KL Zuala Biography

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- Pastor KL Thazuala
Who am I as a person, my goals and my dreams.
A name K.Lalthazuala was given to me by my parents at my birth, but I sometimes preIer to
call myselI as KL Thazuala or KL Zuala Iollowing my Iather`s name. The name oI my Iather
is Mr. KL Liana and my mother`s name is Mrs. J.Vanlalruati. I have two brothers and one
sister who is the youngest and I am the eldest among us. I am a Mizo, and I was born and
brought up in a Mizo community. Mizo community is a Lushei speaking people who
particularly are dwelling in North Eastern part oI India, in a land called Mizoram. In India,
Mizo community is one among the tribal communities and almost all the people living in
Mizoram claimed themselves to be a Christian, Ior this Mizoram is oIten known as a
Christian state. I used to be a person oI short-temper especially when I was in the stage oI a
teenager. And I also used to be very playIul, Iunny and Iriendly. But, aIter my conversion
experience (i.e. receiving the baptism oI the Holy Ghost with the evidence oI speaking in
tongues) things have change in my personality, in my behavior, in my outlook and my goals
and my dreams have change, above all I could say that there is a complete change in my
whole liIe. From my very childhood, till today I am sometimes very emotional as well. Apart
Irom this, since my Iather is a writer, I also wish to become like him as a proliIic writer.
Being brought up in a Christian Iamily (i.e. United Pentecostal Church Iamily) and a
Christian state, I also have the zeal oI serving God Irom my very childhood. I used to dream
oI preaching the word oI God when I was at a very young age. But, I never thought oI serving
God in a Iull-time ministry. Even one oI my great grandIathers, Rev. Laltura (L) was one oI
the Iounding pastors oI United Pentecostal Church in Mizoram. In spite oI having such zeal
Ior serving God, my aim in liIe was rather to become a lawyer aIter my Iather. Presently my
Iather serves a judge in the capital city oI Mizoram i.e. Aizawl.
Having the this kind oI aim in liIe and being brought up in a Christian Iamily, my dream then
was to become: (1) a good and successIul lawyer and then own a nice car, married to a
beautiIul girl, establishing a good Christian Iamily and then looking aIter my Iamily in the
house which I own Ior myselI and then become a good husband and Iather to my wiIe and
children; and, (2) a good and successIul preacher and a writer. As already mention, having a
tribal background and brought up in a remote area, my dream might not be that much great
Ior some people but Ior a tribal and simple person like me, it is indeed great.
Personal Experience with God and Involvement with Church activities.
In spite oI having my own set goals and dreams, there is always the purpose oI God Ior every
individual which oI course could not be ignored and neglected and which is above oI all a
person`s desires and dreams. Since our Lord is the way, the truth and the liIe.
When I was studying my bachelor degree (1
Year B.A.) way back in 2002, there was a
complete change in my liIe. The Iall season oI the year 2002 was an important event in my
liIe because it was the year that I have had experience the baptism oI the Holy Ghost with the
initial evidence oI speaking in tongues. I could say that this experience oI mine is a turning
point in my liIe. From this time onward I completely gave away almost most oI my time in
Church activities. Sometimes I accompanied some evangelist in their crusade programme to
some parts oI Mizoram. Gradually, I become more and more interest in Church activities. I
used to be so deeply touched by the Holy Ghost that one oI our church elder Iinally prayed
Ior me and told me that I was chosen by our Lord Jesus Christ to serve Him. Then, I used to
be a leader in the Pentecostal Youth Department as a Secretary in our local Church, and as a
Treasurer in our pastorate, i.e. Dinthar pastorate. And, our local Church Board Committee
also appointed me as a Children Sunday School teacher, and later on as an Assistant
Superintendant in this Children Sunday School Department. The same committee also
appointed me as a Financial Secretary in Missions Department in our local Church as well.
And Iinally, the same committee also included my name in the preaching lists in our Church.
So, gradually, I became more and more involve in Church ministries and activities. And
when I Iinally Iinished my Bachelor oI Arts` degree, my parents told me that iI I wished to
go Ior Theological education that they will not be an obstacle on my way and that they will
give me their Iull support Ior it. So then, I Iinally decided to give up my dreams oI becoming
a lawyer and then submitted my whole liIe in the service oI God. So then I resume my studies
at 'Aizawl Theological College in the year 2005 and under the guidance and grace oI our
Lord Jesus Christ, I could Iinally Iinished my Bachelor oI Divinity (B.D.)` degree course in
the year 2009. Since this college (ATC) is owned by the Presbyterian Church in Mizoram,
aIter graduating Irom this college, I resume my condense course studies in the same year at
'Calvary Bible College, located at Shillong, Meghalaya, which was owned by the United
Pentecostal Church oI North East India. And Irom this very college I got my 'Bachelor oI
Theology (B.Th.) degree in the same year 2009. I was so glad and thankIul to God that I
could earned two theological bachelor degree in a year.
AIter I earned my B.Th. degree Irom Calvary Bible College, the Church oIIered the post oI a
lecturer in this college through the Iorm oI an advertisement. And by the year 2010, we had
had a written test and personal interview Ior the posts oI two lecturers commence at Aizawl.
Finally, when the result was chalked out, I learned that I was the other one to be selected by
the Theological Education Board oI our Church to Iill up the post oI a lecturer at the Church
owned Bible College in the capital city oI Meghalaya, i.e. Shillong. And the highest
committee oI the United Pentecostal Church oI North East India, i.e. the Executive Board,
also Iinally regularized me as a lecturer in this Bible College and I was also given the title oI
a Pastor even though I do not look aIter any Churches as a Sectional Pastor. And till today
(October, 2011), I serve my Lord by imparting Theological education and a true Biblical
knowledge about Him to young ministers through this Bible College.

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