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Incidence, Risk Factors, and Location of Articular

Malreductions of the Tibial Plateau
Brad Meulenkamp, MD, FRCSC,* Ryan Martin, MD, FRCSC,† Nicholas M. Desy, MD, FRCSC,†
Paul Duffy, MD, FRCSC,† Rob Korley, MD, FRCSC,† Shannon Puloski, MD, FRCSC,†
and Richard Buckley, MD, FRCSC†

malreductions were located in the posterior quadrants of the lateral

Objectives: To define the incidence, risk factors, and anatomic plateau.
location of articular malreductions in operatively treated lateral tibial
plateau fractures. Key Words: tibial plateau fracture, malreduction

Design: Prospective Cohort Study. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level II. See Instructions for
Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Setting: Academic Level 1 Trauma Centre.
(J Orthop Trauma 2017;31:146–150)
Patients/Participants: Study subjects were patients entered into
a prospective cohort study of tibial plateau fractures.
Interventions: Surgical fixation of tibial plateau fractures and Tibial plateau fractures are common injuries,
postoperative computed tomographies (CTs). accounting for 1% of all fractures. Seventy percent of
Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome was incidence fractures are isolated to the lateral plateau, with 10%–30%
of articular malreduction. Secondary outcomes included risk factors bicondylar and less than 10% isolated medial condyle frac-
for malreduction and a descriptive analysis of malreduction location. tures.1 Displaced fractures are treated with open reduction
and internal fixation. Goals of treatment include restora-
Results: Sixty-five postoperative CTs were reviewed. Twenty-one tion of extremity axial alignment, joint stability and
reductions (32.3%) had a step or gap more than 2 mm. The congruity, allowing for early motion, and prevention of
frequency of malreductions in patients undergoing submeniscal osteoarthritis.
arthrotomy or fluoroscopic-assisted reduction alone was 16.6% and Short-term results of surgical fixation of tibial plateau
41.4%, respectively (P = 0.0021). Age, body mass index, OTA/AO fractures are good; however, longer-term outcomes have
fracture type, operative time, use of bone graft or bone graft sub- demonstrated a significantly higher risk of end-stage arthritis
stitute, and use of locking plates were not predictive of malreduction. and total knee arthroplasty,2 whereas historical literature has
Malreductions were heavily weighted to the posterior quadrants of recommended accepting a step deformity of up to 10 mm,
the lateral tibial plateau. the contemporary literature suggests that articular malreduc-
tions of as little as 2 mm may be associated with inferior
Conclusions: When examined using cross-sectional imaging the clinical outcomes.3
rate of articular malreductions was high at 32.3%. Fluoroscopic It has been shown for many fractures that a surgeon’s
reduction alone was a predictor for articular malreduction. Most ability to interpret either fluoroscopic or plain film
x-rays for malreductions is both insensitive and poorly
Accepted for publication September 27, 2016. specific (see Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
From the *Division of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Despite the vast literature
Canada; and †University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine,
Section of Orthopaedic Surgery, Calgary, AB, Canada. around tibial plateau fractures, to our knowledge, there are
Grant funding was provided through the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation no series examining postoperative reductions using axial imag-
“Hip Hip Hooray” and the Calgary Orthopaedic Research and Education ing. It is our goal to define the incidence of articular malreduc-
Fund. tions after surgical fixation of lateral tibial plateau fractures
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Presented as a poster at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual
using cross-sectional imaging, to identify patient or surgeon
Meeting, October 9, 2015, San Diego, CA. factors associated with malreductions, and to define any
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations regional patterns of malreduction location.
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jorthotrauma.
Reprints: Brad Meulenkamp, MD, FRCSC, The Ottawa Hospital Civic
Campus, 1035 Carling Avenue Room J129, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9, Subjects
Canada (e-mail:
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Sixty-nine patients were recruited to a prospective
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000735 comparative cohort study of OTA-41B/C-type tibial plateau

146 | J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 3, March 2017

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 3, March 2017 Tibial Plateau Malreductions

fractures comparing outcomes of surgery following (1) surface was determined by the OTA/AO fracture classification.
submeniscal arthrotomy–assisted reduction or (2) fluoro- Simple articular fractures were categorized as 41-B1, C1, and C2,
scopic guided reduction alone. Patients were admitted to the whereas complex articular fracture patterns were grouped into
study and had treatment based on surgeon preference alone. 41-B2, B3, and C3. Values with a P value ,0.05 were consid-
No attempts were made at randomization. All patients had ered statistically significant. The analysis was performed using
received preoperative computed tomographies (CTs) as part JMP Pro11 software (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC).
of the preoperative work-up. Patients were treated with plate
and screw constructs. Meniscal tears were repaired when
encountered. No patients were treated with either temporizing RESULTS
or definitive external fixators. This study passed the require- Of 69 patients enrolled in the prospective cohort study, 65
ments of the local University Conjoint Medical Ethics board. postoperative CTs were available for review. The average patient
Eligible patients obtained CTs before hospital discharge, age was 47.7 years (range 25–70). There were 39 male patients
within 48 hours of surgical fixation in keeping with the study and 26 females. The causes of injury varied in severity and energy
protocol. All CT studies were deidentified. Three independent and are listed in a supplemental file (see Table, Supplemental
assessors, 2 orthopaedic trauma fellows, and a staff orthopae- Digital Content 2, According
dic surgeon reviewed axial, sagittal, and coronal cuts of the to the OTA/AO classification,8 there were 54 OTA/AO 41B-type
CTs to identify articular malreductions. Assessors were fractures and 11 OTA/AO 41C type fractures. Based on the
blinded to treating surgeon and study treatment arm. Malre- Schatzker classification,9 there were 47 type 2 fractures, six type
ductions were defined a priori as either a step or gap defor- 3 fractures, one type 4 fracture, and 11 type 5 fractures.
mity greater than 2 mm within the weight-bearing articular Twenty-one of 65 CTs (32.3%) were identified as
surface. Bone voids were considered gaps if there was an having a malreduction. A step deformity was most common
associated increased condylar width greater than 5 mm.3 Dis- with 19 (29%) having this malreduction. The mean size of
agreements were discussed and resolved by consensus. Step step deformities was 5.1 mm (3.2–8.9). Seven gaps were
and gap malreductions were measured and the incidence of identified (11%), with a mean size of 8.4 mm (5.3–11). Five
steps and gaps were calculated. patients had both a step and gap identified.
Patient demographic, fracture characteristics, and sur-
Mapping of Malreductions gical variables are listed in Table 1. Using a fluoroscopic
We used the Cole fracture-mapping technique which guided reduction technique alone rather than submeniscal ar-
has been well described in the literature.5–7 Subject CTs throtomy was found to be a statistically significant risk factor
identified as malreductions were uploaded to OsiriX Dicom for obtaining a malreduction (P = 0.0021) (Table 2). The
(Geneva, Switzerland) software and 3-dimensional reformats
were created. Using the scout function, coronal, and sagittal cuts
were scrolled through to identify and trace the malreduced “fault TABLE 1. Patient Demographics, Fracture Characteristics, and
line” on the axial sequence. Axial cuts were chosen 3-mm distal Surgical Variables
to the articular surface, defined as the apex of the lateral tibial Malreduced Reduced
plateau. Step malreductions were traced using a “point and trace” Characteristic (n = 65) (n = 21) (n = 44)
tool, and gaps were shaded using a brush tool. The axial cuts Mean age (range) in Y 48.4 (36–69) 46 (25–70)
were then digitally transferred to Gimp Photoshop (GimpShop, BMI (range) 28.2 (19–36) 27.2 (19–40)
Tampa, FL). The images were standardized to side, and grid was Sex, % M: 14 (67) M: 30 (61)
overlaid to calibrate sizing and rotation. The posterior cruciate F: 7 (33) F: 19 (39)
ligament sulcus and posteromedial corner were found to be con- Side of injury, % L: 13 (62) L: 29 (66)
sistent rotational landmarks. Overlay images were then created R: 8 (38) R: 15 (34)
for both steps and gaps, with a resulting density map of the OTA/AO classification, % 41-B1: 0 (0) 41-B1: 5 (11)
malreductions. 41-B2: 2 (10) 41-B2: 7 (16)
41-B3: 13 (62) 41-B3: 20 (45)
Data Analysis 41-C1: 3 (14) 41-C1: 6 (14)
The analysis of malreductions was descriptive in nature. 41-C2: 3 (14) 41-C2: 4 (9)
Baseline demographic data were obtained at the time of study 41-C3: 0 (0) 41-C3: 2 (5)
enrollment. The database was then reviewed for patient demo- Plate type, % Locked: 9 (43) Locked: 24 (55)
graphic and surgical variables including age, body mass index, Conventional: 12 (57) Conventional: 20 (45)
sex, side of injury, fracture classification, type of plate used, use Use of bone graft or bone Yes: 19 (90) Yes: 39 (89)
of bone graft or bone graft substitute, reduction technique graft substitute, % No: 2 (10) No: 5 (11)
(fluoroscopic guided or submeniscal arthrotomy), operative time, Reduction technique, % Fluoro: 17 (81) Fluoro: 20 (45)
and fluoroscopic time. Univariate analyses in the form of Arthrotomy: 4 (19) Arthrotomy: 24 (55)
a logistic regression were used to identify risk factors for Fluoro time (range) in m 0.71 (0.2–1.5) 0.68 (0.1–5.0)
malreduction. Variables assessed included age, body mass index, Operative time (range) 75.8 (52–110) 67.4 (39–126)
sex, articular surface fracture complexity, type of plate used in m
(locking vs. nonlocking), use of bone graft or bone graft BMI, body mass index; F, female; L, left; M, male; R, right.
substitute, and operative time. Fracture complexity at the articular

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Meulenkamp et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 3, March 2017

are indeed common, with the incidence in keeping with

TABLE 2. Risk Factors for Tibial Plateau Articular Surface
previously published rates using the same reduction criteria
and orthogonal radiographs.3 We found malreductions to be
Odds 95% Confidence heavily weighted to the posterior quadrants of the lateral tibial
Parameter Ratio P Interval
plateau using the Cole mapping technique, with 77% of mal-
Age 1.01 0.6321 0.96–1.07 reductions extending into the posteromedial quadrant. Addi-
Male sex 1.52 0.4485 0.51–4.50 tionally, we identified that using a fluoroscopic reduction
BMI 1.05 0.4197 0.94–1.17 alone, rather than in association with a submeniscal arthrot-
Complex articular surface 1.17 0.7908 0.37–3.65 omy, is a surgical risk factor associated with malreductions.
fracture (41-B2, B3, C3)
There has been recent renewed interest in posterior and
Nonlocked plate fixation 1.6 0.3781 0.56–4.56
posterolateral plateau fracture variants.10–13 The incidence of
Bone graft/substitute 1.22 0.8229 0.22–6.86
posterolateral fragments have been shown in CT studies to be
Fluoroscopic-assisted 7.2 0.0021 1.85–28.02
reduction alone anywhere from 11% to 36% of OTA B-type fractures and
Operative time 1.02 0.1945 0.99–1.04 54% of OTA C-type fractures, with the majority displaced
at presentation.10,14 This realization has led to the develop-
BMI, body mass index. ment of a novel “3-column” fracture classification of tibial
plateau fractures.15 The implication for these findings is the
suggestion that a posterolateral- or posterior-based surgical
malreduction rate in patients undergoing fluoroscopic guided approach may lead to more direct access to these displaced
reduction alone was 46% (17/37), whereas it was 14.3% (4/ fractures, with the goal to obtain and maintain an anatomic
28) when patients underwent a submeniscal arthrotomy. articular reduction.11,16,17 We echo these recommendations,
Fracture lines and their corresponding malreductions however, more work needs to done to define what specific
were stratified based on quadrant location on either side of the fracture patterns most benefit from posterior-based approaches.
plateau. The distribution of fracture lines was found to be The importance of articular reductions in tibial plateau
heterogenous throughout the lateral quadrants of tibial plateau fractures has long been debated with outcome-based accept-
(Fig. 1A), whereas malreductions were found to predominate able criteria evolving over the past 40 years. In the laboratory,
in the posterior quadrants (Fig. 1B). Specifically, fractures it has been shown that articular contact stresses increase up to
lines were more likely to be reduced in the anterior quadrants 75% greater than baseline with a 3-mm step.18 Lucht and
with only 23% of malreductions extending to the anterolateral Pilgaard as well as Lansinger deemed functional results to
quadrant despite 83% of fracture lines extending here. By be acceptable if articular depression was less than
comparison, 80% of fracture lines extended to the posterome- 10 mm,19,20 whereas Rasmussen and Blokker both advocated
dial quadrant, with 77% of malreductions persisting here. No to decrease acceptable reduction criteria to 5 mm of articular
malreductions were identified on the medial tibial plateau. step.21,22 Critiquing these studies, however, reveals that re-
Step deformities in particular were found to be almost exclu- ductions were judged based on radiological views that are
sively in the posterior quadrants of the lateral plateau (Fig. 2), known to have poor sensitivity and specificity, heteroge-
whereas gaps were found more centrally (Fig. 3), but also neous, physician-based, and nonvalidated outcome measures
predominantly in the posterior quadrants. that may not capture relevant deficiencies and small series
numbers with short follow-up. More recently, Barei et al3
demonstrated inferior results with articular malreductions as
DISCUSSION small as 2 mm in their large series of bicondylar tibial plateau
Displaced tibial plateau fractures require meticulous fractures. Recent work has shown that the risk of total knee
reduction and stable fixation to minimize complications such replacement after tibial plateau fractures reaches 5 times that
as stiffness, instability, and osteoarthritis. This study illus- of a matched cohort of patients at 10 years.2 Realizing that
trates that articular malreductions of the lateral tibial plateau universal satisfactory outcomes are not guaranteed, it is

FIGURE 1. Quadrant distribution

of fracture lines (A) and malre-
ductions (B).

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 3, March 2017 Tibial Plateau Malreductions

decrease articular malreductions, we encourage accessory

measures of visualization for displaced fractures in the
posterior plateau quadrants including, but not limited to
a submeniscal arthrotomy. Many other strategies also exist,
including alternative surgical approaches,11,12,16,17 arthro-
scopic assistance,23,24 use of a distractor, and accessory fluo-
roscopic views.25 An advantage of the submeniscal
arthrotomy is that it also allows the surgeon to also address
meniscal tears, which have been shown to reach 45% in some
fracture subtypes.26
This study has several limitations. Most importantly, it
presents data that are purely radiological without associated
patient outcome scores. Two-year outcome data are currently
being analyzed and will be presented in a subsequent article.
Additionally, while we did use 3 independent reviewers for
malreduction identification on CT, no radiologist was included
and no inter or intraobserver reliability testing was performed.
FIGURE 2. Overlay map of step malreductions of the tibial Also, majority of our patients were OTA B-type fractures with
plateau. a limited number of C-type fractures. This limits our ability to
extrapolate our results to include medial plateau and may
underestimate the rate of medially based malreductions. The
advocated that in addition to meticulous soft tissue handling
main strength of this study is that it is a consecutive cohort of
and restoration of the mechanical axis, anatomic articular
similar fractures with careful CT evaluation.
reduction should also be a priority.
We have demonstrated that articular malreductions are
Given the variable evidence of importance of articular
common after tibial plateau fracture fixation, reaching more than
reductions, some question the need to perform a submeniscal
30%. We have also defined malreduction location, with a large
arthrotomy in fear of increasing surgical insult. The concern is
predisposition for the posterior aspect of the lateral tibial plateau.
related to further soft tissue dissection leading to both an
From a radiological outcome perspective, we would advocate
increased risk of devascularizing fracture fragments, and
using adjuncts to assist in visualizing and reducing fractures of
increasing the risk of arthrofibrosis and knee stiffness.
the lateral plateau, including submeniscal arthrotomy. The
Although this has not yet been sorted in the literature, further
importance of obtaining an anatomic articular reduction as it
study may provide more insight to this concern. We have
relates to clinical outcomes remains controversial.
clearly shown that a submeniscal arthrotomy allows for more
anatomic articular reconstruction; however, articular visuali-
zation with an arthrotomy is still minor and malreductions can
still be anticipated. This is particularly true given the posterior
tibial plateau which is especially difficult to access. To The authors are thankful to the Center for Clinical and
Translational Science (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota)
for their help with statistical analysis.

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