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This qa,rition o*/r -rri^IYoutri*d *uo

Roll No.

Sl- No. of Ques. Paper z 3165 IC

Unique Paper Code :52413603
I Name of Paper : Collectlve Bargaining and
Negotiation Skills
Name ofCourse : B,Com. : SEC
Semester :VI
i Duration :3 hours
L I Maximum Marks t75
(Witc Jout RoU No. on hc rop irwn .liauty
on recipt of rtb q/.t bn pop.r)

rts m+vr * Fmi r? *vr fti r{ Mlla

*q," /effil)

Norrr:- Answers n ay be wdtin

eithe? in English or in
Hittd* but the same should be used
throughout the paper.
ltqd:- Fs rr+r, #dga c7 fr<? fr's0 q6
4-I 3tR
a ) flv f Etfiq. iilBr +rd'rait w qqs sq dl
al{I an?qr

Atternpt all question s.

All questions carry equal marlcs.
rl P$ v{# *^sil{ E?frsr
sq? rfl'# t erfi sqrr lr
1. (a) What is Hick's paradox? How can it be solved?

3r6t 2 5 3165

fr+ Hqrqrs wr t z rc d;i w F+ql qT {FFrr (b) What is coalition bargaining? State its advantages
tu 8
and disadvantages.

(b) Define Coliective Bargaining. Explain Collective

rrcis-{ dM +qt t ? ss* orq sflr 6rf{
Bargaining initiatives of SEWA bidi workers. irfir{q | 8

srTfrs dM +1 cRcrcr d&q *

r sswa Or ({rFII)
dA +ftrR-d * sr{fr-* dffi t q-6d d (a) Explain various Collective Bargaining approaches.
€{fr{q I 7 EfTq sr[f66 dN sqrrd * trrflr{q I 8
Or (anEII; (d) Write a note on binding-up the wounds.
(a) Describe the behavioural theory of labour qrd +t cr6c-Tfl q{ fre{uft frfuq r 7
negotiations and its sub-processes.
. ,[sr rr(fiTqur sft ss{ft Bc-xB.cIq} * q*tnvr*
RfiFa s] $rfliiq I 8
(b) What are the critical issues in Collective Bargain-
ing? Explain how did Collective Bargaining
succeed in case of Indian Railways.

sqfr" uf{erfi + w€Tf $ wr tZ cndrq

r€ + crc€ c* qr{Ff,{ dtqrfl F+.s r*n sw
E{,qrflqCt 7

2. (a) Explain pre-requisites .for succqssful Collective

t (.

Bargaining in any country. I

ffi * tvr t ur6r+ HtM +i strcdr * fdq
A{-emw,+or( m tZ I
(b) Eaumerate the difficulties in the bargaining pro-
cess and administration of agreements.
3165 4

'coD' 41 6+sr q-gd Err+ sfrr t crffi i

T{16 qrql qrfr} r qs qrn *1 reff sc-i{Es r e
(b) Write a note on the role of .Costing o[
contracts' in the success of bargaining process.
qlM 61 nFx.qr +t sscfrr * Fsq.m e-tarq
+t arm' d {k6r cr fcqufr fdfus r 7

4-(a) What is impasse. resolution? State the causes

responsible for it.
qFcis qqtsrl Er t ? us+ FdS s-r<rff snuil
ql ffirEC I g
(b) Erplain the grievance management model pro-

Rr*rq-c reqq.frso cf*qr rTF{rEC | 7

(a) E:rplain the emerging scenario in the area. of
C-ollective Bargaining.
qrrlfrs dffi_* &7 I sqG qRE{q q}
Hlr{r{q I 8
(b) Explain the process of Collective Bargaining.

sl{Frs dffi +] xffqr qqfr{gt 7

5. (a) Write a note on negotiating Integrative Agree-


q+tfa srrd-df * crfrrcq c{ M frfES r 8

3 3165

dffi 61 xFfrqr rur srgtfr * +rqf-qqq i

qBit$f 6) FEr{s 1 7

Or (srreQ
(a) Expain various levels o[bargaining.

Htffi*frqwt6\sq-flr{Cr 8

(b) Collective Bargaining is beneficial not only to

employees and employers but society at large'

sr1F{d ettqrs q fisd sffi 3rh fi+nr *

foq qrqx qf6 t *< ft w sqrq + fds ci
6rq]'r(tl .RTr{r{qr 7

3. (a) Explain the meaning of negotiation and

pre-negotiations and its imPortance.
rrcf'rrM .sr qd TqI 5d-VCXrWr sil{ sst q-6d

* gr{r{sl 8

(b) What is BATNA? How is it develoPed in

Collective Bargaining? ExPlain.

BATNA '4qr I I llqlfs d?Frfr t sr+r F++rq

l*'s r+n ficr i z sr*rrq r 7

Or (eWF[r;
(r) 'COD' must be designed meticulously. E:rplain the
significance of the statement.

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