Engineering Mechanics

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School of Mechanical Engineering

MEE 1002
Engineering Mechanics
Faculty: Dr. M.Velu
Cabin:GDN G 09-F (Near Fluid Mechanics Lab)
Conduct of the Course
• Three hours per week including lectures, discussions, and
• There are homework problems, two Continuous
Assessment Tests (CAT), Digital Assignments and a FAT.
There will be a great deal of hands on and observed problem
solving in the class. History has shown Regular
attendance is necessary to be successful in the class.

Component Marks
CAT - I 15 • Solve lots of
CAT - II 15 problems
Digital Assignments (3) 30
TEE 40
Total 100

At the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate by

examination that you can
• Draw free body diagrams
• Write and solve equilibrium equations for particles and rigid
• Find external reactions for rigid bodies
• Find solutions for the problems involving dry friction
• Find centroids and moments of inertia for plane figures
• Present solutions to simple engineering problems in a
professional manner
• Keep track of units in the problems
• Module I
Basics of Statics
• Module II
Analysis of Structures
• Module III
• Module IV
Properties of Surfaces and Solids
• Module V
Virtual Work
• Module VI
• Module VII
Energy and Momentum Methods
Text Books

1. Beer, Johnston, Cornwell and Sanghi (2013) Vector Mechanics for

Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 10th Edition, McGraw-Companies, Inc.,
New York.

Reference Books

1. Timoshenko. S, Young. D.H and Rao. J.V. (2007), Engineering Mechanics,

4th Edition, McGraw-Companies, Inc., New York.
2. Irving H. Shames and Krishna Mohaba Rao. G (2009), Engineering
Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
3. Meriam J.L and Kraige L.G. (2012) Engineering Mechanics, Volume I -
Statics, Volume II - Dynamics,7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Tayal. A. K. (2010) Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, Umesh
Publications, New Delhi.
What is Mechanics?
• Science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or
motion of bodies under the action of forces.
• The purpose of mechanics is to explain and predict physical
phenomena and thus to lay the foundations for engineering


Mechanics of Mechanics of
Mechanics of fluids
Deformable bodies
rigid bodies

Statics Dynamics

Kinematics Kinetics
Statics Deals with bodies at rest.


Kinematics Velocity


Fundamental concepts
• Space - associated with the representation of the position of a point P given in
terms of three coordinates measured from a reference point or origin.
• Time – definition of an event requires specification of the time and position at
which it occurred.
• Mass – used to characterize and compare bodies. Two bodies of the same
mass, for example, will be attracted by the earth in the same manner;they will
also offer the same resistance to a change in translational motion.
• In physics, mass is a property of a physical body. It is a measure of an object's
resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a force is
• In Newtonian physics, mass can be generalized as the amount of matter in an
• Force – represents the action of one body on another. A force is characterized
by its point of application, magnitude, and direction, i.e., a force is a vector.
Six Fundamental Principles
The Parallelogram Law for the Addition of Forces.-
This states that two forces acting on a particle may be
replaced by a single force, called their resultant, obtained
by drawing the diagonal of the parallelogram which has
sides equal to the given forces.
Six Fundamental Principles
The Principle of Transmissibility. This states
that the condition of equilibrium or of motion
of a rigid body will remain unchanged if a
force acting at a given point of the rigid body
is replaced by a force of the same magnitude
and same direction, but acting at a different
point, provided that the two forces have the
same line of action.
Six Fundamental Principles
Proof-The Principle of Transmissibility
Six Fundamental Principles
Newton’s Three Fundamental Laws.
FIRST LAW. If the resultant force acting on a particle is zero, the
particle will remain at rest (if originally at rest) or will move
with constant speed in a straight line (if originally in motion)
SECOND LAW. If the resultant force acting on a particle is not
zero, the particle will have an acceleration proportional to the
magnitude of the resultant and in the direction of this resultant
 
F  ma

THIRD LAW. The forces of action and reaction between bodies

in contact have the same magnitude, same line of action, and
opposite sense.
Six Fundamental Principles
Newton’s Law of Gravitation. This states that two
particles of mass M and m are mutually attracted with equal
and opposite forces F and –F of magnitude F given by the

F G 2
Where r = distance between the two particles
G = universal constant called the constant of gravitation
Application: The force F exerted by the earth on the particle
located on its surface, is defined as the weight W of the

g 2 W  mg
Summary: Six Fundamental Principles
• Newton’s First Law: If the resultant force
on a particle is zero, the particle will remain at
rest or continue to move in a straight line.

• Newton’s Second Law: A particle will

have an acceleration proportional to a

F  ma
resultant applied force.
• Parallelogram Law  

• Newton’s Third Law: The forces of action

and reaction between two particles have the
same magnitude and line of action with
opposite sense.
• Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Two
• Principle of particles are attracted with equal and opposite
F G 2 W  mg , g  2
Transmissibility Mm GM
r R
Systems of Units
• International System of units (SI Units)
Length – meter (m) Multiplication Prefix Symbol
Mass – kilogram (kg)
Time – second (s) 1012 Tera T
Force – Newton (N)
109 Giga G
106 Mega M
103 Kilo k
10-3 Milli m
10-6 Micro μ
10-9 Nano n
10-12 Pico p
Statics of Particles
Particle: Size and shape of the body are neglected, but not
the mass.
Forces in a plane
Resultant of several concurrent forces (Polygon law)
Resolution of a force into components
Rectangular components of a force.Unit vectors.
Addition of forces by summing X and Y components
Equilibrium of a Particle
Forces in a plane
A force represents the action of one body on another and
is generally characterized by its point of application, its
magnitude, and its direction.
• Characteristics of a force are its
1. Magnitude
2. Point of application
3. Direction
Unit: Newton (N)
• 1 Newton is defined as the force which gives an acceleration of
1 m/s2 to a mass of 1 kg.
• Concentrated force or a point force: it is the force acting
on a very small area.
• Distributed force: force distributed over a length or an area or a
• Line of action of force: Direction along a straight line through
its point of application, in which the force tends to move a body to
which it is applied.
• Graphical representation of force:
•System of forces: when several forces of various magnitude and
direction act upon a body they are said to form system of forces.
• Classification of system of forces: Classified as per
orientation of line of action of forces.
System of forces

Coplanar ( In Plane)/ 2-D Non Coplanar(Space)-3-D

Concurrent Non- concurrent Concurrent Non- concurrent

Parallel General Parallel General

•Concurrent force system: acts on a particle or rigid body

•Parallel and General force system: acts mainly on rigid bodies

Vector: parameters possessing magnitude and
direction which add according to the
parallelogram law. Examples: displacements,
velocities, accelerations.

Scalar: parameters possessing magnitude but not direction.

Examples: mass, volume, or energy.

Vector classifications:
- Fixed or bound vectors have well defined points of
application that cannot be moved without modifying the
conditions of the problem.e.g. forces on particle.
- Free vectors may be freely moved in space without changing
their effect on an analysis.e.g. couple

-Sliding vectors may be applied anywhere along their line of
action without affecting an analysis.e.g. forces on rigid bodies.

-Equal vectors have the same magnitude and direction.

- Negative vector of a given vector has the same magnitude and

the opposite direction.

P + (-P) = 0
Addition of Vectors
• Parallelogram law for vector
• Triangle rule for vector addition-
tip-to-tail fashion

• Law of cosines,
R 2  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ cos B
R  PQ
  

•Law of sines
 
SinA SinB SinC
• Vector addition is commutative,

PQ  Q P
   

• Vector subtraction
• The polygon rule for the addition of
three or more vectors.

P  Q  S  P  Q   S  P  Q  S 
• Vector addition is associative,
        

• Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

Resultant of several concurrent forces
The no. of ways in which a given force F may be resolved into
two components is unlimited.

• Vector force components: two or more

force vectors which, together, have the
same effect as a single force vector.
1.One of the Two Components, P. Is known.

2.The Line of Action of Each Component Is Known

Sample Problem 1
Graphical solution - A parallelogram
with sides equal to P and Q is drawn
to scale. The magnitude and direction
of the resultant or of the diagonal to
The two forces act on a the parallelogram are measured
bolt at A. Determine their

R  98 N   35
Triangle Rule
Rectangular Components of a Force. Unit Vectors
• Resolve a force vector into two perpendicular
components, so that the resulting parallelogram
 
is a rectangle. Fx and Fy are referred to as

F  Fx  Fy
  
rectangular components and

• Define perpendicular unit vectors

which are parallel to the x and y axes.
•Vector components may be expressed as
products of the unit vectors with the scalar
magnitudes of the vector components.
F  Fx i  Fy j
  

• Fx and Fy are referred to as the scalar

components of
Addition of Forces by Summing Components
• Wish to find the resultant of 3 or
more concurrent forces,
R  PQ S
   

• Resolve each force into rectangular

Rx i  Ry j  Px i  Py j  Qx i  Qy j  S x i  S y j
       

 Px  Qx  S x i  Py  Qy  S y  j
 

• The scalar components of the resultant

are equal to the sum of the corresponding

Ry  Py  Qy  S y
scalar components of the given forces.
Rx  Px  Qx  S x
  Fx   Fy
• To find the resultant magnitude
R  R x2  R y2   tan 1 Ry
and direction,
Rectangular Components in different Quadrants
8.09 kN , 98.5°
Determine the resultant of the forces shown.
Determine the resultant of the three forces shown
Equilibrium of a Particle
• When the resultant of all forces acting on a particle is zero, the
particle is in equilibrium.

• Particle acted upon by two

- equal magnitude
- same line of action
- opposite sense

• Newton’s First Law: If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the

particle will remain at rest or will continue at constant speed in a
straight line.
• Particle acted upon by three or more forces:
- graphical solution yields a closed

F1 = 300 N

F2 = 173.2N

F4 = 400 N
F3 = 200 N
- algebraic solution

R  F  0
 

 Fx  0  Fy  0
Free-Body Diagrams
• Free body diagram is the sketch of the isolated body which shows
the external force on the body and the reactions on it by the removed
elements (supports).
General Procedure for construction of free body diagram
1. Draw the sketch of body without supporting surfaces.

2. Show all the external or applied forces on this sketch

3. Show all the reactive forces such as those caused by constraints

or supports

4. Show all relevant dimensions , angles and reference axes on the

Draw FBD for following system WP





Free-Body Diagrams


500 A 300

736 N

Free-Body Diagram: A sketch

Space Diagram: A sketch
showing the physical showing only the forces on the
selected particle.
conditions of the problem.
Lami’s Theorem
If the three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is
proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces.

 
θ2 θ3

Sin1 Sin 2 Sin 3

F1 F2 F3

F3 θ1
Rectangular Components of a force in Space

• The vector is • Resolve into • Resolve into

contained in the horizontal and rectangular
plane OBAC. vertical components.
Fx  Fh cos
 F sin  y cos
Fy  F cos  y
Fz  Fh sin 
Fh  F sin  y  F sin  y sin 
• With the angles between F and the axes,
Fx  F cos  x Fy  F cos  y Fz  F cos  z
F  Fx i  Fy j  Fz k
   

 F cos  x i  cos  y j  cos  z k 

  

 F

  cos  x i  cos  y j  cos  z k

   

 is a unit vector along the line of action of F

 

  x , cos  y , and cos  z are the direction cosines
and cos
for F
F  FX  FY  FZ
2 2 2


cos  x  cos  y  cos  z  1

2 2 2
Force Defined by its Magnitude and Two Points on its line of action.

B (xB, yB, zB)


AB  B - A
  

B  x B i  yB j  z Bk
   
A  xA i  yA j  zAk
   

A (xA, yA, zA)  AB
o x

F  F
 

Express each force as
vectors and add them to get
a resultant force vector.
Graphical or trigonometric
methods are generally not
practical in the case of
forces in space.
o x

A tower guy wire is anchored by means of a bolt at A. The
tension in the wire is 2500 N. Determine(a) the components Fx ,
Fy, Fz of the force acting on the bolt, (b) the angles θx,θy,and θz
defining the direction of the force.
 x  115.1
 y  32.0
 z  71.5
1. A transmission tower is held by three guy wires anchored by bolts at B, C, and
D. If the tension in wire AB is 2100 N, determine the components of the force
exerted by the wire on the bolt at B.
2. A transmission tower is held by three guy wires anchored by bolts at B, C, and D.
If the tension in wire AD is 1260 N, determine the components of the force
exerted by the wire on the bolt at D. (Ans:+200 N, +1000 N, +740 N)
Two cables BG and BH are attached to the frame ACD as shown. Knowing that the tension in
cable BG is 450 N, determine the components of the force exerted by cable BG on the frame at B.
( ANS: -200 N, +370 N, -160 N )
Two cables BG and BH are attached to the frame ACD as shown. Knowing that the tension in
cable BH is 600 N, determine the components of the force exerted by cable BH on the frame at B.
The boom OA carries a load P and is supported by two cables as shown. Knowing that the tension is
510 N in cable AB and 765 N in cable AC, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of
the forces exerted at A by the two cables. ( ANS: 1122 N, 147.7°, 61.6°, 104.2°)
For the boom shown below, knowing that α = 0°, the tension in cable AB is 600 N, and
the resultant of the load P and the forces exerted at A by the two cables is directed
along OA, determine (a) the tension in cable AC, (b) the magnitude of the load P. (
ANS: 360 N, 424 N )
The necessary and sufficient conditions for the equilibrium of a the
particle in space.They can be used to find not more than three

R 0


R xi  R y j  R zk  0
  

R x  Fx  0
R y   Fy  0
R z  Fz  0
The support assembly shown is bolted in place at B, C, and D and supports a downward force P at
A. Knowing that the forces in members AB, AC, and AD are directed along the respective
members and that the force in member AB is 29.2 N, determine the magnitude of P.
55.9 N
Vector Product of Two Vectors
• Concept of the moment of a force about a
point is more easily understood through
applications of the vector product or cross
• Vector product of two vectors P and Q is
defined as the vector V which satisfies
the following conditions:
1. Line of action of V is perpendicular
to plane containing P and Q.
2. Magnitude of V is PQSinθ
3. Direction of V is obtained from the

Q  P   P  Q 
right-hand rule.
• Vector products:
- are not commutative, P  Q1  Q2   P  Q1  P  Q2

- are distributive,  P  Q   S  P  Q  S 
- are not associative
Vector Products: Rectangular Components
• Vector products of Cartesian unit vectors,

i i  0 j  i  k k  i  j
       

i j k j j 0 k  j  i
       

i k   j j k  i k k  0
       
Vector products in terms of rectangular coordinates

V  Px i  Py j  Pz k  Qx i  Q y j  Qz k 
      

 
 Py Qz  Pz Q y i   Pz Q x  Px Q z  j
 

 Px Q y  Py Qx k 

  
i j k
 Px Py Pz
Qx Qy Qz
Moment of a Force About a Point
• A force vector is defined by its magnitude and direction. Its effect
on the rigid body also depends on it’s point of application.

MO  r  F
• The moment of F about O is defined as

• The moment vector MO is perpendicular to

the plane containing O and the force F.

• Magnitude of MO measures the tendency of

the force to cause rotation of the body about

M O  rF sin   Fd
an axis along MO.

• The sense of the moment may be

determined by the right-hand rule.
S.I Unit : N. m

•Although the moment Mo of force about a point depends upon a

magnitude, the line of action, and the sense of the force, it does not
depend upon the actual position of the point of application of the
force along its line of action.

Conversely, the moment Mo of the force F does not characterize the

point of application of force F

•Any force F’ that has the same magnitude and direction as F, is

equivalent if it also has the same line of action and therefore,
produces the same moment.
Moment of a Force About a Point

• Two-dimensional structures have length and

breadth but negligible depth and are subjected
to forces contained in the plane of the

• The plane of the structure contains the

point O and the force F. MO, the moment
of the force about O is perpendicular to the
• If the force tends to rotate the structure counterclockwise, the sense
of the moment vector is out of the plane of the structure and the
magnitude of the moment is positive.

• If the force tends to rotate the structure clockwise, the sense of the
moment vector is into the plane of the structure and the magnitude
of the moment is negative.
↑arignon’s Theorem
• The moment about a given point O of the resultant of several
concurrent forces is equal to the sum of the moments of the various
forces about the same point O.

r  F1  F2    r  F1  r  F2  
      

• ↑arigon’s Theorem makes it possible to replace the direct

determination of the moment of a force F by the moments of two
or more component forces of F.
Rectangular Components of the Moment of a Force

The moment of F about O,

MO  r  F, r  xi  yj  zk
      

F  Fx i  Fy j  Fz k
   

M O  M xi  M y j  M z k
   

  
i j k
 x y z
Fx Fy Fz

   
 yFz  zFy i   zFx  xFz  j  xFy  yFx k
  
The moment of F about B,

M B  rA / B  F
  

rA / B  rA  rB
  

 x A  xB i   y A  y B  j  z A  z B  k
  

F  Fx i  Fy j  Fz k
   

  

M B  x A  xB   y A  yB  z A  z B 
i j k

Fx Fy Fz
M O  xFy  yFx k
For two-dimensional structures,
 

 xFy  yFx

 x A  xB Fy   y A  y B Fx
A 100 N vertical force is applied to the
end of a lever which is attached to a
Sample Problem shaft at O.
a) moment about O,
b) horizontal force at A which creates the
same moment,
c) smallest force at A which produces the
same moment,
d) location for a 240 N vertical force to
produce the same moment,
e) whether any of the forces from b, c,
and d is equivalent to the original
The rectangular plate is supported by the brackets at A and B and by a
wire CD. Knowing that the tension in the wire is 200 N, determine
the moment about A of the force exerted by the wire at C.
M A  7.68 N  m i  28.8 N  m j  28.8 N  mk
   
It is known that the connecting rod AB exerts on the crank BC a 2.5-kN force directed
down and to the left along the centerline of AB. Determine the moment of that force
about C.
A sign is suspended from two chains AE and BF. Knowing that the tension in BF is 200 N, determine
(a) the moment about A of the force exerted by the chain at B, (b) the smallest force applied at C
which creates the same moment about A, (c) the smallest force applied at B which creates the same
moment about A
Before a telephone cable is strung, rope BAC is tied to a stake at B and is passed over a
pulley at A. Knowing that portion AC of the rope lies in a plane parallel to the xy plane
and that the magnitude of the tension T in the rope is 62 N, determine the moment
about O of the resultant force exerted on the pulley by the rope.
(236.1 N . m)i– (46.24 N . m)j + (462.4 N . m)k
A precast concrete wall section is temporarily held by two cables as shown. Knowing that
the tensions in cables BD and FE are 900 N and 675 N, respectively, determine the
moment about point O of the force exerted by (a) cable BD, (b) cable FE.
Scalar Product of Two Vectors
• The scalar product or dot product between

scalar result 
two vectors P and Q is defined as
P  Q  PQ cos
 

• Scalar products:
- are commutative, P  Q  Q  P
   

P  Q1  Q2   P  Q1  P  Q2
      

- are not associative, P  Q  S  undefined

- are distributive,
  

P  Q  Px i  Py j  Pz k  Qx i  Qy j  Qz k 
• Scalar products with Cartesian unit components,
       

i i 1 j  j 1 k k 1 i  j  0 j k  0 k i  0
           

P  Q  Px Qx  Py Q y  Pz Qz
 

P  P  Px2  Py2  Pz2  P 2

 
• Angle between two vectors:
P  Q  PQ cos   Px Qx  Py Q y  Pz Qz
 

Px Qx  Py Q y  Pz Qz
cos  
• Projection of a vector on a given axis:
POL  P cos   projection of P along OL
P  Q  PQ cos 
 

 
 P cos   POL

• For an axis defined by a unit vector:

POL  P  
 

 Px cos  x  Py cos  y  Pz cos  z

Mixed Triple Product of Three Vectors
S  P  Q   scalar result
  

• The six mixed triple products formed from

S, P, and Q have equal magnitudes but not

S  P  Q   P  Q  S   Q  S  P 
the same sign,
        

  S  Q  P    P  S  Q   Q  P  S 
       

S  P  Q   S x Py Qz  Pz Q y   S y Pz Qx  Px Qz 
• Evaluating the mixed triple product,
  

 S z Pxy Qz  Py Qx 
Sx Sy Sz
 Px Py Pz
Qx Qy Qz
Moment of a Force About a Given Axis
• Moment MO of a force F applied at the point A
about a point O,
MO  r  F
  

• Scalar moment MOL about an axis OL is

the projection of the moment vector MO

M OL    M O    r  F 
onto the axis,
    

• Moments of F about the coordinate axes,

M x  yFz  zFy
M y  zFx  xFz

M z  xFy  yFx
Moment of a force about an arbitrary axis

  MB
 

   rA B  F 
  

 rA  rB
  
rA B

• The result is independent of the point B along the given axis.

Ans. =63.6°
Principle of Transmissibility
The Principle of Transmissibility states that the conditions of
equilibrium or motion of rigid body will remain unchanged if a force
F acting at a given point of rigid body is replaced by a force F’ of the
same magnitude and same direction, but acting at different point,
provided that the two forces have the same line of action.

F and F’ are equivalent forces.

• Moving the point of application of the force F to the rear bumper
does not affect the motion or the other forces acting on the truck.

• Principle of transmissibility may not always apply in determining

internal forces and deformations.
The rectangular platform is hinged at A and B and is supported by a cable that passes
over a frictionless hook at E. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 1349 N, determine
the moment about each of the coordinate axes of the force exerted by the cable at C.
The frame ACD is hinged at A and D and is supported by a cable that passes
through a ring at B and is attached to hooks at G and H. Knowing that the
tension in the cable is 1125 N, determine the moment about the diagonal AD of
the force exerted on the frame by portion (a) BH (b) BG of the cable.
• Two forces F and -F having the same
magnitude, parallel lines of action, and opposite
sense are said to form a couple.

M  rA  F  rB   F 
Moment of the couple
    

 rA  rB   F
  

 r F
 

M  rF sin   Fd

• The moment vector of the couple is

independent of the choice of the origin of the
coordinate axes, i.e., it is a free vector that
can be applied at any point with the same
Example of a couple
Two couples will have equal moments if

F1d1  F2 d 2

• the two couples lie in parallel planes, and

• the two couples have the same sense or the tendency to cause
rotation in the same direction.
Addition of Couples
• Consider two intersecting planes P1 and P2 with each containing
a couple
M 1  r  F1 in plane P1
  

M 2  r  F2 in plane P2
  

• Resultants of the vectors also form a couple

M  r  R  r  F1  F2 
     

• By ↑arigon’s theorem

M  r  F1  r  F2
    

 M1  M 2
 

• Sum of two couples is also a couple that is equal

to the vector sum of the two couples
Couples Can Be Represented by Vectors

• A couple can be represented by a vector with magnitude and

direction equal to the moment of the couple.

• Couple vectors obey the law of addition of vectors.

• Couple vectors are free vectors, i.e., the point of application is

not significant.
• Couple vectors may be resolved into component
Resolution of a Force Into a Force at O and a Couple

• Force vector F can not be simply moved to O without modifying its

action on the body.
• Attaching equal and opposite force vectors at O produces no net
effect on the body.

• The three forces may be replaced by an equivalent force vector and

couple vector, i.e, a force-couple system.
• Moving F from A to a different point O’ requires the addition of
a different couple vector MO’
M O'  r   F
  

• The moments of F about O and O’ are relate

M O '  r 'F  r  s   F  r  F  s  F
         

 MO  s  F
  

• Moving the force-couple system from O to O’ requires the

addition of the moment of the force at O about O’.
MEE 202 Engineering Mechanics
Assignment I
Winter Semester 2014-15
(Jan 2015-May 2015)
Refer: Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Statics and
Dynamics (Eighth Edition)-Second Reprint 2008.
Date of Submission: 18.2.2015

Page No. Q. No.

55 2.88
67 2.134
91 3.14
92 3.26
104 3.49
104 3.50
105 3.57
System of Forces: Reduction to a Force and Couple

• A system of forces may be replaced by a collection of force-couple

systems acting at a given point O
• The force and couple vectors may be
combined into a resultant force vector and a
resultant couple vector,
•Equivalent force-couple system is

R  F M O   r  F 
defined by
  R  
• The force-couple system at O may be moved to O’ with the
addition of the moment of R about O’ ,

M O'  M O  s  R
R R  
Equivalent Systems of Forces

Two systems of forces are equivalent if they can

be reduced to the same force-couple system.
Reduction of a System of Forces to a single force
• If the resultant force and couple at O are mutually perpendicular, they can
be replaced by a single force acting along a new line of action.
• The resultant force-couple system for a system of forces will be mutually
perpendicular if:
1) the forces are concurrent,
2) the forces are coplanar, or
3) the forces are parallel.
• System can be reduced to a single force by moving the line of action of R
until its moment about O becomes MO
• In terms of rectangular
An Example of Equivalent
Force-Couple System
An Example of a Wrench
Couple in Plane

The effect of couple is a moment, and this moment is same about any
point ‘O’. So the couple can be

1. Rotated through any angle

2. Shifted to any position i.e., a free vector
3. Replaced by another pair of forces whose rotational effect is same.
4. Added algebraically
R = 80 kN ↓ , x = 3.5 m, z = 3.00 m
Four forces and a couple are applied to a rectangular plate
as shown in Fig. Determine the magnitude and the
direction of resultant of force-couple system.
Also determine the distance from O along x-axis where the
resultant intersects.
Answer: 1285.496 kN, 13.5° in third quadrant,

x intercept = 3.867m,

y intercept = 0.928m
Determine the resultant of the four forces tangent to
the circle of radius 1.5 m as shown in Figure
below.Also determine its location with respect to ‘O’
Answer: 19.886 kN , 50.36° in IV quadrant,

location along x & y axis = 1.959m and 2.365m

Statics of Rigid Bodies in Plane
• Equations of equilibrium of rigid body in plane
• Types of Supports and reactions in Plane (
i.e.,Two Dimension)
• Types of Beams and their free body diagram
• Types of Loads
• Types of Loads and Equivalent concentrated
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in Space
• For a rigid body in static equilibrium, the external forces and
moments are balanced and will impart no translational or rotational
motion to the body.
• The necessary and sufficient condition for the static equilibrium of a
body are that the resultant force and couple from all external forces

 F  0  M O   r  F   0
form a system equivalent to zero,
   

• Resolving each force and moment into its rectangular components

leads to 6 scalar equations which also express the conditions for
static equilibrium,

 Fx  0  Fy  0  Fz  0
Mx  0 M y  0 Mz  0
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Two Dimensions
• For all forces and moments acting on a
two-dimensional structure,
Fz  0 Mx  My  0 M z  MO

• Equations of equilibrium become

 Fx  0  Fy  0  M A  0
where A is any point in the plane of
the structure.
• The 3 equations can be solved for no
more than 3 unknowns.
• The 3 equations can not be augmented
with additional equations, but they
can be replaced
 Fx  0  M A  0  M B  0
Reactions at Supports and Connections for a
Two-Dimensional Structure
• Reactions equivalent to a force with known line of action.
Reactions equivalent to a force of unknown direction and magnitude.
Reactions Equivalent To A Force And A Couple.

Fixed support/ Built-in support

Types of Beams

Simply supported beam(SSB)

Overhang beam
-Single side
-Double side
Continuous beam
Cantilever beam
Fixed beam
Types Of Loads And Their Equivalent
Point load or concentrated load

Uniformly distributed load (UDL)

Uniformly varying load (UVL)

Find the reactions at A and B. See Figure shown below.
Answer: HA= 17.32kN( ),
VA= 10kN( ),
VB= 45 kN( ) )
Determine the reactions at supports A,B,C & D, for the beam shown in figure.
(Answer: HA= 15kN,
VA = 22.7 kN,
VB = 11.852 kN,
VC = 8.571 kN,
VD = 11.429 kN,
HD= 0 )
Find reactions at support at A of Cantilevered beam
Module II
• Analysis of Trusses
• Method of Joints
Method of Sections
Module III

• It is assumed that surfaces in contact were either frictionless

(surfaces could move freely with respect to each other) or rough
(tangential forces prevent relative motion between surfaces).
• Actually, no perfectly frictionless surface exists. For two surfaces
in contact, tangential forces, called friction forces, will develop if
one attempts to move one relative to the other.
• However, the friction forces are limited in magnitude and will not
prevent motion if sufficiently large forces are applied.
• The distinction between frictionless and rough is, therefore, a
matter of degree.
• There are two types of friction: dry or Coulomb friction and fluid
friction. Fluid friction applies to lubricated mechanisms. The
present discussion is limited to dry friction between nonlubricated
The Laws of Dry Friction.
Coefficients of Friction
• Block of weight W placed on horizontal surface. Forces acting on
block are its weight and reaction of surface N.

• Small horizontal force P applied to block. For block to remain

stationary, in equilibrium, a horizontal component F of the surface
reaction is required. F is a static-friction force.
• As P increases, the static-friction force F increases as well until it
reaches a maximum value Fm.

Fm   s N

μs = coefficient of static friction

• Further increase in P causes the block to begin to move as F drops

Fk   k N
to a smaller kinetic-friction force Fk.

μk = coefficient of kinetic or dynamic friction

μk ≈ 0.75 μs
• Maximum static-friction force and kinetic-friction force are:

- proportional to normal force

- dependent on type and condition of contact surfaces

- independent of contact area

• Four situations can occur when a rigid body is in contact with a
horizontal surface:

• No motion, • Motion impending, • Motion,

• No friction,
(Px = Fm) (Px > FK)
(Px = 0) (Px < Fm)

• It is sometimes convenient to replace normal force N and friction
force F by their resultant R:

• No friction
• Motion impending • Motion
 N
tan  k   k

tan  k   k
Angles of Friction
Consider block of weight W resting on board with variable inclination
angle θ.
• No friction • No motion

• Motion • Motion
Problems Involving Dry Friction : 3 cases
Case I Case II Case III

• All applied forces known • All applied forces known • Coefficient of static
friction is known
• Coefficient of static • Motion is impending
friction is known • Motion is impending
• Determine value of
• Determine whether body coefficient of static • Determine magnitude
will remain at rest or friction. or direction of one of
slide the applied forces
→hat is the least value of ‘P’to cause motion to impend?
Assume µ s = 0.2.

Answer : θ = 11°20' , P = 737.1 N
Friction force is opposite to the applied force P. Here,
the purpose of P is to impend the blocks to the right
and upwards respectively. The motion in reverse will
take place even without P, due to 70 kg is heavier than
45 kg. Therefore, Impending direction is to the right
for 45 kg block and upwards for the other, when P is

If least P for maintaining equilibrium is required, then

the opposite direction may be considered. Because the
70 kg block will go down on its own pulling 40 kg
block toward left in turn. This P , in this case is to
prevent tis motion and maintain equilibrium.
Cube ‘A’ having mass of 8 kg is 100 mm on a side. Angle θ = 15°.
If the µ =1/4 , will the cube slide (or) tip as the force ‘P’is gradually increased?
(Answer: Psliding = 39.2 N , Ptipping = 48 N)
A 6.5-m ladder AB of mass 10 kg leans against a wall as shown.
Assuming that the coefficient of static friction μs is the same at
both surfaces of contact, determine the smallest value of μs for which
equilibrium can be maintained.
Determine the horizontal force ‘P’ required for wedge ‘B’ to raise the block ‘A’
of weight 4500 N, if the coefficient of friction on all contact surfaces is 0.2

15 deg.

P = 3468.63 N
Module IV
Properties of Surfaces and Solids
• The earth exerts a gravitational force on each of the particles
forming a body. These forces can be replaced by a single equivalent
force equal to the weight of the body and applied at the center of
gravity for the body
• The centroid of an area is analogous to the center of gravity of a
body. The concept of the first moment of an area is used to locate
the centroid.
Difference between Centroid, and Center of gravity

1) The term Center of gravity applies to the bodies with mass and
weight, while the term “Centroid" applies to plane areas.

2) Center of gravity of a body is the point through which the resultant

gravitational force (weight) of the body acts for any orientation of the
body while centroid is the point in a plane area such that the moment
of the area, about any axis, through that point is zero.
Centroid" is a purely mathematical, geometric concept- the geometric
center of a body. It can be calculated as the center of mass of an
object with constant density. "Center of mass" and "center of
gravity" are the same- although the concepts are slightly different: the
concept "center of gravity" strictly speaking requires, a uniform
gravitational field while "center of mass" does not. But they are
exactly the same point on an object.
Center of Gravity of a 2D Body
Center of gravity of a plate

M x W   x W
  x dW

M yW   y W
  y dW
Centroids and First Moments of Areas
Centroid of an area

Where γ = specific

x W   x dW
density (weight per
unit volume) of the

x At    x t dA


x A   x dA  Qy
t = thickness of the

 first moment with respect to y


yA   y dA  Qx
 first moment with respect to x
• An area is symmetric with respect to an axis BB’ if for every point P there exists a point P’
such that PP’ is perpendicular to BB’ and is divided into two equal parts by BB’.

• The first moment of an area with respect to a line of symmetry is zero.

• If an area possesses a line of symmetry, its centroid lies on that axis

•If an area possesses two

lines of symmetry, its
centroid lies at their
• An area is symmetric with respect to a center O if for every
element dA at (x,y) there exists an area dA’ of equal area at (-x,-y).

• The centroid of the area coincides with the center of symmetry.

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