 6 +2 +0 15 +0 10 Animal, Venom, Calcified Skin

Armored Skeleton 6 +2 +0 12 +0 3 Undead, Horseman’s Thrall +2

Dark Rider 6 +5 +0 12 +4 12 Undead, Immaterial, Drain Life
Force, Immune to non-magic
Ghost 6 +0 +0 10 +3 10 Undead, Immaterial, Immune
to Control Undead, deals
Sanity damage
Ghoul 6 +2 +0 10 +2 10 Undead

Headless Horseman, The 9 +6 +0 16 +15 20 Special Undead, Special

Abilities, See Scenario Five
Minor Demon 6 +3 +0 11 +4 14 Demon, Horseman’s Thrall +2
Skeleton 6 +1 +0 10 +0 1 Undead

Tree of the Dead 0 +4 +1 14/8 +25 20 Whirling Limbs, Ancient Evil,

Susceptible to fire
Wraith 6 +2 +0 10 +3 6 Undead, Immaterial, Drain Life
Force, Immune to non-magic
Zombie 4 +0 +0 12 +0 6 Undead

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New Wizard School

School Name: Horrorist Aligned +2: Witch, Necromancer, Illusionist

Also known as: Fright Mage, Soul Hunter, Neutral +4: Elementalist, Sigilist, Summoner,
Spirit Reaver Enchanter, Soothsayer
Symbols: black crescent moon, black skull Opposed +6: Thaumaturge
with red eyes

New Spell

Shadow Shroud
Horrorist / 12 / Self Only
This spell creates a shroud of darkness around the spellcaster, altering their appearance, and testing the
sanity of any targets within 8”. Targets must find their Sanity Score by taking their Will number and adding
3, then make an immediate Sanity Check against the casting roll. Failure means that they take Sanity
damage equal to the number failed by. If a character’s Sanity Score ever reaches zero, they must fall into
a coma until another character touches them. Once awake, the recovered character must roll on the
Madness Chart included with this campaign.

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Abyssal Countenance
Horrorist / 8 / Touch
This spell creates a fearsome shadowy robe that envelopes around the target and increases their Armor +2 until
the end of the game. Multiple castings of this spell have no effect.

What Sweet Music They Make

Horrorist / 10 / Line of Sight
This spell creates an eerie piercing howl that forces all targets within 8” of the spellcaster to make a Will Check.
Failure means that the target skips their next activation.

Shadow Shroud
Horrorist / 12 / Touch
This spell creates a shroud of darkness around the spellcaster, altering their appearance, and testing the sanity of
any targets within 8”. Targets must find their Sanity Score by taking their Will number and adding 3, then make an
immediate Sanity Check against the casting roll. Failure means that they take Sanity damage equal to the number
failed by. If a character’s Sanity Score ever reaches zero, they must fall into a coma until another character touches
them. Once awake, the recovered character must roll on the Madness Chart included with this campaign.

Spectral Leech
Horrorist / 12 / Line of Sight
This disenchantment spell immediately cancels the ongoing effect of any one spell. It cannot unsummon a
creature, but it can cancel the control of a creature.

Mist of Ether
Horrorist / 14 / Line of Sight
The spellcaster creates a circular cloud of poisonous mist 4” in diameter, anywhere in line of sight. Any one caught
in this cloud must make a Will Check versus the casting roll or suffer -1 to its Fight, Shoot, and Will stats for the rest
of the game. This spell may affect the same target up to five times, for a maximum of -5 to each of the three stats.

Spirit Sap
Horrorist / 14 / Self Only
For the remainder of the game, this spellcaster regenerates up to 2 Health every time they activate. Multiple
castings of this spell have no effect.

Dark Vortex
Horrorist / 16 / Line of Sight
This spell creates a sinister twister of dark energy over a target in line of sight. Anyone touched by this funnel must
make a Sanity Check versus the casting roll or suffer 4 points of Sanity Damage and lose 2 Health.

Ancient Dark Rune

Horrorist / 18 / Area Effect
The spellcaster creates an ethereal archaic rune and sets it into the sky over the game area. For the rest of the
game, all spells cost +2 more than normal, except for Horrorist and Necromancer spells.

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For this mission, you will likely
need the following:
• 3+ Giant Rats
• 3+ Giant Spiders
• 4+ Horned Devils
• Stone Lizard
• 3+ Survivors


A Tough Mission For Higher Level Rangers / By Chuck Green

Refugees from near the Shadow Deep have brought word of the appearance of a strange unique creature
who is terrorizing the countryside. One tale speaks of it turning villagers into statues! A Ranger and his
companions were dispatched out two weeks ago to investigate, but they have not been heard from since.
Your mission is to find any clues to the whereabouts of the missing Ranger, and gain intel on this
mysterious beast.
You have successfully tracked the missing Ranger to a small hamlet called Summerwynd, a simple two-
story stone tower, and four small cottages. Among the buildings you see bodies lying in the dirt but also
many, many stone statues in the likeness of people. A flash of movement catches your eye and you spot
several small creatures covered in gold scales scampering around the tower. Horned Devils!!!

This scenario should be played on a 3’x 3’ table. A stone tower should be placed in the center of the table
while the four cottages are scattered randomly around it. At least five or six markers signifying stone
statues should be placed randomly throughout the table. The Ranger(s) and companions should be placed
along one side of the table not more than 3” from the edge.
Eleven clue markers should be placed on the table. One must be placed on the highest part of the tower,
but the other ten may be random, including inside a cottage. Place four Horned Devils no farther than 1”
from the tower. Place three Giant Rats randomly on the table but no less than 6” from the Ranger(s) and
companions. Place the miniature representing the Stone Lizard just inside the stone tower.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, end its action immediately and roll on the Clue
Marker Table below. Once this roll is made, remove the clue marker from the table. Each result on the
Clue Marker Table can only be obtained once in the scenario. Re-roll any duplicate results.
The door leading into the stone tower is locked. To enter, a figure must move adjacent to the door and
spend an action to make either a Pick Lock Roll (TN8) or Strength Roll (TN8) to gain entry.
The Target Point for this scenario is the clue at the top of the tower.
During the event phase of each turn, EACH player should draw one Event Card.
This scenario ends after ten turns have been played.

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Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Clue
Top of the Tower You find the body of the missing Ranger, a man named Ryker Evenbow. He is
still dressed in his unique woodland patterned cloak, though his throat is slit from
ear to ear, and his body is drained of blood. Lying next to his body is an
enchanted medallion bearing an eagle’s head.
1-3 Survivor. You have found a badly wounded, but living, villager. Treat this figure
as one of your companions with the following Stats: Move 3, Fight +0, Armour
10, Health 5. This villager carries two doses of the herb Nightnock.
4-6 Treasure. Treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this token is being carried
by a hero at the end of the scenario, you may roll to see what treasure has been
7 Herbs. Roll twice on the Herbs and Potions Table to see what you have
discovered. These may be given to any member of the company during this
scenario as long as the giver is within 1” of the recipient.
8-9 Survivor. You have found a wounded, but living, villager. Treat this figure as one
of your companions with the following Stats: Move 5, Fight +1, Armour 10,
Health 7. This villager carries a short sword and knows how to wield it.
10-12 Mutilated Body. You discover a body that has been ripped, clawed, and stabbed.
It is dressed as a Ranger Companion. Make a Perception Roll (TN5) to see if you
can determine what killed them. ♣ Lying next to the body is a master-crafted
sword. Make an Armoury Roll (TN9) to determine its value. ♦
13-15 Treasure. Treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this token is being carried
by a hero at the end of the scenario, you may roll to see what treasure has been
16-17 Survivor. You have found a badly wounded, but living, villager. Treat this figure
as one of your companions with the following Stats: Move 3, Fight +0, Armour
10, Health 5.
18 Horned Devils. Replace the clue marker with 1-2 Horned Devils that are in
combat with the figure that moved into contact with the clue marker.
19 Spider Egg Sac. You find a cluster of eggs wrapped in silky strands of web.
Make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN9) to find a treasure token.
20 Book/Journal. You find a leather-bound book. Inside are the notes of one of the
Ranger companions documenting what they found upon locating the strange
lizard. Included is a warning that the creature’s spittle converts human flesh to
solid stone.

♣ The body seems to have been mutilated by horned devils.

♦ The is an enchanted one-hand sword called Lifetaker. It grants +2 to the wielder’s Fight and damage.

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Event Cards
Using an entire deck of cards minus Jokers
Card Number Event
Black Ace Horned Devils. Place four Horned Devils together on the table no more than 6”
from the tower but no closer than 3” from any random hero.
Black 2 Giant Spiders. Place two Giant Spiders together on the table no closer than 3”
from any random hero.
Black 3 Giant Rats. Place three Giant Rats separately and randomly anywhere on the
table but no closer than 3” from any hero.
Black 4-9 Giant Spiders. Place four Giant Spiders separately and randomly anywhere on the
table but no closer than 3” from any hero.
Black J/Q/K Horned Devils. Place two Horned Devils together on the table no closer than 3”
from any hero.
Red Ace Survivors. Four villagers erupt from one of the cottages armed with spears and
hammers and head straight into battle! Place four Survivors no more than 5”
from a random cottage, headed toward the nearest monster. Treat them as your
companions with the following Stats: Move 5, Fight +0, Armour 10, Health 8.
Red 2 Collapse. One of the cottages, determined randomly, collapses. Any figure in, or
within 2” of the building, suffers an immediate +4 attack.
Red 3 Pit Trap. The hero closest to the stone tower must make an immediate Trap Roll
(TN8). If the hero fails, it loses its actions this turn and suffers 2 damage to its
Red 4-9 A thick cold fog begins to roll into the area. All Shooting attacks now only have
a range of 12”. This becomes cumulative. A second card reduces it to 6”. A third
reduces it to 3”. A fourth reduces it to zero.
Red J/Q/K A strange hissing sound is heard throughout the hamlet. Short but loud. Remove
a random hero (other than a Ranger) from the table. This figure has been
snatched up and trapped by a strange but harmless vine creature. No harm befalls
the hero while trapped, and it is freed after the scenario ends.


All figures that survive the scenario regain their full health. Rangers gain experience points for the
following achievements:
• +2XP for each Giant Rat or Giant Spider killed.
• +10XP for each Horned Devil killed.
• +6XP for each clue marker uncovered.
• +15XP if Ryker’s body is discovered.
• +10XP if a survivor is found and lives to the end of the scenario.
• +6XP if the mutilated body is found and its cause determined.
• +6XP if the sword’s value is determined.
• +12XP if the journal is found.
• +15XP if the Stone Lizard is found and killed.
• +20XP if any of the statues are healed back to life.

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Eagle Head Medallion

A symbol for the family of Evenbow, this medallion has belonged to someone of Evenbow blood for nearly
five generations. It is said to have magical properties.
This piece of jewelry does not take up an item slot. It grants its wearer a +1 Will and +1 Armour.
It may fetch a few hundred gold crowns if sold, but if returned to the Evenbow family, they will be
forever grateful and will reward you with an enchanted arrow called Swiftbeam. It never misses its target.

Horned Devil
The first time I saw one, it made my blood run cold. At first what I thought was a weak sniveling little
beast, quickly became a furious pack of blood sucking monsters!
These small yellow scaled demons have short stubby horns, tiny jagged teeth, and razor-sharp claws.
They may be shorter than a human, but they are formidable in combat, especially if they out number you.

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health XP

8 +2 +0 12 +2 12 10

Stone Lizard
Like something from a nightmare. Some rumors say it has four
legs, others say a dozen! What is known is that in its wake lie
stone statues, the emotionless eyes ever staring into nothing!
A strange beast, the Stone Lizard stands some 4-6 feet tall and
is roughly 5 feet long. A mouth full of needle like teeth and a
wicked spiked tail. This monster can spit to a range of 4” and
anything its spittle touches, turns to stone. When in combat, if
its enemy is more than 1” away, it will utilize its
spitting/shooting attack, otherwise it will bite or swing its tail.
Luckily, the herb known as Nightnock is said to reverse the spittle’s power as long as it is administered
within 24 hours.

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health XP

6 +4 +4 14 +1 15 15

Thanks for trying this mission out.

If you have any questions or comments, you can find me and
many others including Joseph McCullough himself over on the
Rangers of Shadow Deep
Official Facebook Group


Chuck Green
Wizard of the Ozarks

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