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Plant Soil


The interaction between Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense

tropical race 4 and soil properties in banana plantations
in Southwest China
Wenlong Zhang · Tingting Bai · Arslan Jamil · Huacai Fan · Xundong Li ·
Si‑Jun Zheng · Shengtao Xu

Received: 4 March 2024 / Accepted: 28 April 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024

Abstract between the occurrence of banana Fusarium wilt and

Aims Banana Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum soil properties across various climates and soil types.
f. sp. cubense tropical race 4) is a typical destruc- Methods In this study we investigated the soil phys-
tive soil-borne disease, which was the main limiting icochemical properties, bacterial and fungal commu-
factor for the sustainable development of the banana nity composition, and pathogenic fungal abundance
industry worldwide. In banana production, soil physi- in 140 banana plantations which were affected by
ochemical properties and soil microbiome were effec- banana Fusarium wilt in Yunnan Province, China.
tively affected the occurrence and spread of Fusar- Results The results showed that the abundance of
ium wilt. However, there is still a lack of systematic soil-borne pathogenic fungi was positively correlated
research, particularly in exploring the correlation with total phosphorus, total nitrogen, organic matter,
urease activity, annual precipitation, and the alpha
diversity of bacterial and fungal communities. In
contrast, it showed a significant negative correlation
Responsible Editor: Luz E. Bashan. with the annual mean temperature. As the abundance
of pathogen increased, numerous potential disease-
Wenlong Zhang and Tingting Bai contributed equally to
this work.
suppressive bacterial genera (such as Rhodanobacter,
Gemmatimonas, Novosphingobium) and soil-borne
Supplementary Information The online version pathogenic fungal genera (such as Plectosphaerella,
contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​ Nigrospora, Cyphellophora) also increased, and the
co-occurrence network showed a higher modulariza-
W. Zhang · T. Bai · A. Jamil · H. Fan · X. Li · tion index.
S.-J. Zheng (*) · S. Xu (*) Conclusions The results enhance the understand-
Yunnan Key Laboratory of Green Prevention and Control ing of the patterns of soil-borne pathogenic fungal
of Agricultural Transboundary Pests, Agricultural
population dynamics in banana plantations, which
Environment and Resources Institute, Yunnan Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650205, would provide evidence and guidance for reducing
China pathogenic fungal abundance and selecting beneficial
e-mail: microorganisms in banana production. Furthermore,
S. Xu this would provide a theoretical basis for sustainable
e-mail: prevention and control of banana wilt disease.
S.-J. Zheng
Bioversity International, Kunming, Yunnan 650205, China

Vol.: (0123456789)
Plant Soil

Keywords Banana Fusarium wilt · Physiochemical Banana (Musa spp.) as the world’s top traded fruit and
properties · Soil microbial communities · Pathogenic the fourth-largest staple crop hold extensive economic
fungal abundance and nutritional values (Evans et al. 2020). However,
Fusarium wilt of Banana (FWB) caused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) infection poses a signifi-
cant threat to the sustainable development of the banana
Introduction industry (Pegg et al. 2019). Commercial banana varieties
are unable to withstand the infect of Fusarium oxyspo-
The relentless onslaught of soil-borne fungal patho- rum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4), which has
gens in modern agriculture poses a staggering threat, now reached -producing regions globally (Zuo et al.
causing an estimated 15% annual yield reduction 2018). Due to the limited banana genetic diversity within
across crops (Newbery et al. 2016). Concurrently, the banana crop, breeding disease-resistant cultivars are
modern and intensive farming practices are promot- a formidable challenge. In addition to optimizing field
ing the proliferation of plant pathogens, particularly management practices, the use of biological control to
aggressive soil borne fungi (Hartmann and Six 2023). regulate soil microbial communities for reducing the
Current chemical fungicides used to combat these incidence of wilt disease is emerging as a future develop-
pathogens have shown limited efficacy and pose sig- ment trend (Siamak and Zheng 2018).
nificant environmental risks (Delgado-Baquerizo Improving soil properties had been proven to effec-
et al. 2020). In addition to traditional epidemiologi- tively enhance disease control (Ghorbani et al. 2008).
cal management measures, alternative soil manage- Despite previous research uncovering an association
ment practices are increasingly becoming a focus of between the occurrence of FWB and the soil micro-
research, such as soil fertility regulation and biologi- biome (Fu et al. 2017; Hong et al. 2020; Kaushal et al.
cal control (Katan 2017). 2020), the specific interactions between soil properties,
The growth and development of soil-borne patho- Foc TR4, and soil microbiome at different pathogen lev-
gens are inevitably influenced by the entire soil eco- els remain elusive. To address this gap in knowledge, we
system (Bakker et al. 2020). Soil fertility is one of the conducted a comprehensive study involving the collec-
key driving factors in the occurrence and develop- tion of soil samples from 140 banana plantations in Yun-
ment of soil-borne diseases (Panth et al. 2020). Addi- nan province affected by FWB. Our investigation delves
tionally, soil characteristics have a significant impact into assessing the physicochemical properties, enzyme
in influencing the structure and activity of microbial activity, bacterial and fungal community composition,
communities in the soil, modulating plant defense and the abundance of Foc TR4. The hypothesis of this
mechanisms and thus regulating pathogen popula- study was that soil Foc TR4 abundance was highly cor-
tions (Xiong et al. 2017). The coordinated evolution related with the soil properties, particularly with the soil
of plants and their root microbiota assists plants in community composition. The study aims to unravel the
better adapting to their environment, such as nutri- key drivers of Foc TR4 abundance in banana plantation
ent cycling, growth stimulation, and resilience to both soils, explore the impact of pathogen abundance on the
environmental stresses and biological threats (Trivedi soil microbial community, and identify microbial taxa
et al. 2020). The microbiome can protect plants from associated with the pathogen. Through these efforts, we
pathogen invasion through various mechanisms, such aim to contribute valuable insights into managing patho-
as producing inhibitory substances or occupying eco- genic fungal abundance and promoting beneficial micro-
logical niches that directly suppress the growth of organisms in banana production.
pathogen, and/or inducing plant immune responses
to enhance the plant’s resistance to pathogenic micro-
organisms (Li et al. 2021a, b). Conversely, pathogens Materials and methods
can also exploit soil microorganisms to enhance their
virulence (Snelders et al. 2020). Therefore, this recip- Sampling points and soil sampling
rocal interaction between soil-borne pathogens and
the plant microbiome is of paramount importance in Through preliminary on-site inspections in Yun-
understanding the dynamics of soil-borne diseases. nan Province, the following sampling areas were

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Plant Soil

identified. The 21 counties and cities were selected method. Soil sucrase activity was determined using
as representatives of different climate and soil types the 3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetric method.
(Fig. S1). For each county or city, 8–10 sampling Alkaline phosphatase activity was determined by the
points were established within typical banana orchards disodium phenylphosphate colorimetric method.
exhibiting symptoms of Fusarium wilt. Soil samples
were collected from the rhizosphere. We obtained cli- DNA extraction and PCR amplification
mate data including annual average temperature of all
sampling points from the Worldclim database (https://​ Genomic DNA was extracted from soil samples
www.​world​clim.​org). The basic information such as using the E.Z.N.A.® soil DNA Kit (Omega Bio-tek,
geographical location and climate characteristics of Norcross, GA, U.S.), following the manufacturer’s
each sampling point was shown in Table S1. protocols. The DNA quality and concentration were
Soil samples were collected from five parts around assessed through 1.0% agarose gel electrophoresis
one same plant at a depth of 0–20 cm, and the pro- and a NanoDrop2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo
tocol was according to Lundberg et al. (2012). After Scientific, United States) and stored at -80 °C until
mixing, the soil samples were placed in sterile, self- further use. For bacterial 16 S rRNA gene amplifi-
sealing bags and labeled. A portion of the samples cation of the V3-V4 hypervariable region, primer
was subjected to -80 °C freeze-drying to remove pairs 338 F (5’-ACT​CCT​ACG​GGA​GGC​AGC​AG-3’)
moisture, and then stored at -80 °C for subsequent and 806R (5’-GGA​CTA​CHVGGG​TWT​CTAAT-
determination of soil microbial and pathogenic con- 3’) were employed. Additionally, the ITS1 region of
tent. Another portion was air-dried naturally, and fungal ITS rRNA genes was targeted using the for-
reserved for the analysis of soil physicochemical indi- ward primer ITS5F (5’- GGA​AGT​AAA​AGT​CGT​
cators and enzyme activity after sieving through a AAC​AAGG-3’) and reverse primer ITS1R (5’- GCT​
75-mesh sieve. GCG​TTC​TTC​ATC​GAT​GC-3’) with a T100 Ther-
mal Cycler PCR thermocycler (BIO-RAD, USA).
Determination of soil nutrients and enzyme activity The PCR reaction mixture included 4 µL 5 × Fast Pfu
buffer, 2 µL 2.5 mM dNTPs, 0.8 µL each primer (5
Soil pH was determined using an acidity meter µM), 0.4 µL Fast Pfu polymerase, 10 ng of template
(PHSJ-4 F, Shanghai INESA Scientific Instrument DNA, and ddH2O to a final volume of 20 µL. PCR
Co., Ltd, Shanghai, China). The soil chemical meas- cycling conditions consisted of initial denaturation at
urement analyses followed the standard procedures 95 °C for 3 min, followed by 27 cycles of denaturing
according to Page et al. (1982) and Klute and Page at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 55 °C for 30 s, and
(1986). The total soluble salt content was measured extension at 72 °C for 45 s. A single extension step at
by the conductivity method. Organic matter content 72 °C for 10 min concluded the process, followed by
was determined by the potassium dichromate titra- cooling to 4 °C. The PCR product was purified from a
tion method. Alkaline nitrogen content was deter- 2% agarose gel using the PCR Clean-Up Kit (YuHua,
mined using the sodium hydroxide-alkali diffusion Shanghai, China) according to the manufacturer’s
method. Available phosphorus content was meas- instructions. Quantification was performed using
ured by the sodium bicarbonate-molybdenum anti- Qubit 4.0 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).
mony anti-absorption spectrophotometry method.
Available potassium content was determined by the Quantitative real‑time PCR analyses
ammonium acetate-flame photometry method. Total
nitrogen in the soil were determined using a carbon- Primers FocSc-1(5’-CAG​GGG​ATG​TAT​GAG​GAG​
nitrogen elemental analyzer (VARIO MAX C/N, Ger- GCT​AGG​CTA-3’) and FocSc-2(5’-GTG​ACA​GCG​
many) through dry combustion. Microbial carbon and TCG​TCT​AGT​TCC​TTG​GAG-3’) were used to quan-
nitrogen content were determined using the chloro- tify the abundances of Foc TR4 by quantitative real-
form fumigation extraction method with ­K2SO4. Soil time PCR (qPCR). The qPCR amplification was per-
urease activity was determined by the indophenol formed using Takara SYBR Premix Ex TaqTM (Tli
blue colorimetric method. Soil catalase activity was RNaseH Plus) kit (Code No. RR820). The establish-
determined by the potassium permanganate titration ment of a standard curve utilized the recombinant

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Plant Soil

plasmid pMD18-T-158, containing a 158 bp fragment. and beta diversity measures, the number of 16 S rRNA
The concentration of the extracted plasmid DNA was gene sequences per sample was rarefied to 20,000. The
determined and then converted into copy numbers taxonomy of each OTU representative sequence was
using the formula: Copy number = (6.02 × ­1023 cop- determined using the RDP Classifier version 2.2 (Wang
ies ­mol−1 × plasmid concentration g µL−1) / MW g et al. 2007) against the 16 S rRNA gene database (e.g.,
­mol−1. Here, MW (average molecular weight of dou- Silva v138) with a confidence threshold of 0.7.
ble-stranded DNA) = base pairs × 660 / base pair. Six
concentration gradients ­(108, ­107, ­106, ­105, ­104, ­103 Statistical analysis
copy number µL−1) were prepared as standard sam-
ples for constructing the standard curve. The standard Correlation between the abundance of Foc TR4 and
curve required R² > 0.99 and 90 < Eff % < 110. The soil properties, enzyme activity, and climate calcu-
pathogen content in the tested samples was calculated lated by Spearman. Bioinformatic analysis of the
based on instrument detection results, the mass of the soil microbiome was carried out using the Majorbio
sample used for DNA extraction, the total amount of Cloud platform (https://​cloud.​major​bio.​com) and R
extracted DNA, and the template amount used in the 4.2.3. Alpha diversity includes observed OTUs and
qPCR reaction. The pathogen content was expressed Shannon index, and correlation analysis with Foc
as copy number per gram of soil. TR4 was based on Spearman. The similarity among
the microbial communities in different samples was
Illumina sequencing and data processing determined by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA)
based on Bray-curtis dissimilarity using Vegan v2.5-3
The purified amplicons, pooled equimolarly, underwent package, and correlation analysis with environmen-
paired-end sequencing on an Illumina PE250 platform tal factors calculated through Mantel’s test (Dixon
(Illumina, San Diego, USA) by Majorbio Bio-Pharm 2003). Constructing a core Microbial Evolution Tree
Technology Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China), following Using NJ Method by MEGA 7 and optimized with
standard protocols. Raw sequencing reads were submit- iTOL (https://​itol.​embl.​de/). The co-occurrence net-
ted to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data- work was constructed using vegan, psych (Revelle
base (16 S: PRJNA946914, ITS: SRPPRJNA947073). and Revelle, 2015), and igraph (Han et al. 2010)
Raw FASTQ files were demultiplexed using an in- packages and Gephi 0.9.2, and calculated the correla-
house Perl script, then quality-filtered with fastp version tion between each module and the abundance of Foc
0.19.6 (Chen et al. 2018), and merged using FLASH TR4. Each node represents an OTU, and each edge
version 1.2.7 (Magoč and Salzberg 2011) based on represents a significant correlation between node
the following criteria: (1) reads with an average qual- (Spearman, R > 0.6, P < 0.05) (De Vries et al. 2018).
ity score < 20 over a 50 bp sliding window were trun- Calculating the module index through Gephi 0.9.2
cated, and reads shorter than 50 bp were discarded; was performed.
reads with ambiguous characters were also removed;
(2) only overlapping sequences longer than 10 bp were
assembled with a maximum mismatch ratio of 0.2 in Results
the overlap region; unassembled reads were discarded;
(3) samples were differentiated by barcode and prim- Correlation between soil characteristics and Foc TR4
ers, and sequence direction was adjusted with exact abundance
barcode matching and a 2-nucleotide mismatch allow-
ance in primer matching. The optimized sequences In 140 soil samples collected from diseased banana
were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) plantations, the average Foc TR4 gene copy number
at a 97% sequence similarity level using UPARSE 7.1 was 3.35 × ­106 copies ­g−1, ranging from 1.53 × ­107
(Stackebrandt and Goebel 1994; Edgar 2013). The most to 1.32 × ­105 copies ­g−1. The average pH was 5.38,
abundant sequence in each OTU was selected as a rep- with 111 samples having a pH lower than 6, indicat-
resentative sequence. The OTU table was manually ing an overall acidic nature. Organic matter content
filtered, removing chloroplast sequences from all sam- was 26.50 g ­kg−1. Total nitrogen was 1.48 g ­kg−1,
ples. To minimize sequencing depth effects on alpha while available nitrogen was 115.91 mg ­kg−1. Total

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phosphorus measured 4.04 g k­g−1, and available Community diversity and composition and Foc TR4
phosphorus was 91.14 mg ­kg−1. Total potassium was correlations
34.39 g ­kg−1, and available potassium was 493.87 mg
­kg−1. Enzyme activity measurements revealed cata- The abundance of Foc TR4 was significantly posi-
lase at 44.63 ­g−1 soil 24 ­h−1, phosphatase at 14.83 ­g−1 tively correlated with the diversity (R = 0.18, p < 0.05)
soil 24 ­h−1, invertase at 29.86 ­g−1 soil 24 ­h−1, and and richness (R = 0.22, p < 0.01) of bacterial com-
urease at 273.56 ­g−1 soil 24 ­h−1. The abundance of munity, but for fungal communities, only richness
Foc TR4 showed a significant positive correlation shows a significant positive correlation (R = 0.21,
with total phosphorus (R = 0.32, P < 0.01), total nitro- p < 0.05) (Fig. 2). Furthermore, both bacterial com-
gen (R = 0.30, P < 0.05), organic matter (R = 0.18, munity diversity and richness are significantly associ-
P < 0.05), urease (R = 0.18, P < 0.05), and annual pre- ated with the composition of bacterial (Shannon: R =
cipitation (R = 0.34, P < 0.01). In contrast, it exhibited -0.72, Obs: R = 0.48, p < 0.001) and fungal (Shannon:
a significant negative correlation with mean annual R = 0.42, Obs: R = 0.22, p < 0.01) communities, while
temperature (R = − 0.25, P < 0.01) (Fig. 1). fungal community species richness was significantly
associated with the composition of both bacterial
(R = 0.28, p < 0.001) and fungal (R = 0.24, p < 0 0.01)
communities (Fig S2).
The OTU level, The mental’s test indicated that
the composition of bacterial and fungal communi-
ties was significantly correlated with pH (R = 0.32,
p < 0.001 for bacteria, R = 0.34, p < 0.001 for fungi),
CAT (R = 0.25, p < 0.001, R = 0.26, p < 0.001), INV
(R = 0.13, p < 0.01, R = 0.14, p < 0.01), AN (R = 0.13,
p < 0.01, R = 0.10, p < 0.01), and AP (R = 0.13,
p < 0.01, R = 0.17, p < 0.01). The composition of
bacterial communities at the order level was signifi-
cantly correlated with the abundance of pathogenic
bacteria (R = 0.06, p < 0.05). At the phylum level, the
composition of fungal communities was significantly
Fig. 1  The correlation between environmental factors and Foc correlated with the abundance of pathogenic fungal
TR4 abundance based on Spearman (**P < 0.01, *P < 0.05). (R = 0.17, p < 0.001), while at other taxonomic levels,
TP: total phosphorus; APR: annual precipitation; TN: total there was no correlation between the composition of
nitrogen; AMT: annual mean temperature; SOM: soil organic
matter; URE: urease. Green represents positive correlation, red bacterial and fungal communities and the abundance
represents negative correlation of pathogenic bacteria (Table 1).

Fig. 2  Correlation between Shannon index (a) and observed OTUs index (b) of bacterial and fungal communities and abundance of
Foc TR4 based on Spearman

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Plant Soil

Microbial taxa associated with pathogen Metarhiziu was positively correlated with the abun-
dance of FocTR4, and Bacillus is negatively cor-
At the phylum level, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, related with the abundance of pathogenic bacteria.
Cyanobacteria, Rozellomycota, and Glomeromycota These genera are known to possess high biocontrol
are significantly positively correlated with the abun- potential (Table 3).
dance of Foc TR4, while Firmicutes and WPS-2 are We constructed a phylogenetic tree of the core
significantly negatively correlated with pathogenic bacterial OTUs found in all samples and correlated
bacteria abundance (Table 2). At the genus level, them with environmental factors. Among the core
Rhodanobacter, Gemmatimonas, Novosphingobium, microbiota, there were 14 Actinobacteria, 13 Proteo-
Allorhizobium-Neorhizobium-Pararhizobium-Rhizo- bacteria, 3 Firmicutes, and 1 each of Nitrospirota,
bium, Solirubrobacter, Ilumatobacter, Reyranella, Acidobacteriota, and Myxococcota. Specifically,
Mucilaginibacter, Hyphomicrobium, Actinoplanes, OTU23598 (Pedomicrobium, R = 0.257), OTU23485
Rhodoplanes, SWB02, Flavobacterium, Devosia, (Sphingomonas, R = 0.175), OTU24018 (Devosia,
Dokdonella, Trichoderma, Purpureocillium and R = 0.255), and OTU507 (Mycobacterium, R = 0.257)

Table 1  The correlation Community Factor Phylum Class Order Family Genus OTU
between environmental
factors and microbial Bacterial CAT​ 0.073 0.299*** 0.295*** 0.32*** 0.311*** 0.251***
community composition
PHO 0.078* 0.06 0.063 0.077* 0.08* 0.065
based on Mental’s test
INV 0.007 0.175*** 0.182*** 0.196*** 0.189*** 0.132**
URE 0.006 0.076 0.085* 0.089* 0.085* 0.048
pH 0.076 0.374*** 0.394*** 0.424*** 0.411*** 0.317***
SOM 0.051 0.172** 0.176** 0.187** 0.182** 0.16**
TN 0.027 0.133* 0.127** 0.134** 0.126* 0.087
AN 0.055 0.097* 0.109** 0.119*** 0.128** 0.132**
TP -0.007 0.037 0.04 0.046 0.07 0.089
AP -0.026 0.13* 0.146** 0.162** 0.159** 0.133**
TK -0.029 -0.029 -0.025 -0.012 0.004 0.028
AK 0.078 -0.027 -0.009 -0.002 0.001 -0.025
FocTR4 0.034 0.059* 0.032 0.021 0.012 0.016
AMT -0.043 0.007 0.004 0.01 0.006 0.03
APR 0.043 -0.056 -0.076 -0.081 -0.089 -0.087
Fungal CAT​ 0.061 0.066 0.101* 0.099* 0.112** 0.262***
CAT​Catalase, PHO PHO 0.045 -0.06 -0.078 -0.069 -0.069 0.089*
Phosphatase, INV INV 0.03 -0.021 -0.008 -0.002 0.008 0.137**
Invertase, URE Urease,
URE -0.006 0.093* 0.085* 0.069 0.063 0.055
SOM soil organic matter,
TN total nitrogen, AN pH 0.078* 0.04 0.044 0.055 0.066 0.339***
available nitrogen, TP total SOM 0.034 -0.012 0.001 0.019 -0.004 0.142*
phosphorus, AP available TN 0.042 -0.05 -0.038 -0.032 -0.05 0.076
phosphorus, TK total
AN 0.064* 0.101** 0.109** 0.132*** 0.125** 0.103**
potassium, AK available
potassium, Foc TR4 the TP 0.047 0.154** 0.15** 0.177** 0.192** 0.088
abundance of Foc TR4 AP 0.006 0.056 0.092 0.108* 0.109* 0.165**
*Significant at the 0.05 TK 0.019 0.175** 0.201*** 0.238*** 0.257*** 0.053
probability level AK 0.004 -0.056 -0.055 -0.044 -0.051 0.011
**Significant at the 0.01 FocTR4 0.171*** -0.019 0.009 0.016 0.016 0.008
probability level AMT 0.095* -0.057 -0.062 -0.053 -0.06 0.018
***Significant at the 0.001 APR 0.061* -0.088 -0.054 -0.035 -0.037 -0.107
probability level

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Table 2  The correlation between microbial taxa and Foc TR4 Table 3  The correlation between microbial taxa and Foc TR4
in the level of phylum by Spearman in the level of genus by Spearman
Phylum R RA Phylum Genus R RA

Proteobacteria 0.27** 31.90% Proteobacteria Rhodanobacter 0.17* 4.88%

Bacteroidota 0.39*** 4.19% Proteobacteria Dongia 0.17** 4.23%
Firmicutes -0.27** 2.52% Gemmatimonadota Gemmatimonas 0.17** 3.99%
WPS-2 -0.18* 0.92% Actinobacteriota Nakamurella 0.18** 3.85%
Cyanobacteria 0.21* 0.52% Actinobacteriota Galbitalea 0.18** 3.80%
Rozellomycota 0.22** 0.41% Bacteroidota Puia 0.18** 3.51%
Glomeromycota 0.17* 0.19% Proteobacteria Novosphingobium 0.19** 2.62%
Proteobacteria Allorhizobium- 0.20** 2.05%
*Significant at the 0.05 probability level
**Significant at the 0.01 probability level rhizobium-Rhizobium
***Significant at the 0.001 probability level Actinobacteriota Solirubrobacter 0.20** 2.01%
R correlation coefficient with Foc TR4, RA Relative abundance Actinobacteriota Ilumatobacter 0.20** 1.81%
of Foc TR4 Proteobacteria Reyranella 0.20** 1.71%
Bacteroidota Mucilaginibacter 0.21** 1.12%
Proteobacteria Hyphomicrobium 0.22** 0.82%
were significantly (P < 0.05) positively correlated with Actinobacteriota Actinoplanes 0.23** 0.64%
the abundance of pathogenic bacteria. OTU23514 Proteobacteria Ellin6067 0.23** 0.54%
(Unclass_Xanthobacteraceae, R = − 0.175), OTU23930 Proteobacteria Rhodoplanes 0.24** 0.49%
(Bacillus, R = − 0.216), OTU14931 (Candidatus_Soli- Proteobacteria SWB02 0.24** 0.43%
bacter, R = − 0.197), OTU23396 (unclass_Streptomyc- Bacteroidota Flavobacterium 0.24** 0.41%
etaceae, R = − 0.177), and OTU14049 (Mycobacterium, Bacteroidota Edaphobaculum 0.24** 0.38%
R = − 0.225) were significantly (P < 0.05) negatively Acidobacteriota Candidatus_Koribacter -0.25** 0.29%
correlated with the abundance of FocTR4. Among Proteobacteria Devosia 0.26** 0.17%
the core fungal OTUs, only OTU11728 (Fusarium) Firmicutes Bacillus -0.26* 0.17%
and OTU12062 (Trichoderma) were identified, and Proteobacteria Dokdonella 0.26** 0.16%
OTU12062 showed a significant negative correlation Proteobacteria Castellaniella 0.26** 0.16%
with the abundance of pathogenic bacteria (R = − 0.270, Ascomycota Trichoderma 0.21* 5.71%
P < 0.01) (Fig. 3). Ascomycota Plectosphaerella 0.23** 1.43%
Ascomycota Nigrospora 0.29*** 0.74%
Network analysis Ascomycota Cyphellophora 0.19* 0.51%
Ascomycota Codinaea 0.18* 0.29%
We constructed cross - kingdoms networks for bac- Ascomycota Microascus 0.22** 0.27%
teria and fungi (Fig. 4a), in which the module 5 was Ascomycota Purpureocillium 0.28*** 0.20%
significantly positively correlated with the abun- Ascomycota Dactylonectria 0.19* 0.18%
dance of Foc TR4 (Fig. 4b, Table S2). Exception Ascomycota Scytalidium 0.22** 0.16%
OUT23378 (unclass_Chloroplast), all other members Ascomycota Metarhizium 0.20* 0.14%
in this module were fungi. We constructed correlation Ascomycota Pyrenochaetopsis 0.25** 0.14%
networks based on different Foc TR4 abundances. Ascomycota Sodiomyces 0.22* 0.13%
The results indicate that as the Foc TR4 abundance in Ascomycota Acrocalymma 0.2* 0.13%
the soil increases, the modularity index of the cross - Ascomycota Immersiella 0.30*** 0.13%
kingdoms network significantly increases (R = 0.758, Ascomycota Apiosordaria 0.18* 0.12%
P < 0.05), suggesting an improvement in network sta-
bility (Fig. 4c). There was no significant correlation *Significant at the 0.05 probability level
**Significant at the 0.01 probability level
observed between the average degree and the abun-
***Significant at the 0.001 probability level
dance of Foc TR4, and there was no correlation with R correlation coefficient with Foc TR4, RA Relative abundance
the complexity of the cross-domain network. of Foc TR4

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Plant Soil

Fig. 3  The phylogenetic distribution of the bacterial core PHO: Phosphatase; INV: Invertase; URE: UreaseSOM: soil
OTUs (present in all soil samples) and their primary driving organic matter; TN: total nitrogen; AN: available nitrogen; TP:
factors were investigated. A phylogenetic tree was constructed total phosphorus; AP: available phosphorus; TK: total potas-
using the NJ method. A heatmap was generated to illustrate sium; AK: available potassium. FocTR4: the abundance of Foc
the correlation between environmental factors and core OTUs TR4
using the Spearman correlation coefficient. CAT: Catalase;

Discussion precipitation, while it was negatively correlated with

temperature. Pathogen abundance was positively cor-
In this study, we attempted to investigate the abun- related with bacterial diversity and fungal richness,
dance of Foc TR4 in banana plantations and their but it was not related to the composition of bacterial
relationship with soil and environmental factors, as and fungal communities. However, within different
well as the microbial communities. By characteriz- taxonomic groups, many microorganisms were still
ing the bacterial and fungal communities at 140 soil found to be correlated with Foc TR4, with the asso-
samples were collected from 140 sampling points ciated bacteria often having high biocontrol poten-
in banana plantations through amplicon sequenc- tial and the fungi mainly being soil-borne pathogens.
ing and analyzing soil physicochemical properties, Additionally, our network analysis revealed that as the
we found that the abundance of pathogens was sig- pathogen abundance increased, the modularity index
nificantly positively correlated with total phosphorus, of the network also increased. These results deepen
total nitrogen, organic matterin the soil and annual our understanding of the patterns of soil pathogen

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Fig. 4  Inter-kingdoms co-occurrence networks for bacteria ule 5 and abundance of Foc TR4 by Spearman (b). Correlation
and fungi. Different colors represent different modules, and between the module index of different Foc TR4 and abundance
each node represents an OTU (a). Correlation between Mod- of pathogen by Spearman (c)

population changes in banana plantations and provide increase the incidence of banana wilt disease by Foc
evidence and guidance on how to reduce pathogen 1 and the losses of biomass (Segura et al. 2022). It
abundance and select beneficial microorganisms in is generally believed that the application of organic
banana production. fertilizers reduces the number of pathogens (Zhang
et al. 2014; Tao et al. 2020), which may be related
The impact of soil properties and environmental to adding organic fertilizers with a high diversity
factors on the abundance of pathogen of carbon sources can enhance microbial diver-
sity, thereby reducing pathogen numbers (Shen
Revealing the influence of soil properties on the et al. 2013). Excessive organic matter can also
abundance of soil-borne pathogenic fungi is cru- increase the number of pathogenic fungi in the soil,
cial for helping banana plantations reduce patho- a research shows that the application of crop straw
gen abundance in the soil (Löbmann et al. 2016; and fresh livestock manure significantly increases
Van Agtmaal et al. 2018). Our study indicates that the proportion of plant pathogenic fungi, which is
total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and organic mat- associated with increased soil organic carbon (Du
ter in the soil are significantly positively correlated et al. 2022). In this study, the positive correlations
with the abundance of pathogens. In the case of between Foc TR4 and these nutrients may be related
interactions between under conditions of high phos- to excessive fertilizer application in banana planta-
phorus, more fungi tend to exhibit plant-damaging tions. Exceeding the threshold of nutrients required
effects (Mesny et al. 2021). A research shows that for plant growth can increase the nutrients available
higher phosphorus application rates increase the to pathogens in the soil and increase the plant pre-
severity of peanut wilt disease (Li et al. 2021a, b). disposition, making it easier for pathogens to infect
High nitrogen content and low pH could accelerate (Walters and Bingham 2007; Zhang et al. 2022).
the infect of FocTR4 and hinder plant development Urease activity is an important indicator of soil
(Segura-Mena et al. 2021) in the soil. A study also nitrogen availability, and its enzyme-catalyzed
suggests that increasing soil nitrogen levels could products are a nitrogen source available to plants.

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Its activity can indicate soil nitrogen-supplying of pathogens. While this contradicts the traditional
capacity and is often positively correlated with paradigm, it aligns with other studies suggesting
organic matter content, total nitrogen, and read- that the relationship between diversity and dis-
ily available nitrogen content (Zantua et al. 1977; ease can be more complex, context-dependent, and
Dharmakeerthi and Thenabadu 1996). The positive driven by specific functional groups rather than
correlation with FocTR4 in this study reflects the overall diversity indices (Liu et al. 2023). Previ-
increased pathogen abundance in soils with high ous studies have shown that disease-suppressive
nitrogen content. soils in banana plantations have more stable bac-
Despite large-scale studies suggesting an increase terial and fungal community diversity and exhibit
in soil-borne pathogens with climate warming (Del- higher diversity in response to Foc TR4 invasion
gado-Baquerizo et al. 2020), this study reveals that compared to disease-conducive soils (Ou et al.
the soil content of FocTR4 is significantly nega- 2019). One potential explanation for our findings
tively correlated with the annual average tempera- might lie in the specific interactions within the
ture and positively correlated with precipitation. banana soil microbiome. Network analysis revealed
The possible reason for this is that more overcast that stronger competition among microbial species
and cooler days can increase plant predisposition indeed reduced pathogen dominance, implying the
and accelerate the spread of pathogens (Pegg et al. presence of antagonistic or resource-limiting mech-
2019). Additionally, studies by Buddenhagen (2009) anisms acting against Foc TR4 (Coyte et al. 2015).
proposed Foc TR4 as a genetically diverse fungal Higher microbial diversity hinders the establish-
species with various geographic lineages and patho- ment of pathogens in the soil (Gao et al. 2021).
types. Some of these, such as the South American The Mantel’s test results in this study show that
lineage, are likely more adapted to cooler climates, the composition of both bacterial and fungal com-
exhibiting optimal growth and reproduction at tem- munities is significantly correlated with pH, avail-
peratures below 20 °C (Dita et al. 2017; Ploetz able nitrogen, and available phosphorus. Notably, the
2006). In contrast, the globally prevalent Tropical abundance of pathogens did not exhibit a significant
Race 4 (TR4) lineage thrives in warmer conditions correlation with the composition of the microbial
(25–35 °C) (García-Bastidas et al. 2014; Molina community. The possible reason was that the soil
et al. 2009). Other lineages like Foc TR4, found in samples originated from diverse regions and climates,
Southeast Asia, may demonstrate wider tempera- which might reduce the correlation between Foc TR4
ture tolerance or even a preference for cooler condi- and microbiome composition. The primary drivers of
tions (Maryani et al. 2019). Therefore, in the future, soil microbial communities are abiotic factors such
banana plantations in Yunnan Province should aim as climate and soil properties, with pH being particu-
to select locations with higher annual average tem- larly significant (Islam et al. 2020). The relationship
peratures and lower precipitation. Additionally, between soil properties and microorganisms is recip-
they should reduce fertilizer application, especially rocal. Microorganisms regulated by the environment
nitrogen and phosphorus, and find the appropriate simultaneously drive changes in the environment, and
fertilizer amounts. This may help slow down the the subsequent changes in soil properties driven by
accumulation of pathogens, thus reducing the inci- microorganisms subsequently alter the composition
dence of diseases. and function of microbial communities (Hartmann
and Six 2023).
The interaction between pathogen abundance and soil These factors can serve as broad targets for the
bacterial and fungal communities regulation of soil microorganisms. However, vari-
ous microbial taxonomic groups remained signifi-
Higher soil microbial diversity is considered to be cantly associated with pathogen abundance. With
associated with soil disease suppression (Garbeva increasing pathogen abundance, there was a signifi-
et al. 2004). In this study, the soil bacterial com- cant enrichment of bacteria that are known to sup-
munity species diversity and fungal community press pathogen abundance. For example, Rhodano-
species richness in banana plantations were sig- bacter, the application of salicylic acid led to the
nificantly positively correlated with the abundance enrichment of Rhodanobacter in the root system of

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watermelons, assisting in resisting the infection of of closely associated microbial taxa, predominantly
a specialized watermelon sickle fungus (Zhu et al. fungi, linked to pathogen presence. Interestingly,
2022). High-abundance Gemmatimonas has been this module included both beneficial and pathogenic
identified as a potential biomarker for soil health players. One prominent member is Mortierella, an
in Central American banana plantations (Shen agricultural inoculant known for its cellulose, hemi-
et al. 2014), and numerous studies have revealed its cellulose, and chitinase-degrading enzymes (Li et al.
(potential) functions in suppressing disease occur- 2020; Ozimek and Hanaka 2020). Studies have shown
rence (Franke-Whittle et al. 2015; Rangjaroen that M. alpina inoculation significantly suppresses
et al. 2017; Pang et al. 2022), including Candida- ginseng root rot caused by Fusarium while promot-
tus_Koribacter (Xu et al. 2022) and Bacillus (He ing plant growth-promoting bacteria and fostering a
et al. 2021), which are negatively correlated with more stable network (Wang et al. 2022). This high-
pathogen abundance. Conversely, as the abundance lights the multifaceted roles some microbes play
of soil-borne pathogenic fungi gradually increased, within the community, potentially acting as com-
beneficial microorganisms such as Trichoderma petitors against pathogens while benefiting the host.
(Zin and Badaluddin 2020), Purpureocillium, and However, the module also harbors Plectosphaerella,
Metarhizium (Baron et al. 2020), which have the a soil-borne fungal pathogen known to induce wilt
potential to suppress diseases, were identified. disease (Carlucci et al. 2012; Raimondo and Carlucci
These fungi have been reported as potential biocon- 2018). This underscores the complexity of soil micro-
trol fungi for various crop disease. bial interactions, where beneficial and detrimental
In conclusion, while beta diversity did not exhibit actors can coexist and potentially influence each oth-
a correlation with pathogens, there was still a signifi- er’s niches and activities (Ray et al. 2020). Building
cant enrichment of beneficial bacteria and soil-borne synthetic communities with carefully chosen players,
pathogenic fungi associated with increasing pathogen like cross-feeding communities, may offer promising
abundance. This reflects the complex species interac- strategies for manipulating these interactions and pro-
tions that affect soil microbial community composi- moting disease suppression (Vorholt et al. 2017; Ke
tion, and this process is likely primarily influenced et al. 2021). Our findings further suggest that patho-
by host involvement since most of these microorgan- gen abundance intensifies community modularity,
isms have been shown to be preferentially recruited hinting at heightened competition within the micro-
by hosts through the release of corresponding car- biome. This aligns with existing research demonstrat-
bon sources into the soil. A study showed that com- ing that increased competition can hinder pathogen
pared to healthy chili peppers, plants infected with invasion and establishment (Wei et al. 2015). Inter-
Fusarium wilt disease are more susceptible to infec- estingly, while healthy banana plants exhibit a more
tion by other pathogenic fungi, but their roots, stems, stable community as expected (Fu et al. 2019), higher
and fruit niches all accumulate potential beneficial pathogen abundance seems to trigger the recruit-
bacteria (Gao et al. 2021). Additionally, core micro- ment of specific beneficial bacteria. This suggests a
organisms related to pathogens were identified to be dynamic response by the host and microbiome, poten-
present in all regions, making them excellent targets tially favoring competitive microbes against the path-
for soil biological regulation (Toju et al. 2018). Such ogen. However, the recruitment of beneficial fungi
as, Sphingobium, A type of plant growth promoting appears more selective, with an increased presence
rhizobacteria (Asaf et al. 2020) and a large number of soil-borne fungi alongside pathogens. This raises
of reported healthy soil biomarkers (Innerebner et al. intriguing questions about the specific mechanisms
2011; Fu et al. 2017; Ding et al. 2021). underlying host-microbe interactions and niche differ-
entiation within the soil community under pathogen
The infection of pathogen increases competition pressure. Unraveling these complexities through fur-
within the soil microbiome ther research is crucial for developing effective strat-
egies to manipulate the microbiome towards sustain-
The infection of pathogens intensifies competition able disease management.
within the soil microbiome, as revealed by our co- Through this research, we gain valuable insights
occurrence network analysis. We identified a module into the intricate relationship between soil properties,

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