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Wat. Res. Vol. 33, No. 17, pp.

3595±3602, 1999
# 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(99)00082-2 0043-1354/99/$ - see front matter



A. DRIZO1*, C. A. FROST2 M, J. GRACE1 and K. A. SMITH1
Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK and 2The Environmental Protection Group, Scottish Agricultural College,
Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0PH, UK

(First received 1 June 1998; accepted in revised form 1 February 1999)

AbstractÐThe objective was to provide selection criteria for substrates that would enhance phosphate
removal from waste water in a constructed wetland system (subsurface horizontal ¯ow). Measured
properties of seven substrates (bauxite, shale, burnt oil shale, limestone, zeolite, light expanded clay
aggregates (LECA) and ¯y ash) were: pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), hydraulic conductivity,
porosity, speci®c surface area, particle size distribution and phosphate (P) adsorption capacity. Fly ash
and shale had the highest P adsorption values, followed by bauxite, limestone and LECA. Longer-term
experiments in which synthetic waste water was passed over shale and bauxite gave maximum P uptake
values of 730 and 355 mg P kgÿ1, respectively. X-ray ¯uorescence measurements showed that
substantial precipitation of P had occurred on the shale surfaces. On the basis of these measurements it
was concluded that, of the seven materials examined, shale had the best combination of properties as a
substrate for constructed wetland systems (CWS). # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Key wordsÐwaste water, phosphorus, shale, bauxite, ¯y ash, light expanded clay aggregates, Phragmites
australis, removal eciency, life expectancy of a CWS

INTRODUCTION Results from several studies have shown that im-

Recent work has emphasised the potential import- mobilisation of P in CWS occurs through substra-
ance of natural and constructed wetland systems tum adsorption, chemical precipitation, bacterial
(CWS) for purifying waste water. These systems are action, plant and algal uptake and incorporation
useful for reducing biochemical oxygen demand into organic matter (Kadlec and Knight, 1996;
(BOD), suspended solids (SS), ammonium (N) and Vymazal et al., 1998). Of these, the substrate may
phosphorus (P) in sewage (Moshiri, 1993; Kadlec play the greatest role, and could very well be the
and Knight, 1996; Vymazal et al., 1998). Such sys- factor that is most amenable to control.
tems are becoming widely accepted as a suitable Consequently, it is important to select those sub-
strates with the highest P adsorption capacity,
low-cost technology for small to medium-sized com-
which is dependent upon chemical and physical
munities (Moshiri, 1993; Vymazal et al., 1998).
properties of the material (Zhu et al., 1997; Drizo,
Studies of the removal of P by wetland systems
1998). Such materials might include minerals with
have been carried out in the U.S.A. (Moshiri, 1993;
reactive Fe or Al hydroxide or oxide groups on
Kadlec and Knight, 1996), Australia (Mann and
their surfaces, or calcareous materials which can
Bavor, 1993) and several countries in Europe:
promote Ca phosphate precipitation (Drizo et al.,
Denmark (Schierup et al., 1990), Norway (Zhu et
1997; Johansson, 1997; Zhu et al., 1997). Apart
al., 1997), U.K. (Green, 1997), Czech Republic
from Fe, Al and Ca minerals, the rate of P adsorp-
(Vymazal, 1995) and more recently, Sweden
tion is controlled by substrate Eh, pH and adsorp-
(Johansson, 1997) and the Netherlands (Schreijer et
tive surface area (Vymazal et al., 1998). Fine
al., 1997).
grained materials have large surface areas and
therefore the potential to enhance P adsorption ca-
*Author to whom all correspndence should be addressed. pacity (Zhu et al., 1997). However, such materials
Present address: CGM Department, Ecole often have low hydraulic conductivity which leads
Polytechnique de Montreal, P.O. Box 6079, Station
Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3A7.
to the occurrence of overland ¯ows and insucient
Tel.: +1-514-340-4711; e-mail: aleksandradrizo@ contact between wastewater and substrate within
polymtl.ca the CWS (Kadlec and Knight, 1996; Drizo, 1998).
3596 A. Drizo et al.

Therefore, the materials should be suciently per- Methods

meable to prevent surface channelling of the CWS Determination of pH, CEC, hydraulic conductivity, por-
(Kadlec and Knight, 1996). In addition, they should osity, speci®c surface area and particle size distribution.
be cheap and locally available in order to reduce The pH of each substrate was determined with a pH meter
(model 701a, Orion, Cambridge, MA) after mixing 2 g of
the costs of CWS construction. milled (< 2 mm) material with 20 ml of 0.01 M CaCl2
This paper describes investigations of a range of (McLean, 1982). Cation exchange capacity was measured
candidate substrates, all meeting the above criteria. using the colorimetric method with methylene blue (MB)
Comparison of seven materials is presented, based (Rhoades, 1982). From the number of ``equivalents'' of
MB adsorbed the concentration of cations exchanged in
on measurements of pH, cation exchange capacity the solution was calculated and CEC determined.
(CEC), hydraulic conductivity, porosity, speci®c Hydraulic conductivity was measured using a constant
surface area and particle size distribution, and head permeameter (0.65 m height). Acrylic plastic tubes
phosphate adsorption capacity. These parameters with two di€erent bores (diameter of 0.1 and 0.07 m, re-
spectively) were used. The tubes were ®lled with the di€er-
all in¯uence the e€ectiveness of a substrate for the
ent substrates to a height of 0.65 m. Water was passed
removal of phosphates, on a short-term basis. Also, through them, using an upward ¯ow to facilitate removal
to estimate the capacity of substrates, laboratory in- of trapped air. The hydraulic conductivity was calculated
vestigations of the P saturation point are reported. using Darcy's law:
Finally, X-ray ¯uorescence spectrometric analysis
was used to demonstrate the presence of P on the Q ˆ kA DH=DL† 1†
surface of the materials. The properties investigated
in the later two experiments in¯uence the e€ective- where Q = volumetric ¯ow of the solution (m3 sÿ1);
k = saturated hydraulic conductivity (m sÿ1); A = cross
ness of the substrate for the removal of phosphates, sectional area of the tube (m2); DH/DL = hydraulic gradi-
on a long term basis. ent of the ¯ow system expressed as a decimal fraction
where DH = the hydraulic head (m) and DL = the length
of the column (m).
The porosity of substrates was determined using the
MATERIALS AND METHODS standard soil science procedure based on estimations of
bulk density and particle density (Klute, 1986). Speci®c
Materials surface area was determined using the N2 gas adsorption
The seven materials chosen for investigation of their method (Davis and Kent, 1990). Particle size distribution
physico-chemical properties were: was measured by dry sieving each of the substrates
through four di€erent mesh sizes, ranging from 2.8 to
. Bauxite, a naturally occurring mixture of minerals 12.7 mm, and subsequent weighing.
rich in hydrated aluminium oxides and ferric oxides Determination of maximum phosphate adsorption ca-
and low in alkali metals, alkaline earths and silicates, pacity. A slight modi®cation of a standard batch equili-
obtained from Alcan Chemicals Europe, Burntisland, brium technique (Nair et al,, 1984) was used. Five
Fife. di€erent P solutions, ranging in concentration from 2.5 to
. Shale, an argillaceous rock, derived from the lower lime- 40 mg P lÿ1 (0.08 to 1.25 mM P as KH2PO4 in 0.01 M
stone group of the carboniferous system, which is highly CaCl2), were equilibrated with 20 g of the substrate for
®ssile and which splits readily into very thin laminae. It 24 h by continuous shaking on a rotating shaker (60 rpm)
is readily available material in Scotland (Drizo, 1998); at constant temperature (218C). Three drops of toluene
the one used for experiments was obtained from were added to each tube in order to inhibit microbial ac-
Cultshill Quarry, Fife. tivity. Suspensions were then centrifuged and the P
. Burnt oil shale (BOS), widely available in central remaining in the supernatant was determined using a stan-
Scotland as the waste product from heating oil shale to dard ammonium molybdate method (DoE, 1980). Phos-
produce mineral oil. phorus adsorption maxima were determined from the
. Limestone, composed largely of calcium carbonate Langmuir equation (Barrow, 1978):
(CaCO3) in the form of calcite. The material used for abC
experiments was obtained from Middleton Lime Pa ˆ 2†
Quarry, Midlothian. 1 ‡ aC †
. Zeolite, a hydrated aluminium-silicate mineral with the
where C is the concentration of P in the solution at equili-
aluminium and silicon polyhedra linked by the sharing brium (g mÿ3); Pa is the amount of P adsorbed per unit
of oxygen atoms. weight of material (g kgÿ1); a is the constant related to the
. Lightweight expanded clay aggregates (LECA), formed binding strength of P on the material; b is the P adsorp-
by expanding special clay minerals at high temperature tion maximum (g kgÿ1). a and b were determined using
producing lightweight (300±400 kg mÿ3) ceramic peb- the SigmaStat iterative curve ®tting package (Kuo et al.,
bles. The material used for experiments was obtained
from the Clydesdale Trading Company, Lanark, who
Determination of the saturation point of the substrate.
had imported it from Norway. Twelve Perspex columns (inner diameter: 100 mm; height:
. Fly ash, an inorganic waste product from coal combus- 900 mm) were packed to a height of 600 mm with each
tion, consisting mainly of spherical glassy particles of of four substrates selected as a result of the adsorption
silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and iron oxides. The ma- capacity study (bauxite, shale, ¯y ash and LECA), giving
terial used here was furnace bottom ash which has coar-
a replication of three per substrate. The columns were
ser particle size and, hence, higher permeability than
fed from below with a synthetic waste water solution
®ne ¯y ash, and originated from Longannet Power devised by DoE (1981), from a common reservoir, using
station, Fife. a separate peristaltic pump for each column. The syn-
All of these materials, except the limestone, were rich in thetic waste water (made up by mixing 7 di€erent com-
Fe and Al; the limestone was a material expected to pro- ponents: bacteriological peptone, meat extract, urea,
mote precipitation of Ca phosphates. sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium sulphate
CWS substrates for P removal 3597

and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate) is widely used as a The pH values covered a wide range. Shale was sig-
substitute for real sewage in the Water Research Centre's ni®cantly ( p < 0.05) the most acid, followed by
waste water treatment studies in Great Britain. Such syn-
thetic sewage after dilution normally contains approxi- bauxite. Fly ash and LECA were the most alkaline
mately 106 mg lÿ1 organic C, 46 mg lÿ1 N and 5 mg lÿ1 P and not statistically di€erent from each other
(DoE, 1981). However, in an attempt to achieve a sub- (Table 1). CEC values fell into two groups, with
strate saturation by P, the K2HPO4-P concentration was BOS, zeolite, limestone and shale having CEC
increased to 35±45 mg lÿ1 (about twice the average P con-
centration of domestic waste waters) and extremely high values very much higher than those for bauxite,
loading rates (approximately 25 g P mÿ3 dÿ1) were used LECA and ¯y ash. Although hydraulic conduc-
because of the time limitations of the experiment. The tivities were generally between 10ÿ3 and 10ÿ4 m sÿ1,
pumps operated for 10-min periods six times per day, sup- except for that of zeolite (2.94  10ÿ3), they were
plying a total of 3 l dÿ1. The average contact time (pore signi®cantly di€erent ( p < 0.05) from each other
volume retention time) between the solution and the sub-
strate was 12 h. Samples of the out¯ow from each column (except for the two pairs, shale and BOS, and ¯y
were taken every second day and analysed for P content, ash and limestone). Zeolite had a porosity signi®-
using a standard ammonium molybdate method (DoE, cantly higher than those of the other substrates
1980), to determine when saturation of the substrates was ( p < 0.05), whereas 5 of the others with lower
After 40 days, saturation had not been reached in any values did not di€er signi®cantly from each other.
of the substrates. As ¯y ash had already been used because The speci®c surface area for LECA and ¯y ash
of its high P adsorption capacities in investigations carried could not be calculated because the ranges of the
out by other authors (Mann and Bavor, 1993), it was relative pressures for these two substrates exceeded
decided to continue the investigation using only the shale the values for which the equation used in the N2
and bauxite. To speed up the saturation of the substrates,
the P concentration of the feeding solution and the daily adsorption method (Davis and Kent, 1990) is valid
¯ow through the system were doubled, thus increasing the (between 0.05 and 0.30). The speci®c surface area of
inlet loading rate 4-fold, to 100 g P mÿ3 dÿ1. the zeolite was higher than that of shale, which in
Examination of the substrate surfaces by X-ray ¯uor- turn was signi®cantly greater ( p < 0.05) than the
escence spectrometry (XRFS). In order to determine
whether phosphate precipitation had occurred during the other three materials (Table 1).
column experiment, individual samples of substrate ma- Particle size distribution varied considerably
terial were taken from the columns after the saturation among the substrates (Table 2), with LECA and
point had been reached, cut into 10±30 mm sections and limestone containing by far the biggest proportion
analysed using an X-ray ¯uorescence spectrometry
of large particles >12.7 mm (70.2 and 61.7%, re-
(XRFS) technique. The substrate fragments were bom-
barded by X-rays from a Rh-anode source and the inten- spectively) and ¯y ash the largest proportion of
sity of the characteristic ¯uorescent radiation from P small particles < 2.8 mm (77.8%).
measured with a wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (Phi-
lips PW1480). Maximum phosphate adsorption capacity
Fly ash and shale showed the greatest mean P
adsorption (21 S.D., n = 3) of the seven di€erent
RESULTS substrates as a function of P concentration in sol-
ution, followed by bauxite, limestone and LECA
pH, CEC, hydraulic conductivity, porosity, speci®c (Fig. 1). When P adsorption data were plotted
surface area and particle size distribution according to the Langmuir model of adsorption
The measured values of these parameters are (Fig. 2), a close ®t to Eq. (2) was observed for all
given in Table 1. In order to test whether there was the substrates. Therefore, bonding capacities a and
any signi®cant di€erence in these properties between theoretical P adsorption maxima b of the substrates
the substrates, ®ve one-way ANOVA analyses were (equation 2) were determined. P adsorption maxima
performed (one test for each property), using varied between 0.42 and 0.86 g kgÿ1, while bonding
SigmaStat statistical software (Kuo et al., 1992). capacities varied between 0.07 and 0.6 (Table 3).

Table 1. pH, CEC, hydraulic conductivity, porosity and surface area of substrates. In any one column, values marked with di€erent
letters are signi®cantly di€erent from each other ( p < 0.05). Standard deviations are shown in parentheses (n = 3)

Substrate pH CEC (cmol kgÿ1) Hydraulic conductivity (m sÿ1  10ÿ4) Porosity (%) Surface area (m2 gÿ1)

Bauxite 5.9b (0.1) 8.5a (1.3) 5.9b (0.3) 34.5a,b (2.8) 6.8a (0.4)
Shale 4.5a (0.1) 19.4b (2.8) 10.0d (0.7) 37.7a,b (1.9) 19.9c (1.6)
BOS 7.4d (0.2) 23.3b (1.0) 10.2d (0.3) 40.0a,b (2.0) 8.3b (0.3)
Limestone 7.8d (0.1) 22.8b (1.3) 2.4a (0.1) 33.0a (1.6) 7.4a,b (0.5)
Zeolite 6.5e (0.2) 23.0b (1.1) 29.4e (0.5) 54.4c (1.0) 31.4d (0.2)
LECA$ 8.2e (0.1) 9.5a (2.0) 7.0c (0.2) 40.4a,b (2.9) ±
Fly ash 8.3e (0.2) 9.3a (0.4) 2.8a (0.3) 45.3b (3.0) ±

BOS=Burnt oil shale.
LECA=Light expanded clay aggregates.
3598 A. Drizo et al.

Table 2. Particle size distribution of substrates

Substrate (% w/w)a
0.0±2.8 mm 2.9±4.0 mm 4.1±6.7 mm 6.8±12.6 mm > 12.70 mm

Bauxite 0.2 0.0 2.6 75.7 21.5

Shale 1.9 5.3 25.6 41.9 25.3
BOS 22.3 11.8 21.9 22.6 21.4
Limestone 1.2 2.2 8.6 26.3 61.7
Zeolite 0.0 0.0 4.2 83.6 12.2
LECA 0.4 0.1 4.3 25.0 70.2
Fly ash 77.8 3.5 6.5 12.2 0.0

WÐweight of size fraction as a percentage of total weight of sample.

Table 3. Bonding capacities, a, and theoretical P adsorption max-

ima, b, derived from the Langmuir equation (Eq. 2) (2=S.E.;
n = 7)

Substrate Bonding capacity, a P adsorption maximum, b (g kgÿ1)

Bauxite 0.26 20.01 0.61 20.08

Shale 0.61 20.02 0.65 20.07
BOS 0.06 20.01 0.58 20.09
Limestone 0.10 20.02 0.68 20.09
Zeolite 0.03 20.01 0.46 20.08
LECA 0.10 20.02 0.42 20.04
Fly ash 0.07 20.01 0.86 20.06

In order to ®nd the most signi®cant parameters

which in¯uenced the P adsorption capacity of the
substrates, regression analyses were made of the
theoretical maximum P adsorption values (obtained
from the Langmuir equation (Eq. 2) and Table 3)
plotted against pH, CEC, hydraulic conductivity,
porosity, surface area and bonding capacity of the
substrates. None of these properties had a signi®-
cant e€ect on P adsorption capacity.
The three substrates chosen for further study
were shale, bauxite and ¯y ash, which included
both the materials with the highest P adsorption ca-
pacities, and also represented a wide range in pH.
A fourth substrate, LECA, was also included,
Fig. 1. Mean P adsorption (21 S.D., n = 3) for the seven despite its low P adsorption and bonding capacity
di€erent substrates as a function of P concentration in sol- values, because experience in Scandinavian
ution. Solution±substrate mixtures had been equilibrated
for 24 h at constant temperature (218C).
countries suggested that it had promise as a sub-
strate (Brix, 1994).

Fig. 2. Langmuir plot of mean P adsorption data (21 S.E., n = 3) for all seven substrates. Bonding ca-
pacities and theoretical P adsorption maxima are presented in Table 3.
CWS substrates for P removal 3599

Substrate saturation points could not be determined. The dark patches on

As indicated above, after 40 days of exposure of bauxite did not show comparable P deposition;
the substrates to a P loading rate of 25 g their composition was not investigated further.
P mÿ3 dÿ1, shale had adsorbed the highest amount
of P (400 mg P kgÿ1), followed by ¯y ash (300 mg DISCUSSION
P kgÿ1) and then bauxite (160 mg P kgÿ1), but sat-
uration had not been reached in any of the sub- The measured hydraulic conductivities of 2±
strates (Fig. 3a). The 4-fold increase in the inlet 29  10ÿ4 m sÿ1 (Table 1) were in the range of
loading rate to 100 g P mÿ3 dÿ1, at this point, values recommended for CWS (EC/EWPCA, 1990)
resulted in a sharp rise in the rate of P adsorption and it has been suggested that once developed, the
by shale and bauxite over the following 20 days and hydraulic conductivity of a CWS will stabilize and
saturation was reached at about 70 d (Fig. 3b). maintain itself (Kickuth, 1977).
Overall, the total input of P to the substrates over The physical and chemical properties listed in
the whole period of investigation was 24.7 g, the Table 1 were not strongly linked with the theoreti-
total output P from the shale column was 21.8 g cal P adsorption capacities. There is a considerable
and the total adsorbed 2.9 g, giving a saturation controversy over the proper use of the Langmuir
value of 730 mg P kgÿ1 (Fig. 3b). The correspond- equation for adsorption studies, arising from the
ing value for bauxite was ca. 350 mg P kgÿ1. fact that it was developed from the assumption that
adsorbed gases form a monomolecular ®lm on uni-
form surfaces, whereas the adsorption of phosphate
XRFS measurements on minerals involves adsorption onto non-uniform
After the saturation point of P had been reached surfaces (Barrow, 1978). The biggest advantage in
(as described above), subsamples of the substrates the application of the Langmuir model for adsorp-
from each tube were examined; changes in colour tion studies is that it enables the calculations of
were observed on the surfaces of both bauxite and theoretical P adsorption maxima to be made.
shale, suggestive of precipitation of insoluble phos- Therefore, despite the limitations of the mechanistic
phates. Bauxite had dark patches and shale orange P adsorption equations, they are still widespread in
ones. Investigation of these coatings by XRFS P adsorption studies, with Langmuir equations
showed that detectable P deposition had occurred being most frequently used (Stuanes, 1982).
only on the shale particles. The concentration of P The material with the smallest particle size distri-
on the shale had increased roughly 3-fold during bution will have the highest surface area, increasing
the period of exposure in the column, as indicated the potential for direct reaction with phosphates.
by the X-ray count rate, which is directly pro- The measurements showed such a trend for most of
portional to the P concentration (Brindley and the substrates investigated, but zeolite was an
Brown, 1980); the absolute quantities deposited exception; it had the highest speci®c surface area

Fig. 3. Cumulative P adsorption capacities for shale, bauxite, LECA and ash over (a) 40 days and (b)
80 days. The columns (0.1 m diameter, 0.6 m height) were fed from below with 3 l dÿ1 of the synthetic
sewage solution containing 35±42 mg Pÿ1 (loading rate of 25 g P mÿ3 dÿ1) during the ®rst 40 days of
experimentation (a), followed by 70±90 mg P lÿ1 and 6 l dÿ1 of the solution, resulting in a 4-fold
increase of the inlet loading rate to 100 g Pmÿ3 dÿ1 (b) from a common reservoir, using a separate peri-
staltic pump for each column. The arrow in (b) indicates the place of the 4-fold increase in the inlet
loading concentration.
3600 A. Drizo et al.

(Table 1) but the lowest theoretical P adsorption ca- reached at 0.7 g P kgÿ1 (Fig. 3b), this amount of
pacity (Table 3 and Fig. 2c). The reason for this shale could adsorb 3.15 kg P, which in theory
may have been that P adsorption was reduced by suggests a lifetime of 7 years. Alternatively, adopt-
di€usion constraints: 96 % of the zeolite particles ing the design guidelines from Norway, with a land
were >6.8 mm in size (Table 2) and secondly, the area of 10 m2 per person and depth of 0.9 m
Langmuir equation may have been inappropriate in (Maehlum et al., 1995), the life of the system could
this context. be increased to over 20 years. Such calculations
The results of the P saturation point measure- necessarily assume that ¯ow through the substrate
ments (Fig. 3) indicated that shale had the highest is well-distributed to avoid channelling, but never-
P adsorption capacity, in excess of 650± theless they indicate that considerable longevity
700 mg kgÿ1. The closest reported values for the may be possible in a well-designed ¯ow regime.
materials used in CWS are 430 mg P kgÿ1 for blast A comparison between removal eciency and life
furnace slag and 240 mg P kg ÿ1 for ¯y ash (Mann
expectancy of the systems is dicult because of the
and Bavor, 1993). Zhu et al. (1997) recently showed
di€erences in the operational parameters such as
that some types of Norwegian lightweight expanded
the loading rate, the age of the system, the hydrau-
aggregates (LWA) have P adsorption capacity of
lic design (subsurface, overland or vertical ¯ow),
1390 mg P kgÿ1. On the other hand, Johansson
the type of pretreatment unit used, the condition of
(1997) concluded that LWA produced in Sweden
was chemically non-reactive and therefore was not the vegetation and the physical and chemical prop-
suitable for P removal unless lime was added. As erties of the substrate. However, one of the features
the production of LWA requires substantial which is common to all CWS designed for P
amounts of energy, the cost e€ectiveness of this ma- removal is that P accumulates in the substrate and
terial as a substrate for a CWS remains question- plants until they are both saturated (Kadlec and
able. Knight, 1996; Vymazal et al., 1998).
The presence of P deposition on shale surfaces Results from the literature indicate a typical life
during exposure to the synthetic waste water sol- span of CWS for P removal of only 2±5 years.
ution was con®rmed by X-ray ¯uorescence analysis. Pulverised fuel ash in the Valley®eld pilot plant in
Such deposition may lead to enhanced removal of south Scotland (Wolstenholme and Bayes, 1990), in-
P. This has particular implications for wastewater itially produced a 60 % reduction in the applied
treatment; Stuanes (1982) showed that P removal load, but this began to decline after 2 years of ser-
by soils receiving long-term wastewater treatment vice. Poor P removal eciency (20±40%) was also
applications was much greater than that predicted observed in Danish CWS and it was concluded that
by adsorption maxima. only systems with loading rates of less than
2 cm dÿ1 showed removals of over 50 % (Schierup
Life expectancy of shale based CWS
et al., 1990). Gravel-based systems in Richmond,
The results from this study are not sucient to Australia showed a decline in removal eciency
forecast accurately the lifetime of a CWS using after only 1±2 yr of operation (Mann and Bavor,
shale as a substrate. Full-scale and supplementary 1993). Kadlec and Knight (1996) showed that initial
greenhouse tests are necessary to allow such predic- P removal rates from wetland systems in the U.S.A.
tion. However, data obtained from the batch exper- are often in excess of 90 % but decline sharply after
iment using phosphate solution and the saturation only 4±5 yr of cumulative P additions. Systems con-
point measurements can be used to obtain an initial
structed in Norway, using LECA of extremely high
P adsorptive capacity (4 kg mÿ3) indicated promis-
If the observed saturation capacity were to be
ing P removal of r95% after 2±3 yr of operation;
applied at a ®eld scale, it is expected that one tonne
suggestions have been made that in theory, the life
of shale could absorb in excess of 0.7 kg P. The
time of the systems could be more than two decades
quantity of phosphate (PO4) excreted per person
(Maehlum et al., 1995), but that it will depend on
per day is 3 g PO4; in addition, another 4 g is dis-
charged from cleaning compounds (Laak, 1986), the plants' root development and the e€ects that
giving a total of 7 g of PO4 (or 2.3 g of P) per per- this could have on P removal. The longevity of a
son per day. Most CWS use a septic tank or similar CWS could be enhanced by designing a multistage
settlement chamber as a primary treatment, to system where a gravel CWS (either vertical or hori-
remove half of the phosphorus in the accumulated zontal) is followed by a shale-based unit (Drizo,
sludge (Frost, unpublished data), corresponding to 1998). Such an arrangement would result in the sus-
a discharge to the CWS of 1.2 g per person per day pended solids being retained in the gravel and thus
(440 g P yÿ1). Assuming the land area required to avoid the blocking of the pathways of ¯ow through
treat waste water from one person is 5 m2 and the the plate-like shale material. This substrate could be
depth of the bed is 0.6 m (EC/EWPCA, 1990), 3 m3 excavated on an annual basis, which would result in
or 4.5 tonnes of substrate would be needed to treat an increase of the P retention and prolong the life
the e‚uent from one person. If saturation is expectancy of the main planted CWS.
CWS substrates for P removal 3601

CONCLUSIONS as a substrate. Water Sci. Technol. 35(5), 95±

The results showed that, of the seven substrates Drizo A. (1998) Phosphate and ammonium removal from
examined, shale had the best combination of prop- waste water, using constructed wetland systems. Ph.D.
erties for use in CWS. It had the greatest potential thesis, University of Edinburgh.
EC/EWPCA (1990) European design and operations
for P removal, with a P adsorption capacity as high guidelines for reed bed treatment systems. Presented to
as 650±730 mg P kgÿ1. In addition, XRFS analysis the Conference ``Constructed Wetlands in Water
of the shale surface (after being exposed to high P Pollution Control'', Cambridge, UK, September 1990.
concentration for a period of 80 days) indicated Also available as WRc Report UI 17, WRc Swindon,
enhanced P removal via deposition on the material. UK, December, 1990.
Green M. B. (1997). Experience with establishment and
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AcknowledgementsÐWe wish to thank Mr F. Daunt, Dr Klute A. (ed.) (1986) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1:
P. Hiley (Yorkshire Water plc) and Professor Y. Comeau Physical and Mineralogical Methods, 2nd edn. American
(CGM Department, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA.
Quebec) for their great help in the preparation of this Kuo J., Fox E. and McDonald S. (1992) SigmaStat User's
manuscript; Mr R. Speirs of Scottish Agricultural College, Manual. Jandel Scienti®c GmbH, Erkrath, Germany.
Edinburgh (SAC) for his recommendation on the choice Laak R. (1986) Wastewater Engineering Design for
of the substrates at the outset of the research; Mr J. Unsewered Areas. Technomic Publishing, The Hague,
MacGowan of SAC for providing the equipment for P The Netherlands.
analyses; Dr G. Angel and Mrs D. James, Department of Maehlum T., Jenssen P. D. and Warner W. S. (1995)
Geology, University of Edinburgh, for help with XRF Cold-climate constructed wetlands. Water Sci. Technol.
analyses; Mr J. Pearson of Wemyss Brick Co. Fife, 32(3), 95±101.
Scotland for the supply of shale and Mr T. Cole of Alcan Mann R. A. and Bavor H. J. (1993) Phosphorus removal
Chemicals Europe, Burntisland, Fife, Scotland for the in constructed wetlands using gravel and industrial
supply of bauxite. We acknowledge ®nancial support from waste substrata. Water Sci. Technol. 27(5), 107±113.
the Overseas Research Scholarship Fund of the McLean E. O. (1982) Soil pH and lime requirement. In
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2: Chemical and
Universities of the United Kingdom (CVCP), the Microbiological Properties, eds A. L. Page, R. H. Miller
Environmental Research Support Scheme (ERSS) of the and D. R. Keeney. American Society of Agronomy,
Soros Foundation (Central European University, Madison, WI, USA.
Budapest) and the Scottish Oce Agriculture and Moshiri G. A. (ed.) (1993) Constructed Wetlands for
Fisheries Department (SOAFD). Water Quality Improvement. Lewis Publishers, Boca
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