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To find the relative extrema of the function f(z) = z 32 -24a + 32 using the

second derivative test, we follow these steps:

1. Find the critical points by setting the first derivative equal to zero and solving for æ.
2. Evaluate the second derivative at each critical point.
3. Use the second derivative test:
" If f"(z) > 0, then the function has a local minimum at that critical point.
" If f"( )<0, then the function has a local maximum at that critical point.
" If f"(z) =0, the test is inconclusive.
Let's begin:

1. Find the first derivative:

f'(æ) =3a 6a - 24

Set f() =0tofind critical points:

32-6 -24 = 0

Divide both sides by 3:

2x- 8=0

Factor the quadratic equation:

(z-4) (a+2) =0
So, thecritical points are t =4and a=-2.

1. Find the second derivative:

f"(z) = 6z 6
2. Evaluate f"(æ) at each critical point:
At z =4:
f"(4) = 6(4) 6 = 24- 6 = 18
" At z -2:
f"(-2) = 6(-2) 6=-12 -6=-18
Now, we apply the second derivative test:

" Atz = 4:Since f"(4) > 0, f(z) has alocal minimum at z =4.
" At a = -2: Since f"(-2) <0,f(¢) has alocal maximum at = -2.

So, the relative extrema of the function f(æ)=e 3a- 24a + 32 are:
Local minimum at a =4
" Local maximum at æ = -2
To apply Rolle's theorem, we need to verify the following conditions:

(a) f(z) is continuous on [-1,1.

(b) f(z) is differentiable on (-1,1).
(c) f(-1) = f(1).
Let's check these conditions:

(a) Continuity: The function f(æ) = g- zis a polynomial function, and

polynomial functions are continuous everywhere. Thus, f (æ) is continuous on
(b) Differentiability: Again, f(z) is a polynomial function, so it is differentiable
everywhere, including on(-1, 1).

(c) Equality at endpoints: f(-1) =(-1) -(-1) =-1+1=0 and f(1) =

13 1=1-1 =0.Thus, f(-1) = f(1) =0.
Since allthe conditions of Rolle's theorem are satisfied, we can conclude that there
exists at least one number c in (-1, 1) such that f'(c) = 0.

To find such c, we first find the derivative of f (æ) and then find the value of c for
which f' (c) = 0.
The derivative of f() is:
f'() =322 - 1

To find the critical points, we set f'(æ) equal to zero:

3a =1

Since -1 < - < l and-1<V<1,both critical points


lie in the interval (-1,1).

1) such that
Therefore, by Rolle's theorem, there exist at least one number c in(-1,
f'(c) = 0, and the numberscare and 3
(a) To find the position of the maglev, we need to integrate its velocity function v(t)
with respect to time t. Given that v(t) = 8t for 0 <t<30, the position function
s(t) can be found by integrating v(t) with respect to t:

s(t) = fut) dt
s(t) = f8t dt
s(t) = 4t' +C

Since the maglev is initially located at the origin, we can determine the constant of
integration C by evaluating s(t) at t = 0:
s(0) = 4(0)² +C = 0

Therefore, the position function s(t) of the maglev is:

s(t) = 4:2

(b) To find the integral dæ, we can use a substitution method. Let:
u=1- sin
du = cOs T dæ

Then, the integral becomes:

-S du
=-In ul +O

Substituting back u=1- sina:

=-ln |1-sin z| +C
So, the integral of -sin z with respect to zis -In |1 - sinz +C.
(a) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus consists of two parts:

1. The first part states that if f(z) is continuous on the closed interval a, b] and F(æ)
is an antiderivative of f(z) on [a, b, then

s(e) dr= F(0) F(a)

In other words, the definite integral of a function over an interval is equal to the
difference of the antiderivative evaluated at the endpoints of the interval.

1. The second part states that if f(z) is continuous on an open intervalcontaining

T= cand F(æ) is any antiderivative off(æ) on that interval, then

J ft) dt) = f(z)

Inother words, the derivative of the integral of afunction over an interval, with respect
to the upper limit of integration, is equal to the original function.
(b) Let's find (z], 1]|) using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Given f() = ||æ), 1], we have:

la], (1]) = 0, 1]] dt)

Now, according to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (part 2), the derivative of
this integral with respect to z is simply f(z), which is (z, (1]:
= [lel, (41)
To find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the region Rabout the x-axis,
we'll use the method of cylindrical shells.

The region Ris bounded by thecurves a =-+ 6y and a = 0. Let's first find the
intersection points of these curves.

Setting-y + 6y =0, we get:

v(-y+6) =0
So, y = 0 and y = 6 are the intersection points.

Now, for each vertical strip in R, its height will be 6 - y, and its radius (distance from
the axis of revolution, which is the x-axis) will be T.

The volume dV of each cylindrical shell is given by:

dV = 2TT : (6 - y) dy

To express T in terms of y, we solve the equation -y+ 6y = c for z:

I=-y+ 6y
Now, the volume V of the solid is obtained by integrating dV from y = 0to y = 6:
V= f 2m(-+6u)(6 - ) dy
Let's compute this integral.

We have:

V= 2m(-y + 6y)(6 - ) dy
Expanding the integrand:
V= f 2n(-6y + )(6 - ) dy
V= 2r(-36y + 6y- 6g + y) dy
V= 2r(-36y + y) dy
Now, let's integrate term by term:

V= 2r-18J² +
V= 2n(-18(6)° +o)-(-18(0) +
V= 2r (-18(36) + ) -- (0)|
V= 2m [(-648 + 324)]
V=27x (-324)

Since volume cannot be negative, it seems there might be an error in the setup of the
integral. Let's review our calculations and correct any mistakes.

Apologies for the error. Let's correct the setup of the integral.
The expression for the volurne V should be:

V= 2ma (6-y) dy
where z=-y t 6y.

Let's compute this integral:

V= 2r(- +6y) (6-y) dy

V= 2r(-6y + 36y - y+ 6g) dy
V= 2m(36y -y)dy
V= 2r 18y
V=2r (18(6)o)-(18(0)° )
V= n \(18(36) )-(0)
V=2r (648 324)]
V= 2T X 324


So, the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the region Rabout the x-axis is
648T cubic units.
To find the surface area generated by revolving the graph of z = y on the interval
0,1| about the y-axis, we'll use the formula for the surface area of revolution:

where a and bare the limits of integration (in this case, a = 0 and b = 1), and z =
yis the equation of the curve.

First, let's find dy , the derivative of z with respect to y:

Now, we'll plug z = y and =3y into the formula for surface area:

A= 2ny1+(3y2) dy
A= 2ry1+ 9y dy
Now, let's compute this integral.

We have:

A= S 2my1+9y dy
To evaluate this integral, we'll make a substitution. Let:
du = 36y dy
=y dy
Now, we'll rewrite the integral in terms of u:
A= Ju(0)
2rVu du

A= O6udu

A= +9(1))} -(1+9(0)+):|

A- 10)-1
A= [100 1]
A= X99

So,the surface area of the solid obtained by revolving the graph of z = y on the
interval [0,1] about the y-axis issquare units.
(a) To sketch the graphs of y = +2 and y= (z 2)' bytranslatingthe graph
of y = 1, we'l follow these steps:

1. Graph of y = :

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1. Graph of y= r+2:
For y = +2, welre shifting the graph of y = vertically upward by 2 units. This
means that every point on the graph of y = r² +2 will be 2units higher than the
corresponding point on the graph of y = ".
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1. Graph of y= (z- 2):

For y = (z 2), we're shifting the graph of y = a horizontally to the right by 2
units. This means that every point on the graph of y = ( - 2) will be 2 units to
the right of the corresponding point on the graph of y = 1.

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(b) To find lim, of (z) and lim,-0+ f(), we'll evaluate the function f(z) as z
approaches Ofrom the left and from the right, respectively.

Given the piecewise function f():

-^5+X^3 +x+1&X<O\|
x^2+\sqrt(x +1) &x>0

As z approaches 0 from the left ( < 0), we have:

lim,0- f(z) = -0 +0 +0+1=1
As z approaches Ofrom the right ( > 0), we have:
lim,o+ fz) = (0) + 0+1=1
Since the left-hand and right-hand limits are equal, lim,-0 f(z) exists and is equal
to 1.
1. Identify the key features: We'llfirst identify the critical points, where the derivative is
zero or undefined, and the end behavior of the function.
2. Find the critical points: To find the critical points, we'll calculate the derivative f'(æ)
and solve for f'(æ) =0.
3. Determine the intervals of increase and decrease: We'll use the first derivative test to
determine where the function is increasing or decreasing.
4. Find the local extrema: We'll identify any local maxima or minima by examining the
sign changes of the derivative around the critical points.
5. Determine the concavity: We'll use the second derivative test to find where the
function is concave up or concave down.
6. Find the inflection points: We'll identify any inflection points by examining the sign
changes of the second derivative.
7. Sketch the graph: Using the information gathered from the above steps, we'll sketch
the graph of the function.

Let's start with step 1: finding the criticalpoints. We'll calculate the derivative f(æ)
and solve for f' (z) =0:

f(æ) = 2a -3a 12z +12

f' (a) = 62 62 12
Setting f' (z) =0, we get:
62-6r 12 =0

Dividing both sides by 6, we have:

a - -2=0

Now, we'llsolve this quadratic equation. We can factor it:

(a- 2)(z + 1) =0
So, the critical points are z =2andæ =-1.

Next, let's determine the intervals of increase and decrease by analyzing the sign of
f'(æ) in each interval. We'll use the values of around the critical points (-1, 2) to test
each interval.

To determine the intervals of increase and decrease, let's consider the sign of the
derivative f' (z)= 6z' 6z 12 in different intervals.
1. For a <-1:
Substitute z =-2 into f'(z):
f(-2) = 6(-2) 6(-2) 12 = 6(4) + 12 -12 = 24 >>0
So, f(æ)> O
for æ<-1, meaning f()is increasing on this interval.
2. For -1<«<2:
Substitute æ = 0 into f(æ):
f'(0) = 6(0) 6(0) - 12 =-12 < 0
So, f'(æ) <0for-1<a< 2, meaning f (z) is decreasing on this interval.
3. For > 2:
Substitute a = 3 into f(æ):
f'(3) = 6(3) 6(3) 12 = 6(9) 18 - 12 = 36 18 12 = 6>0
So, f ()>Ofor æ> 2, meaning f(z) is increasing on this interval.

Next, well find the local extrema by analyzing the behavior around the critical points
(-1,2). Since thefunction changes from increasing to decreasing at æ = -1, it means
there is a local maximum at æ = -1. Similarly, since the function changes from
decreasing to increasing at a = 2, it meansthere is a local minimum at a =2.

Now, let's find the y-intercept by evaluating f(0):

f(0) = 2(0) 3(0) -- 12(0) + 12 = 12
So, the y-intercept is at (0, 12).
Given this information, let's sketch the graph of the function. We have a local
maximum at (-1, max), a local minimum at (2, min), and ay-intercept at (0, 12).
The graph will be increasing before z -1, decreasing between z =-land
2,and increasing after æ=2.

I"Il create the graph for you.

Here's the sketch of the graph of the functionf(æ) = 2a 34 12z + 12:

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In this graph:

The curve starts from the point (0, 12).

" It reaches a local maximum at (-1, max).
" Then, it decreases to a local minimum at (2, min).
" Finally, it continues increasing.

This sketch gives you a basic visualization of the behavior of the function. Keep in
mind that it's always helpful to use software or graphing calculators for more accurate
and detailed graphs.
To evaluate the definite integral (4-z) dz using the definition of the definite
integral, we'llfollow these steps:

1 Divide the interval -1, 3| into subintervals.

Choose sample points within each subinterval.
3. Form Riemann sums using the function values at the sample points.
A Take the limit of these Riemann sums as the width of the subintervals approaches

Let's start by dividing the interval -1, 3) into n subintervals of equal width.

Width of each subinterval:

Az= b-a 3--1)_4

The sample points within each subinterval can be chosen arbitrarily. Let's choose

the right endpoints of each subinterval.

<; =a+ iAr =-1+i

Now, we'll form the Riemann sum:

Substituting f(z) = 4- and a; =-1+ i, we get:

- X(4- (1- 21+1)
=h(3 + -#)
= (3n² + 8in - 41?)
Now, we'll evaluate the sum:

XL(3n+ 8in 4:)

= 3n² L 1+ &n Xi- 4D, ?
= 3nn +8n. n+1) 4.n(n+1))2n+1)
=3n +4n' + 4n+ 4n -2n-3n-n

= 5n + 5n -n
So, the Riemann sum R, simplifies to:

R, = 5n +5n-n)

= 5 n + 5 - 1.n
= 80 +0 16

804 64

Now, we'll take the limit as n approaches infinity:

lim,o Rn = lim, o (80 + )

80 + lim,+00

= 80 +0


Therefore, by the definition of the definite integral, (4-r) dz = 80.

(a) To find the area of the region enclosed by the graphs of y=andy
we need to find the points of intersection of the two curves and then calculate the
area between them.

Setting the two functions equal to each other and solving for ægives us the x
coordinates of the intersection points:

z4 4 42? =32
c+4z-32 = 0

This equation is aquarticequation in a². Let u= then we have:

u'+ 4u- 32 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation, we get:

(u+ 8)(u - 4) = 0
u=-8 or u=4

Since u =a we have:

c=4 or =-8

Since z²=-8 has no real solutions, we discard it.

Thus, the intersection points are z = 2 and æ = -2.

To find the area between the curves, we integrate the difference of the upper curve
and the lower curve over the interval2, 2:

Area (a-)dr
Let's perform this integration to find the area.

Area J°,(A-) de

-8} arctan()
=8(} arctan (1) -}arctan (-1) -(--9)
= 8() -
So, the area of the region enclosed by the graphs of y = and y = is2T

(b) The volume V of a right pyramid with a square base of side band height h can be
calculated using the formula:

So, the volume ofthe pyramid is bh.

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