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1 accommodation (n) /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/ chỗ ở
2 bury (v) /ˈberi/ chôn vùi, vùi lấp
3 collapse (v) /kəˈlæps/ đổ, sập, sụp, đổ sập
4 damage (n) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ sự thiệt hại, sự hư hại
5 disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə/ tai họa, thảm họa
6 drought (n) /draʊt/ hạn hán
7 earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ trận động đất
8 erupt (v) /ɪˈrʌpt/ phun (núi lửa)
9 eruption (n) /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ sự phun (núi lửa)
1 evacuate (v) /ɪˈvækjueɪt/ sơ tán
1 forest fire (n) /ˈfɒrɪst faɪər/ cháy rừng
1 homeless (adj) /ˈhəʊmləs/ không có nhà cửa, vô gia cư
1 mudslide (n) /ˈmʌdslaɪd/ lũ bùn
1 put out (v) /pʊt aʊt/ dập tắt (lửa..)
1 Rage (v) /reɪdʒ/ diễn ra ác liệt, hung dữ
1 rescue worker (n) /ˈreskjuː ˈwɜːkə/ nhân viên cứu hộ
1 scatter (v) /ˈskætə/ tung, rải, rắc
1 shake (v) /ʃeɪk/ rung, lắc, làm rung, lúc lắc
1 tornado (n) /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ lốc xoáy
2 Trap (v) /træp/ làm cho mắc kẹt
2 tsunami (n) /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ sóng thần
2 typhoon (n) /taɪˈfuːn/ bão nhiệt đới
2 victim (n) /ˈvɪktɪm/ nạn nhân
2 volcanic (adj) /vɒlˈkænɪk/ thuộc núi lửa
2 volcano (n) /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ núi lửa
II. GRAMMAR: Công thức chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động
Thì Chủ động Bị động

Hiện tại đơn S + V(s/es) + O S + am/is/are + P2

Hiện tại tiếp diễn S + am/is/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + P2

Hiện tại hoàn thành S + have/has + P2 + O S + have/has + been + P2

Quá khứ đơn S + V(ed/Ps) + O S + was/were + P2

Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + P2

Quá khứ hoàn thành S + had + P2 + O S + had + been + P2

Tương lai đơn S + will + V-infi + O S + will + be + P2

Tương lai hoàn thành S + will + have + P2 + O S + will + have + been + P2

Tương lai gần S + am/is/are going to + V-infi + O S + am/is/are going to + be + P2

Động từ khuyết thiếu S + ĐTKT + V-infi + O S + ĐTKT + be + P2

Past perfect and past simple:
We use the past perfect to describe an action before a stated time in the past.
Example: People had managed to leave the flooded villages by 11 o’clock last night.
We use the past perfect to describe an action that happened before another action in the past.
Example: People had already left the flooded villages when rescue workers arrived.
Simple Past Past Perfect Simple
some time in the past before/up to a certain time in the past
Example: Jane got up at seven. She opened her Example: Before her sixth birthday, Jane
birthday presents and then the whole family had never been to the zoo.
went to the zoo.
Words ending in "ty", "cy", "phy", "gy, "al", "ally" or "ate": have the stress on the ante-
penultimate syllable (third syllable from the end or before the last one in this word)
Ex: va’riety, a’bility, va’riety, de’mocracy, ge’ography, bi’ology, Inter’national, app’reciate, …
Stress in words ending in – ity and –itive: Những từ có tận cùng là-ity and -itive , thì trọng âm
đứng trước hậu tố
Ex: ‘possitive, oppor’tunity
1 . Write the words from the box in the correct part of the table, according to the stress.
analogy apology archocology astrology audiology bacteriology biology biotechnology
ecology ethnology futurology geology ideology methodology microbiology musicology
philosophy psychology sociology volcanology biography geography telegraphy photography
calligraphy radiography stenography cosmography oceanography historiography
2 . Write the words from the box in the correct part of the table, according to the stress pattern.
purity continuity longevity mentality density gravity capability clarity facility
hospitality nationality similarity authority relativity visibility generosity majority
minority fatality curiosity opportunity quality quantity reality community
university possibility security additive appositive insensitive positive
infinitive primitive inquisitive repetitive transitive definitive acquisitive genitive

3. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. B. reality C. quality D.density
2. A.curiosity B. personality C. community D. university
3. A.additive B.positive C.primitive D.possessive
4. A.nationality B.mobility C.equality D.majority
5. A.transitive B.effective C.positive D. sensitive
6. A. repetitive B.electrical C.priority D. energetic
7. A.transitive B. impressive C. exciting D.connection
8. A.homography B.inexpensive C.infinitive D.complexity
9. A.conversational B. oversensitive C.communicative D. personality
10. A. economic B.volcanic C.disappoited D.scientific
4. Give the right word formation for these provided word
1. ____________waves are one of the great forces of nature. (tide)
2. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are ____________ disasters. (nature)
3. Our _______________ turns out to be correct. (predict)
4. The building was _______________ damaged by the fire.( extend)
5. The most __________ earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama.(disaster)
6. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of__________ shall we make? (prepare)
7. _____________ food is very convenient for campers. (can)
8. Today __________can predict when a tidal wave hits land. (science)
9. It was the biggest _____________of Mt.Vesuvius for some years. (erupt)
10. A tidal wave brings death and ______________ in its way. (destroy)
11.The mountain was full of __________rock and ash when the eruption was over. (volcano)
12. When the fire occurred, I was fast _____________ . (sleep)
13. Mr. Robinson is a___________. He presents weather reports on TV every night. (weather)
14. ____________Vietnam is often affected by droughts. (centre)
15. If we want to look after the environment, we should protect __________rainforests. (tropic)
16. We've decided to travel ____________because we don't want to get seasick and airsick. (land)
17. Thousands of people have been made ___________by the flooding and are in need of food,
clothing and shelter. (home)
18. We left the town _____________before the lava hit it. (safety)
19. It is ________for you to live in an earthquake zone. What can you do to prepare in advance for
an earthquake? (danger)
20. The sky is very _______________ . It’s going to rain. (cloud)
5. Match the word in column A to its definition or meaning in column B.
1. Snowstorm a) a very large wave
2. earthquake b) a storm with a lot of rain, thunder and lighting
3. volcano c) a sudden strong shaking of the ground
4. typhoon d) a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds
5. thunderstorm e) a tropical storm with strong winds
6. tidal wave f) a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle
7. tornado g) a mountain with a hole in the top where fire, gas and hot liquid rock
(called lava) sometimes come out
6. Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box.
drought flood hurricane landslide tornado
1.When there is a _____________, a lot of water covers an area where the usually isn’t water.
2. A______________ refers to a long time without rain.
3. When there is _____________, a lot of rocks and earth fall down a hill.
4. A __________________ is a storm with a lot of wind that moves over water.
5. A__________________ is a storm in which the air moves very quickly in a circle.
a because of blown causes normal dry suffer irrigated wells drops
Drough is a condition that results when the average rainfall for a fertile area (1) _____ far below the
normal amount for (2) ______ long period of time. In areas that are not (3) _____ , the lack of rain
(4) _______ farm crops to wither and die. Higher than (5) _______ temperatures usually accompany
periods of droughts area becomes (6) ____ and crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is (7) ______ away
by the box, dry winds. Streams, ponds, and (8) _____ often dry up during a dought, and animals (9)
______ and may even die (10) __ ________ the lack of water.
7. Use a simple past or past perfect tense form.
1. The patient (die) before the doctor (arrive).
2. As the fire (break) out, people (hurry) out of their house.
3. I (meet) him yesterday.
4. I (recognize) him immediately as I (see) him before.
5. I wish I (stay) with my friend during his last days.
6. If he (apply) in time, he would have got the job.
7. By the time the firemen (arrive), the fire (destroy) many huts.
8. Long before the chief guest (arrive), the invitees (assemble).
9. I wish I (send) my application in time.
10. I (not speak) to him, as I (not introduce) to him.
11.Anita (say) she was very sorry for what she (do).
12. When Sam (pay) the bill, we (leave)the restaurant and(go) home.
13. It wasn’t surprising that she was tired. She(not sleep)for two days.
14. The road was blocked because a lorry (break down).
15. My mother (feel) very nervous on the plane because she (not fly) before.
16. (they/go) home when you (arrive)?
17. I (hear) the story before , so I (not find) it very interesting.
18. After she (try on) all the dresses in the shop, she bought the most expensive one.
19. They (not have) breakfast when I (get) up.
20. The children(be)very excited because they(not see)a tiger before.
21. Most people (leave) before the volcano (erupt).
22. By the time we (arrive) at the canyon, it (stop) snowing
23. They (spend) the night in the flooded area before help (arrive)
24. Simon (get) lost because he (not take) map with him.
25. I (find) my pen after I (buy) a new one.
8.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in past tenses:
1. He (sit) in a bar when I (see) him.
2. When I (go) out, the sun (shine) .
3. The light (go) out while I (have) tea.
4. While he (learn) to drive, he (have) an accident.
5. We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain.
6. He (have) a bad fall when he (repair) his roof.
7. It (start) to rain when we (play) football in the schoolyard yesterday.
8. He (eat) three sandwiches while you (talk) to him.
9. The servant (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night.
10. While he (write) a letter, the telephone (ring) .
11. Last night we (watch) TV when the power (fail).
12. When I (stand) at the bus stop, I (see) an accident.
13. Yesterday I(walk)to school when I (find) a wallet on the street.
14. When I (have) dinner yesterday, Peter (come) to our house.
15. The thief (steal) the bike when Mai (look) for some books in the shop.
16. They (go) home after they (finish) their study.
17. Yesterday when I (arrive) to the party, they (already go) home.
18. After the guests (leave) , she (go) back into the living-room and (switch) off the light.
19. On arrival at home I (find)that she (just leave)just a few minutes before.
20. Before he (go) to bed, he (do) his homework.
21. When they (get) to the place, the man (die) .
22. He (do) nothing before he (see) me.
23. He (thank) me for what I (do) for him.
24. I (be) sorry that I (hurt) him.
25. After they (go) , I (sit) down and (rest) .
26. When I (arrive), the dinner (already, begin) .
27. My friend (not see) me for many years when I(meet)last week.
28. He (learn) English before he (leave) for England.
29. In England, he soon (remember) all he (learn)before.
30. They (tell) him they (not meet) him before.
31. He (ask) why we (come) so early.
32. She (say) that she (already, see) Dr. Rice.
33. By the time Bill (get) there, the meeting (start) .
34. When we (arrive)at our place,we(find)that a burglar (break) in.
35. Almost everybody (leave)for home by the time we (arrive).
8. Reading:
A. Read the text then choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
China said today that there was heavy loss of life in the earthquake which struck Tangshan City
yesterday. Survivors said that Tangshan, an industrial city of one million people 160 kilometers east
of Peking, was completely (1) _______________
Observers living in Beijing said it appeared that only a mall part of the one million inhabitants
escaped (2) _______________ or injury.
Many of the men of Tangshan were working in the (3) _______________ deep under the earth’s
surface when the (4) _________ occurred. Unfortunately, few of these miners have (5) ……….
1. A. broken B. destroyed C. killed D. collapsed
2. A. death B. destruction C. disaster D. accident
3. A. roads B. ways C. fields D. mines
4. A. fall B. disaster C. loss D. collapse
5. A. existed B. rescued C. survived D. saved
B. Read the text then choose the best answer to fill in the blank. I often hear or read about
“natural disasters” – the eruption of Mount St. Helen, a volcano in the state of Washington;
Hurricane Andrew in Florida; the floods in the American Midwest; terrible all over the world; huge
fires; and so on and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the strangeness of
nature – “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4, when a high –
pressure system (warm air) covered southern England. With the freezing – cold air below, heavy fog
formed. Pollution from factories, cars, and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was
terrible high, there was no breeze at all. Traffic (cars, trains, and boats) stopped. People couldn’t see,
and some walked onto the railroad tracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people
got sick. Finally, on Tuesday, December 9, the wind came and the fog went away. But after that,
even more people got sick. Many of them died.
1. Which “natural disaster” isn’t mentioned in the text?
A. a volcano B. a flood C. a hurricane D. a tornado
2. What is his unforgettable personal experience? A. the London killer.
B. the heavy fog in London in 1952. C. the strangeness of nature. D. a high – pressure system.
3. How long did the “London Killer Fog” last?
A. for four days. B. for five days. C. for six days. D. for a week.
4. What didn’t happen during the time of “London Killer Fog”?
A. heavy rain. B. humidity. C. pollution. D. heavy fog.
5. Why did the traffic stop? A. Because of the rain.
B. Because of the windy weather. C. Because of the humid weather. D. Because of the heavy fog.
Some volcanoes are always (1) ___. They are called active volcanoes. Mount Etna in Italy is an
active (2) __. Some volcanoes have not erupted since prehistoric times. These are (3) ______
extinct volcanoes. Most of the Hawaiian Islands are extinct volcanoes. These volcanoes (4) ______
have a hot spot under them. They (5) ______erupt anymore.
Some volcanoes have not erupted for a long time, (6) ______ they could erupt again. These are
called dormant volcanoes.
Scientists try to figure out (7) ______ volcanoes will erupt. Studying volcanoes is hard and
dangerous work. Scientists drill into volcanoes. They (8) ______ maps of the inside of the
volcanoes. They use satellites to study volcanoes (9) ______ space. Scientists have been able to
predict a few eruptions. But it is not (10) ______ to tell what a volcano might do.
1. A. erupting B. running C. going D. firing
2. A. mountain B. volcano C. river D. hill
3. A. named B. thought C. called D. said
4. A. any longer B. any more C. not more D. no longer
5. A. won’t B. can not C. should not D. may not
6. A. and B. or C. but D. so
7. A. where B. why C. that D. when
8. A. do B. create C. build D. make
9. A. in B. from C. into D. out of
10. A. easy B. difficult C. able D. good
10.Change into passive voice.
1 . Mary types letters in the office. 2. His father will help you tomorrow.
3. Science and technology have completely changed human life. 4. Peter broke this bottle.
5. They are learning English in the room. 6. Nothing can change my mind.
7.Has Tom finished the work? 8. Did the teacher give some exercises?
9. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? 10. Is she going to write a poem?
11. Is she making big cakes for the party? 12. Are the police making inquires about the thief?
13. Must we finish the test before ten? 14. Will buses bring the children home?
15. Have you finished your homework? 16. Why didn’t they help him?
17. How many games has the team played? 18. Where do people speak English?
19. Who are they keeping in the kitchen? 20. How can they open this safe?
21. What books are people reading this year? 22. How did the police find the lost man?
23. Who look after the children for you? 24. How long have they waited for the doctor?
25. What time can the boys hand in their papers? 26. Who lend you this book?
11. Complete the 2nd sentence so that it has similar meaning to the 1st sentence:
1. Powerful tsunami waves carried ships many kilometes inland. Ships…………………………
2. Many natural disasters have been caused by global warming. Global warming……………..
3. They provided food then cleaned up the debris. After they ……………………………………
4. Tornadoes can move objects as big as a car. Objects …………………………………………
5. The northern part of the city wasn’t struck by the typhoon. The typhoon …………………….
6. It’s Tony’s 15th birthday next week. Tony will ……………………………………..
7. The small town has totally been destroyed by the hurricane. The hurricane ………………..
8. They will widen the gate to let the cars run into the yard easily. The gate ………………….
9. I can’t come because I have to help my dad with something. If ……………………………..
10. As soon as we got on the plane, the pilot told us to get off again.  We had just ……………..
12 . Write sentences in the passive , using the syggested words.
1.Our car / service / a mechanic / tommorrow.
2.At the suggery yesterday. I / examine / Dr Peterson / and / I give / presciption.
3.It looked like the window/ break / a hammer/ sometime before.
4. I went to see it because / I tell / it was agood film/ all myfriends
5. Your cheque/ send / last Friday and / shoukd / deliver / to you tomorrow.

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