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Pathfinder’s Name

Flower Arrangement
❏ 1. Name six perennials and six annuals suitable for indoor flower arrange-
Perennials Annuals
1. _________________________ ____________________________
2. _________________________ ____________________________
3. _________________________ ____________________________
4. _________________________ ____________________________
5. _________________________ ____________________________
6. _________________________ ____________________________
❏ 2. Name at least three flowers that bloom in the spring or early summer
suitable for indoor flower arrangement.
1. _________________________ 3. _________________________
2. _________________________
❏ 3. Name at least three flowers that do not keep well when cut, and three
that do.
Do not keep Keep
1. _________________________ ____________________________
2. _________________________ ____________________________
3. _________________________ ____________________________
❏ 4. Give six suggestions regarding the cutting of flowers and their aftercare,
such as when to cut, how to cut, and how to keep.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________
Arts, Crafts & Hobbies
General Conference
2002 Edition
❏ 5. At what stage of development should roses, gladioluses, and dahlias be
Roses _____________________________________________________
Gladiolus __________________________________________________
Dahlias ____________________________________________________
❏ 6. Give three suggestions on the relation of containers to the flowers used,
and three on the relation of arrangement to the room and furnishings.
Containers to flowers
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
Arrangement to room
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
❏ 7. In flower arrangement, what should be the relation of:
Dark and light shades ________________________________________
Large and small flowers_______________________________________
Open and partly open flowers__________________________________
❏ 8. Make two artistic flower arrangements in each of the following areas:
(Fresh or silk flowers may be used.)
a. Table decoration
b. General house use
c. Public service

Flower Arrangement
2002 Edition
❏ 9. What are some wild flowers that could be used in arrangements for the
What combinations of these flowers can be used?

Flower Arrangement
Date completed ____________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________ 2002 Edition

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