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The table compares car production in Argentina, Australia and Thailand

in three years 2003,2006 and 2009. Overall, while the number of
automobiles produced in Argentina increased significantly, that of
Australia witnessed a reverse trend, compared to an erratic pattern of
Thailand during the period shown. After 6 years,Thailand was still
dominant in car industry among the three countries.

In 2003, Argentina manufactured 145,930 cars. This number then surged

to 413,062 in 2003 before a rise to 512,247 cars was seen in 2009. The
number of cars made in Australia was 430,568 in 2003, tripling the figure
of its Argentina counterpart in the same year. However, Australia’s car
production experienced a fall of around one hundred thousand in 2006
and continued to decrease to 212,647 after the next 3 years. Undergoing
fluctuations, the figure for Thailand in 2003 were highest among the three
countries with 784,770 automobiles in the fist surveyed year.
Approximately 500,000 additional automobiles were manufactured in
2006. Despite a drop to 950,258 observed in 2009, Thailand retained its
leading position as the most productive car producer.


The animal species are becoming extinct due to human

activities on land in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?

In the 21st century, an increasing number of people inhabiting on this
planet along with their activities have caused biodiversity loss driving the
extinction of several animal species. Deforestation and pollution are
deemed main culprits behind this phenomenon. However, governmental
interventions could contribute to mitigating the problem.
To begin with, logging and pollution should be ascribed for the
vulnerability to extinction of some species. Due to the overgrowing
population in the world, human demands for land and many other natural
resources to serve daily and production activities rise accordingly. In
order to fulfill their needs, people usually resort to massive deforestation
which destroys the habitats of animals. Without living space, the
disappearance of some wildlife species is inevitable. Another reason worth
mentioning is the increasing levels of pollution on land and under the sea
due to heavy chemical disposal from factories. For instance, last year in
[country’s name], the discharge of toxic industrial waste of a steel plant
called X caused bass fish and marine creature deaths in the middle part of
[country’s name]. Certain creatures die out when living in contaminated
water, and the affected eco-system may require years to fully recover.

Governments should take actions so as to preserve the wildlife. First of all,

it is imperative to outlaw deforestation of any purposes. All forest areas
should be conserved as national parks, and thus any individual or
organization involved in cutting trees down must be punished severely. To
mitigate pollution, the government also needs to introduce more stringent
regulations on industrial activities. For
example, a factory could be permanently banned if any illegal waste
discharge is detected. These two measures would be effective in halting
harmful human activities to the environment, wildlife and marine life.

In conclusion, I believe that for personal benefits, people are overlooking

the importance of protecting animal species. Although human activities
are putting harm to habitats of animals, the authority could tackle this
issue by enacting stricter laws against deforestation and environmental

(327 words – written by Han Ngo)

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic

This topic was used in the Writing Test in Vancouver in 2013)

It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide

university places for a high proportion of young people. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answers:

Furnishing the young generations with tertiary education play an

indispensable part in the government’s policies. However, most policy
makers reckon that it is infeasible and inefficient to offer the vast
majority of the youth higher education. From my perspective, I
completely agree with this statement for the following reasons.

It proves impossible for a country to provide entry to tertiary

education for all young people. The first reason is the prohibitive
tuition fees and the inability to afford them of the majority of
youths. College or university undergraduates are supposed to learn from
experiments, purchase costly materials during a term, let alone other
field trips if one majors in practical fields of study like engineering or
medical. All of these plus the fact that many students from rural areas find
it tough to meet only the annual tuition fees, especially in poverty-
stricken countries. This leads to the second reason in which I mean
government have other priorities such as universal education, healthcare
system to invest in.

It also does not seem useful for the whole country once the state wish
to accommodate the youth with higher education. This is
primarily because there is no guarantee that students will become
successful and contribute to the well-being of their nation after
finishing their education. There are the cases when distinguished
graduates fail to secure a decent job and thus become
unemployed, exacerbating the burden on society as a consequence.
Even worse, some are likely to slack off with their studies or
even drop out of school as they either take higher education for
granted or find no motivation in furthering their knowledge, given
the thought that tertiary education is subsidized or free of charge.
In conclusion, it’s my firm belief that not only it is neither possible nor
useful for a country to provide university places for a high proportion of
young people

Collected & Edited by IELTS Material Team

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions for IELTS Writing – Topic:


Play an indispensable part in (collo) participate in something in a

important way

Prohibitive (a) So high or burdensome

Let alone: not to mention or think of someone or something

Major in (verb) specialize in something

Poverty-stricken (a) extremely poor

Accommodate sb with sth (verb) provide sb with sth

Contribute to (verb) to donate something to some cause

Well-being (noun) The state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous

Secure a decent job (collo) obtain a good job

Exacerbate (verb) to make a problem become worse

Slack off (verb) to work less hard than is usual or necessary; become
Take something/somebody for granted
(idiom) to fail to appreciate someone/the value of something

Subsidize (verb) to pay some of the cost of goods or services so that

they can be sold to other people at a lower price

Free of charge (phrase) without paying any money

Sample Answer 2

There has been a difference of opinions regarding the accessibility of

tertiary education to the majority of young people. In my
view, dispensing university educational services on such a large
scale brings about no practical values to society, and also, it is rather
unfeasible to carry out this policy.

First, widespread entry into university does not seem really useful to a
country since the government need to take the needs of both the youth
and the economy into consideration. In many countries, especially
Germany, vocational training has gained more popularity among young
people because it enhances employment opportunities as well
as job security upon completion. Furthermore, if everyone could gain
admittance to college, it would lead to imbalances in workforce that
would greatly damage economic structure. It is because there is little
chance that university graduates would choose blue-collar jobs such as
working in factories.

Second, I think that it is impossible to provide almost all young people

with access to tertiary education. In Vietnam, the demand for entering
college never ceases to grow at a rapid rate. This puts the government in a
dilemma of whether they should risk allocating their resources and
therefore face the possibility of bankruptcy due to exorbitant
education costs in many financially dependent universities, like
Foreign Trade University or National Economics University. On top of
that, it is simply unrealistic for universities to accommodate such a
suddenly increased number of students on campus, not to mention the
fact that most departments are currently short-staffed.
In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea of supplying entry to a high
proportion of young people owing to the presented arguments above.


Sample Answer 3

It is sometimes argued that providing tertiary education for a massive

number of youngsters is both impossible and not essential. I totally agree
with this view.

On the one hand, that most young people can enter university is not
feasible, especially in developing nations. Firstly, personal financial
difficulties may prevent any high school leavers from continuing
university education. Tuition fees at this level in several countries are
extremely high, so not all the young and their families can afford. A telling
example is England where charges a high university fee, leading to a quite
low university attendant number in comparison with German whose
university system is free of charge. Secondly,educational facilities
and infrastructure to secure that a high proportion of young people
can have tertiary placement require an enormous investment from the
government. Unfortunately, some poor nations have to prioritize basic
needs such as food or healthcare for their citizens, so education is not
sufficiently subsidized for a high percentage of the young.

On the other hand, it is also detrimental to bestow university

education on most youngsters. The initial reason is that this policy
can lead to the dearth of manual workers. Because young
generations would be all equipped with professional knowledge and skills
if this policy were implemented, the higher proportion of them study
university, the lower will work for some menial positions. Consequently,
vacancies such as taxi drivers and construction workers will lack
recruitees. Adversely, this trend also means the increase in
unemployment rate in several modern section including technology and
science which have too many applicants. Ultimately, there will be an
imbalance in labor market.
In conclusion, I believe that it is not only unpractical but also not vital to
provide tertiary education places for too many youngsters.

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