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is receiving increased attention when investigating factors leading to SDS ¿ The brooding house should have strict biosecurity

ct biosecurity with
and Ascites. restricted entry. Control wild birds, animals, and rodents as they
act as carriers.
Perhaps it is time for the industry to re-think some of the early handling, ¿ Long travel from hatchery to brooding house induces stress,
feeding and management programs for the young chick. dehydration, gout, and mortality. Transportation in a closed
truck results in ascites due to lowered oxygen tension.
Tips for preventing ECM ¿ Overcrowding of brooders increases ECM due to trampling,
inanition and stress.
‘Prevention is better than cure' holds good even for ECM. ECM control
needs a multifaceted approach in terms of management, nutrition and ¿ Rough handling while vaccinating, weighing, etc. induces
disease prevention. stress and mortality

¿ If there is a lack of information on maternal immunity status it is
¿ Selection of healthy and good quality chicks at the hatchery. better to vaccinate the chicks against Gumboro, Infectious
Bronchitis and New Castle disease (ND) FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY
¿ Adequate brooding and management of chicks in the houses.
¿ Multivitamins and essential supportive therapy with vitamins A, Published in the Interest of Customer Education VOL. 10 NO. 6
¿ Locate the brooder house as far away from the older birds as
possible. D3, E, C. Amino acids should be given in drinking water.

¿ Never raise birds of different age groups in the same premises. ¿ From the 27th day onwards, prophylactic treatment for
mycoplasma along with prophylactic doses of multivitamins
¿ Proper cleaning and disinfection of chicken houses and may be carried out for five days. Early Chick Mortality is of great concern to the poultry farmer because of its economic implications.
biosecurity measures.
The four main causes for Early Chick Mortality are Genetic, Management, Nutritional and Disease. The solution to this problem lies in a multi-faceted
approach. But the best solution is prevention. WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
Bharat Tandon

Early Chick
1. High brooding temperature leads to
a. Dehydration

b. Panting
‘Well begun is half done' holds good in poultry production also, because a good start
c. Brooding Pneumonia
d. Smothering
means a better bird. The first week of a chick's life is very crucial. To realize the genetic
e. Both a & b potentiality of today's broilers and layers, they need a good start and utmost care.

'Vetcare Award for Excellence in Avian pathology' for the year 2002 was
conferred on Dr. M. L. Sathyanarayana, Ph.D, Associate Professor, 2. Young chick contains ______ percentage of water Obtaining a good quality chick is the first step towards achieving high profits. Chicks
Dept. of Pathology, Veterinary College, Bangalore for his invaluable should have qualities such as uniformity, lively bright eyes, good plumage, and a
contribution in the field of Probiotics & Mycotoxins and in turn the 3. Major diseases causing ECM
services rendered to the poultry industry.
plump body with high day-old weight.
a. CRD
Vetcare has been instituting this award to support research activities b. Salmonellosis
and to have continued cooperation between institute and the industry. c. Colibacillosis
Why is the first week so crucial? Furthermore, the digestive organs
Award recognizes and encourages the valuable contribution made by d. All of the above
pathologists in the field of Probiotics and Mycotoxins in Avian species. and liver develop in the first weeks of
Award consists of Rs. 15000/- and citation, is given during annual 4. Vitamin E deficiency in chick causes ______. Constant increase in daily growth, specially in broiler chicks, makes the length of the fattening period life and later, skeletal and muscular
conference of IAVP, every year. shorter, and today's birds eat less and produce more. To achieve this, the first few days of a chick's life tissue mass increases. The intestine
Vetcare requests all eminent pathologists to contribute and cooperate 5. Low blood glucose level in chick results in ______. are important because this is when the basis is laid for optimum growth and health. Immediately after is virtually sterile and has to acquire its
more in this regard. hatching, all kinds of important changes occur in the chick. When a chick hatches out of an egg, 20% of own native microflora. Pathogens
First five entries will be given surprise gift. Hurry up! Send its body weight consists of the remains of yolk. Though yolk provides the chick with sufficient nutrients pose a major challenge as they
your entries to or by
for the first few days, the chick has to switch from digesting the yolk to digestion of solid feed. multiply at a much faster pace
The research facility in “de viersprong” in Velddriel, Holland has opened compared to normal microflora.
recently. This expansion will enable the Provimi Group to do research with Immune organs are yet to develop
rumen fistulated dairy cows. Provimi companies have already started using fully. All these factors make the first
this facility in co-ordination with Provimi Research and Technology Centre. week very crucial.

Early Chick Mortality

This guy was driving on a country road at 70 kilometres per hour and
suddenly noticed a chicken just overtook him and was speeding in the Chick mortality during the early weeks
front. Curious, this guy accelerated and followed the chick which poses a great economic challenge to
eventually ended up in a poultry farm. This guy stopped and found the the poultry farmer and is a matter of
owner, asked him in utter surprise about the racing chick. "Oh, that one great concern. ECM is the result of
.. it's my biotech adventure, a four legged chick. "That's amazing" many interrelated factors. Unless
explained this guy. "But how does it taste?" he asked. "Who knows?" tackled carefully from different
said the breeder. "I could never catch one". angles, viz. management, nutrition,
disease control, etc., it is difficult to
control Early Chick Mortality.
Edited and Published by Bharat Tandon for Vetcare, Divn. of Tetragon Chemie Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. Published from IS-40, KHB Industrial Area,
Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore 560 064 India Ph : 080-846 2055/56 Designed and Printed by Focus Communications, Bangalore 560 003. Ph : 080-3463264.
Causes of ECM:
There are many causes of Early Chick Mortality. Some
important causes are: Severe deficiency of vitamins (A, D, E & K) causes death, while minor deficiency causes cessation of growth, ruffled feather, lacrimation, rickets,
Sticky embryos die during the last four days of incubation and about half the encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, anemia, etc. Similarly, severe deficiency of these vitamins (B-complex and C) causes death, while minor deficiency
1. Genetic causes. 2. Managemental causes. naked chicks die during the two or three days before hatching time. causes loss of weight, poor feathering, poor growth, dermatitis, perosis, nervous signs, anemia, etc.
3. Nutritional causes. 4. Diseases. Congenital loco is lethal within a week of hatching and congenital tremor
Vitamin signs of deficiency
kills 90% of the affected chicks within a month. If the eggs from a control and
a carrier flock are incubated under the same conditions, the maximum Vitamin D3
difference in hatching will be about 25%. Beak and claws soft and pliable, severe weakness of legs
Pantothenic Acid
Feed poisoning: Fungus-contaminated feed and toxic material in feed
A) Brooding and Brooding Temperature cause feed poisoning . Retards growth, ragged feather development, eyelids stick together, crusty scabs at the corner of mouth and eye
Brooding the chicks on the floor needs a 3-inch layer of clean dry litter. Salt poisoning: Salt poisoning due to excess salt in drinking water and feed Vitamin A
Sawdust and other fine litter material should be avoided to prevent also causes mortality. Cessation of growth, drowsiness, weakness, incoordination, emaciation, ruffled plumage.
excessive litter consumption, which results in choking. Brooding on
slippery surfaces like newspaper or wood floors is not advisable as the lack Ammonia: Putting curtains down for long hours leads to accumulation of Folic acid
of good traction may result in permanent leg damage. A chick guard 18-24 ammonia, which causes irritation of mucous membrane and eyes, low
feed consumption, reduced growth rate, loss of cilia in the trachea, Deficiency results in poor feathering, retardation of growth, and anemia
inches high and 6-10 ft. across is sufficient for 100 chicks.
hemorrhage, and death at levels above 100 ppm. Ammonia Vitamin E
High brooding temperature causes: concentration should therefore be less than 25 ppm.
Central nervous system disturbance, subcutaneous edema, muscle abnormalities
Dehydration: The body of young chicks contains about 70% water. Tannin or Litter poisoning: The ingestion of toxic material like tannin in
Continuous high temperature causes loss of water from the body sawdust causes mortality. Riboflavin
and when this water loss reaches about 10% the chicks die due Diarrhoea, retardation of growth, leg paralysis
to dehydration. Injuries: Improper handling of chicks during various operations such as
sexing, vaccination, dubbing and de-beaking can lead to injuries and Vitamin B12
Pasting: This is another problem of high brooding temperature death.
wherein feces block the vent. Pasting ultimately results in death. Retarded growth, gizzard erosion, fatty heart, liver, and kidneys may occur, along with poor feathering
C) Relative Humidity
At the same time, Low brooding temperature causes: All these vital nutrients are important not only for growth, but also for body resistance. Amino acids especially Arginine, Threonine and Methionine are
High relative humidity in the brooding house causes dampness of litter very important for development of the immune system. Essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 positively influence immune response.
Chilling or Brooding pneumonia: Temperatures below normal lead material, which facilitates the growth of micro-organisms that cause infections.
to pneumonia in young chicks, in which the lungs turn blue.
D) Predators
Smothering: Under low temperature chicks huddle together to DISEASE CAUSES
maintain body temperature and this results in smothering and Predators cause mortality if brooding houses are not properly constructed with
death. protection against predators such as rats, cats, and dogs.

Chilled chicks have smaller bursa compared to those under normal E) Water
Infectious diseases play a crucial role in the life of a chick imposing a major and distended abdomen, vent pasting and foul smell on carcass opening, due
temperature. Proper brooding helps in absorption of yolk and prevents Water plays an important role in maintaining the health and performance of the limiting factor on intensive production programs all over the world and more so to unabsorbed yolk.
yolk-sac infection. birds. It acts as a transport medium for nutrients and metabolic end products. It in tropical countries. The economic losses may be reflected in heavy mortality
Prevention of temperature-related problems: To prevent dehydration, helps in maintaining body temperature during hot weather. Water plays an or reduced meat and egg production. Early chick mortality may be caused by Pullorum: An acute infectious and fatal bacterial disease in chicks
pasting, chilling and smothering, adjust the brooding room temperature 24 important role in weight gain of broilers. Water is a source of minerals like Na, bacterial infections, showing lesions of yolk sac-infection. Air sacculitis, characterized by ruffled feather, white diarrhea, labored breathing, chirping,
hours before putting the chicks in the brooding room and during the Cl, K, etc. congested lungs and liver, etc. and death.
brooding period. Try to maintain normal temperature throughout the F) Inadequate floor, feeder and watering space
brooding period and in the entire brooding area. Many infections are transmitted from parents vertically and some of them could Salmonellosis: A group of acute rapidly-spreading diseases affecting all ages
Inadequate floor space is another cause of mortality in chicks as over-crowding be hatchery-borne, e.g. Salmonella, Mycoplasma, Adenoviral infections. Even and characterized by rise in body temperature, septicemia, omphalitis,
B) Poisoning and injuries causes dampness of the litter material which then becomes a suitable site for eggs contaminated with micro-organisms play a significant role in poultry hepatitis, enlargement of spleen, arthritis, and death.
Mortality due to poisoning is also high in young chicks. the multiplication of pathogenic organisms causing coccidiosis, etc. production pathology - E. coli, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. Micro-
Inadequate feeder and watering space creates competition among chicks, organisms cause increased mortality of embryos, lower hatchability and Colibacillosis: An acute septicemic disease caused by E. coli affecting all
which therefore become weak and die due to starvation. increased early chick mortality. ages and characterized by involvement of all systems, poor feed conversion,
and death.
reach, but not fall into. For larger flocks, a nipple watering system at an ¿ 30-35% of chick mortality is due to enterobacterial organisms.
Salmonella alone is considered as a frequent cause next to Metabolic Problems: Recently, reference has been made to the possible role
NUTRITIONAL CAUSES appropriate height works very well. Baby chicks, being curious, see the shining
Colibacillosis and outbreaks occur during the first 3-4 days of a chick's of low levels of blood glucose in triggering some of the non-specific early
droplet on the nipple waterer, peck at it and thereby quickly learn to activate the
waterers. Nipple height and placement are critical factors in averting early chick life. mortality problems noted in chicks. Birds that are hatched early or from small
mortality. If the nipple is beyond reach, chicks consume wet bedding material ¿ E. coli with other organisms contribute to yolk-sac infections and eggs may have reduced blood glucose levels when taken from the hatchery.
Yolk-sac is regarded as the nutritional source for the first 48-78 hours after
beneath the nipples, and unable to swallow the material, suffocate and die. The account for 5 - 6 % of chick mortality Chicks are subjected to various procedures in the hatchery, each adding to the
hatching. Though it is a rich source of maternal antibodies and vitamins, it
problem can be corrected by lowering the nipples and increasing the number of ¿ Other less common organisms responsible for ECM are Pseudomonas stress load on the birds. As the stress load increases the demand for blood
does not provide complete nutrition. Use of nutritional supplements as
nipples. (6-8%), Klebsiella (3-4%) and Bacillus sp. (1-2%). glucose also increases, with the result that adrenalin is secreted and glycogen
early as possible can help in developing the intestines, immunity and
¿ Mycoplasma and CRD cause respiratory diseases in the first reserves are mobilized from the body. Thus in a situation where the chick is
general health. It is important to remember that early chick growth is
Feed: Feeders are to be placed close to the source of heat, but not directly 3-4 days resulting in huge mortality. without feed for 24 to 48 hours, low blood glucose levels can result. Birds that
determined by the intestines. Early intestinal development is one of the
under the lamp. Keep the feed fresh all the time. Feeding chicks with too much ¿ In multi-age group farms where IB vaccination is practiced, IB causes hatch early use up their glucose reserves while in the hatchery unlike those that
important factors controlling later potential growth. As this development is
dusty feed on day one increases mortality due to clogging in the crop and respiratory problems as well as infectious gout. hatch later. When glucose reserves are depleted, the chicks are in a precarious
completed during the first few days, any mistake during this period can be
suffocation. However, feeding larger grain particles, especially maize, causes ¿ IBD cause high mortality during the first 3-4 weeks. state with respect to their ability to handle stress. Low blood glucose has been
disastrous for later productivity. A delay in placement by 24 hours would
'crop bound' and lactic acidosis resulting in mortality. Accidental feeding of shown to be associated with several of the non-specific early mortality
mean reduction by 50% in yolk-sac weight and body weight at 3-7 weeks,
Omphalitis: This bacterial disease affects chicks during and after hatching, problems reported in chicks. Reduced pH values associated with low blood
apart from early chick mortality. Use waterers that the young chick can grower or layer mash is also dangerous as particle size is too large.
navel infection characterized by inflamed skin in the navel area, soft, flabby, glucose will obviously result in changes in acid-base balance, a condition which

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