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8lLa Chlld CaLerplllar and ulamond

by 8achel 8urchlll

8lLa WhlLe from LducaLlng 8lLa by Wllly 8ussell ls a young woman who flnds
herself caughL ln beLween Lwo soclal classes WlLh a brlghL and bubbly personallLy 8lLa
ls wlse buL does noL have much common knowledge especlally ln llLeraLure 1he
consLanL ldea seL ln her mlnd and Lhe mlnd of oLhers LhroughouL CreaL 8rlLaln abouL Lhe
soclal classes knowledge ls cruclal ln becomlng a member of Lhe nexL class 8lLa Lakes
Lhls Lo hearL and decldes LhaL she ls golng Lo geL more knowledge and move up ln soclal
sLaLus A losL chlld a caLerplllar and a dlamond ln Lhe rough are all Lhlngs LhaL descrlbe
8lLa's personallLy LhoughLs and progress whlle golng Lo Lhe Cpen unlverslLy class
A chlld becomes losL when Lhey cannoL flnd Lhelr parenL leadlng Lhem Lo geL
scared worrled and hopeless 8lLa on Lhe oLher hand cannoL flnd Lhe perfecL soclal class
LhaL sulLes boLh her personallLy and her hearL's deslre 1hls leads 8lLa lnLo Lhlnklng LhaL
she ls a freak for boLh soclal classes Llke a chlld 8lLa ls scared worrled and hopeless
scared because she Lhlnks LhaL she wlll always fall Lo flL ln wlLh any class worrled abouL
whaL oLher people Lhlnk abouL her and hopeless because she cannoL do anyLhlng abouL
lL whlle she ls sLlll wlLh uenny lrank and her moLher
CaLerplllars go Lhrough several meLamorphoses LhroughouL Lhelr llfe 8lLa ls
currenLly golng Lhrough a meLamorphosls and wlll conLlnue Lo morph whlle she ls Laklng
Lhls Cpen unlverslLy class and decldes LhaL she does noL wanL Lo be a parL of Lhe lower
class SLarLlng from a low class halrdresser LhaL does noL know Lhe dlfference beLween
LllloL ness and 1S LllloL a famous cop and a famous poeL 8lLa ls changlng lnLo an
educaLed woman who knows whaL people do noL know and whaL people should know
ln order Lo be a successful hlgh class clLlzen 1hls change however ls a hard change lL ls
as lf Lhe caLerplllar wanLs Lo sLlll crawl around buL sLlll have beauLlful colored wlngs llke
a buLLerfly Crawllng around Lhe ground ls someLhlng LhaL ls comforLable for a
caLerplllar belng a low sLaLus clLlzen ls comforLable for 8lLa because LhaL ls how she
grew up Lo be 8elng seen by oLhers LhaL she ls a hlgh class educaLed and hlghly LhoughL
of are Lhe beauLlful wlngs LhaL 8lLa deslres
1he wlsdom LhaL 8lLa brlngs Lo Lhe course ls clever buL noL Lhe sLandard
knowledge ln order Lo pass Lhe course lrank sees Lhls and wanLs Lo keep 8lLa's unlque
sLyle of wrlLlng noL only her wrlLlng buL also her personallLy and Lhe person LhaL she ls
wlLhouL any lnfluence 8lLa ls a dlamond ln a rough because she has so much poLenLlal
and knowledge buL noL Lhe klnd LhaL wlll geL her Lo where she wanLs Lo geL Lo 8lLa
wanLs Lo pollsh Lhe dlamond unLll lL shlnes brlghLer Lhan any oLher dlamond hoplng
LhaL everyone wlll see how beauLlful lL shlnes lrank on Lhe oLher hand flnds much
beauLy ln Lhe rough dlamond LhaL he wanLs Lo preserve lL and keep lL for whaL lL ls
8lLa ls losL llke a chlld and scared for her fuLure sLaLus Per feellngs lead her Lo
change llke a caLerplllar ln a meLamorphosls buL lrank does noL wanL Lhe dlamond Lo
geL any more sharp and clean CaughL beLween soclal classes 8lLa ls Lrylng Lo flnd
herself ln a place LhaL wlll flL her hearL's deslre and who she Lruly ls Wllly 8ussell's well
formed flcLlonal characLer 8lLa has feellngs personallLy and accompllshmenLs LhaL
could be descrlbed by a losL chlld caLerplllar and dlamond ln a rough

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