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Targeting treatment technologies to address specific

stormwater pollutants and numeric discharge limits

Shirley E. Clark a,*, Robert Pitt b

Penn State Harrisburg School of Science, Engineering and Technology, 777 W. Harrisburg Pike TL-105, Middletown, PA 17057, USA
University of Alabama, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Stormwater treatment is entering a new phase with stormwater management systems
Received 21 July 2011 being required to meet specific numeric objectives, as opposed to the historic approach of
Received in revised form meeting guidance-document-provided percent removal rates. Meeting numeric discharge
7 March 2012 requirements will require designers to better understand and apply the physical, chemical,
Accepted 6 July 2012 and biological processes underpinning these treatment technologies. This critical review
Available online 20 July 2012 paper focuses on the potential unit treatment operations available for stormwater treat-
ment and outlines how to identify the most applicable treatment options based on the
Keywords: needed pollutant removal goals.
Stormwater runoff ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stormwater chemistry
Biological treatment systems

1. Introduction stormwater discharge quality increases, some regulatory

agencies are pursuing numeric limits on stormwater pollut-
Stormwater runoff contributions to urban receiving water ants by specifying either effluent concentrations or docu-
degradation have been documented by many researchers over mentable numeric load reductions. This critical review
the past four decades (Booth and Jackson, 1997; Stanfield and focuses on the unit processes underlying common storm-
Kilgour, 2006; Wenger et al., 2008). To prevent further degra- water treatment devices and how the properties of the
dation and to potentially recover some ecological function- pollutants and unit processes can be exploited effectively.
ality, it is critical that new and re-developments urbanization Good stormwater design starts first with prevention of
activities limit their discharges of stormwater-borne pollut- excess runoff quantities and pollutant generation through
ants and flows. In the U.S., these requirements are enforced source control and other non-structural measures. Pitt and
typically through National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Clark (2008) show how rethinking site design can be used to
System (NPDES) permits and Total Maximum Daily Load reduce the hydrologic impacts of a site. However, even sites
(TMDL) regulations. Historically, dischargers selected treat- designed following integrated stormwater management
ment technologies from a guidance document based on listed principles have the potential to discharge contaminated
pollutant percent removals or that were the best practical runoff. The selected treatment technologies must address
treatment option available. As the impetus to improve appropriately the site’s specific pollutants.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 717 948 6127.

E-mail addresses: (S.E. Clark), (R. Pitt).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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This paper does not address specifically the volume a southeastern U.S. city showing percent concentration
reduction provided by some stormwater management prac- reductions after controlling for specific particle sizes
tices, but addresses their pollutant treatability potential based (Morquecho et al., 2005). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
on an improved understanding of the physical, chemical and (PAHs) also associate strongly with solids, especially organic
biological properties of the pollutants and the control tech- solids and those with large surface area to volume ratios. PAH
nologies. This paper is a critical review of the unit processes associations with solids generally increase as the molecular
available for treatment. Extensive control practice perfor- weight and number of aromatic rings increases.
mance data is available from several sources, most notably Once the anticipated runoff pollutants have been identi-
from the International BMP Database (http://www. fied, appropriate treatment technologies can be selected and, accessed 07/18/2011), where data from designed. While this paper focuses on surface runoff concerns
several hundred studies of stormwater control practices are and treatment, the potential for pollutant transport and
presented, along with statistical evaluations of those data. resultant water quality degradation also should be evaluated
for discharges to the subsurface (Pitt et al., 1996). Clark and Pitt
(2007) outline two levels of evaluation for estimating the
2. Characterizing stormwater runoff potential for groundwater contamination.

The first steps in developing an approach to address specific

discharge objectives are to determine which pollutants can be 3. Separating pollutants from stormwater
anticipated from the potential sources and at what concen- runoff
trations. These pollutants may have been identified already
through monitoring or may be estimated based on land use Targeting treatment for specific stormwater pollutants, such
and historic monitoring from similar sites. For sites where as dissolved metals and organics, requires an understanding
historical monitoring data are not available, runoff quality can of both stormwater and treatment-technology science (Davis
be estimated based on land use and geographical location et al., 2010; Clark and Pitt, 2011). The challenge is that most
using the National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) of the stormwater literature does not address on a funda-
( The mental level the interaction of the treatment processes with
NSQD data were collected during various sampling efforts, the stormwater pollutants based on the pollutants’ and runoff
primarily from Phase 1 NPDES MS4 (municipal separate storm water’s physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
sewer system) stormwater permit holders, supplemented Important physical and chemical properties that form the
with additional data from the Nationwide Urban Runoff basis of treatment include the following: molecular size and
Program (NURP) (U.S. EPA, 1983), the International BMP Data- shape; density (pollutant and associated solids); Temperature
base (, and the U.S. Geological Survey at phase change (melting and boiling points); volatility; solu-
Urban-Stormwater Database (Smullen and Cave, 2002; Driver bility (water and organic); and valence charge/polarity/surface
et al., 1985). Analyses showed the main factors that affected charge (especially relating to solids’ association).
the runoff concentration were land use and geographical This limited number of stormwater characteristics that can
location (Pitt and Maestre, 2005; Pitt et al., 2008b; Bochis and be exploited as a basis for treatment result in a small list of
Pitt, 2010). Pitt and Maestre (2005), using NPDES outfall potential conventional and emerging treatment processes. For
monitoring data from Phase I MS4 cities, noted the following practical use, though, the list shrinks again because storm-
conclusions that are directly related to treatment selection: water runoff has large and highly variable flow rates, large
volumes, relatively low concentrations, and large variabilities
 Substantial fractions of the pollutants at the outfall (50e75% in the biochemical characteristics, all of which affect treat-
of most metals, for example) were particulate-associated. ment effectiveness. The following sections describe the
 Critical source areas of urban runoff pollution include large treatment processes and the applicable physicalechemical
impervious areas, heavy vehicular traffic or areas with properties of the pollutants that can be exploited to enhance
many vehicular starts, and the outdoor use and/or storage of treatment. Specific results from many additional studies,
problem pollutants, such as commonly occur in commercial published as part of a decade of annual literature reviews, are
and industrial land uses. in Clark et al. (2007).
 Other large areas, especially residential land uses, may
discharge large quantities of pollutants, but typically at 3.1. Removal of solids plus particulate-associated
lower concentrations. pollutants

Solids removal typically occurs through physical treatment

2.1. Particle size and pollutant association processes, with solids treatment efficiency being a function of
particle size, density, and shape. Pollutant removal requires
Stormwater solids and other pollutants can be characterized an association between the solid and the pollutant and is
by their size (House et al., 1993; Li et al., 2005; Morquecho et al., affected by the solids removal efficiency.
2005; Kim and Sansalone, 2008), which affects their treat-
ability. In addition, some pollutants associate/react with the 3.1.1. Sedimentation
solids, and their treatability is controlled first by the removal Sedimentation efficiency for discrete particle settling can be
of the associated solids. Table 1 is an example for predicted using Stokes’ Law (for laminar flow settling
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Table 1 e Average pollutant percentage reduction in Tuscaloosa, AL Sheetflow samples after controlling for different
particle sizes (adapted from Morquecho et al. (2005)).
Percent pollutant reductions after removing all particulates greater than size shown

20 mm 5 mm 1 mm 0.45 mm

Suspended solids 76 81 98 100

Total-P 68 82 89 92
Nitrate 0 0 12 17
Cadmium 20 22 22 22
Copper 26 34 34 37
Lead 41 62 76 82
Zinc 64 70 70 72

conditions which occur for the small particles) and Newton’s Minimizing resuspension and short-circuiting have resulted
law (for turbulent settling conditions more associated with the in some ponds achieving removal efficiencies >95% for sus-
larger particles) and the surface overflow rate (SOR) of the pended solids for individual storm events and typical influent
device (the discharge rate divided by the settling chamber’s size distributions. Median suspended solids removals are in
surface area), assuming ideal particle settling, e.g., spherical the range of 70e80% (Hossain et al., 2005; International
particles and no interaction between settling particles. The Stormwater BMP Database, 2011), but decrease if the influent
smallest particle with 100% sedimentation efficiency, includes many small solids (Greb and Bannerman, 1997).
assuming discrete particle settling, is calculated by setting Sedimentation efficiency can be increased by using
SOR ¼ Vparticle (settling velocity of the critical particle size) and inclined settlers and/or coagulationeflocculation. Inclined
using Stokes’ Law to calculate the particle diameter. Particles plate and tube settlers operate by reducing the distance
whose settling velocities are less than the SOR will not required for particles to fall before they contact a solid surface.
completely settle out before the water exits the device (Droste, Because the plates/tubes overlap at an angle, more sedimen-
1996). tation surface area is available per footprint area than
The sedimentation process is based on the density differ- conventional sedimentation basins. These enhanced settlers
ences between the particles and the water, with many work best when operated in laminar flow conditions with
stormwater solids having specific gravities of between 1.5 and Reynolds’ numbers less than 800 (AWWA, 1999). Efficiencies
3.0 (Johnson et al., 2003; Li et al., 2006). Because of this large are assumed as approximately 60% (Lin, 2001). Inclined plate
density difference, sedimentation can be very effective for the settlers have been used successfully to treat runoff solids and
removal of relatively large particles and associated pollutants prevent scour of previously-trapped particles (Clark et al.,
from stormwater runoff. However, bacteria have a specific 2009; Pitt et al., 1999).
gravity typically slightly above 1, which substantially reduces The second enhancement for sedimentation is through the
the effectiveness of sedimentation as a primary control use of coagulants to create larger particles (flocs). Coagulation
measure (Harvey et al., 1996; Sharma et al., 1998). However, destabilizes colloids by reducing repulsive forces between
bacterial agglomerations and attachment to particulates allow particles. The coagulant also creates chemical bridges
a greater bacteria removal by sedimentation than typically between particles, creating larger particles that settle more
would be assumed, based on size and specific gravity alone effectively, even though the bulk particle specific gravity may
(Characklis et al., 2005; Schillinger and Gannon, 1985; be close to 1. However, coagulant particles cannot be consid-
Hathaway et al., 2009). Clays, and bacteria, also are difficult to ered to be ideal particles since they typically are not spherical
settle because they typically have surface charges at the pHs and likely have larger drag forces acting on them. Because the
of surface runoff (Bolland et al., 1998; Baygents et al., 1998; reaction between the solids and the coagulant is unique, there
Clark et al., 2010); these charges encourage repulsion between are no equations to predict sedimentation efficiency for flocs
separate individual particles and bacteria and limit sedimen- (Droste, 1996). Coagulants have been used to treat stormwater
tation effectiveness. Sedimentation devices are not 100% runoff (Harper et al., 1999; Annadurai et al., 2003; Sansalone
efficient, even for ‘ideal’ particles, and an adjustment, usually and Kim, 2008), but typically where removal efficiencies
applied through an efficiency factor, must be included in the must exceed that of traditional settling basins and to target
calculations. There are five reasons for non-ideal behavior. (1) specific pollutants, such as phosphorus.
Many particles are not spherical in shape. (2) Particle settling
may be hindered by the behavior of other particles in the 3.1.2. Physical filtration
water. (3) Many basins experience short-circuiting, plus have Solids removal through physical filtration is based on both the
areas that act as dead storage, especially near the inlet and pollutant particle size and the media pore size. Typically
outlet of the basin. (4) Stratification due to density and/or larger pore sizes are associated with higher treatment flow
temperature differences may reduce the effective depth of the rates; however, the treatability of small sized pollutants
basin. (5) Previously-captured particles may be resuspended if decreases as the media pore size increases. Traditional
an appropriate basin depth is not provided (Metcalf and Eddy, filtration design equations are based on the development of
2003). To prevent solids resuspension, overlying water depths head loss or resistance to flow, translated to stormwater
of at least 10 cm were needed in catchbasin sumps, while design as ponding/drawdown time. Because many regulations
30 cm may be needed for larger ponds (Avila et al., 2011). require limited surface ponding of water to control aquatic
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insect populations, the lifespan until headloss reaches a crit- pressure, electrical potential, or concentration between the
ical headloss is important. Two common design equations for influent water and the treated water. In addition to providing
estimating clean-bed, prior-to-use, head loss are the Car- molecular size selection, membranes also can allow or exclude
maneKozeny and Ergun equations (Droste, 1996; Metcalf and certain particles, based on the membrane’s chemical charac-
Eddy, 2003). These equations, however, are difficult to trans- teristics, specifically charge/polarity (Droste, 1996).
late into practice where the filtration treatment flow rate Membranes are not suitable for most stormwater treatment
declines with time as a function of particle loading. Several applications for the reasons outlined above.
researchers have proposed equations to predict the flow rate Even though membrane filtration is not practical in most
loss as a function of time/solids loading (Li and Davis, 2008a,b; stormwater applications, pollutant removal in the size range
Siriwardene et al., 2007a,b; Dechesne et al., 2004, 2005; considered “dissolved” by media filtration, plus possible addi-
Urbonas, 1999). The Urbonas (1999) equation for downflow tional removal of the smaller material, may be necessary in order
sand filter treatment of stormwater is the simplest to apply to meet permit requirements and reduce surface and ground
because it is a power equation relating solids loading per unit water degradation. Appropriate removal levels can be achieved
area, an easily measured/estimated parameter, to the flow at most sites through combinations of unit processes that
rate through the media. Although developed for Lakewood, incorporate sedimentation and chemically- and biologically-
Colorado, sand filters, the Urbonas equation has been applied active filtration.
to a variety of media in locations worldwide (Barrett, 2003;
Gironas et al., 2008; Clark and Pitt, 2009a). The equation, 3.2. Removal of colloidal, non-charged, and ionic
though simple, requires calibration for each media and pollutants based on chemical characteristics
influent size distribution (Clark, 2000).
The ability of media filters to remove particles of specific The removal of small-sized pollutants (colloidal and other
sizes is a function of the media grain size, porosity, pore space filterable forms, generally <1 mm in size, e.g., filterable heavy
size, and pollutant size and shape (Fig. 1 shows sizes of metals, nitrates, many pesticides, etc.) typically has not been
pollutant categories versus filter pore size). The above discus- the focus of stormwater runoff treatment, except where
sion focused on media filters, which can remove successfully TMDLs or known receiving water stressors were a regulatory
solids in the silt and sand textural classes, including cysts, plus focus. The following sections address the impact that the
a fraction of the clay-sized particles, including some bacteria. pollutant chemical characteristics will have on the treatability
The removal of viruses, colloids, and dissolved ions and of these especially problematic stormwater pollutants.
molecules is not possible through conventional physical
straining, however, and requires filters with smaller pore size 3.2.1. Temperature at phase change (freezing and boiling
openings than a media filter, i.e., membrane filters. Creating points)
the driving force for membrane filtration requires a substantial Many liquids have freezing or boiling points that are
energy input to generate the difference, or gradient, of substantially different than water and that theoretically could

Fig. 1 e Pollutant particle sizes versus filtration types (Adapted from,,,, and Adapted by these companies
from source material of Water Quality Association and Osmonics, Inc).
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be exploited for treatment. Similarly, the addition of dissolved For organic compounds, solubility also is described in terms of
ions to water, such as sodium chloride associated with the compound’s solubility in water-saturated octanol
snowmelt, when at sufficient concentration, will alter either compared to octanol-saturated water, KOW (Watts, 1998).
the freezing or boiling point of water and affect treatability. KOW or log KOW can be used to estimate the tendency for an
For stormwater treatment, however, the exploitation of organic pollutant to be transported with the water or to attach
freezing and boiling points has limited value to date, with no to sediment in the water or in a filter media. However, the use
known full-scale applications. of these constants in predicting phase separation may not be
accurate for dynamic, non-equilibrium systems. Differences
3.2.2. Stratification/separation of pollutants based on density between predicted sorption coefficients and measured coef-
Many substances found in stormwater runoff have densities ficients were observed by Hwang and Foster (2006) in the lower
either substantially less than or greater than the approximately Anacostia River, where the concentrations of particulate-
1000 kg/m3 density of water. These density differences can be bound PAHs were higher than the predicted equilibrium
exploited for treatment, such as by oilewater and floatables concentrations.
separators. However, for separation to be effective, not only Many ions, especially carbonates, phosphates, and hydrox-
must the pollutants have densities substantially different than ides, react with metals to form insoluble precipitates (Stumm
water, but the pollutants also should not interact with water and Morgan, 1996) with the maximum water concentrations
(low water solubility, nonpolar organic compounds are most of these ions at a given pH estimated from the solubility
likely to separate from water). Surface charges and large dipole product, KSP. For example, precipitation and co-precipitation
moments increase the solubility of pollutants in water and may occur at the surface of Fe and Al oxides in stormwater
decrease the effectiveness of density-specific separations sedimentation and media filters, after the pollutant has been
(Streitwieser and Heathcock, 1985). While density separation adsorbed to the media/sediment surface, as noted by Sheoran
occurs in practices such as northern climate detention ponds in and Sheoran (2006) in their work on acid-mine drainage. The
winter due to increased salt inputs, its practical use in storm- use of water-treatment residuals from either aluminum sulfate
water runoff treatment has been limited to only a few appli- or ferric chloride coagulation processes has been investigated in
cations, such as the Dunkers Flow-Balancing System (DFBS). agriculture as a method to immobilize phosphorus in runoff
The DFBS is a series of connected cells constructed at a storm- (Makris et al., 2004; Wagner et al., 2008). The use of water-
water outfall using suspended/weighted plastic curtains treatment residuals to capture phosphorus in stormwater has
attached to pontoons. During rainfall events, the receiving been investigated by Lucas and Greenway (2011a) and O’Neill
water is displaced through the cells by stormwater runoff, and Davis (2012 a,b). Biologically-generated sulfides also can
starting with the cell closest to shore. After the storm event precipitate copper, zinc, nickel and other metals (Jong and
ends, the trapped water in the first cell is pumped back to the Parry, 2003); however, maintaining the anaerobic conditions
treatment plant with receiving water displacing the water in that generate the sulfides is problematic in stormwater runoff
the last cell. This system has been applied to trapping, pump- treatment because of the other reactions occurring in the media
ing, and treating combined sewer overflows that discharge to when the porewater and media become anaerobic (Clark and
saline waters, and for phosphorus treatment when used in Pitt, 2009b). For example, nitrate-reducing bacteria and their
conjunction with ferric chloride coagulation and inclined plate extracellular compounds can increase the rate of dissolution of
separators (Pitt and Dunkers, 1993). iron-phosphate precipitates in stream sediment under anoxic
conditions (Jansson, 1987).
3.2.3. Volatility As opposed to physisorption, where the electrical bonds
Removing a pollutant from an aqueous solution by volatiliza- between the pollutants and the media are weaker and
tion is a function of its vapor pressure and its water solubility, reversible, the chemisorption and precipitation reactions
as measured by its Henry’s Law constant, KH. If the water result in permanent retention, assuming that the pH and
solubility is sufficiently low, though, even compounds with dissolved oxygen do not change substantially (Evangelou,
low vapor pressure will volatilize, e.g., DDT. According to Watts 1998; Watts, 1998). However, estimating precipitation of one
(1998), Henry’s Law constants of 107 indicates that of these ions is complicated by the occurrence of soluble
compounds are essentially non-volatile. These compounds complexes of the ions. For example, in addition to the
have the potential to concentrate in solution if the surrounding precipitate, zinc reacts with hydroxide ions to form a variety
water evaporates. Volatilization is the fundamental process of soluble Zn(OH)x complexes that range in valence charge
behind air stripping and is especially important for small from þ1 to 2 (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980). Complexation can
compounds (molecular weight and size) that are sparingly explain, at least partially, the difference between ionic
water soluble, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The concentrations predicted using KSP and the measured
Multi-Chambered Treatment Train (MCTT) uses volatilization concentrations in water. Solubility is related to the next
to remove petroleum-based VOCs (Pitt et al., 1999). property, surface charge. Since water is a polar molecule,
pollutant ions/complexes/colloids/clays with surface charges
3.2.4. Solubility tend to associate with the water and are less likely to be
Compounds that are not soluble in the solvent, e.g., storm- removed easily without exploiting other chemical properties.
water runoff, whether solid or a liquid, will appear separate
from the water. Water solubility for a liquid is described by its 3.2.5. Valence charge/polarity/surface charge
solubility constant, KS, while water solubility of a solid is The charge distribution either on the surface of or within
described using the solubility product, KSP, for the precipitate. a pollutant molecule will affect treatability. Removal reactions
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such as sorption and ion exchange are a result of electrostatic (2007) noted that the associations of heavy metals with acid-
interactions between media and pollutants. Precipitation exchangeable, reducible, and oxidizable fractions affected
reactions are dependent on the reaction of ions with their potential mobility in the media, especially if the redox
complementary valence charge. conditions change during or between storms. Typically the
Most inorganic pollutants exist in the form of chemical runoff entering a filter/infiltration system is aerated, which
salts that may dissolve in the water to some extent, or should ensure that the surface layer of the media remains
completely, releasing ions that then can potentially react with aerobic during a storm event. However, deeper in the media
other runoff ions, solids, and/or with removal media. Because and between storms, the biological activity may reduce the
water is a polar molecule, the compounds/ions that are more dissolved oxygen content of the porewater, which will affect
soluble in water also tend to be charged, and include many the redox conditions and potentially result in pollutant
inorganic species, plus polar organic compounds. Inorganic release or leaching of compounds from the media (Clark and
cations and anions have a wide range of water solubilities, Pitt, 2009b). Similar releases may occur when anoxic zones
depending on the presence of other ions in solution. For are improperly designed for nitrate control by denitrification.
example, carbonate as a species is soluble; however, when Releases of phosphorus from sediments where ferric iron
certain metals also are in solution, carbonates participate in (Fe3þ) has been reduced to ferrous ion (Fe2þ) have been
precipitation reactions (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980; Stumm documented in lakes (Correll, 1998), indicating the potential
and Morgan, 1996). Several inorganic anions, such as chlo- for phosphorus release occurring in treatment devices where
rides and hydroxides, participate in complexation reactions the redox conditions change, e.g., wet detention pond sedi-
and increase the water solubility of many metals above what ments and organic filtration media. In all cases, inadvertent
is predicted by the KSP (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980), but also releases of compounds associated with media degradation or
exist in water as free ions. For organic compounds, shape, size ion-exchange releases of previously-captured pollutants must
and functional groups affect solubility (Watts, 1998). be considered.
The interaction of pollutants with a removal media have
been categorized historically into one of two types: sorption or 3.2.6. Predicting treatability of dissolved organic and
ion-exchange. These two treatment processes are presented inorganic pollutants
as distinctly different, but they are both based on electro- Because many chemical properties are inter-related, i.e.,
chemical bonding between pollutants and media. Adsorption, solubility is related to surface and internal charge distribu-
or physisorption, is reversible and involves weak chemical tions, prediction models for treatability have focused on
bonds, such as hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, and/or a generic surface interaction between the pollutant and the
dipole-induced interactions (McKay, 1996; Cooney, 1999). removal media, without separating the reaction type. This
Adsorption, because it is accompanied by desorption, retards focus on an unnamed interaction also acknowledges that
the pollutant movement through the media, but pollutant adsorption and ion-exchange are gradations of the same
retention is not permanent. Sorption media need to be process, e.g., a charge interaction between the pollutant and
regenerated or replaced before the pollutant is transported the media. The testing methodology, e.g., batch vs. column, is
through the entire media depth. Some media, such as soils the divider between the model types. Batch testing exposes
and other organic media (compost and peat), also participate media to the anticipated pollutant concentrations for suffi-
in chemisorption reactions, including precipitation. Chemi- ciently long to ensure equilibrium. Batch testing results fitted
sorption results in bonding that is mostly irreversible because to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms may be used to
the bonds between the pollutant and the media are strong predict the capacity of the media (Watts, 1998). Johnson et al.
(Watts, 1998; Evangelou, 1998). (2003) ran stormwater batch tests at two concentrations: one
Ion exchange, mostly associated with zeolites, is the typical of stormwater and one typical of low-to-medium
process where the exchanging ion is trapped in or on the strength industrial wastewater. The results showed the
structure of these materials and balances the charge of the importance of testing at the anticipated runoff concentrations
material itself. This captured ion can be exchanged with other because, at higher concentrations, the isotherms had different
ions, such as pollutants, if the pollutant has a higher valence shapes and favorability than those at typical runoff concen-
charge and/or concentration and has an appropriate size to fit trations (Johnson et al., 2003). Batch kinetic testing, where
in the lattice space (Ruthven, 1988; Robinson et al., 1994). Ion samples are analyzed after specific exposure intervals, also
exchange resins are regenerated using an ion that has weaker can be used to predict rate constants for the mediaepollutant
exchange potential but that is introduced into the media in interactions (Watts, 1998; Clark, 2000).
sufficiently high concentration to overwhelm the potential The second approach is to model the removal as a flow-
exchange sites. Regeneration of any media, however, is not through system, using a fixed-bed adsorber equation, in
100% efficient because a fraction of the pollutants penetrate to order to address the impact of contact time in the media.
the inner areas of the lattice and cannot be removed (Watts, Applying batch testing results to a fixed-bed column requires
1998). A complication occurs when snowmelt enters a treat- assuming an instantaneous equilibrium, with all adsorption
ment system that relies on ion exchange for the removal of sites available to a pollutant during its passage through the
cations such as metals. The high sodium in the snowmelt can bed (Watts, 1998; McKay, 1996). However, for many media, not
“recharge” the ion exchanging capacity of the media, releasing all active sites are available, especially the interstitial sites,
the previously captured metals back in the effluent. when the contact time is minutes versus many hours. Recent
Treatability in filtration media also is complicated by the research has focused on diffusion limitations, assuming that
oxidationereduction conditions in the media itself. Aryal et al. adsorption is instantaneous once the pollutant reaches the
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active site. Several models, including the film-pore diffusion generation. Ozone and UV light require power. In addition,
model, the film-solid diffusion model, the film-branched pore because current U.S. regulations require the monitoring of
diffusion model, and the homogeneous surface diffusion indicator organisms, rather than pathogens, once disinfected
model, have been proposed and evaluated for the design of runoff is mixed with the receiving water or travels over
fixed bed adsorbers (McKay, 1996). The problem with these surface soils where pets and wildlife have defecated,
diffusion-limited models is that the diffusion coefficients are measured bacteria concentrations may not reflect the disin-
difficult to determine, and the results are not easily transfer- fection activity.
able because of surface and interstitial phenomena. A second
concern about using this approach is that the different types 3.4. Biological processes for pollutant removal
of diffusion affect sorption at different flow rates, and it is
known that the filter flow rate will vary both as the suspended Biological processes have been used for decades to treat
solids loading on the filter increases and as the length of polluted water. Cells, whether individual cells such as bacteria
drying time between filtering events potentially causes or complex organisms such as plants, are comprised primarily
a recovery in the filter’s treatment ability (Clark, 2000). of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur
The alternative to detailed process models is a model that (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). These cells use many other
lumps all the rate-limiting steps into one rate constant. For compounds as macro- or micro-nutrients (Wilkie et al., 1986;
example, the Bohart and Adams (1920) model, which assumes Rahman et al., 2003). Many pollutants, when in non-toxic
that the rate of the sorption reaction is proportional to the concentrations, can be incorporated into the organism’s
fraction of sorption capacity still remaining, has been applied biomass, used as an energy source and then excreted, or stored
to many industrial applications. Clark (2000), however, in the organism’s body in a location that is not hazardous to the
showed the difficulty of applying this model, and likely other organism (Banik et al., 1996). For example, hyperaccumulating
fixed-bed models, to runoff treatment. These models assume plants reduce soil metals’ concentrations and transfer those
a substantial concentration gradient between the pollutant metals to the plant’s biomass (which then must be harvested at
and the media surface, with adsorption overwhelming an appropriate time to reduce toxicity to the plant and to
desorption. The large concentration gradients often do not reduce the chance of the metals reentering the environment
exist in stormwater runoff treatment. In addition, pollutant upon the plant’s decomposition) (Baker and Brooks, 1989;
removal, especially in natural systems, is due to many Callahan et al., 2006; Xiong, 1998; Yang et al., 2004).
phenomena, most of which cannot be mathematically quan- The use of planted treatment systems for runoff has
tified at this time. expanded substantially as part of low impact development/
green infrastructure. Planted systems provide many benefits,
3.3. Unit processes to remove microorganisms (filtration including habitat and aesthetics. For stormwater treatment,
and disinfection) planted systems provide four additional benefits. (1) Soil water
is taken up by the plant and either incorporated into the
Microorganisms, including both indicator and pathogenic biomass or evapotranspirated (Read et al., 2008; Pitt et al.,
species, can be removed from water using the filtration and 2008a; Denich and Bradford, 2010; Hickman et al., 2011;
chemical removal systems described above. However, the size Fassman and Stokes, 2011). (2) Nitrogen and phosphorus
of many bacteria and viruses are such that physical straining transported by the water are incorporated into the plant’s
cannot be the only removal mechanism (Fig. 1). Cyst species biomass (Pate, 1973; Schachtman et al., 1998; Henderson et al.,
typically, though, are larger and can be removed by physical 2007). (3) The plant’s root systems reduce clogging and
means. Many bacteria and viruses are removed by sedimen- improve infiltration rates through their expansion into the
tation and filtration due to their surface charges (Baygents soil. (4) The root zone microbial activity maintains nutrient
et al., 1998) and/or biofilms and exopolymers, such as carbo- cycling and soil productivity in the soil (Atlas and Bartha,
hydrates, polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids (Ford 1998). One potential drawback, though, is appropriately
et al., 1991; Zinkevich et al., 1996), that enable their attach- timing the biomass harvesting. For some plants, harvesting
ment to settleable/filterable solids or to the filter media itself biomass during the growing season can result in reduced
(Clark et al., 2010). nitrogen uptake and increased nitrogen leaching (Baker and
Filtration and sedimentation do not permanently destroy Clark, 2012).
the microorganism, although they could be destroyed in the Bacteria also play a role in treatment. The wastewater
media after entrapment through natural predation or desic- industry has shown that a biologically-active upper layer in
cation. Desiccation is unlikely in most stormwater filters since filtration systems improves pollutant removal, especially at
these media rarely dry out between storms (Johnson et al., low concentrations (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). In stormwater
2003). The wastewater engineering solution to reducing/ filter testing, however, the results have been mixed. Johnson
removing the activity of pathogenic species is deactivation/ et al. (2003) showed that there was no difference in copper
disinfection using one of three common methods: chlorine, adsorption and breakthrough between sterile mixed media
ozone, or ultraviolet (UV) light (Droste, 1996; Metcalf and Eddy, filters and non-sterilized filters when the filter columns were
2003). Each of these disinfection techniques has been applied dosed with exceptionally high influent concentrations
to stormwater runoff or combined sewer overflows (Pavia and (w100 mg/L). Other researchers have shown that metals can
Powell, 1969; Lainé et al., 1998; Arnett and Boner, 2009); be adsorbed by microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) or by filters
however, each has disadvantages. Chlorine disinfection inoculated with selected bacteria that are tolerant to the
requires the storage of a hazardous chemical or on-site heavy metals (Matis et al., 1996; Nakajima and Sakaguchi,
6722 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0

1986). While the impact of native bacteria on pollutant colloidal particles, filtration, likely using a chemically-active
removal currently cannot be predicted, bacteria are important media, also may be required to meet potentially very low
in the treatment process and likely are responsible for initial numeric discharge limits. Table 1 shows that cadmium and
soil sequestration of nutrients, prior to uptake by the plant copper, for example, may be associated with particles that are
mass. not easily treated using sedimentation and physical filtration.
For sites where permits require substantial metal removal
(Pitt and Clark, 2010; for example), particles < 1 mm also must
4. Applying theory to the selection and be removed, typically through chemical interactions between
design of treatment systems the filter media and the particles.

Preferred treatment technologies require no electrical power 4.3. Removal of colloidal and ionic pollutants through
and infrequent maintenance since they are dispersed in the physical and chemical processes in media filters
urban environment. The dispersed installations, plus the
power and infrequent, easy maintenance requirements, 4.3.1. Selecting treatment processes for the pollutants
generally eliminate large-scale air stripping, distillation, The first step in selecting an appropriate filter medium is
disinfection, and membrane filtration as viable treatment identifying the pollutants and their forms that require
options. This section focuses on those processes that better removal. Sand without surface amendments such as oxide
meet the requirements and provide effective treatment. coatings is considered relatively inert compared to other
media and minimal removal likely would occur for colloidally-
4.1. Solids removal sized pollutants. Sand, though, often is incorporated into
stormwater media to provide structure and to minimize
Similar to water and wastewater treatment plants, solids fluctuations in flow rate through the media (Clark, 2000). Sand
removal must be evaluated as the first step since runoff solids removal efficiencies typically increase as the media/filter ages
can clog treatment devices and/or block access of the because the trapping of particles typically decreases the pore
pollutant to treatment sites in chemically-based systems. openings, especially on the surface, allowing smaller particles
Droste (1996), based on guidance published by the AWWA, to be captured, plus the coating of chemically active materials
recommends that sedimentation precede filtration unless the and biofilms on the inert sand particles occurs with time
water quality meets the following parameters: color < 40 color (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003; Geesey et al., 1998). The performance
units and turbidity < 5 NTU (deep filters may be used to treat of these enhancements, though, has not been quantified.
higher turbidity waters). Because many pollutants are at least The valence state and complexation of metals will affect
somewhat associated with the particulate matter in runoff, their treatability in specific media. Clark and Pitt (2011)
sedimentation removes pollutants other than solids. The showed that zeolites can be effective for the fraction of
effluent concentrations and removal efficiencies of metals in the þ2 valence state. However, the overall effec-
particulate-associated pollutants can be predicted based on tiveness of zeolites, and potentially other ion-exchange media
the removal efficiency of the solids themselves and the such as oxide-coated sands, was reduced because a substan-
association of the pollutants with the settling solids. Sedi- tial fraction of the metals likely existed in valence forms other
mentation has been particularly effective at sites where the than the favored þ2 due to complexation with inorganic ions
particles are large, such as highways, and the metals associ- and organic matter. The effectiveness of ion exchange
ated with the larger particles (Kim and Sansalone, 2008). At decreases as the valence charge approaches zero and as the
sites where large-size particle generation and transport is not size of the complex increases. For example, metallic mercury
likely, many of the pollutants are associated with very-small exists in the þ2 form. However, in the presence of organic
solids (Table 1; Morquecho et al., 2005). The selection of the matter, it can methylate to form methyl mercury. Methyl
desired particle-size control is critical. Effective wet detention mercury is an organometallic compound and is polar. Because
ponds have lower SORs and limited short-circuiting; however, of its size and its organic component, it likely will not be
there is a limit to sedimentation basin efficiency for small removed by zeolites, which have both a size exclusion and
solids, given the repulsive charges on the colloidal and clay- a preference for strongly charged, small molecules. Mercury
sized solids. For enhanced sedimentation using coagulation/ also complexes with inorganic ligands in the water, such as
flocculation, testing will be required since floc settling cannot chlorides, creating inorganic molecules whose surface charge
be predicted theoretically (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). and/or size may reduce the effectiveness of ion-exchange
media (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980).
4.2. Removal of solids associated pollutants Organic compounds and larger, less charged complexes of
metals can be chemically attracted to or bonded with a media
As indicated above, pre-treatment by sedimentation is a rec- that exploit dipole moments and hydrogen bonds, as well as
ommended step before advanced treatment phases. For pre- a mixture of negatively and positively charged surface sites.
treatment sedimentation, the design particle size goal should KOW will provide an indication of the preference for the
be between 5 and 20 mm. The smallest particle size for which molecule to attach to an organic media (peat, compost, GAC)
reliable sedimentation can be assumed, and without versus remaining in the stormwater runoff. KS indicates the
substantial charge interference of the settling particles, is likelihood that the organic compound will remain dissolved in
between 2 and 5 mm (Camp, 1952). Because, for some metals, solution. These constants are qualitatively inversely related,
a substantial fraction is associated with clay-sized and i.e., high KOW compounds typically have low KS values.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0 6723

The removal of some inorganic anions, such as nitrates a variety of potential reaction sites for metals, organics and
and chlorides, is problematic because most media specifica- other pollutants (Sharma and Foster, 1993; Guisquiani et al.,
tions require high cation exchange capacities (CEC). High CEC 1995). Unlike peat, it does not tend to drop the pH of the
media typically have low anion exchange capacities (AEC). treated stormwater (Clark and Pitt, 1999), but it commonly
CEC and AEC provide an estimate of the potential for releases nutrients as it degrades during the first several years
exchanging a less-desirable compound in or on the media of use (Pitt et al., 1999; Pitt and Clark, 2010). Compost’s ability
with a pollutant whose chemical characteristics are more to treat pollutants and the likelihood that it will release
favorable. Nitrate, fortunately, is a plant nutrient and it may nutrients is directly related to its source material and
be removed by microbiological and chemical immobilization percentage in the mixture (Hathaway et al., 2008). Other
in the root zone of the vegetated system (Lucas and Greenway, organic materials, especially those from waste materials
2011b), assuming that the flow rate through the root zone is including coir peat and biosolids, are being investigated in
within the range for microbial immobilization and resultant stormwater treatment devices. Coir peat is used as a growing
plant uptake. medium in horticulture to improve water retention and
reduce nutrient leaching, while biosolids have been used in
4.3.2. Selecting the filtration media agriculture to replenish soil nutrients.
In industrial wastewater treatment, granular activated carbon These organic media, like all filtration media, have irre-
(GAC) is used to retard the pollutant transport through mecha- ducible concentrations below which no removal occurs.
nisms such as van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding. GAC, These irreducible concentrations are related to the hydraulic
though, is expensive. Its use may be justified when the treat- loading (flow rate per unit area) and to the parent material
ment is required to achieve very low permit limits. GAC is not and its background contamination. Slower flow rates
suggested for routine incorporation into stormwater treatment increase contact time between the media and the pollutants,
media because of its cost and because not all GAC performs providing sufficient time for slower reactions such as diffu-
equally well for all pollutants, depending on its native material sion to occur. Pitt and Clark (2010) showed that most metals
and how it is activated (Pitt and Clark, 2010; Clark, 2000). require contact times of between 10 and 100 min for the
If the treatment system is vegetated, most guidance majority of metals removal to occur. However, both compost
documents recommend that organic matter, such as compost and peat release nutrients in the first flush of water from the
or peat, be added, although recent studies have shown that filter if microanaerobic environments develop in the media
plants can grow in low organic matter media (Henderson between storms (Clark and Pitt, 2009b). Therefore, the layers
et al., 2007). Peat has been extensively studied for its treat- containing peat and compost should be kept aerobic and
ment effectiveness in both industrial wastewater and storm- should not be left saturated between storms. Research is
water applications (Clark and Pitt, 1999). Peat can be very ongoing as to whether adding a slowly-biodegradable organic
effective at removing many metals and hydrocarbons, and material such as sawdust, etc., enhances denitrification in
likely metal complexes, down to very low concentrations specially-designed filters or whether sufficient organic
because of the variety of binding sites (carboxylic acid, etc.) matter exists in the water to promote denitrification. In
found in the humic materials and lignins in the peat (Cohen addition, minimizing the organic content should reduce the
et al., 1991; Sharma and Foster, 1993). Many sites are nutrient release both during the early years and between
involved in chemical bonding reactions that are more storms (Hunt et al., 2006; Bratieres et al., 2008; Hatt et al., 2008;
permanent (chemisorption versus the hydrogen bonding and Davis et al., 2009).
van der Waals’ reactions occurring during physisorption). Nitrite and nitrate are difficult to remove from solution
According to Cohen et al. (1991), peat’s ability to treat metals chemically. Large removals of nitrate, but with limited
can be directly related to its degree of decomposition with chemical capacity, were seen in tests with a virgin coconut-
Sphagnum peat, the least decomposed, being less able to treat hull GAC (Pitt and Clark, 2010). Other commercial resins and
metals than Carex peat, which is more decomposed. However, some native soils and zeolites also may have the potential to
Clark and Pitt (1999) showed excellent removals of several remove nitrogen. Typically, AEC values, when compared to
heavy metals with Sphagnum peat, potentially to the level that CEC values, are low, indicating limited lifespan for removing
would meet many permits, and Sphagnum peat is readily negatively charged pollutants (Evangelou, 1998). In addition,
available at nurseries. In addition to the release of colored because these pollutants have a 1 valence, they are not
humic and fulvic acids, peat’s primary noted disadvantage, preferentially taken up if pollutants with larger negative
especially the Sphagnum peat, is that it tends to exchange valence charges are in the runoff. Removal of nitrite and
hydronium ions when it removes metals. The release of nitrate typically is best performed by vegetated systems, as
hydronium ions reduces the pH of the treated water, often by shown by Baker and Clark (2012) and Lucas and Greenway
1e2 pH units (Clark and Pitt, 1999). This may reduce the pH to (2008, 2011b). Effective nutrient uptake by plants, however,
where many of the metals attached to the media or runoff requires low flow rates through the media, so that the nutri-
solids may become more soluble. As an advantage, Pitt and ents are not flushed past the root zone before the microbial
Clark (2010) showed that peat could effectively remove many community can immobilize them for future plant use. Bio-
heavy metals using relatively short contact times (as little as logical denitrification, where the bioretention system’s
10 min), compared to the other non-organic media tested underdrain has been modified to create an internal water
(several hours of contact time). storage zone to retain water between storms and allow deni-
Compost, especially municipal leaf waste compost and trification, has been investigated by Hunt et al. (2008).
since it is considered sustainable compared to peat, has However, if the labile organic layer in the media becomes
6724 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0

anaerobic, nitrate leaching would be expected (Clark and Pitt, separators also may be useful to separate floatable litter from
2009a,b). the water. Air stripping would be applicable to sites where
Where phosphorus removal is an issue, the particulate volatile organic carbons are present. The MCTT, for example,
associated fraction could be treated with sedimentation and uses packing/aeration balls to remove gasoline-related VOCs
the dissolved/colloidal-bound fraction either chemically or from the influent runoff before it enters the underground
through uptake by vegetation (Lucas, 2009). Sedimentation sedimentation chamber to avoid a buildup of volatile gases
can provide partial removal (since phosphorus reacts with the underground (Pitt et al., 1999).
aluminum and iron components of stormwater-borne solids
and/or soil. These chemical reactions typically are permanent. 4.5. Summary of stormwater treatability options
Lucas and Greenway (2011a) and O’Neill and Davis (2012 a,b)
demonstrated the effectiveness of aluminum in water treat- 4.5.1. Treatment options by pollutant
ment residuals to remove and retain phosphorus. The reac- Table 2 lists many of the pollutants of primary interest in
tions of phosphorus with iron and aluminum also have been stormwater runoff and potential treatment options, as well as
exploited in stormwater coagulationesedimentation and some considerations in the design.
iron-enhanced filtration investigations (Trejo-Gayton et al.,
2006; Erickson et al., 2007). 4.5.2. Additional design considerations for stormwater filters
Similar to nitrate, phosphorus leaching is a concern. Hunt These design factors also must be considered because of their
et al. (2006) investigated the likelihood of phosphorus reten- impact on performance and longevity: sodium adsorption
tion versus leaching. The results showed that high P-index ratio (SAR) and clogging potential. An excess of sodium ions,
(an indication of phosphorus content) values resulted in such as potentially from sodium-based deicing agents, will
phosphorus leaching. Because P-index is calculated region- disperse soil clays, resulting in a media that is almost imper-
ally based on the potential for soil erosion, water runoff, and meable to passing water. Similar to the minimization of
the concentrations and methods of application of various P- organic matter in a filtration media to address nutrient
containing fertilizers with different weights given to these leaching, the percentage of clay in the media mix should be
factors based on regional concerns, Treese et al. (2012) and minimized or clay should be removed from the mix, especially
Clark et al. (2010) investigated phosphorus retention simply in northern climates. If sodium inputs to the treatment device
as a function of initial phosphorus content of the media. The cannot be reduced, then filtration devices may not be the
preliminary results show that if a soil fertility test shows that appropriate treatment technology for that drainage area.
phosphorus fertilizer is needed, then phosphorus retention Media filters also are subject to clogging due to the solids
chemically in the soil is likely. If the phosphorus content is loading on and in the media. If the appropriate coefficients are
labeled as “high,” then leaching is likely to occur. Phosphorus, known, the Urbonas (1999) equation can be used to estimate
like nitrogen, can be released from organic media if micro- the flow rate as a function of media loading. However, these
anaerobic environments develop between storms (Clark and coefficients rarely are known, and the current guidance
Pitt, 2009b). suggests that clogging, i.e., unacceptably low flow rates and
extended drawdown times, will occur in unvegetated systems
4.4. Removal of organic pollutants through density with accumulated solids loadings between 10 and 25 kg/m2
differences and air stripping (Clark and Pitt, 2009a; Pitt and Clark, 2010). The solids loading
to clogging is substantially reduced if the media was com-
The use of density differences between water and the pollut- pacted during construction and the depth of the media cannot
ants are most applicable to those rare cases where free be used for solids retention. Healthy, deep-rooted vegetation,
floating oil, i.e., more than an oil sheen, is visible. In these because of the development of a healthy soil structure, can
instances, an oilewater separator may be useful. Oilewater extend the media life before clogging.

Table 2 e Selecting treatment technologies for stormwater pollutants.

Pollutant Treatment process Design notes

Diameter > 5e10 mm Sedimentation Determine whether sedimentation is pre-treatment
(critical particle size of 10e20 mm) or primary
treatment (critical particle size of 5 mm).
Sediment forebay (sumps and vaults also) for
rapid settling of particles 20e50 mm and
greater effective for large influent concentrations.
For large concentrations of particles between 5 and
20 mm, increasing sedimentation efficiency using
inclined plates and tubes possible.
Design: Vparticle ¼ SOR for critical particle size,
assuming that basin is not 100% efficient
(design critical particle size smaller than desired
100% particle size to account for inefficiencies).
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0 6725

Table 2 e (continued )
Pollutant Treatment process Design notes

Diameter 1e5 mm Physical filtration Sand filtration effective for particles greater than
1e3 mm.
Physical filtration enhanced with media with smaller
pore sizes; however, clogging and lifespan before
maintenance must be considered.
Physical filtration enhanced with preceding coagulation
and sedimentation, although chemical addition likely
not attractive due to dispersed nature of devices and
need for residual management.
Diameter < 1 mm Membrane filtration Membranes likely not attractive due to power/
Chemically-reactive filtration maintenance needs.
Small particles with surface charges can be attracted
electrostatically to chemically-reactive media.
Coagulation destabilizes charges and create larger particles;
coagulation requires chemical storage and dispensing,
plus residuals management. May not be attractive if
passive means can address the problem.
Ammonia Ion-exchange At pH of most runoff, majority of ammonia exists as
Oxidation and plant ammonium ion (NHþ 4 ). Ion exchange possible but þ1 is
uptake weak exchanger and ion-exchange may require zeolites
with small lattice openings that exclude larger cations.
Ammonia/ammonium in runoff, during decomposition of
organic N, and in upper layer of soil may be oxidized to
nitrate and then immobilized and taken up by plants.
Slow flow rates recommended.
Nitrate and Nitrite Ion-exchange Ion-exchange possible, but anion exchange difficult
Plant uptake (most zeolites have weak anion exchange capacity).
Primary removal through soil microbial retardation and
plant uptake. Requires slow flow rate through root
zone e rapid infiltration promotes bypassing of root
zone activity.
Can be removed by denitrification (internal water storage
Can be released from organic media if microanaerobic
environments develop between storms or if background
content of nitrate in media is higher than the plants need
or if unvegetated and soil fertility reports shows media
has more nitrogen than needed for crop growth.
Phosphate Chemically-active media filtration Phosphate is strong anion and could participate in ion-exchange,
Plant uptake but difficult (weak anion exchange capacity of organic filter
Reacts strongly with Fe, Al, and/or Mn in soil or residuals.
Also reacts with these elements in stormwater-borne
solids and may be settled out.
Can be released from organic filter media if microanaerobic
environments develop in filter between storms or if
background content of phosphorus in media is higher
than the plants need (want soil fertility report to show
that phosphorus needs to be added for good crop growth).
Lead Ion-exchange Lead attaches strongly to solids. Substantial removal by
Chemically-active media filtration sedimentation and/or physical filtration of solids to which
lead is attached.
Lead < 0.45 mm may be ionic and could be removed using
ion-exchange with zeolites, but filtered, ionic lead is
usually at very low concentrations and it would be unusual
to require treatment.
Lead complexes with hydroxides and chlorides to a certain
extent. Removed in media with variety of binding sites
(peat, compost, soil).
(continued on next page)
6726 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0

Table 2 e (continued )
Pollutant Treatment process Design notes

Copper, Zinc, Cadmium Chemically-active These metals can attach to very small particles, with attachments
filtration being a function of the particulate organic content, pH, and
oxidation-reduction conditions (filterable fractions vary from
25 to 75þ%). Physical filtration may be limited depending on size
association of the pollutants.
These metals complex with a variety of organic and inorganic
ligands to create soluble complexes of varying valence charges
(2 to þ2). Small amount of ionic species (metal as þ2 ion only)
reduces ion-exchange effectiveness. Complexes require variety
types of sorption/exchange sites. Organic complexes may be
removed by GAC. Peat, compost and soil will remove most
inorganic and organic complexes.
Concern about background contamination of media with metals.
Mercury Chemically-active filtration Mercury reacts with both organic and inorganic compounds to
with organic media form complexes, plus it methylates to form methylmercury
(log KOW ¼ 1.7e2.5), which is somewhat soluble in water.
Complexes require multiple types of sorption/exchange sites.
Organic complexes and methylmercury may be removed by GAC.
Other potential media include peat, compost and soil. Reducing
mercury to very low levels with filtration may be difficult if parent
material has mercury contamination. Hyperaccumulating plants
have been successfully used for reducing Hg from sediments and
soils (requires harvesting and plant management).
Organics and pesticides
Volatile Organic Air stripping Passive air stripping can be accomplished using step aeration or
Compounds (VOCs) Chemically-active filtration by passing runoff over packing balls or other air entrainment
mechanisms as the water enters the treatment device. See below
for filtration.
PAHs/Oil and Grease Chemically-active filtration These compounds have high KOW and low KS and are strongly
(O&G)/Dioxin associated with particulates. Sedimentation’s effectiveness is
function of particle size association. Preferential sorption to
organic media, such as peat, compost, soil. Some O&G components
can be microbially degraded in filter media. Reductions to very low
levels with filtration may be difficult if parent material is
contaminated. If low permit limits, may have to use clean material
such as GAC.
Organic Acids and Chemically-active filtration Tend to be more soluble in water than PAHs and more likely to be
Bases transported easily in treatment column. Need media with multiple
types of sorption sites, such as peat, compost and soil. GAC
possible if nonpolar part of molecule interacts well with GAC or if
GAC has stronger surface active reactions than just van der Waals
strength forces.
Pesticides Chemically-active filtration Tend to be soluble in water and need multiple reaction sites to be
removed. Breakdown time in biologically-active filtration media is
compound-dependent. Breakdown has the potential to restore
surface-active sites, and may result in more soluble daughter
products, which may or may not be more toxic. Organic media
such as peat, compost, soil, GAC likely to be most effective since
size of compound will exclude substantial removal in ion-exchange
resins such as zeolites.
Cysts and Large Pathogens Physical filtration Large enough to be physically strained from the water.
(such as Giardia or
Bacteria Physical filtration Most bacteria are in the lower limits of the size range for effective
Organic media (chemically-active) physical filtration using a sand medium. Removal not 100% effective.
filtration However, as the filter ages, removals will tend to increase, partly
due to reduction in the effective pore sizes and due to the
exopolymers that many bacteria excrete. These exopolymers
will provide surface reactive sites, even on a relatively-inert sand
media. Exopolymers and surface active sites on cell membranes
also enhance the attachment of bacteria to surface sites on
filtration media.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 7 1 5 e6 7 3 0 6727

Table 2 e (continued )
Pollutant Treatment process Design notes

Because of negative surface charge, bacteria can be removed by

media with high AEC, with potential for predation, but also
Organic media provide a location for captured bacteria to reside
and grow. Challenge is encouraging capture and potential growth
to create reactive sites, but without excessive growth that
sloughs off the media and is washed out with successive storms.
Viruses Chemically-active filtration Viruses in the environment are colloidal-sized particles (w0.01 mm)
that are surface active. Viruses are not infectious unless they enter a
suitable host and their removal may not need to be a focus of
treatment efforts in areas with good sanitation. Virus transport and
treatment may need to be considered in areas with combined
sewers or poor sanitation.

of the Water Environment Federation Specialty Conference.

5. Conclusions Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, pp. 885e903.
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Mr. Richard Field, treatment-system-for-agricultural-subsurface-tile-water.
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Research Foundation (Mr. Jeff Moeller, Ms. Christy Terhune, requirements of Austin sand filters. Journal of Water
and Ms. Jane Casteline, Project Managers). The authors also Resources Planning and Management 129 (3), 234e242.
wish to thank all the graduate students at the University of Baygents, J.C., Glynn, J.R., Albinger, O., Biesemeyer, B.K.,
Alabama, Penn State Harrisburg, and the University of Ogden, K.L., Arnold, R.G., 1998. Variation of surface charge
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Alabama at Birmingham whose work over the years has
transport through porous media. Environmental Science and
contributed to the projects that are the backbone of this paper. Technology 32 (11), 1596e1603.
Bochis, E.-C., Pitt, R., 2010. Impervious cover variability in urban
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