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Hey, what's up? I came as fast as I could.

Title of your sex tape, nailed it.

So, have you ever heard of a guy named Bruno Rojas?
Yeah, a big guy in the clombing cartel, right?
He was until he got shot in the chest yesterday by his top lieutenant.
Apparently, the bullet went straight through his nipple.
Whoa, nature's bullseye.
Oh my god, I love the way your brain works.
Anyways, he's in a coma now and Captain Holt thinks
if I'm here when he wakes up, I can get him to talk.
Sir, would you call me for?
Because I need a partner.
What about them?
Oh, we're not here for work.
I brought Scully in because he needs medical tests.
Yeah, I'm here all the time.
I'm kind of the mayor of this place.
Sure, baby, you've got a fresh bank for me.
They've needed the biggest one, Scully.
You're too good to me.
Anyway, I'll see you guys around.
And, Dad, the animal man.
This is kind of nice to see Scully and his element.
Jake, I can't stay here with you.
I have so much on my plate at work.
Yeah, so do I.
Well, I've been pulling double shifts non-stop,
but we haven't really gotten to hang out in almost a month.
Our anniversary is coming up and we don't even have anything planned.
I know, but we talked about this.
We're going to take a trip as soon as we have time.
I promise.
Just like you promised, we would see the Bumblebee movie.
I didn't promise that.
I believe what I said was, isn't that a kid's movie?
Yeah, and I believe what I said was, it's for teens.
Look, I get that you can't take any time off from work.
But this is a loophole.
It's still work.
You know, we can hang out here and chat and catch up and laugh
and technically we'll be doing our jobs.
I call it a casecation.
Casecation, all I ever wanted.
Casecation, how to get away.
Babe, this is so sweet, but do you honestly think
that hold's going to let me just hang out here with you indefinitely?
Yes, just how many supervision.
I've spent the last six years building up a reputation
as an irresponsible goof for this very moment.
That is ridiculous.
Holds respect you.
Does he, though?
Hello, you've reached the office of Raymond Holt.
I can come to the phone right now.
Hey, sir, I'm just here at the hospital with Jake
and I think he could use some...
Officer, agreed.
Casecation, all I ever wanted.
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
You can start the meeting now.
The meeting is over, you're late.
You missed a roll call and the tutorial on using the new copier.
Six years, and no matter how hard I try,
I still can't get you to understand the importance of being punctual.
Maybe you should just give up and accept me for who I am.
No, I will break you right now.
While you were out being tardy, I was hard to work devising a special punishment.
I've crafted an intricate, personal, high-five
with everyone in this office except you.
But you hate high-fives.
Yes, every minute of it was hell.
But it'll be worse for you.
Squad, dismissed.
Goodbye, deas.
Salute into a fatty whack.
Goodbye, boy, oh.
It's nature, man.
Goodbye, Jefferts.
That's the butt bump.
Goodbye, Sunday, I know.
Double fist bump for verse explosion into a p-tounce strum.
All right, that was terrible, but it's over now and I made it through.
Goodbye, Leonard from Xerox.
No, no, no.
The copier, right?
So you guys are going to tie up the only microwave for 20 minutes to make a frozen
Balls at you.
Ignorant loser.
First of all, it's not just a frozen lasagna.
It's a Mama Magliones.
Second of all, it's going to take 21 and a half minutes.
The box is 20, but we know better than the box.
You see, this microwave is a kitchen pro max.
Bit of a lightweight.
It's only 1.2 kilowatts.
Fine for popcorn.
But we're talking about a Mama Magliones here.
It takes a lot to get Mama hot.
She's a real size queen.
Well, that started out fun, and here we are at our normal ending place, disgusting.
Guys, we have a major problem here.
No garlic bread.
Okay, we need to stay calm.
Let's think.
The garlic bread needs to go into toaster oven with 8 minutes left on the lasagna.
Maybe we could run down to the corner store and make it in time.
That just gives us 12 minutes to go to a place and come back.
Mama Magliones.
We have to go now!
Okay, well, good luck with that weirdo's.
Stupid piece of crap.
Rosa, come on.
You can't break a mouse in half.
Oh, wow, you did.
You really earned your rep.
Stupid internet.
The network's been down all morning and my girlfriend.
She's leaving town for two weeks.
Oh, is Jocelyn leaving town?
Where is Jocelyn going?
Dude, you forgot her name one time.
It's not a big deal.
You don't have to keep proving you remember it.
That's not what's happening here.
I'm just saying it a lot because she's so important to me.
Okay, what's your last name?
It's Bryce.
She's leaving town for two weeks.
I want to send flowers to her hotel room.
Ah, that's sweet.
I wish Amy would send me flowers.
Why is it taking a hole in this IT guy so long to fix the internet?
Huh, why does it all look so worried?
What are you talking about?
He looks exactly like he always does.
To you, perhaps.
But I finally learned how to read his emotions.
His lips are slightly purged and he's blanking in the eight second intervals as
opposed to his normal ten.
Oh my god.
He's having a meltdown.
Meltdown seems excessive.
No, it's a meltdown.
Mark my words.
Hey there, Captain.
Everything okay?
No, I'm having a meltdown.
Rob, some of the amazing things.
It was a lot of work.
This is Sergeant Knox.
I'm cyber operations.
He's discovered the reason for our network issues.
I hacker is attempting to break into our servers.
Not all of them.
Just the LAKME server.
That's good.
Captain Holt's nostril just twitched.
It's devastating.
Props again, thanks again.
The LAKME server holds claims protected information, including the names of our
undercover agents.
If it's compromised, people could lose their lives.
Okay, but isn't the server secure?
Yes, but the hacker's already used an ARP to resolve the host name with a DNS
ARP DNS, totally following what you're saying.
Right now they're trying to get root access by connecting the OSI network to the
data link.
You know, I'm a bit of a computer nerd myself, but could you maybe dumb it down a
bit for my friends here?
They're almost through our defenses.
If we can't stop them, they'll be inside of our server in...
19 minutes.
Mama Megalione.
Confucius, Buddha, Jesus.
They all brought light to darkness.
But none of them had one million subscribers, so...
They can't suck it!
Your videos changed my life.
Change my life!
You are my quick, quick, clean!
I'm changing the world!
No Italian girl, we are changing the world.
Where we are the G-Hype.
And today we are celebrating our one millionth subscribers.
Over one million people are living their lives according to the G-Namanments.
They're like the Ten Commandments, only there's more and they're better.
I would now like to express my gratitude the best way I know how.
Through song.
Hey, hey, hey!
It's the best day of the year!
Happy Sync on a mile!
I don't think you're allowed to wear a poncho or a work-hitchcock.
Let's three-star!
Oh, you got a band.
Stop! Stop!
No Trump, it's not today!
My head is killing me!
Hit the tequila a little early.
I'm not hung over Hitchcock.
I got a tension headache.
I got the lieutenants exam tonight.
I'm stressed eating like crazy.
I had ten hard-boiled egg yolks this morning.
You're having a high-grade pre-test freak-out.
I've been there March 13th, 2001.
AP Calc Tech.
Ames, I hate to catch you off, but we all know where this story's going.
Oh, yeah?
You know that I crapped my pants in the middle of the test?
Oh, my God.
No, I thought you were just going to say you got a B-plus or something.
Well, like a B-M.
Come on!
Now Terry's worried about his test and his bow.
What you need, Sergeant, is to distract yourself.
NPR has a riveting six-hour interview with Eileen Moon Myers.
Nobody knows who that is.
Nobody knows the associate principal cellist in the New York Philharmonic.
Wait, I've got it.
I know how to distract Terry.
Captain, remember how you canceled the last Halloween heist
because there was that emergency gas line explosion
and you said we had to help out?
Yes, I also remember you refusing to believe the explosion was real.
Go back to acting school, but your way over selling the pain here.
No one's buying it.
Well, it's not like I was the only one who thought it was fake.
And the Oscar goes to rent.
You said that we should reschedule the heist for another day, so why not today?
To help distract Terry?
And I would love to defend my crown after I destroyed you all last year.
Well, I mean, the proposal was all part of my plan.
All I remember is you bowing to me on your knees.
Yeah, I was asking you to marry me.
Well, you look like a fool.
Neither of you won because Jake swapped out the real championship cummerbond
belt for the trickily proposal one.
Well, I thought everyone loved it.
I used the heist to do the proposal.
You were wrong, everyone hated it.
But it helped me win.
During your engagement celebration, I snuck back and found the original cummerbond.
It's hanging up in my living room at home.
I never thought I'd say this, but enough for play.
Are we heisting or not?
Yes, of course.
Wait, I will only do this under one condition.
Sergeant Jeffords agrees that this will help his nerves.
Yeah, I mean, I would like to take my mind off the test.
Maybe I'll win this year.
Ah, the heist is already working.
Sergeant Jeffords has recovered a sense of humor.
All right, but for real though.
Are we doing this?
We're doing this!
Heist! Heist!
It's a synch on a myoheist!
A synch on a myoheist makes just as much sense as Halloween.
Let's do it!
Guys, I have a great idea for a prank.
Before Holt comes in, I'm going to put ink on the podium where he puts his hands.
I don't think you're a ball for that.

I haven't even opened this yet.
I guess it's unrelated.
You have an old hate's prank.
This is going to backfire me.
Fine, I'll tone it down.
I'll move his podium afoot to the left.
Who'd be so angry?
Okay, five inches.
All right, I'll move it a half inch.
Fine, it's your funeral.
Horse prank ever.
Stupid Holt's not even going to notice.
Good morning.
You guys...
the podium is...
You're crazy!
How did you pull this off?
Gentlemen, may I present to you...
the Suicide Squad.
Hang on, they're genius.
You want us, your enemies?
You help you bring down Commissioner Kelly.
You guys consider me your enemy?
You're some of my best friends.
We haven't talked to you in like three years, CJ.
Wait, yeah, I'm thinking of different guys.
All right, man.
You came to me to ask for help shows how much you've matured.
You know what else shows how much you've matured?
You're with a face.
Now I know why you refer to this as a suicide squad barolta
because I already want to kill myself.
Why don't you wait a week?
You probably die of old age.
The only way I'm going to die is if you touch me
with one of your bony fingers and drag me across the rivet sticks.
You reaper.
Ah, wonderful, very creative.
Look, John Kelly has to be stopped.
He's spying on civilians.
It's unconstitutional and it's wrong.
Please, do you think any one of these jackals cares about what's right or wrong?
I'll help.
See, sir, there is good in every person.
And I want it to be known as for selfish reasons.
Why would you want that to be known?
Because I never miss CJ before.
And I want to think that I'm cool.
It's working.
I mean, I love how you're taking over the room.
You know, I actually wouldn't mind getting rid of John Kelly either.
That guy makes up so many dumb rules.
He told me I couldn't eat raw chicken.
And you think a new commissioner will...
Yeah, he's already on board.
So, yes, a new commissioner would let you eat raw chicken for whatever reason.
It's healthier.
It sure is, Siege.
And what do you hope to get out of this, Madeline?
Let me guess.
Revenge on Dorothy for killing your sister.
I want the same as you, Raymond.
I think what John Kelly is doing is terrible.
Well said, Wunch.
So, we're all on board.
This is exciting.
Let's bring it in, huh?
Suicide squad on three.
One, two.
I don't touch other dudes' hands.
This guy is sticky.
Oh, that might be me.
I ate a popsicle early.
It's probably Madeline.
Cockroaches release a mucus-like secretion.
You wouldn't know about rotissue-roach.
And three, suicide squad!
Look, we all know Scully has the hardest head.
But what concerns me is the speed factor.
That's enough.
Not now, Terry.
We're having an argument about who would win in a fight if we couldn't use our
Everyone agrees.
I'd bite the best.
Meaning, your strength comes from the pelvis.
It's not the mouth.
There's been an assassination attempt.
And you let us just sit around talking about Boyle's pelvis?
I didn't let you.
Constellin Bosworth was giving a speech at Garfield Plaza.
He was shot in the shoulder.
And he's in stable condition.
But the shooter is still at large.
We have to move.
Black and down to 10 Black radius around the scene.
No traffic in or out.
We think our man is still inside the area.
Yes, you was on site.
I'll be leading the off from a mobile command center.
Santiago is running perimeter control.
Peralta, you're in charge of the manhunt for the shooter.
Oh, my God.
It's a manhunt.
And I'm the manhunter.
No, I'm your sidekick.
The boyhunter.
Come on, dude.
I'm going to be on the news.
I'm going to look straight into the camera and say,
if the shooter is watching.
I hope you like living between St. Charles,
plays and Connecticut Avenue.
I don't get it.
It's from an athlete, as we're jails.
It was a good line.
Keep reefing.
Yes, Santiago.
The command tents in the northeast corner.
We need to work fast.
The mayor's only giving us five hours to the Barathees elliptic.
Five hours telling the manhunt's only needs one.
Love that.
But I'm going to keep it at five.
It's already way too little time.
All right.
I'm seeing security cameras.
I need all that footage.
It's a reddit full sweep.
Hey, what are all these civilians doing here?
Who's responsible for securing the area?
Who screwed this up?
Hi, I'm Officer Debbie Vogel.
I'm so sorry.
My partner's on crowd control.
I don't know where he went.
It's his first week on the jobs.
He's still learning the roads.
All right, listen, Vogel.
We have a councilman in the hospital,
and his shooter is still at large.
We don't have time for this incompetence.
I want your partner off the case.
What's his name?
It's Raymond Holt.
Oh, it's Dad.
I mean, Captain Holt.
I mean, Captain Dad.
I mean, Officer Holt.
I mean, Officer Dad.
Yep, that was it.
Officer Dad, I found it.
Clear in the back.
I'll clear on the main hall.
The service road, a quarter mile away, is also clear.
Hold on.
There's a pigeon approaching.
All the mission.
Great work with that pigeon, officer.
Detective Swiss to Channel 5.
Anyone else getting a sense wholesome upset
about the Duke Captain coming to mall?
That's bad.
This morning, decide for the entire length of our elevator red.
I wonder who Wunch is going to stick us with this time.
I'm sure it'll be somewhat terrible, but we've had bad bosses
before and we've always managed to get rid of them.
Let's just do that again.
Hey, listen, I'm taking this weekend off.
You didn't even have the new captain gone by my name.
I'm kind of over-meeting new people.
Gone by Monday.
Challenge accepted.
We got a runner in my BD-3s!
Taken down the bad guys without breaking up our convo.
That's how we do it in the 9-9.
You're going in the wrong direction.
Damn it, all these hallways look the same.
That's such a cool walk-off.
It's happening again.
Rosa, Rosa.
You just got to fell asleep in the break room.
I pranked him.
I tied his shoelaces together.
You're 38 years old, dude.
I know, and yet my prank still stays so fresh.
It's incredible.
That untie his shoes before he gets hurt.
But what's the worst thing that could happen?
He's leaving strength on the gap!
Jake, will you join me in Terry's office?
Private rendezvous, huh?
This whole trying to make a baby thing has got you simple.
Freakay, Terry, what's up, dude?
What did you think was happening?
He clearly thought you were going to have secret sex in here.
Prope's much?
I did not think that.
Amy did.
She texted me about it.
See, proof.
Anyway, what's up, Lieutenant?
Santiago and I are going to an administration workshop for the NYPD.
And it's voluntary.
So only the cool kids are going to be there.
Love you so much.
Anyways, you're in charge for the day.
Oh, boy.
Here comes the lecture.
Be responsible, Jake.
Don't do anything crazy or fun.
There's no lecture.
I trust you.
But there was used to be a lecture.
Yeah, well, you're not the same immature rebellious kid you used to be.
Didn't you and Amy just buy a family-friendly mid-size today?
In a rebellious color, Champagne, which is an alcohol.
And let's not forget, I wanted to have sex in your office just now.
Yeah, to have a baby and become a father.
Hey, turn it around on me.
It's not bad that I trust you more now.
Plus, there's not even that much for you guys to do today.
I mean, the squad is on reserve parade duty.
Your job is to sit around.
Good point.
Besides, what's the worst thing a responsible guy like me could do?
Buckle your butts, everyone.
The Jimmy Jam games are back.
Oh, hey, Jake.
What's the deal with the office today?
It feels crazy.
Somebody sold 20 bricks of coke and some machine guns from evidence.
What? It's the first time I'm hearing of it?
Yeah, well, you just got here, right?
I need you to find whoever did this and kill them.
So they're dead.
Bonkers morning, huh?
So any idea who did it?
No, but whoever it was had an intimate knowledge of our security systems.
It was obviously an inside job.
I bet it was Brian.
What did you say that?
Because he once said he has a hot tub.
You know how that crowd is.
I don't know Brian had a hot tub.
That does sound better.
But we have to let the investigation run his course.
Right now, everyone's a suspect.
Suffer Hitchcock and Skully.
Whoever did it took his tears.
What'll happen to the person, you know, if you find them?
Well, they've committed several felonies.
Probably looking at 30 life.
So that person could miss 15 Olympics.
I have to go.
They know the drugs are missing.
They don't suspect me because I'm playing it super cool.
Now, when is the handoff?
Yes, I'm alone in the ladies room.
No one can hear me.
Okay, so I know something.
But you can't ask how I know it.
Debbie took the Coke and the guns.
Yeah, I know Debbie.
Acting super suspicious.
Thanks, everybody, for coming out to Hitchcock's divorce party.
Why is the cake too men getting married?
That's me and Hitchcock.
The boys are back together.
This cake is for a gay wedding.
The inside is a rainbow.
Ah, it's my favorite flavor.
All the flavors.
I can't believe Bethany's gone.
It was so out of the blue.
Well, not entirely.
I mean, she didn't have an affair with her hairdresser
and you filmed it and threatened to release the tape.
And then she said she didn't care and put it on the internet herself.
And then when it started to make money, you suited her for half the profits.
And then boom, out of the blue, divorce papers.
Ah, buddy, you'll be okay.
It doesn't feel like it.
My heart is ruined forever.
I'm done with love.
I'll never find anyone as...
Oh my god, get a load of the can on her.
She had dorks.
I'm gonna get some.
Well, Hitchcock still sucks.
What's your meeting about?
Did someone find my meatballs hub?
Hey, we would never have a meeting about that B.
You are holding it.
Did you get turned?
Meeting's not over, dummy.
Terry said he had some news from the Office of Commissioner Wunch.
Ugh, what is that human blister want now?
Does she intend to demote me even further?
A practical transfer me to the swamps of New Jersey,
so I can patrol the sinkhole where she despond.
Or it's possible the announcement has nothing to do with you.
Oh, good thing you brought her.
You're right.
Maybe Madeline Watson forms all that she's a chookson.
A what?
A chookson.
A Korean toilet ghost lives in an outhouse.
Rats her hair around your throat and chokes you to death
while you move your bow.
You know what?
I will give you $6,000 if the announcement is she's a chookson.
Okay, everyone.
I have some news.
The Madeline Wunch is a Korean toilet ghost.
We already knew that.
Madeline Wunch is dead.
Say what now?
Peralta, you need to come with me right now.
Can I eat my bagel?
Trust me.
I don't want to eat before I see this.
That's Shane Reed.
Suspect from the string of B&E's got pulled over this morning.
This wasn't his trunk.
Son of a bitch.
Peralta, Peralta, calm down!
Why am I here?
I didn't do anything.
You've broken to 15 houses, Shane,
but that's not what I care about right now.
All I care about is what we found in your car.
I don't understand.
He doesn't understand, Diaz. Why don't you fill him in?
You were invited to celebrate the wedding of Captain Joyner
and Douglas Judy.
Douglas Judy.
AKA Doug Judy.
AKA the Pontiac Bandit.
That's a yes.
Now tell me, Shane.
When did you get the invite?
When did you receive the invite in the mail?
And how come I didn't get one?
Why would you get an invite?
Do you know Doug?
Hey, I'm the one asking the questions here.
Calm down, Jake.
Maybe it's a small wedding.
Okay, good point.
How big is the venue?
I said, how big is the venue?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But I bet you do know the password to the wedding website, don't you?
Yeah, I guess.
Well, then I guess you better tell it to me, Shane.
You wash my back.
I'll wash yours.
I'm in scratch.
You know I'm in scratch.
Now tell me the password.
I think it's Doug and Kate forever.
Was that so hard, Shane?
You did the right thing.
I get this piece of trash out of my sight.
Is forever spelled out?
Or is it the number four?
Oh, it's spelled out.
Okay, thank you so much.
Now get this piece of trash out of my sight.
Sir, I'd like to talk to you about the new task force
you're on the hiring committee for.
Special tactical operations and auxiliary strategic response
citywide emergency investigative unit for emergency operations.
You know, I had a hand in name again.
And it's great, although you might want to try shortening it
maybe using a cool acronym.
You're right, that is cool.
Anyways, I know some of the best cops in the city are going to be on that task
and I would appreciate it if you consider me for it.
Here's my resume.
And I thought it would be fun if I wrapped it.
But then I realized that would be a terrible idea.
So I just wrote it down normally.
It'll probably arrive a lot on accident.
Try not to focus on that.
Jake Peralta is age 39.
But professionally, he's still in his prime.
If you ask me, he's New York's fine.
Ellipses asked.
Charles Andrews.
Jackie B with the punna.
How to rain in half fire.
Charles, is that a wrap?
Never was.
Everyone's professional here.
Not the lyrics we discussed either.
Anyways, sir, I really think that I deserve this task force.
My clearance rate puts me in the top 2% of all NYPD days.
I am aware of your qualifications, Peralta.
But I'm only allowed to recommend one name for the STOASRCIUEO.
And you don't think the acronym is just a little clunky?
I don't know.
It's quite catchy.
Look, I really feel like I've got what it takes.
I'm experienced.
I'm hardworking.
And I'm unflappable in the face of.
Oh my god, what is that?
And I believe that's all I've got.
Oh, wait.
It's one more thing.
Peralta gave me a note before the meeting.
Ugh, the penmanship is horrid, but I think it says,
ask if anyone has an anal mint.
It's announcements, and we do.
Wow, what an entrance.
Amy and I have some big news to share.
I'm pregnant.
We're pregnant!
What the hell?
I thought you guys would be more excited than that.
Charles, you didn't even face.
I'm so sorry.
I'll try.
Is that working?
Somebody took me on it.
Rosa, sorry.
We're so happy for you, but we also maybe kind of already knew.
I mean, you didn't do the best job of hiding it.
But why have you been carrying that box around so much?
I just love this box.
Are you reading that newspaper?
It's today's old.
I just love this issue.
Hey, why are you wearing that hazmat suit?
I just love this look.
Okay, fine.
So you all knew we were pregnant.
Good for you.
But I bet you didn't figure out that we're having twins.
No, not really.
It's one baby.
I just needed to see Charles faint.
I don't miss poor thing.
I guess I'm glad the next got rid of him.
That's crazy.
You never treated someone who would be three-point range.
Why is the price a full of bunnies?
This is still going on.
What is?
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Halloween High.
I'm sorry!
Can you believe this, Skully?
Looks like we're the only responsible people who show up on time anymore.
And they're always calling us lazy.
But where are they now?
I don't see them.
Not here.
But you know who is?
Hitchcock and Skully.

The Bozos.
What are you doing here?
The building's being fumigated.
There were so many emails.
There were?
We didn't.
That's your takeaway?
And those of you patrolling south of Avenue,
please be aware of the new petal pubs,
the bike-powered mobile bars that are very popular with special-ed parties.
But unfortunately, they have led to a dramatic increase
in the rarely seen case of female public urination.
For this?
That's everything.
But before we go home, quick reminder that today
is Sergeant Santiago's last day before maternity leave.
We'll see you in three months.
See you three months off.
Can I take a maternity leave?
Are you giving birth to a baby?
I'm having a seven-pound mastery move from my abdomen next week.
Oh, yeah.
Never ask Kelly questions.
That's on me, guys.
This miss.
So have you guys decided on a name yet?
We're not telling people until he's born.
Not the baby's name, my name.
What's he going to call me?
Uncle Chuck?
Like you see?
Oh, cheesy, so he says it early.
Maybe just Charles?
Wait, so my dad gets to be his pop-up, but I'm just Charles?
Your dad does not get to be his pop-up.
Oh, I hope you're prepared to make that phone call.
What was that?
Oh, Brooklyn lost power.
You know, I've always kind of liked blackouts.
Listen, how quiet it is.
It's so peaceful.
No, it immediately turned into a purge.
Way to go, New York.
All right, let's suit up.

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