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1. What is a signal?

2. How can we classify a signal with respect to it behaviour? Give some examples
What type of signals can be observed through DSO & CRO?

3. Explain continuous and discrete time signal?

4. Explain periodic and non-periodic signal?

5. Explain even and odd signal?

5. Explain 2 of following basic signals separately for continuous and discrete base.
a. Unit step Function
b. The Unit Impulse Function
c. Complex Exponential Signals
d. Real Exponential Signals:
e. Sinusoidal Signals:

6. Show that complex exponential x(t) =ejw tsignal is periodic and its fundamental frequency is

2л/w0 .



a-2Л b-3 c-24 d-Not periodic e-Л f-4

8. Sketch Y(t)= -4e5t + 4 e5t .Is this a periodic Signal.

10. Write an expression for following staircase signal using unit step functions and shifted unit step

11. Write the expression for the following signal.Find the odd and even part of the signal.

12. Explain following time transformation techniques.

a. Time Shifting.
b. Time Reversal.
c. Time Scaling.

13. A continuous-time signal x (t ) is shown below. Sketch and label each of the
Following signals. ( a ) x ( t -5)( b ) x ( t +5)(c)x(-5t+2) (d) x(5t+5)(e)x(-t)
14. What is Fourier series representation of a periodic signal?.

15. Write down the Complex Exponential Fourier Series Representation of

A signal x(t) and Complex Fourier Coefficients ck.

16. Determine the complex exponential Fourier series of x(t ).


Use Eular formula

18. Draw the magnitudes and phase spectrum of forier coefficients od (d) and (c).

19. Following diagrams shows the Frequency Mixer. The output will be the product of the input
signal and Local Oscillator generated signal.

a. If x (t) =Sin10t and y (t) =cos 2t what is the output signal z(t) of the Mixer?
b. Find the Exponential Fourier Series Representation of the Output signal.
Hint: 𝟐 sin 𝛼 cos 𝛽 = sin(𝛼 + 𝛽) + sin(𝛼 − 𝛽)
c. How many frequency component are there in the Output signal? What are the
d. Draw the magnitude plot of the Fourier series coefficients.

20. What is Fourier transform and write the Fourier Transform Pair.
21. State and verify Time shifting, Frequency shifting and Duality properties of FT.
22. Find the Fourier transform of following rectangle pulse.

23. Find the Fourier transform of the signal

24. Find the Fourier transform of the signal


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