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Chemosphere 117 (2014) 502–505

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Technical Note

Effect of spray aeration on organics and nitrogen removal in vertical

subsurface flow constructed wetland
Yi Ding a, Wei Wang a, Xin-shan Song a,⇑, Gang Wang b, Yu-hui Wang a,⇑
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, State Environmental Protection Engineering Center for Pollution Treatment and Control in Textile Industry, Donghua
University, Shanghai 201620, China
China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Four lab-scale wetland systems were operated under different conditions.

 Spray aeration largely improved the performance of V-SFCWs.
 Optimal removal of pollutants was obtained in the planted and aerated system.
 Spray aeration provided an appealing option for on-site treatment of domestic sewage.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of present study was to assess the simultaneous removal of organics and nitrogen by four
Received 7 May 2014 lab-scale vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands (V-SFCWs). The emergent plants employed were
Received in revised form 25 August 2014 Canna indica. Five-month experiments showed that the planted and aerated system largely reduced the
Accepted 27 August 2014
COD by 95%, NH4 by 88% and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) by 83%. It outperformed the unplanted or
Available online 26 September 2014
simple aerated system and was much better than non-aerated system. The study provided a strong
Handling Editor: O. Hao evidence to support widespread research and application of spray aeration as a low-cost and energy-ef-
ficient aeration technology in V-SFCWs.
Keywords: Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vertical subsurface flow constructed
Spray aeration
Nitrogen removal
Organics removal

1. Introduction 1997), the amount of oxygen supplied by roots could be insufficient

to ensure both the oxidation of organics and nitrification due to the
Vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands (V-SFCWs) have high levels of oxygen demand (Ding et al., 2012).
been widely used for purification of various wastewaters owing to In this case, aeration was applied to enhance the oxygen avail-
the advantages of small footprint, low construction and mainte- ability in V-SFCWs (Tang et al., 2008; Dong et al., 2012). However,
nance (Stefanakis and Tsihrintzis, 2009). Nitrification and denitrifi- so far, aeration in most V-SFCWs has been operated in continuous
cation is generally the most important nitrogen removal pathway in mode (Maltais-Landry et al., 2009b; Ong et al., 2010), and the oxy-
constructed wetlands (CWs) (Vymazal, 2005). However, the low gen has been supplied directly into the whole substrate bed. This
oxygen availability in V-SFCWs results in incomplete nitrification arrangement always leads to contradiction between the removal
which is the major cause of limited nitrogen removal (Vymazal, of NH4 and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN, the sum of NH4, NO2
2007). Although the oxygen availability in the V-SFCWs could be and NO3) because of the lacking in favorable (i.e. alternate aero-
enhanced by plants through diffusion of oxygen in rhizomes (Brix, bic/anaerobic) conditions for nitrification and denitrification
(Saeed and Sun, 2011). Spray aeration increases the contact time
and area between influents and air by using atomization spray
⇑ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 02167792550; fax: +86 02167792552. technology, which eventually generates oxygen-rich influents.
E-mail addresses:, (X.-s. Song), Compared with continuous aeration, spray aeration not only saves (Y.-h. Wang).
0045-6535/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Ding et al. / Chemosphere 117 (2014) 502–505 503

the operational cost but also creates different micro-environments took 5 months (May to September in 2013) and operated in inter-
for effective nitrogen removal. Moreover, spray aeration is much mittent way with hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 d.
energy-saving than continuous mode. The information on the The four systems were operated under different conditions.
application of spray aeration in wetland systems as well as its Systems A (control) and B were not planted while C and D were
effect on the performance of wetland systems is few now, which planted with Canna indica. Two wastewater distributing pipes with
hinders the proper design of CWs and limits its popularity three spraying nozzles were installed at the top of B and D with a
(Brown et al., 2004; Ochowiak and Press, 2011). Therefore, more spray rate of 0.8 ± 0.2 L min1. The distributing pipe (id 2 cm,
detailed research is necessary for better understanding the effect length 50 cm) and spraying nozzle (d 1.5 cm) could generate
of spray aeration on wastewater treatment. atomization spray effect with a coverage area of 0.5–4.0 m2. Spray
The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate the perfor- aeration was controlled by a flow controller which could prevent
mance of four wetland systems to obtain optimal conditions under the influents from spraying outside the systems. One lateral perfo-
which efficient organics and nitrogen removal occurs. The effects rated pipe was inserted into the filter layer of A and C with a stable
of spray aeration and plants, especially the combination of the inflow rate of 0.8 ± 0.2 L min1. Linear flow distribution was
two on the simultaneous removal of organics and nitrogen were 50 L h1. The total inflow of four systems was 100 L within 2 h.
analyzed for domestic wastewater treatment. The influent was prepared in a feed tank by dissolving ammonium
nitrate and glucose with tap water. The characteristics of influents
were COD, 128 ± 7 mg L1; NH4–N, 13 ± 2 mg L1; NO3–N,
2. Materials and methods 4.2 ± 1.4 mg L1; TIN, 18 ± 2 mg L1; Dissolved Oxygen (DO),
6.5 ± 0.5 mg L1.
2.1. Configuration and operation of the wetland systems
2.2. Sampling and analysis
Experiments were carried out in four lab-scale V-SFCWs with
identical dimensions, hereafter named system A, B, C and D. The
Water samples from influent, effluent and sampling spots were
four systems were located indoor and had been operated for two
collected at HRT of 3 d to evaluate treatment performance of four
years. The air temperature was controlled at 25 ± 3 °C. Fig. 1 shows
systems in removing organics and nitrogen. Experiments were
the schematic diagram of the V-SFCWs. The dimension for each
repeated three times. Data were recorded by averaging the testing
wetland system was 60 cm in length, 60 cm in width and 75 cm
values of repeated measurements. COD was measured by using a
in depth. The bottom of each wetland system was filled with
HACH colorimeter (DR/890, USA). NO3, NH4 and TIN were analyzed
15 cm coarse gravel (U = 3–4 cm) which served as the drainage
using a gas-phase absorption spectrometer (GMA3202, China).
layer, and above which was a 45 cm filter layer filled with medium
Temperature and DO were measured simultaneously after sam-
gravel (U = 1–2 cm). Finally, a 10 cm covering layer of washed sand
pling by a HANNA DO meter (HI 9143, Italy).
(U < 0.2 cm) was added at the top, facilitating the dispersion of
Data analysis and visualization were completed using built-in
wastewater and plants growth. Four sampling spots at the depth
statistical functions of Origin 8.0 analysis software (OriginLab,
of 10 (S1), 25 (S2), 40 (S3) and 55 (S4) cm from the bottom were
MA, USA). All data were presented as mean ± SD. Statistical checks
tapped along systems, among which S1 was the outlet of V-SFCWs.
was made at significance of 0.01 for all analyses.
The emergent plants employed in this study were Canna indica
which were transferred from Shanghai Chen Shan Botanical
Garden (31°040 N, 121°100 E), China. The planting density for the 3. Results and discussion
emergent plants was about two plants per m2. Before the experi-
ment, Hogland’s solution was fed for cultivation. The formal 3.1. DO profile along V-SFCWs
experiment was performed after two months of stable plant
growth, during which the micro-organic communities adapted to Fig. 2a showed the DO profile in V-SFCWs. Obvious differences
the wetland environment and had been fully developed. Effluents between the aerated systems (B and D) and non-aerated systems
were tested until water quality became stable. The experiments (A and C) were observed (P < 0.01). As shown in Fig. 2a, DO concen-

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the V-SFCWs.

504 Y. Ding et al. / Chemosphere 117 (2014) 502–505

Table 1
Treatment performance of the four wetland systems.

Parameters Influent (mg L1) System Effluent (mg L1) Removal (%)
COD 128 ± 7 A 17 ± 5 87
B 9±5 93
C 14 ± 5 89
D 7±4 95
NH4–N 13 ± 2 A 8±1 40
B 2±1 84
C 6±1 52
D 2±1 88
NO3–N 4.2 ± 1.4 A .03 ± .08 99
B 2.0 ± 0.7 53
C .04 ± .06 99
D 2.0 ± 0.8 50
TIN 18 ± 2 A 8±2 55
B 4±2 76
C 8±2 59
D 3±2 83

of influent NH4 was oxidized in the upper 40–55 cm region due to

the aerobic environment. Additionally, system C exhibited higher
NH4 removal than A. This could be due to the uptake by emergent
plants and oxygen release in root systems from emergent plants,
which could enhance the activity of nitrifying bacteria in rhizo-
sphere (Yang et al., 2001).
Nitrification could convert nitrogen among NH4 form but did not
remove nitrogen from the wastewater. The nitrified nitrogen must
be processed via anaerobic microbial denitrification to be perma-
nently removed from the wastewater (Ding et al., 2013). As shown
in Table 1, the NO3 removal in the non-aerated systems (A and C)
performed better than the aerated systems (B and D). Fig. 2d showed
the NO3 profile in V-SFCWs. Due to the nitrification process in the
upper region, the NO3 concentration increased in accordance with
Fig. 2. The profile of DO (a), COD (b), NH4 (c) and NO3 (d) in V-SFCWs. the drop of NH4. NO3 was removed in the 10–25 cm region above
the bottom of systems via anaerobic microbial denitrification.
As shown in Table 1, TIN removal in aerated systems (B and D)
trations in the 10–25 cm region above the bottom of A and C were
were significantly higher than non-aerated systems (A and C)
below 0.5 mg L1, which could inhibit the nitrification process (Li
(P < 0.01). Although denitrification was efficient in A and C, com-
et al., 2014; Ding et al., 2014). In addition, there was no significant
plete TIN elimination was firstly dependent on complete nitrifica-
difference in DO concentration between A and C (P < 0.01). Previ-
tion, which was an aerobic chemo-autotrophic microbial process.
ous studies by Nikolausz et al. (2008) and Dong et al. (2011)
The poor nitrification condition caused by limited oxygen supply
showed that the oxygen released by wetland plant roots to the
led to low TIN removal in A and C.
substrate bed was limited as more than half was used for roots res-
piration. For B and D, the DO availability was distinctly improved
by aeration, anaerobic regions could still exist in B and D due to
the stratification of biofilms. Moreover, the operation mode of 4. Conclusions
spray aeration would facilitate denitrification.
Better performance was obtained in aerated systems for an ideal
oxidative condition, which lead to an enhanced nitrification and
3.2. Treatment performance of the V-SFCWs
biodegradation of organics. TIN removal in non-aerated systems
was limited by insufficient oxygen supply. In addition, planted sys-
Better performance was obtained in aerated systems (B and D)
tems exhibited higher removal of organics and nitrogen than the
for the biodegradation of organics and nitrification. Fig. 2b showed
unplanted systems. Optimal removal of COD, NH4 and TIN was
the COD profile in V-SFCWs. For B and D, COD concentration drasti-
obtained in the planted system with spray aeration. The spray aera-
cally dropped in the upper 40–55 cm region, which could ascribe to
tion strategy was rather cost-effective considering its high treat-
the biodegradation of organics by aerobic microbes in this region. As
ment efficiencies, which provided an appealing option for on-site
shown in Fig. 2b, COD was also removed in the 10–25 cm region
treatment of domestic sewage.
above the bottom of systems, in which COD acted as an electron
donor utilized in denitrification process under anaerobic condition.
Previous studies by Vymazal (1999) showed that aerobic degrada-
tion was usually in priority. Results indicated that COD removal Acknowledgements
was positively correlated with the aeration condition (P < 0.01).
Influent and effluent concentrations and removal efficiencies of This study was supported by the National Natural Science
COD, NH4, NO3 and TIN were presented in Table 1. As shown in Foundation of China (Fund Key. 51309053 and 51079028), and
Table 1, the NH4 removal in the aerated systems (B and D) were sig- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities–DHU
nificantly higher than the non-aerated systems (A and C) (P < 0.01). Distinguished Young Professor Program (Fund Key. B201310) and
Fig. 2c showed the NH4 profile in V-SFCWs. For B and D, 78% and 82% Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
Y. Ding et al. / Chemosphere 117 (2014) 502–505 505

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