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Final Term Seatwork #1
1. What are the three main parts of the brain?
ANSWER: The cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.

2. What does the cerebrum do?

ANSWER: Cerebrum, the thinking part of the brain, is responsible for receiving and giving
meaning to information from the sense organs.

3. What does the cerebellum do?

ANSWER: Cerebellum is important for balance, movement, and coordination.

4. What does the brain stem do?

ANSWER: Brain stem is responsible for breathing, consciousness, blood pressure, heart rate,
and sleep.

5. What does the hypothalamus do and where is it located?

ANSWER: Hypothalamus maintains your body's internal balance, which is known as
homeostasis. It is located in the center of the brain, below the thalamus and above the pituitary

6. What part of your brain controls your emotions?

ANSWER: The amygdala

7. What are two important minerals for the nervous system?

ANSWER: Potassium and calcium

Fill in the blanks using the word bank below.

Sinuses Mediastinum Anterior Nares Glottis

Nasal Septum Epiglottis Alveoli Pharnyx
Right Larynx Left Pleural
Lungs Trachea Bronchi Surfactant

1. Air enters the nostrils, or anterior nares, which is divided into two chambers
by a partition known as the nasal septum.

2. Cilia, or small hairs in the nose, entrap and prevent the entry of larger dirt particles.

3. The pharynx serves as a common passageway for air and food.

4. The epiglottis, a cartilage “lid”, covers the opening into the larynx when food is swallowed.

5. The tube-like passageway which extends from the larynx, passes in front of the
esophagus, and continues to form two bronchi is the trachea.

6. The inner surfaces of the alveoli are covered with a lipid material known as surfactant.

7. The right lung is larger and broader than the left lung due to the location of the heart.

8. The four cavities of the skull in and around the nasal region are called sinuses.

9. The structure situated between the lungs along the median plane of the thorax
is known as the mediastinum.

10. The pleural fluid is necessary to prevent friction as the two pleural membranes rub against each other
during each breath.

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