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The Effects of Valgus Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial

Osteotomy on Articular Cartilage Pressure of the Knee:

A Biomechanical Study

Jens Dominik Agneskirchner, M.D., Christof Hurschler, Ph.D., Christiane D. Wrann, D.V.M.,
and Philipp Lobenhoffer, M.D.

Purpose: The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of different loading axes and of a
valgus opening wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) on tibiofemoral cartilage pressure. Methods: Six
human knee specimens were tested with a load of 1000N in extension in a materials testing machine
using a specially designed fixture. Pressure in the medial and lateral joint compartment was recorded
using pressure-sensitive films. Different loading alignments (varus, straight, and valgus) were
simulated. A medial opening wedge HTO was performed adjusting the loading axis to slight valgus.
The first measurement was performed with intact medial collateral ligament (MCL). Then the MCL
was dissected gradually and the cartilage pressure again analyzed. Results: There was a significant
correlation of the load distribution with the position of the loading axis. The medial compartment was
predominantly loaded in the varus setting. The more lateral the loading line intersected the knee, the
more pressure was redistributed laterally. The opening wedge HTO without the MCL release resulted
in a significant increase of the pressure medially (P ⫽ .002). Only after a complete release of the
MCL was a significant decrease of pressure medially observed after opening wedge HTO (P ⫽ .003).
Conclusions: The position of the loading axis in the frontal plane has a strong effect on the
tibiofemoral cartilage pressure distribution of the knee. The medial compartment is predominantly
loaded in a varus knee; a neutral mechanical axis slightly loads the lateral more than the medial
compartment. In valgus alignment, the main load runs through the lateral compartment. Clinical
Relevance: A medial opening wedge HTO maintains high medial compartment pressure despite the
fact that the loading axis has been shifted into valgus. Only after complete release of the distal fibers
of the MCL does the opening wedge HTO produce a decompression of the medial joint compartment.
Key Words: Cartilage—Knee arthroplasty—Osteoarthritis—Osteotomy—Varus deformity.

T he main principle of osteotomies is to achieve a

transfer of loading from diseased, arthritic areas
of the joint to areas with relatively intact, healthy
(HTO) in medial osteoarthritis of a varus knee is thus
a decompression of the degenerated medial compart-
ment, in order to decrease the pain and delay the
cartilage. The aim of a valgus high tibial osteotomy progress of cartilage degeneration.1-4 Such procedures
are performed on younger patients in an attempt to
delay the implantation of the first total knee arthro-
From the Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, plasty.
Henriettenstiftung Hannover (J.D.A., C.D.W., P.L.), Hannover, Relatively good short- and mid-term results for this
Germany, and the Institute for Biomechanics and Biomaterials
(C.H.), Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany. procedure have been reported in the literature.5-7
Supported by a grant from the Robert Mathys Foundation. However, favorable results seem to be strongly depen-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jens Dominik
Agneskirchner, M.D., Henriettenstiftung Hannover, Trauma and
dent on a precise correction of the loading axis. Un-
Reconstructive Surgery, Marienstrasse 72-90, 30171 Hannover, dercorrection with persisting varus usually leads to
Germany. E-mail: poor results; overcorrection into large valgus may
© 2007 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
0749-8063/07/2308-6630$32.00/0 result in medial joint opening and rapid development
doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2007.05.018 of lateral osteoarthritis.8 There is a consensus in the

852 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 23, No 8 (August), 2007: pp 852-861

literature that the loading axis in the varus malaligned years (range, 55-66), and all donors were men. The
osteoarthritic knee should be shifted from the varus joints were examined to assure that they had not been
into a slightly valgus axis.6,9 Different opinions are to injured and that they had not been operated on previ-
be found on the precise amount of the valgus align- ously. Furthermore, radiographs were taken before
ment achieved postoperatively. Some authors take the biomechanical testing to exclude joints with osteoar-
anatomic axis of the femur and tibia as reference and thritis. The anatomic lateral distal femoral angle and
recommend a valgus of 8° to 10° postoperatively10-12; medial proximal tibial angle were measured to assure
others focus on the mechanical axis of femur and tibia that all specimens were within the normal range.17
and suggest 3° to 5° of valgus.6,13 These suggestions After defrosting at room temperature over the course
are based on individual clinical experiences and ret- of 28 hours, the joints were dissected with removal of
rospective studies. In another study by Fujisawa the skin and all subcutaneous tissue. The joints were
et al.,14 an arthroscopic evaluation of the tibiofemoral opened through an anteromedial arthrotomy, and the
cartilage before and after valgus HTO was performed muscles of the quadriceps and the patella were re-
in 54 knees with a follow-up of 4 months to 6 years. moved. The medial and lateral collateral as well as
The results were correlated to the amount of axis the cruciate ligaments were left intact, as were the
correction measured as the postoperative medial–lat- posterior joint capsule and the popliteus. There were
eral position of the loading axis in relation to the tibial no ligament instabilities and no meniscal lesions.
plateau. The authors concluded that the best clinical Evaluation of the cartilage revealed some damage in
results can be expected if the postoperative loading the femoropatellar joints, but no significant lesions on
axis is somewhere in the range of 30% of the distance the tibiofemoral surfaces. Ten centimeters of the prox-
from the midpoint of the knee to the lateral joint imal femur and distal tibia were freed from all soft
border.14 From this and other clinical papers, it was tissues, and the bone stumps were embedded in hol-
then concluded that in an ideal correction, the me- low metal shafts using a two-component polyurethane
chanical axis, which runs from the center of the hip to casting resin (UREOL FC 53; Vantico GmbH, Wehr,
the center of the ankle, should intersect the knee joint Germany).
line at 62%, as measured from the medial to the lateral
border of the knee at the level of the tibial pla- Mechanical Testing System
Apart from these clinical studies, and despite the The knees were tested in full extension in a mate-
enormous increase of interest in osteotomies, surpris- rials testing machine (Minibionix 858; MTS Systems,
ingly few experimental data exist on the intra-articular Minneapolis, MN) under axial loading (Fig 1). Load-
effect of such load-transferring osteotomies. ing was applied according to the following protocol:
The purpose of the present study was twofold: first, ramp over 100 seconds at 10 N/sec to 1,000 N, after
to investigate the influence of the location of the which 1,000 N was held in load-control for 20 sec-
mechanical loading axis and second the effect of a onds, after which load was again ramped to 0 N. A
valgus opening wedge HTO on the intra-articular car- specially designed and constructed fixture was used to
tilage pressure of the knee. Our first hypothesis was simulate different loading situations of the lower leg
that the position of the mechanical loading axis has a by varying the anatomic and mechanical alignment
strong impact on the cartilage pressure distribution of angles of the distal femur and the proximal tibia,
the knee. The second hypothesis was that a medial respectively, as well as the offset created by the fem-
opening wedge osteotomy may influence the cartilage oral head (Figs 1 and 2). The fixture was constructed
pressure secondary to changes in the soft tissue ten- to allow stepless adjustment of the rotation of the joint
sion of the medial collateral ligament (MCL), which space, as well as the medial–lateral load-offset. Axial
are caused by the osteotomy. loading of an entire leg between the centers of the hip
and ankle joint was simulated by the fixture, which
was built to reproduce the missing parts of the femur
METHODS and tibia in an anatomic manner.17 Standardized axial
Human Cadaveric Knees loading was applied to the joint with free adjustment
of the intersection of the loading axis with respect to
Six fresh-frozen human cadaveric knees, cut mid- the knee joint line, which was adjusted to be horizon-
way on the shafts of both the femur and the tibia, were tally oriented. Load was applied from the femur to the
used in this study. The mean age of the donors was 62 tibia, with the distal end of the tibia and the proximal

varus (25%), neutral (50%), and two additional differ-

ent valgus alignments (62% and 75%).
Tibiofemoral Cartilage Pressure
A pressure-sensitive film (K-Scan; Tekscan, Bos-
ton, MA) was inserted into the medial and lateral
tibiofemoral joint (Fig 3). This system, which has
been established for dynamic force and contact pres-
sure analysis,18,19 allows for the separate recording of
various pressure parameters in both compartments si-
multaneously, measuring pressures at a range from 0.1
to 17.2 MPa with a resolution of 0.07 MPa. The films
are 0.1-mm thick, and are comprised of two measuring
fields with an area of 33 ⫻ 22 mm and a spatial
resolution of 0.1 mm. For protection of the sensor
films, a thin piece of Teflon foil (DuPont, Wilmington,
DE) was glued to both sides of the sensor. Before
insertion into the joints, the sensors were precondi-
tioned and calibrated in the mechanical testing system
(Minibionix 858, MTS Systems) according to a stan-
dardized protocol as suggested by the manufacturer.

FIGURE 1. Axial loading of cadaveric knee joint using a specially

designed fixture in a mechanical testing machine. The fixture
allowed unconstrained loading of the joints in extension. Different
loading alignment situations were simulated varying the offset of
the force vector and the mechanical and anatomical angles of femur
and tibia. A vertically projected laser beam (dotted line) was used
to visualize the respective loading axes.

end of the femur potted in cylinders attached to gim-

bal-mounted universal joints which allowed frontal-
and sagittal-plane movement but constrained axial ro-
Alignments of the applied loads were standardized
by using the intersection of the loading axis with the
knee joint line measured as its offset from the medial
margin of the plateau. Accurate positioning of the
load-line was determined by a vertical laser beam
translating the frontal plane alignment between the
proximal and distal universal-joints to the knee joint
(Fig 2). Zero percent varus alignment was defined as
an offset of 0% of the width of the tibia plateau from
FIGURE 2. Cadaveric knee specimen, mounted into the testing
the medial margin. Zero percent loading axis (0%) fixture. An external fixator was used to stabilize the opening wedge
varus alignment was first tested, followed by 25% osteotomy.

Insertion into the medial and lateral tibiofemoral joint

was carried out from anterior to posterior, with the
sensors being carefully pulled into the joint space on
top of the cartilage and the menisci (Fig 3) using an
inside-out meniscus suturing system (Arthrex, Naples,
FL). The sensors were fixed to the posterior and me-
dial–lateral joint capsule using strong braided sutures.
Care was taken to ensure that the sensors were seated
on the cartilage without wrinkles and that nearly all
parts of the medial and lateral tibial plateau and the
menisci were covered. In order to determine the rela-
tive location of the joint surface relative to the sensor,
the perimeter of the joint surfaces of both compart-
ments was palpated with a small blunt plastic rod, and
its location was recorded. Thus, the topographic asso-
ciation of all regions of the tibial plateau to the sensing FIGURE 4. A valgus medial opening wedge osteotomy was per-
elements of the sensors was recorded before testing formed between the fibers of the medial collateral ligament. An
osteotomy spreader was inserted in order to keep the osteotomy
was initiated. Contact force (CF; in N), contact area gap open.
(CA; in mm2), contact pressure (CP; in MPa), and
peak contact pressure (peakCP; in MPa), as well as the
topographic pressure distribution between the medial
and lateral tibiofemoral joint space, were continuously Several flat chisels were sequentially driven into the
recorded while the joints were loaded. For further osteotomy gap, and the osteotomy was gradually
analysis, the averages of all the parameters which opened to 9 mm without altering the anterior–poste-
were measured during the plateau phase of the loading rior tibial slope (Fig 4). A standard external fixator
protocol (20 sec of 1,000 N), were calculated. was applied to stabilize the osteotomy during the
loading. After the osteotomy was performed, the load-
Osteotomy ing axis was again set to the 62% valgus position, and
the loading protocol began once again.
A medial intraligamentous opening wedge valgus During the first set of measurements, the distal fibers
HTO was carried out in a biplanar fashion according of the superficial MCL spanning the osteotomy gap were
to the technique published by the knee expert group of left intact. Subsequently, the anterior half of the fibers
the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen.4,20 was transected (MCL-rel. 50%), followed by a complete
release with transection of all of the fibers of the MCL at
the level of the osteotomy (MCL-rel. 100%).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical comparisons were performed using the
non-parametric Wilcoxon test to compare means of
the different dependent variables between the experi-
mental groups at a significance level of ␣ ⫽ 0.05.

Influence of Frontal Plane Weight Bearing Axis
on Tibiofemoral Cartilage Pressure
Contact Pressure: In the medial tibiofemoral
compartment, CP varied between 0.52 (⫾0.25) MPa
(valgus 75%) and 0.94 (⫾0.44) MPa (varus 0%; Table
1). In the lateral compartment, the mean CP was
FIGURE 3. Pressure sensitive films (K-Scan, Tekscan) were in-
serted into the medial and lateral tibiofemoral joint space for measured to be 0.50 (⫾0.16) MPa in varus (0%) and
measuring the articular cartilage contact pressure. 0.88 (⫾0.27) MPa in valgus (75%). There was a

TABLE 1. Mean Contact Pressure (MPa) in Medial and Lateral Tibiofemoral Joint Compartment During 1,000 N Axial
Load Related to Loading Axis
Location of Loading Axis Related CP Medial Compartment CP Lateral Compartment
Loading Alignment to Joint Line (Mean ⫾ SD; MPa) (Mean ⫾ SD; MPa)

Varus 0% 0.94 (⫾0.44) 0.50 (⫾0.16)

Varus 25% 0.61 (⫾0.26) 0.81 (⫾0.31)
Neutral 50% 0.71 (⫾0.35) 0.83 (⫾0.38)
Valgus 62% 0.6 (⫾0.33) 0.81 (⫾0.37)
Valgus 75% 0.52 (⫾0.25) 0.88 (⫾0.27)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Intact 62% 1.28 (⫾0.69) 0.51 (⫾0.04)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 50% 62% 0.84 (⫾0.5) 0.57 (⫾0.14)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 100% 62% 0.56 (⫾0.19) 0.73 (⫾0.27)

Abbreviations: CP, contact pressure; HTO, high tibial osteotomy; MCL, medial collateral ligament; SD, standard deviation.

strong correlation between the position of the loading (50%) and into valgus, the peakCP increased laterally
axis related to the knee joint line and the distribution and decreased medially.
of contact pressure in the medial and lateral joint
compartments. The more lateral the weight-bearing Influence of Opening Wedge Valgus HTO on
line intersected the joint line, the lower the medial and Tibiofemoral Cartilage Pressure
the higher the lateral CP observed.
Contact Area: An average of 751 to 827 mm2 of A medial opening wedge valgus HTO was per-
CA between the joint surfaces of the medial and formed and opened to 9 mm. After setting the loading
lateral femoral condyles with the tibial plateau was axis again to slight valgus (62%), the joints were
measured while the joints were loaded with an axial loaded again and pressure parameters again recorded.
load of 1,000 N (Table 2). In contrast to the CP data, Contact Pressure: The mean medial compartment
no correlation was observed between the different pressure averaged 1.28 (⫾0.69) MPa and the lateral
weight-bearing axes and the CA. In almost all loading averaged 0.51 (⫾0.04) MPa, despite the valgus posi-
situations, the CA in the lateral compartment was tion of the loading axis (62%; Table 1). Compared to
slightly larger than in the medial compartment. the data before osteotomy but with the same 62%
Peak Contact Pressure: Similar to the values of loading axis, this increase of medial compartment
the CP, there was a strong correlation between the pressure was statistically significant (P ⫽ .002). The
loading axis and the topographic distribution of the two-step-release of the MCL resulted in a decrease of
peak CP (peakCP; Table 3) between the medial and the medial CP and an increase in the lateral CP.
lateral joint compartment. Only in the 0% loading Compared to the values before the ligament release,
situation (varus) there was more peakCP medially this decrease of medial compartment pressure was
than laterally; shifting the loading axis to neutral statistically significant (P ⫽ .003).

TABLE 2. Contact Area (mm2) in Medial and Lateral Tibiofemoral Joint Compartment During 1,000 N Axial Load
Related to Loading Axis
Location of Loading Axis CA Medial Compartment CA Lateral Compartment
Alignment Related to Joint Line (Mean ⫾ SD; mm2) (Mean ⫾ SD; mm2)

Varus 0% 393.7 (⫾71.7) 374.5 (⫾178.7)

Varus 25% 371.9 (⫾56.9) 454 (⫾193.1)
Neutral 50% 338.6 (⫾88.5) 459.4 (⫾121)
Valgus 62% 335.5 (⫾67.2) 491.1 (⫾149.3)
Valgus 75% 321.7 (⫾129.6) 429.3 (⫾169.1)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Intact 62% 413.9 (⫾66.4) 399.4 (⫾117.2)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 50% 62% 365.2 (⫾39.6) 455.9 (⫾148)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 100% 62% 320.5 (⫾96.7) 443.4 (⫾193.2)

Abbreviations: CA, contact area; HTO, high tibial osteotomy; MCL, medial collateral ligament; SD, standard deviation.

TABLE 3. Peak Contact Pressure (MPa) in Medial and Lateral Tibiofemoral Joint Compartment During 1,000 N Axial
Load Related to Loading Axis
Location of Loading Axis Peak CP Medial Compartment Peak CP Lateral Compartment
Alignment Related to Joint Line (Mean ⫾ SD; MPa) (Mean ⫾ SD; MPa)

Varus 0% 2.4 (⫾1.21) 1.6 (⫾0.49)

Varus 25% 1.47 (⫾0.48) 2.04 (⫾0.56)
Neutral 50% 1.72 (⫾0.81) 2.92 (⫾1.57)
Valgus 62% 1.43 (⫾0.85) 2.97 (⫾1.59)
Valgus 75% 1.29 (⫾0.79) 2.54 (⫾1.22)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Intact 62% 3.78 (⫾3.25) 1.35 (⫾0.52)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 50% 62% 2.74 (⫾3.28) 1.59 (⫾0.53)
Open Wedge HTO MCL Release 100% 62% 1.42 (⫾0.86) 2.23 (⫾1.05)

Abbreviations: CP, contact pressure; HTO, high tibial osteotomy; MCL, medial collateral ligament; SD, standard deviation.

Contact Area: There was no change in the tib- sure and increased the lateral pressure. Interestingly,
iofemoral CA after the osteotomy, compared to the when in the neutral position (50%, straight leg), some-
values before the HTO (Table 2). Furthermore, no what higher pressures were recorded laterally than
differences in the topographic analysis of the CA medially, which corresponds well with existing data.23
between the medial and lateral joint compartment In the valgus positions (62% and 75%), the lateral
were found. pressure values exceeded the medial pressure by 30%
Peak Contact Pressure: After the osteotomy with to 40% (Fig 5). Based on these data, it seems that in
intact MCL at 62% of valgus, the medial compartment the case of a neutral loading axis, the main portion of
peakCP was increased to 3.78 (⫾3.25) MPa in the
medial compartment compared to 1.43 (⫾0.85) mea-
sured at the same loading axis (62%) before the os-
teotomy (Table 3). With the complete release of the
MCL, the mean medial peakCP was decreased to 1.42
(⫾0.82) MPa. In the lateral compartment, a mean
peakCP of 1.35 (⫾0.52) MPa was measured before
the complete MCL-rel., and 2.23 (⫾1.05) MPa after
the complete MCL-rel. (100%).

Within the last several years, interest in valgus HTO
has been increasing, and we have advocated the open-
ing wedge technique based on its characteristically
stable and reliable nature.4,20-22 Surprisingly, there is
little information on the actual intra-articular effect of
an osteotomy, which is intended to shift the loading
axis in the frontal plane (varus–valgus).
Our first intent in the present study was to correlate
the amount of offset of the loading axis from the
center of the knee in the frontal plane to the cartilage
pressure of the tibiofemoral joint space.
We have found that by simulating a varus deformity
(0% offset of the loading axis with the medial border FIGURE 5. Topographic pressure distribution in the medial and
of the knee joint), the intra-articular pressure in the lateral tibiofemoral joint space during axial loading of 1,000 N
medial compartment exceeded that of the lateral com- with different loading alignments: in varus (0%), most of the
loading was in the medial joint space; in neutral loading (50%)
partment by approximately 45%. Gradually shifting there was slightly more lateral than medial loading; in valgus
the loading vector laterally decreased the medial pres- (62%), most of the loading was in the lateral joint compartment.

FIGURE 6. Topographic pres-

sure distribution in the medial
and lateral tibiofemoral joint
space after valgus opening
wedge osteotomy with intact
medial collateral ligament (MCL)
and after successive MCL re-
lease. Despite the valgus load-
ing after HTO with intact MCL
most of the loading occurred
medially (above). Only after a
complete release of the MCL
the medial joint space was de-
compressed (below). The col-
ored bars indicate the absolute
contact pressure (MPa) in a re-
spective cartilage area.

the femorotibial load runs through the lateral compart- again tested after the osteotomy in order to simulate
ment. This seems to suggest that an overcorrection the loading axis, which is mostly aimed at a patient
into valgus would not be necessary for decompression postoperatively.14 At first glance, the results were sur-
of the medial joint space in case of medial joint prising: the CP in the medial compartment after the
overload, such as in a varus osteoarthritis, assuming osteotomy was much higher than in the lateral joint
that the pressure distribution after an osteotomy is space and there was a high pressure peak in the middle
identical to these experiments. of the middle tibiofemoral joint surface (Fig 6). Com-
Because of the large numbers of osteotomies per- pared to the values before osteotomy, as the same
formed, these results have a large clinical impact and valgus loading axis (62%) was used, the pressure
suggest that the postoperative loading axis in a valgus distribution after the osteotomy was almost reversed,
HTO should be individually adjusted to the special which is not the desired result when performing the
needs of the patient. In patients with only mild medial procedure. In comparison to the data of the varus
joint osteoarthritis, an overcorrection into valgus might loading axis (0%), no reduction of cartilage pressure
not be necessary, whereas patients with advanced me- in the medial compartment was achieved by the os-
dial degeneration and medial joint collapse probably teotomy, despite the fact that the joints were loaded at
benefit from a more extensive axis correction into a 62% of valgus; on the contrary, the medial pressure
valgus alignment. values were even higher than in the varus setting.
In the second part of the study, cartilage pressure Successive dissection (MCL-rel. 50% and 100%) of
measurements were performed after a valgus opening the fibers of the MCL then resulted in a significant
wedge HTO. The osteotomy was opened to 9 mm decrease of the overall CP and especially the pressure
without releasing the fibers of the MCL running across in the medial compartment, whereas the pressure in
the osteotomy. An alignment of 62% of valgus was the lateral compartment was increased. After a com-

FIGURE 7. Mean contact pressure

(CP) in medial and lateral compart-
ment during axial loading, indicat-
ing the relationship between posi-
tion of the loading axis and the
topographic pressure distribution.
The more lateral the loading line
intersected the knee joint, the more
pressure was measured laterally,
and the less pressure medially. Val-
gus opening wedge osteotomy re-
sulted in a significant increase of
the medial contact pressure, which
was only decompressed after com-
plete release of the medial collat-
eral ligament (MCL).

plete release of the MCL, the pressure values laterally ence between these two types of valgus osteotomy is
were again higher than medially, and the pressure their respective influence upon the MCL. A lateral
peak medially was decompressed (Figs 6 and 7). closing wedge osteotomy probably has only a minor
These data suggest that in a medial opening wedge effect on the MCL, whereas a medial opening wedge
valgus HTO, the opening of the osteotomy gap leads procedure increases the strain of the superficial distal
to a mechanical lift of the medial part of the plateau part of the MCL, because the spreading of the osteot-
upwards, thus pressing it against the medial femoral omy gap is carried out intraligamentously between the
condyle. Because of the crossing fibers of the MCL, two insertion points of this band. These data are
the part of the tibia below the osteotomy is unable to therefore the first to show the direct effect of a valgus
compensate, which leads to increased MCL tension. It opening wedge HTO upon the tibiofemoral cartilage
seems that this imbalanced medial ligament overten- pressure.
sioning results in a preloading of the MCL and the In a 1979 study by Fujisawa,14 it was found that the
creation of concomitant tibiofemoral joint pressure in best results after a valgus HTO can be expected in
the medial compartment, which is created indepen- patients whose postoperative loading axis crossed the
dently of the position of the loading axis. This as- knee joint line 30% to 40% laterally to the joint center.
sumption is supported by the experimental finding of However, in that study, the sole parameter of the
this study that during the spreading of the osteotomy, postoperative evaluation was an arthroscopic assess-
an increase of the CP in the medial compartment was ment of the joint cartilage after a follow-up time
recorded in the absence of axial loading. Most likely, between 4 months and 6 years. An analysis with
this MCL overtension–associated cartilage pressure respect to postoperative clinical parameters such as
after an opening wedge HTO without MCL-release pain, swelling, effusion, or radiographs, was not per-
superimposes the pressure distribution, which is re- formed. To our knowledge, there is no other study in
lated to the loading axis. which the outcome of a valgus HTO was directly
Looking at the literature, the only related study, by correlated to the amount of axis correction and the
Riegger-Krugh et al.,23 experimentally looked at the postoperatively achieved loading axis.
effect of an osteotomy in the frontal plane on the There are other biomechanical studies in which the
cartilage pressure. In this study, however, a lateral tibiofemoral joint cartilage pressure was measured
closing wedge osteotomy technique was used for the with regard to different loading axes in the frontal
axis correction. To our knowledge, there is no pub- plane.23,24 However, these studies utilized a static
lished data on the effect of a valgus osteotomy in a loading model with color-coded Fujifilms, which only
medial opening wedge technique. The primary differ- permit a snapshot analysis of the pressure, such that

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