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a. Apply knowledge on the Professional Conduct
of the Police and the Ethical Standards of


The National Police Commission or
Napolcom, an agency tasked to administer and
operationally control the Philippine National
Police, prepared a police manual prescribing
Rules and Regulations to be adopted by the
members of the PNP.
By virtue of Napolcom Resolution No.
93-023, the Napolcom provided the code of
professional conduct and ethical standards of
It is provided that all members of the PNP shall abide and adhere to the provisions
of the Code of Conduct aforesaid. Towards this end, a truly professionalized and
dedicated law enforcers shall be developed in promoting peace and order, ensuring public
safety and enhancing community participation guided by the principle, 'public office is a
public trust and that all public servants must at all times be accountable to the people they
Accordingly, policemen must serve the people with utmost responsibility, integrity,
morality, loyalty and efficiency with due respect to human rights and dignity as a hallmark
of democratic society.

Police Core Value

The police service is a noble profession and demands from its members specialize
knowledge and skills and standard of ethics and morality. In this regards, the members
of the PNP must adhere to and internalize the enduring core values of love of God,
respect for authority, selfless love and sacrifice for people, respect for women and sanctity
of marriage, responsible dominion and stewardship over material things, and truthfulness.


PNP Stand on Basic Issues

1. PNP Image - the image of the PNP affect the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of
members and sense of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the PNP
should conduct themselves in a manner that would not place the PNP in bad light. Instead,
they should live in accordance with the PNP core values and possess the following
virtues: honor, integrity, valor, justice, honesty, humility, charity and loyalty to the service.
2. Career Management - its proper implementation will greatly enhance personal and
professional advancement towards police professionalism.
3. Police Management Leadership - the effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective
of the managerial capabilities and competent leadership of the men and women in the
PNP. It is therefore a must that these attributes be the primary basis for consideration in
the selection of personnel for employment and deployment purposes.
4. Equality in the service - there shall be judicious and equitable distribution of
opportunity to prove one's worth in the police service. The problem on equity thru class
orientation and factionalism, both real and perceived promise on favored assignment,
inequitable opportunity of training, unfair granting of promotion, and untimely awarding of
achievements will create an atmosphere of demoralization. The result is inefficiency and
lack of teamwork to the detriment of the organization. It behooves therefore on the PNP
leadership to address the situation. The civilian character of the organization requires
adherence to the rule on merit and merit system and to dissociate the above process from
class orientation and factionalism.
5. Delicadeza - is consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP,
all members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the
time-honored principle of delicadeza.
6. Police Lifestyle - the PNP shall endeavor to promo a lifestyle for every member of the
PNP that is acceptable to the eyes of the public. Further, its members should set good
example to the subordinate and follow good example from the superiors. They must be
free from greed, corruption and exploitation. The public expects a police officers to live a
simple yet credible and dignified life
7. Human Rights - all PNP members must respect and protect human dignity and man's
inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property

Professional Conduct of the Police
All policemen shall perform their duties functions with excellence, competence,
integrity, intelligence and expertise. To comply with the above expected requirements and
performance with specialized skill and technical knowledge, the following conducts must
be observed:

1. Commitment to Democracy - uniformed members of the PNP commit themselves to

the democratic way of life and values and maintain the principle of public accountability
They shall at all times uphold the Constitution and be loyal to our country, people and the
police organization.
2. Commitment to Public Interest - members will always uphold public interest over and
above personal interest All government parties, resources and power of their respective
offices must be employed and used effectively, honestly and efficiently, particularly to
avoid wastage of public funds and revenues.
3. Non-Partisanship - PNP members shall provide services to everyone without
discrimination regardless of party affiliation in accordance with existing laws and
4. Physical Fitness and Health - all PNP members shall strive to be physically and
mentally fit and in good health at all times. Towards this end, they shall undergo regular
physical exercise and manual medical examination I any PNP hospital or medical facility.
5. Secrecy Discipline - all PNP members shall guard the confidentiality of classified
documents and informations against unauthorized disclosure.
6. Social Awareness - all PNP members and their immediate family members shall be
encouraged to actively get involved in the religious, social and civic activities to enhance
the image
7. Non-Solicitation of Patronage - all PNP members shall seek self-improvement
through career development and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or
recommendation from politicians, high-ranking government officials, prominent citizens,
persons affiliated with civic or religious organizations with regard to their assignments,
promotions, transfer or those of other members of the force, nor shall they initiate any
petition to be prepared and presented by citizens in their behalf. Moreover, they shall
advise their immediate relatives not to interfere in the activities of the police service
particularly in the assignment and reassignment of personnel.
8. Proper Care and Use of Public Property - members shall be responsible for the
security, proper care and use of public property issued to them and/or deposited under
their care and custody. Unauthorized use of public property for personal convenience or
gain and that of their families, friends or relatives are strictly prohibited.

9. Devotion to Duty - policemen shall perform their duties with devotion, and manifest
concern for public welfare, and shall refrain from engaging in any activity which shall be
in conflict with their duties as public servants.
10. Conservation of Natural Resources - policemen shall help in the development and
conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity as these are
inalienable heritage of our people.
11. Discipline - they shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and
regulations of the Philippines
12. Loyalty - above all, policemen must be loyal to the Constitution and to the police
service as manifested by their loyalty to their superiors, peers and subordinates as well.
13. Obedience to Superior - policemen of lower ranks must be always courteous and
obedience to their superior officers.
14. Command Responsibility - supervisor or immediate superior shall be responsible
for the effective supervision, control and direction of their personnel and shall see to it
that all government resources shall be managed, expanded or utilized in accordance with
law and regulations and safe guarded against losses thru illegal and improper disposition.

Ethical Standards of Policemen

Every policeman must have to follow in the performance of their duties and
functions and even in their private lives, the following:
1. Morality - policemen shall adhere to high standard of morality and decency and shall
set food examples for others to follow. Hence, among others, and in no instance during
their terms of office shall they be involved as owners, opera tors, managers, or inventors
in any illegal gambling den or houses of ill-repute or other placed devoted to vices; nor
shall they patronize such places unless on official duty, and tolerate operations of such
establishment in their respective areas of responsibilities.
2. Judicious Use of Authority - policemen shall exercise proper and legitimate use of
authority in the performance of duty.
3. Integrity - policemen shall not allow themselves to be victim of corruption and
dishonest practices in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 6713 and other
applicable laws.
4. Justice - policemen shall strive constantly to respect their rights as human beings,
parents, children, citizens, workers, leaders or in other capacities and to see to it that
others do likewise.

5. Humility - policemen shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the
masters of the people and toward this end, they should perform their duties without
arrogance. They should also recognize their own inadequacies, inabilities and limitations
as individuals and perform their duties without attracting attention or expecting the
applause of others
6. Orderliness - policemen shall follow procedures in accomplishing their tasks assigned
to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and effort.
7. Perseverance - once a decision is made, all PNP members shall take legitimate action
or means to achieve the goals even in the face of internal or external difficulties, and
despite anything which might weaken their resolve in the course of time.

Customs and Traditions of Policemen

PNP members must have to follow and observed the customs and traditions based
on the desirable practices of the police service and shall serve as inspiration as policemen
endeavor to attain the goals and objectives of the PNP.
Customs are established usages or social practices carried on by tradition that
have obtained the force of law; whereas traditions are bodies of beliefs, stories, customs
and usages handed down from generation to generation with the effect of unwritten law.
Aside from the above, policemen must also observe courtesy and social decorum
at all times. Courtesy is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for
others. Social decorum is a set of norms and standards practiced by policemen during
social and other functions.

• Police Customs on Courtesy

1. Salute - the usual greetings rendered by uniformed members upon meeting and
recognizing persons entitled to a Salute.
2. Salute to National Color and Standard - PNP members must stand at attention and
salute the national color and standard as it pass by them or when the national color is
raised or lowered during ceremonies.
3. Address/Title - junior in rank addresses senior member who are entitled to salute with
the word "sir."

• Courtesy Calls
1. Courtesy Call on Newly Assigned / Promoted/Appointed Member - a policeman
who is newly appointed, promoted or assigned in a unit or command must first report or
call on the Chief of the same or other key officials for accounting, orientation and for other
2. Christmas Call - PNP members pay a Christmas call on their local executives in their
respective areas of responsibility. This call remember does not include call on the
businessmen and gambling lord.
3. New Year's Call - PNP members pay new year's call on their Chiefs or key officials in
their areas of responsibility.
4. Exit Call - PNP members pay an exit call on their superiors when relieved or
reassigned to another unit or destination.

• Police Customs on Ceremonies

1. Flag Raising Ceremony - policemen must honor the flag by raising it and singing the
National Anthem before the start of official work.
2. Flag Retreat Ceremony - at the end of the official day's work, PNP members pause
for a moment to salute the lowering of the flag,
3. Half-Mast - the flag is raised at half-mast in adherence to deceased uniformed member
of the unit or command.
4. Funeral Service and Honors - departed uniformed member, retiree, war veteran or
former PNP member is given vigil, neurological services and graveside honors as a
gesture of farewell.
5. Ceremony Tendered to Retiree - in recognition of their long, faithful and honorable
service to the PNP, a testimonial activity is tendered in his honor.
6. Honor Ceremony - arrival and departure honor ceremony is tendered to visiting
dignitary, VIP, PNP office with the grade of Chief Superintendent and above and AFP
officers of equivalent grade unless waived.
7. Turn-Over Ceremony - the relinquishment and assumption of command or key
position is officially announced in a turn-over ceremony by the outgoing and incoming
8. Wedding Ceremony - during marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is conducted
with participants in uniform and swords drawn.
9. Anniversary - the birth of institutional establishment of a command or unit is
commemorated in an anniversary ceremony.
• Police Customs on Social Decorum
1. Proper Attire - policemen always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with
the occasion
2. Table Manners - PNP members observe table etiquette at all times.
3. Social Graces - Policemen conduct themselves properly in dealing with people during
social functions.
• Police Uniform/Appearance
1. Wearing of prescribed uniform
2. Wearing as part of the uniform, awards and decorations earned in accordance with the
prescribed rules and regulations
3. Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulations
4. Manner of walking-every policeman is expected to walk with pride and dignity,
5. To be added is the maintenance of 34 inches waistline adopted during the time of the
erstwhile PNP Chief, for the purpose of seeing policemen neat and trim in their uniforms
• Other Police Customs
1. Courtesy of the Post - the host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who may
respect the command or unit.
2. Rank Has-Its-Own Privilege (RHIP) - members recognize the practice that different
rank carry with them corresponding privileges.
3. Visiting the Sick - PNP member who is sick in the hospital, in his residence or in any
place of confinement is visited by his immediate superior or other available officers of the
unit in order that his needs are attended to.
4. Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members when PNP members dies - a
survivor officer is designated to render maximum assistance to their bereaved families
until all benefits due shall have been received
5. Visiting the Religious Leaders - PNP members visit religious leaders in their areas
of assignment to establish or maintain rapport and cooperation between the different
religious leaders and the PNP.
6. Athletics - all PNP members indulge in physical fitness activities to ensure that their
proper physical appearance is maintained with the waistline measurement always smaller
than the size of the chest and in conformity with the standard set forth by the organization.

7. Happy Hours - usually on Friday or in any other day suitable for the occasion, PNP
members gather together at their PNP club for a light-hearted jesting an airing of minor
• Police Traditions
1. Spiritual beliefs - the PNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving
persons. They attend religious services together with the members of their family
2. Valor - history attest that the Filipino law-enforcers have exemplified the tradition of
valor in defending the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrificed their lives
and limbs for the sake of their countrymen whom they have pledged to serve.
3. Patriotism - PNP members are traditionally patriotic by nature. They manifest their
love of country with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the Constitution.
4. Discipline - it is manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and through
spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral,
ethical and legal norms.
5. Gentlemanliness - policeman is bright in character, polite in manner, dignified in
appearance and sincere in his concern to his fellowmen.
6. Word of Honor - a policeman's word is his bond. He stands by it and commit to uphold
7. Duty - the PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public
servants who perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.
8. Loyalty - policemen are traditionally loyal to the organization, country and people as
borne by history and practice.
9. Camaraderie - the binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police
organization, extending to the people they serve manifested by members deep
commitment and concern to one another.

What is the difference between
customs and traditions? PT29WBpLyM
Police Professional Conduct

Bermas, Danilo S. (2004) Handbook on Police Ethics and Community Relations.
Philippines, Central Book Supply, Inc.

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