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➢ Before you start answering, make sure you
Duration: 2hours have read through the question paper entirely
➢ You must attempt every section else your
paper will be rejected

A solid of mass m = 155g is suspended by an elastic spring not join and extended to a distance of u =
12.5 cm. calculate

1. The spring constant, k.

2. The solid is then cut through its axe by sliding without friction on the horizontal. The spring
is always on the horizontal rod attach to (s) (see figure below).

The solid is extended horizontally to a distance, D = 7, cm from the equilibrium position. It then
release with initial speed.

a. Determine the differential equation of its movement with respect to time.

b. Calculate the period of the oscillation.
c. Determine during the motion.
i. The maximum velocity of (s).
ii. The maximum acceleration (s).


An electrical circuit comprises a series connection of:

• An Ohmic conductor of resistance R = 36 Ohms

• A coil of inductance, L = 0.1 H and negligible resistance.
• A capacitor of capacitance, C = 6.0 µF

We shall take 𝜋 2 = 10 in this exercise

We apply to the two terminals of the circuit an alternating sinusoidal voltage 𝑢(𝑡) = 𝑢√2cos⁡(𝑤𝑡) of
root mean square value U = 1 V and of variable frequency f. it is traversed by a current of intensity of
𝑖(𝑡) = 𝐼√2cos⁡(𝑤𝑡 + 𝐽).

1. Draw a diagram of the electric circuit and precise the sense of i(t) and u(t).
2. We set the frequency, f to 100 Hz
a. Calculate the impedance, Z of the circuit.
b. Construct the Fresnel diagram relative to the voltage (Phasor diagram).
c. Determine the phase difference between i(t) and u(t) and deduce the expression of the
instantaneous current, i(t).
3. We define the instantaneous power by 𝑝(𝑡) = 𝐼𝑈[cos(2𝑤𝑡 + 𝑗) + cos(𝐽))
a. What does the product IU and cos(J) represent?
b. Deduce the expression of the average power consumed, P and calculate its value.
c. For what frequencies is the average power consumed half of that absorbed at resonance?
4. At resonance 𝐿𝐶𝑤02 = 1⁡and the W and the energy amalgamated by the coil and capacitor is
𝐿𝐼 2 .
A. What is the relation between W and 𝑊𝑗 dissipated by Joule effect during each period and
express this relation as a function of the quality factor, Q of the circuit.
B. Calculate Q.

Lets recall here that the norm of the gravitational force undergone by a material point of mass m to the
distance (R + h) of center is F⁡ = ⁡ (mG0 R T )2 /(R T + h)2 where RT is the radius of the earth and the
altitude h.
(Data: RT =⁡6400km, Go = 9.8m/s)
1. A satellite describes a circular orbit round the earth to an altitude h of a constant speed
V= 7*103m/s. Calculate h and the duration T of a revolution.
2. When do we say that a satellite is geostationary? At what distance h’ must the previous
satellite gravitate for it to be geostationary? A day’s duration is given as: 86400s
3. The gravitational potential energy of the system (satellite-earth) is written as: Ep= −
(mGoRT)2/(RT+h) where m is the satellite’s mass. Determine the expression of the total
mechanical energy of the system in function of m, Go, RT, h.

Between two borders A and B of a portion of circuit are connected in series, a pure resistance R=200Ω,
a non resistive inductance L=2H and of capacitor of capacitance C= 10µF. a sinusoidal potential
difference of effective value U=220v of frequency f=100µF is maintained between A and B.
1. 1) Compute the reactance, X=L𝜔-1/C𝜔, the impedance Z and the effective intensity I, crossing this
portion of circuit.
2) Draw the Fresnel representing the instantaneous potential difference between the borders of every
device. Deduce from it the phase shiftφ1 existing between the intensity, and the potential difference
between the borders of the circuit. Which of both effects, inductive or capacitive is dominating?
2. We replace between A and B, the previous circuit by a similar circuit in which R’=100Ω, L’=4H,
C’=20µF, the potential difference is unchanged.
2.1. Find the reactance X’ and the impedance Z’ of the circuit at 100Hz.
2.2. Give the value f1 of the frequency to get the maximum of the effective intensity. Compute then
the corresponding intensity.
2.3. We define Q the surge coefficient of the circuit as the ratio of the magnitude of the effective
potential difference Uc between the borders of the capacitor to the magnitude of the potential
difference U between the borders of the circuit at the echo. Express Q according to R’, C’, and
f’ on one hand, and according to R’, L’, and f’ on another hand. F’ is the frequency at the echo.
Compute Q.
3. We associate now in series between A and B previous both circuits, RLC and R’L’C’. The potential
difference between A and B is unchanged.
3.1. Show that the new circuit is equivalent where elements R”L”C” to identify are in series.
Deduce from this the values of the reactance XL, the impedance ZI and the effective intensity
II at f=100Hz.
3.2. Find the phase shift φ existing between the intensity and the potential difference.
3.3. Show that it is possible to find another frequency f2 at which the phase shift φ will have the
absolute value.
3.4. Show that ff2 = fo2, fo being the frequency of the echo. Compute f2.
N.B: We will use π2=10.

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