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Group Assignment

Topic: SWOT and PESTLE analysis of COCA-COLA







ANAS ARIF 24101383




SOWT analysis ………………………………………………………

PESTLE analysis ……………………………………………………

Conclusion …………………………………………………………..

Contribution ………………………………………………………..

Coca-Cola is one of the biggest beverage companies in the world which makes soft drinks. This company was
established in 1892. Since then, this has served their consumers with various soft drinks such as Coca-Cola,
Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, etc. They have an alcoholic product called Fresca. Coca Cola has served more than
200 countries for 135 years. Worldwide, more than 1.8 billion liters of company beverages are being served
each day, making it the world's 6th most valuable company in the whole world in 2023.

SWOT analysis

1: Brand value: From the very begging of Coca-Cola has kept their consumers very satisfied with their
products. That’s why Coca-Cola has seen exponential growth is their business and became the most valued soft
drink company in the whole world. In 2023 the brand value of Coca-Cola was 106.1 billion US dollars and was
in the top 10 most valued companies in the whole world.

2. Variation in products: Coca-Cola has more than 500 brands under them. Which includes soft drinks,
alcohol beverage , coffee, lemonade and water as well . So consumers can always find their beverage which
goes with their taste.

3. Distribution system and huge market share: Coca-Cola has a huge market in this industry.
Coca-Cola has more than 200 bottling partners worldwide. It means Coca-Cola serves more than 200 countries
world wide. Coca-Cola’s distribution has both company owned bottling facilities and franchising which helps
them to
manage the market independently. Everyday more 1.8 billon products are produced and distributed around the
whole world.

1.HEALTH ISSUES: Coca-Cola company’s beverages contain a lot of sugar which is harmful to health. It
increases the risk of getting stage 2 Diabetes by 20% and it has caffeine which also not good for health.

2. Non ecofriendly packaging: Coca-Cola produces more than 1.9 billion products per day and the use a
lot of plastic bottles. Coca-Cola uses about 200,000 bottles for packaging per minute. Which bring a huge
amount of harm to environment . Because plastic takes almost 500 years to disintegrate which pollutes the
environment. Also, the Carbon Dioxide emission rate is very high because production and transportation.

3.Not increasing the variation in flavors : Although Coca-Cola has more than 500 brands , they are
killing of their on brand . The CEO of Coca-Cola James Quincey killed almost 200 of their own brands and
some of them were fan’s favourite . Such as the diet drink Tab, smoothie brand Odwalla and the Zico
coconut water is in the process . Consumers are not happy about.

1.Creating ready to drink products: There is a great demand for ready to drink products like coffee,tea
etc which can create great opportunities .

2. Reducing sugar and caffeine: Day by day a lot of people are getting health conscious and Coca-Cola
contains a lot of sugar which is bad for health. That’s reducing the sugar will attract new customers. For
example they can make more products like Diet Coke, Zero Cal sprite etc.

3. Exploring new flavor : Coca-Cola has killed of about 200 of their own products which includes some
of the fan favourites like the diet drink Tab, smoothie brand Odwalla and the Zico coconut water. That’s
why they to explore new flavor so that people can find alternatives for the brands which were killed of.

1.Lawsuit: As per research Coca-Cola has a lot of lawsuit against them since 2000. Such as employment
discrimination, Consumer protection, wage and hour violation, work place safety or health violation etc. These
lawsuits has penalty which are very expensive. The total amount of the penalties are $265,072,730 . If these
matters are not taken care of then Coca-Cola is to face more penalties in future.

2.Competitive market: Although Coca-Cola is the biggest beverage company it has a lot of competitors.
The biggest completion of Coca-Cola is Pepsi. Besides that in Bangladesh MOJO is also a great completion.
Although MOJO is a local brand of Bangladesh it is also capturing Coca-Cola’s market after the “Save
Palestine and boycott Isreal products” movement. Mojo has for every bottle sold of MOJO. Which is taking
over Coca-Cola’s market in Bangladesh.captured the by a very simple skim which is donating 1 taka to

3.Copy/fake products: There are lot of copy products and fake products which are being sold . Although
the taste and packaging is similar to Coca-Cola’s but the product is different. This creates a distrust among
consumers about the if the product their drinking is genuine or not.

PESTLE Analysis
Political factor:
Coca-Cola’s existing global presence represents the company to diverse political landscapes,ranging from stable
democracies to several regions.Political stability and government policies significantly impact Coca-Cola’s
market access, distribution networks, and supply chain management.The company ought to run their commerce
moving political circumstance and legal frameworks over the globe, which can make openings and challenges
for them.Coca-Cola’s global expand and entering on new market depend on its ability to match its business
strategy with local regulations and policies.Governments force extreme necessities for labeling, item security,
publicizing, and natural benchmarks, which may influence the company's capacity to present unused items or
keep their commerce in current markets.Tax policie scan influence the Coca-Cola's benefit and money related
execution.The company’s operations are subject to generate income taxes, import/export duties, and other
services, which can vary widely across countries and regions.Changes in tax policies can impact the company’s
cost structure and pricingAs a huge multinational company, Coca-Cola like to lock in a few exercises to impact
government arrangements and controls that specifically affect its commerce interface.This includes efforts to
have a reliable tax policies, trade agreements, and industry-specific regulations.

Economical Factors [TANVIR AHMED SADI 23321071]

Frue's PESTLE investigation of Coca Cola highlights the company's victory through steady political situations,
financial effectiveness, solid social brand nearness, mechanical speculations, lawful compliance, and natural
supportability (Frue, 2021).As a refreshment company, Coca-Cola has as of now earned a client base.Other

competitors can begin their trade with comparative carbonated drinks.However, the steadfast client base may
offer assistance the company to outlive within the competitive market.For illustration, the widespread has more

or less influenced the financial conditions of the nationsThe taken a toll of the crude fabric of the refreshments
and the exchange conditions with the providers can influence their business.The rising cost of tricky exchange
relations can be a potential chance for the development of the company.
Coca Cola highlights the company's dependence on government policies, economic challenges with raw
materials, socio-cultural shifts towards health, technological progressions, natural concerns, and legal
compliance issues (Farooq, 2021).The Coca-Cola Company reported the discharge of a modern think about that
appears the Coca-Cola framework, made up of freely claimed bottlers that work with a organize of producers,
providers and benefit laborers, accounts for $57.8 billion in value-added financial movement to the U.S.
economy.The Coca-Cola framework underpins more than 854,000 employments over the nation in segments
like administrations, fabricating, farming, exchange and transport.This incorporates more than 84,000
coordinate framework employments and 770,000 employments that are backed over the esteem chain, meaning
the framework collectively underpins nine extra occupations for everybody it straightforwardly creates.The
coca cola company from 1892 to 2022 december 31 has taken employers around 79,100 partners around the
world.(Rider, 2024) .The ponder, conducted by worldwide consultancy Steward Redqueen, appears that in add
up to the framework contributed $27.8 billion within the U.S. economy through the buy of merchandise and
administrations through American providers.

Page 3
Net incomes of Coca-Cola developed 11% to $43.0 billion, and natural incomes developed 16%. This execution
was driven by an 11% development in price/mix and a 5% development in concentrate sales.The working edge
was 25.4% versus 26.7% within the earlier year. Working edge profited from solid topline development but was
ominously affected by the BODYARMOR procurement, higher working costs, expanded promoting
speculations, and money headwinds.

Coca-Cola holds a critical showcase share within the non-alcoholic refreshment industry, with a 42% share of
the worldwide delicate drink advertise, agreeing to Euromonitor.Coca-Cola is one of the preeminent vital brands
inside the world, with an assessed brand regard of $87.3 billion in 2021, agreeing to
Interbrand.Coca-Cola has differentiated its item portfolio to incorporate a wide extend of non-alcoholic

refreshments, counting juices, teas, vitality drinks, water and more, which has made a difference to relieve
hazard and increment revenueCoca-Cola contains a worldwide spread organise that grants it to reach clients in
more than 200 countries and locales, which has made a contrast to amplify its salary and profitability.The company
contributed $4.4 billion on advancing and headways in 2020.

Interior the UK, Coca-Cola faces competition from a number of other non-alcoholic refreshment companies.&
PepsiCo is one of Coca-Cola's essential competitors inside the UK.;The company detailed income of $67.2
billion in 2020 and holds a showcase share of 11.9% within the carbonated delicate drinks advertise, concurring
to Euromonitor .Britvic might be a UK-based company that produces a wide amplify of non-alcoholic
refreshments, tallying juices, teas, and delicate drinks.;The company detailed income of £1.3 billion in 2020 and
holds an advertised share of 8.5% within the carbonated delicate drinks showcase, concurring with
Euromonitor. The company detailed income of €7.5 billion in 2020 and holds an advertised share of 2.7%
within the vitality drinks advertise, agreeing to Euromonitor. Additionally, Coca-Cola moreover faces
competition from other refreshment companies and neighborhood brands depending on the nation, locale, and
advertisement portion.

Social Factors [ M M MAHIMUDDIN_

The social factors around the Coca-Cola’s operations are necessary in understanding the
situations, market, and demand of consumers, and society. As a global beverage industry leader,
Coca-Cola’s success heavily depends on its ability to maintain its products and marketing
strategies with social trends, values, and cultural demands.The growing environment of consumer
preferences and health awareness had a major impact on Coca-Cola’s business strategies and
product supply.
By increasing concerns about illness, diabetes, and other health issues related to too much sugar
consumption, consumers worldwide are seeking healthier beverage alternative of Coca-Cola. As a
result, there has been a noticeable shift towards other healthier beverage options.Coca-Cola has
expanded its product portfolio to include a range of healthier alternatives to address these
changing preferences. Brands like Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, etc. have been introduced to
health-conscious consumers.Additionally, the company has invested in research and
development to create more innovative and sustainable beverages, such as Coca-Cola Energy,
which contains caffeine from natural sources and no added sugars.However, expect these efforts,
Coca-Cola still faces challenges in adapting to shifting consumer preferences. The rise of
wellness trends and the popularity of functional beverages have impact the company to continue
exploring new product ideas and collaborate with other health-focused brands to stay growing in
the future market.

Technological Factors [Tahmid Sakin_ 24104104]

The automation, research and development and IT systems including innovations such as 5G have an impact on
Coca Cola's operations, product innovation and market strategies. Let's delve into how each of these areas
shapes the company;

Improving Efficiency

● Enhancing Production Line Processes: By incorporating automation into their manufacturing

operations, Coca Cola can speed up production rates, reduce errors, and maintain standards of
product excellence. Using robotics and automated technology simplifies operations such as
bottling, packaging and labeling.

● Customer Service: Automation helps reduce costs by reducing labor costs and reducing waste,
ultimately making operations more cost-effective.

customer support;
● Automated support for customers: Chatbots and AI-powered customer service systems provide
round-the-clock support to increase customer happiness and efficiency.

Research and Development

product innovation
● Innovation through R&D: By investing in research and development, Coca Cola can create
products that are in line with evolving consumer preferences, such as healthier beverage options or
environmentally friendly packaging solutions.
● sustainable focus: Research and development initiatives prioritize sustainability efforts such as the
development of eco-bottles and the implementation of water conservation measures in the production

Quality assurance
● Rigorous testing: R&D activities focus on ensuring product quality to maintain the brand's
reputation for excellence in safety and taste standards.
● material progress: Ongoing exploration of ingredients and formulations enables
Coca Cola to remain competitive in the beverage industry.

Improving Connectivity with IT Infrastructure such as 5G

Enhanced Connectivity:
● Instant data processing; Data can be transmitted faster with 5G technology allowing
for real time analysis and faster decision making.
● Internet of Things (IoT) integration: The increased connectivity provided by 5G helps
integrate devices into manufacturing and supply chain operations that enhance monitoring,
automation and maintenance processes.

Engaging with Customers

● tailored marketing: With technology in place, businesses can effectively analyze data
leading to personalized marketing approaches and focused advertising efforts.
● mobile apps: Improved internet speed and reliability are increasing user
interaction, increasing engagement levels in applications and loyalty initiatives.

By leveraging these innovations Coca Cola can maintain its position as a market leader, adapting
to evolving consumer preferences and operating in an environmentally efficient manner.

Legal Factor [Anas Arif(24101383)]

Copyright protects creative works by ensuring that no one can steal them or use logos and designs
that someone has invented..Coca-Cola leverages copyright to shield its visual identity.This
includes the Coca-Cola's icon , the bottle design, and specific advertising campaigns.Copyright
avoids competitors from specifically copying these components, ensuring Coca-Cola keeps up
control over its brand picture.

Tax :
One big factor for Coca-Cola is taxes. Various governments impose taxes on Coca-Cola's
earnings and its distributed goods. Coca Cola sells their product in more than 200 countries and
the taxes can vary a lot from one country to another. For example: The Soft Drinks Industry
Levy (SDIL), as it is officially known in the UK, is a levy that producers must pay directly to
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). It charges 24p for drinks with 8g of sugar per 100ml and
18p per liter for those with 5-8g of sugar per 100ml. Conversely, in India, the current tax rates
on goods such as sugars are 18% GST, SABs are 28% GST + 12% cess, and HFSS products are
12% GST

Another factor for Coca Cola is the rules and regulation. The safety of Coca-Cola products for
consumption and the accuracy of the bottle labels are concerns shared by governments. For
example, in the UK, Coca-Cola had t change how it advertises during TV shows for kids
because of new rules about unhealthy foods. On the other hand in India to the taxes imposed in
unhealthy products is more to reduce obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease and certain

Labelling Policies :
Labels on Coca-Cola's bottles also have to follow some certain rules. Governments want
consumers to know what's in the drinks they buy, like how many calories are in them. Even
before it was required by law in some places, Coca-Cola started putting nutrition information on
its labels to help customers make informed.

Environmental Policies :
Environmental rules are also important for Coca-Cola. Now a days many Government are
getting stricter about how Coca-Cola handle waste and pollution. Coca-Cola has to follow these
rules to show that it cares about the environment and to avoid getting in trouble with the law.
Such as- Coca Cola collects and recycle a bottle or can and their goal is to create 100%
recyclable packages globally by 2025. Use 50% recycled materials in our packaging by 2030.

Human-Resourse Policies :
Coca-Cola also has to follow some HR rules and regulation . Various countries have different
rules about things like minimum wages and working conditions. Coca-Cola has to follow these
rules to make sure its workers are treated fairly and to avoid problems with the law. There are
many HR Rules that has to be followed by coca cola such as- maintaining a workplace that is
free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to
internal and external threats. Security safeguards for employees are provided as needed and will
be maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.

Trading Policies :

International trade is another area where laws affect Coca-Cola. When countries make trade
agreements or change tariffs (which are taxes on imports and exports), it can affect how much it
costs Coca-Cola to make and sell its products. For example, during the trade war between the
US and China, Coca-Cola faced higher costs for importing ingredients and packaging materials
into China. Also International affairs also effects thesales of Coca Cola such as-due to the
genocide in Palestine conducted by Israel many people boycotted Coca Cola as a result the sales
dropped by 22% in Turkey.

Lastly, Coca-Cola must abide by the regulations that guarantee fair competition in the market.
Governments impose regulations to keep corporations such as Coca-Cola from growing too
strong and taking over the market. Coca-Cola may be subject to fines or other consequences if it
violates these regulations.

In conclusion, Coca Cola has to follow many rules and regulation and it has a big impact on
how it does business in more than 200 regions around the world. From taxes and environmental
rules and regulation and trade agreements, these laws shapes Coca-Cola’s operations and
strategies I each country where it operates. By following all these rules and regulations
Coca-Cola avoid problems with the government and show customer that it is a responsible

[ANAS ARIF ID-24101383]


Environmental Factors [ Tahmid Sakin_24104104]
Coca Cola's operations are associated with greenhouse gas emissions .In 2022 Coca Cola's
manufacturing sites initially produced around 5.56 million tons of greenhouse gas
emissions. From sourcing materials to delivering the products to consumers the company
significantly influences environmental data.
We all know that plastic pollution is a major threat to the environment and Coca Cola is among
the top contributors to plastic pollution The company produces around 3 million tons of plastic
annually for its packaging worldwide Mexico is one of Coca Cola's biggest customers A large
amount of waste is generated due to this consumption. Essentially they bear responsibility for
emissions that harm the environment.

Besides, Coca Cola like large companies has a significant carbon footprint due to its extensive manufacturing,
distribution and packaging processes. The environmental impact of Coca Cola can be investigated in areas;
Production: Making beverages requires a lot of energy and produces emissions Coca Cola has
bottling plants around the world which adds to its carbon footprint .The company strives to increase
energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its operations..
Packaging: : A large portion Coca Cola's carbon footprint stems from packaging materials, bottle
production and disposal
Water Usage: Water is crucial for Coca Cola's operations with carbon implications from its usage. Coca Cola
has set goals to reduce its carbon footprint as outlined in their sustainability reports.
They provide updates on their advancements regularly. Detail actions they are taking to reach these targets like
shifting to renewable energy and improving the energy efficiency of their production methods.

v Climate change affects the operations of companies such as Coca Cola and the wider
beverage industry. This impact is evident in aspects such as water availability,
agricultural sites, regulatory changes and changes in consumer behavior.

•Direct Effects
•Extreme Weather Events: Coca Cola; Hurricanes, floods and other extreme weather events have the potential
to damage Coca-Cola's facilities and disrupt the supply chain. For example hurricanes can cause plant
shutdowns and logistical disruptions.
•Agricultural sites : Coca Cola; The company depends on inputs such as sugar, corn (for fructose corn syrup)
and fruit. Climate change may affect crop yields resulting in supply shortages and higher costs for materials.

•Indirect Effects
•Regulatory Updates: Coca Cola; The government is introducing rules to combat climate
change. These regulations cover carbon emissions, water use and waste management. Coca
Cola must comply with these regulations, which means investing in practices and technology..
•Consumer Preferences: Coca Cola; Demand for products from consumers is increasing.
Consumers are increasingly choosing brands that show a commitment to sustainability. Coca
Cola must adjust to these growing preferences by improving its sustainability efforts, such as
using recycled materials and reducing its carbon footprint.

Coca-Cola was founded in 1892 and has grown to become one of the world's largest and most
valuable beverage companies, serving over 200 countries with a diverse product selection. A
SWOT analysis enables us to assess the company's strengths in brand value, product variety,
and delivery framework, allowing it to maintain a significant global market presence.
Nonetheless, Coca-Cola confronts hurdles such as profitability troubles with its sugary
beverages, environmental concerns with its plastic packaging, and a need for flavor
development.Opportunities for Coca-Cola include developing ready-to-drink products, reducing
sugar and caffeine content, and researching new tastes to match changing consumer preferences.
However, the company is also hampered by claims, intense rivalry, and the prevalence of
counterfeit goods.The PESTLE analysis emphasizes Coca-Cola's need to manage complicated
political landscapes, economic considerations, social trends, technology breakthroughs,
environmental concerns, and legal requirements. Coca-Cola's ability to respond to these factors
will be critical to its continued success. In conclusion, Coca-Cola's lengthy history and strong
brand presence provide a solid basis. However, in order to maintain and grow its position, the
corporation must address health and environmental concerns, expand with new product offers,
and remain adaptable to changing market conditions.

Coca cola was established in 1892 .Coca Cola company has grown into one of the worlds
biggest and the most valuable beverage company.It has been serving over 200 countries with a
vast portfolio of products.Through a SWOT examination, we are able to see the company's
qualities in brand value, item variety, and conveyance framework, permitting it to preserve a
noteworthy worldwide advertising presence.Be that because it may, Coca-Cola faces challenges
such as success issues related to its sugary refreshments, ordinary concerns from its plastic
bundling, and a require for change in flavors.Opportunities for Coca-Cola incorporate the
creation of ready-to-drink items, diminishing sugar and caffeine content, and investigating
modern flavors to meet changing shopper preferences.In any case, the company in extension
weakened by claims, unequivocally competition, and the prevalence of fake things.A PESTLE
think about highlights that Coca-Cola must be shown in a complex political setting, components
related to cash, social arranging, development advance, common concerns and genuine
directions.Coca-Cola's capacity to adjust to these variables will be basic to its anticipated
victory.In brief, Coca-Cola's long history and solid brand partiality pass on a solid base.In any
case, to guarantee its position and brand, the company must address fruitful and common
concerns, remain up to date with the foremost progressed products and keep up adjusting within
the confrontation of challenges developing components.Coca-Cola's capacity to convert these
fixings will be fundamental to its future success.In brief, Coca-Cola's long history and strong
brand collusion are built on solid foundations.Be that as it may, to guarantee its position and
triumph, the company must address effective and planned concerns, update itself with
cutting-edge things, and remain adaptable to advancing components.
1. The Coca-Cola Company. (2024). Refresh the world. Make a difference.

2. Frue, K., 2021. 'PESTLE Analysis of Coca Cola', PESTLE Analysis ,[online]. (Accessed 18 June 2021).

3.Farooq, U., 2021. 'Pestle Analysis of Coca Cola | Marketing Tutor', Marketing Tutor, [online]. (Accessed 18 June 2021).

4.Ridder, M. (2024). Coca-Cola's global workforce


5. Grothaus, M. (2020, October 23). Coke is killing 200 brands: Here's the list of canceled products announced
so far. Fast Company.



Coca cola was established in 1892 .CocaCola company has grown into one of the worlds
biggest and the most valuable beverage company.It has been serving over 200 countries with a
vast portfolio of products.Through a SWOT examination, we are able to see the company's
qualities in brand value, item variety, and conveyance framework, permitting it to preserve a
noteworthy worldwide advertising presence.Be that because it may, Coca-Cola faces challenges
such as success issues related to its sugary refreshments, ordinary concerns from its plastic
bundling, and a require for change in flavors.Opportunities for Coca-Cola incorporate the
creation of ready-to-drink items, diminishing sugar and caffeine content, and investigating
modern flavors to meet changing shopper preferences.In any case, the company in extension
weakened by claims, unequivocally competition, and the prevalence of fake things.A PESTLE
think about highlights that Coca-Cola must be shown in a complex political setting, components
related to cash, social arranging, development advance, common concerns and genuine
directions.Coca-Cola's capacity to adjust to these variables will be basic to its anticipated
victory.In brief, Coca-Cola's long history and solid brand partiality pass on a solid base.In any
case, to guarantee its position and brand, the company must address fruitful and common
concerns, remain up to date with the foremost progressed products and keep up adjusting within
the confrontation of challenges developing components.Coca-Cola's capacity to convert these
fixings will be fundamental to its future success.In brief, Coca-Cola's long history and strong
brand collusion are built on solid foundations.Be that as it may, to guarantee its position and
triumph, the company must address effective and planned concerns, update itself with
cutting-edge things, and remain adaptable to advancing components.

Tanvir Ahmed Sadi(23321071)

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