Grade-6 Master notes Le-1

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Subject : Computer Term-1 Master notes

Chapter-1: Computer Language

Section A
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Program
2. Five
3. Machine
4. Assemblers
5. High Level
6. Assembly
7. Syntax
8. Off, On
B. State True or False:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False
C. Application Based Questions:
1. She used High-Level Language.
2. Java is a High-Level Language.
Section B
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. b. Source Program
2. c. Interpreter
3. b. Object Program
4. b. John W. Tukey
B. Answer the following:
1Ans. High-Level language has the following features:
a. It uses English words and Mathematical operators.
b. It is Machine-independent.
c. It has to be converted into Machine Language by Translator programs.

2Ans. Assembly Language uses Mnemonic codes or Symbols in place of 0 and 1 which are used
in Machine Language. For example, if the operation code for ADD is 0010 in binary or machine
language, it can be directly written as ‘’ADD” in assembly language. Whereas, Machine
Language is the only language that a computer understands. It is expressed in binary form i.e.
‘0’ and ‘1’ where 0 means ‘Off’ state and 1 means ‘On’ state.

3Ans. Following are features of 5GL:

1. It is used to develop artificial intelligence programs.
2. It is machine independent and easy to learn.

Interpreter Compiler
1. Interpreter translates a program line by 1. Compiler translates the whole program at
line. once.
2.Interpreter programs are slow in execution 2.The execution speed of a compiler is
speed. comparatively faster.
5Ans. Characteristics of the Fourth-Generation language:
1. Very highly user friendly and independent of any operating system.
2. Very high speed of execution.
3. Designed to reduce the programming efforts.

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