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Ans, 51. 52. Who were the impor The female figures became an a female figures became an allegory of the nation in the 18 18th ay coeeded in gainin ; ney SU z efforts: Ting the Halian stac el 9 jo! aldi with his armed yolunteet® a vans Tocal peasants and drove OU © Farther, Gari , seproctd from Bout S. ait (d)_ With this, the unification process of Italy ¥ seation? he ruler of united Italy int at ay was ruled hy ere he importa Pn tat a tong pene” mg over the central Italy were alitically fragmented in1° seven states (00 vee imprla has vail the Bourbon dynasty ruled i ed by Ne alan pri The portant Tt was only Sardinia- Piedmont sraonalities who took part in he process of | ay “Giuseppe Mazzini. During the 1830s, Mazzini devise f cccret society ke. Young Maly in 1831 whic inte the nations are the natural units ‘of mankind. ; on i i Si sho unified the res he Malian het Minster who unified ful diplomacy tt (b) Count Cavour. He wast ‘revolutionary nor a democrat. He spoke French and wi help of France in defeating “austrian forces in 1859. c) Giuseppe Garibaldi. He collected & large number of arme troops. He succeeded in winning the support of local peasat Who was the main force behind the unification of Italy? Mention two fe: movement. Count Cavour, the Italian Chief Minister, was the main force behind the unification of Italy. Following vere the features of the unification movement in Italy: {z)_ Despite hurdles in the movement for unification of Italy, liberty, equality and pal ed the ideals of the Ttalians which could not be suppressed. ‘The unification movement saw the combined efforts of people from all walks of life. There was eet mig ‘Jase that included professors, teachers, clerks and traders who carried out Explain in three points, how I points, how Ireland was incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801? [Foreign 2011] 2 were: tounite Italy. but fulfill his 20% he failed. He formed Is, He believed that ised effort nded 0 s of Italy. He was neither 4 volunteers and joined the regular nts and drove the Spanish away. atures of the unification ism remai (b) .. The population of Ireland was divided into two categori ategories ~ Catholics and Pri ‘otestants. The Britishers helped the Protestants to dominate the large Catholic i rb ne arp of Wns NU hen Tay home fe ‘end, the Irish had no other or ms th mb ene sate the United Kin son in 80. Atte The symbols of New Britain dager tir A subordinate partner t oe casipege. British flag (Union Jack), the national suchen a nthem, and the English How did th low did the female figures become an allegory of the nation dui ring the 19th century in Europe? Analyse. Explain the significance of portrayiny or [Detni 20161 and 19th centuries. ig nations as female Mgure by the Ey e European arti ists of the 18th [Foreign 2010] ways. (a) The antists thought of giving a fac nd the 19th century (b> Female figures were chosen ae to the nation and re jentury ithe following (c)_ It was just to give a symbolic wough these did not stand meted a 1a) twa sede remled the malice to the physical forgo at pangountry as a human form. cote neg sical form of a nation nat WOMAN in real lie symbol of unig nation. in real life. with it. i be Naa "Y and to persuade them to identif¥ 4 Ans. epublic. However: HIE OT _ volutions. the Pr In the Italian tve Germany was united b a unitary Italian unite Ital failu it ; After the army. ce Unification with the help of the army: tne gocracy aM the army. Gert SE aie . staan cation as continued TN ore elp of the Prussian army and 7 qCTaCy Otto von Bismarck with the IAN ser William Lof Prussia 1871 heade set gone played by Prussia. Couny Prussian chief minister The German empire W: an S: proclaimed in ia ‘nia-Piedmont pla} samillo de Cavour, the Chief Minister. veteenth century. Haly, with the help of the ted the Austrian forces. On the other ish out and united its king, of Europe? in unlike the rest of F : an follow 1 different pattern from the rest of Europe, Paersim emergence of nationalism was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. The no British nation prior to the 18th century. England was inhabited by different ethnic groups such as the English, the Welsh, the Scots or the Irish. Though all these ethnic groups had their own cultural and political traditions, the English group steadily grew up in power, wealth and importance and extended its influence over others. In 1688, through a bloodless revolution, the English Parliament seized power from monarchy and became the instrument to set up a nation-state with England at its centre. By Lhe of Union C am, Scotland was incorporated in the United Kingdom. rus ie Iris! ‘atholics ait i a a as cil oe aa ee ied a lis were sania a union with England, Ireland was forcibly incorporated = e 7 ie Conan i and not revolution or war that was the instrument through which ged into a strong democratic state. e similar t ved a role similar he separate states of . vement to unite U - - led the mT ctful diplomatic alliance with army a Giuseppe Garibaldi and his armed il The Italian n@ Jaimed in 1861 ition was proc! with Vietor Emmanuel I How was the history of nationalis: In Britain, the development of . Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans? Nationalist tensions emerged in the Balkans : because of i s () The spread of ideas of romantic nationalism. of the following reasons. ) The disintegration of the Ottoman Empi i 1 Otto pire that had previousl is (c) pigereat Stevie coments in the Balkans began to strive fot independent, ‘i te. Th tsoy to pov that hey had once been independent and had been subse te tne ' were jealous of each other and every state Meee bh tere: a capers of others, wanted more territory, even at the ) The situation worsened as bi i ; : ig powers Russia, Ge m c , Germany, Ei ir control over the Balkans to increase their tras cae ' Austro-Hungary too wanted . mulitary mioh: 68. Ans. a controversial issue. (c) They took advantage of the unrest in Europe to push their demands for freedom of press and association and creation of a nation-state. (d)_ They even formed their own political associations and founded their newspapers. (c)_ They held political meetings and staged deme ons to gain support to their demands. But they were denied suffrage rights during the assembly elections. When the Frankfurt parliament was being convened in the $t Paul Church, they were granted admission merely as spectators. st How did Balkans become the most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871? Explain with example [Foreign 2013] Or Discuss the reasons for the emergence of nationalist tensions in the Balkans. Or How did the Balkan ue became the reason for First World War? The Balkan region during 1871 comprised modern-day states like Romania, Bulgaria, Albani Mavedonia, Cros known as Slavs. , Greece, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sloveni |. Serbia and Montenegro. Its inhabitants were (a) This region had various ethnic and geographical diversities and was under the Ottoman Empire for a long period. As the ideas of romantic nationalism spread in this region. it resulted in breaking up of the Ottoman Empire which made the situation even more serious, (6) The Ottoman Empire could not do much to integrate these regions. As a result, most of the European subject nation their independence. (c)_ The Balkan people based their claim to be independent on the basis of nationality. They referred to the examples from history as a proof that they were once independent and were subjugated by foreign powers. Therefore, they thought of their struggles as attempts to win back their long-lost independence. (d)_ Because of this development, various other Slavic nationalities also struggled to define their identity and independence which made the Balkan a region of severe conflicts. At the same time they were jealous, of each other and wanted to gain more territory at the expense of the others. {e) European powers ‘ike Russia, Germany, England, Austro- Hungary too fought with each other to control more colonies and establish their naval and military might. They were also keen to grab more of the Balkan region for expanding their trade. This made the situation more serious which ended up with the waging of the First World War. ies broke away from the Ottoman Empire's control and declared 67. Discuss the role played by the women in nationalist struggles. Ans,” Women played a vital role in the nationalist struggles around the world. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Women from many parts of Europe like Germany, Italy and Poland actively supported the liberals demanding constitutional monarchy with national unification. They too joined their demands for political rights’ like suffrage’ along with the struggle of the liberals. But in spite of their active participation, extension of political rights to them remained a controversial issue. They took advantage of the unrest in Europe to push their demands for freedom of press and association and creation of a nation-state. They even formed their own political associations and founded their newspapers. They held political meetings and staged demonstrations to gain support to their demands. But they were denied suffrage rights during the assembly elections. When the Frankfurt parliament was being convened in the St Paul Church, they were granted admission merely as spectators. - jermany. 66. Examine the different stages of the unification of Ge Or Ans. Describe the process of unification of Germany. in the followin The process of German unification was carried out in i hroug' . ‘Germany was made in 1848 t (2) The first attempt for the unification of Germany was ma (d) (e) [Delhi 2015] ays. . 1 way! h the establishment of ing a parliament . ng a parliam , . ilhelm IV by conven! 4 constitutional monarchy under the Prussian king ed the Ciher monarch to oppose at Frankfurt. The Prussian king rejected this move and joine the elected assembly. ae ion-state. unite the different regions of the German confederation into a mato} | unification. Otto von Prussia took the initiative and leadership of the movement for national u i Ta Bismarck, the Chief Minister of Prussia, with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy Denmark and France, which ended in carried the process further, He fought three wars over seven years against Austria, f German unification. eror at Versailles. Thus on 18 January, Prussian victory. This victory completed the Process of Prussian King William I was proclaimed as German emp elm of Prussia was proclaimed. 1871, the new German empire headed by Kaiser Wilh © Were Widespread nationalist feel! ied to ‘eclings among middle-cla: ‘ermans, who in 1848, tried , ati Bs ig |dle-class Germ: — oe eee ee Wer was \«) Austro-Prussian Warin dete control of Schleswig-Hol: sin. However the ond dominant force in Germany. Bism, ¥ supremacy in Germany. He Prussian troops occupied Ho Prussia and Austria, During by Prussian forces at the Bat in German affairs. An ext expel Austria from the Gerr of Prussia. Prussia was now able to dominate the other ( Austrian intervention. (ui) North German the first step tactfully secure olstein and the the Seven Weeks Ale of Sadowa, an rdinary lenient treaty, the T' War (1866) Confederation in 1866: After defe: the North German Confederation in 1866, It was northern German states. It contained all German s successfully controlled by Prussia. The remaining Ge to join, including Bavaria, Warttemberg, now ready to take on France. (iv) Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71: deal with France. In 1870 Bismar suggested a German candidate's n: behind this move was to make the on Prussia and the North Germ: over France at the Battle of Sed: tates. in the unification of Germany. 1866: In 1866 relations between Austria and Prussia worsened arck provoked quarrel ‘an Confederation so that Austria did 1 ‘ating Austria, B composed of Prussia and 17 small To complete German unification Bismarck h: ‘ck purposely created war with France. Bist ame for the vacant Spanish throne. The hidden aim French emperor Napoleon III angry and declare war an Confederation. Prussia was completely victorious ee aes OED by SOU concern was to emerge as the Is with the Austrians to gain d Italian support and French neutrality. Seven Weeks War’ broke out between ), Austria was totally crushed il was completely removed from any role reaty of Prague was signed to jot remain an enemy Jerman states without fear of ismarck organised North of the Main River was rerman states were eventually forced Baden and Hesse-Darmstadt, Bismarck was ad to marck lan in 1870 and gained control over Alsace-Lorraine. For unification Bismarck followed ‘ ‘Blood and Iron’ of German unification was completed in 1871. 18. During the middle of 19th policy. Thus, the long planned journey century Italy was divided into seven states of which only one Serdinia-Piedmont was rul led by an Italian ruler. (a) Role of Mazzini: frightened conse: republics. (0) Role of Count Cavour: He was a chief minister who He formed a diplomatic alliance with France and defeat Serdinia-Piedmont in 1859, (c) Role of Garibaldi: He marched to the kin, Spanish ruler with tl (d) Unification: In 1 Emmanual was proclaimed the king of unified Italy, he support of local peasants in 1860, ‘861 the process of unification of Italy was completed and V He formed secret society called ‘Young Italy’ for achieving his goal. He rvatives through oppositions of monarchy and a vision of democratic led the movement to unity Italy ited the Austrian forces from igdom of the two Sicilies and drive out the vl Gti ian UuCaUUL Was CULUpieLeu Lu 10/4. 18. During the middle of 19th century Italy was divided into seven states of which only one Serdinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian ruler. (a) Role of Mazzini: He formed secret society called ‘Young Italy’ for achieving his goal. He frightened conservatives through oppositions of monarchy and a vision of democratic republics. (6) Role of Count Cavour: He was a chief minister who led the movement to unify Italy. He formed a diplomatic alliance with France and defeated the Austrian forces from Serdinia-Piedmont in 1859. (c) Role of Garibaldi: He marched to the kingdom of the two Sicilies and drive out the Spanish ruler with the support of local peasants in 1860. (d) Unification: In 1861 the process of unification of Italy was completed and Victor Emmanual was proclaimed the king of unified Italy.

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