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Position paper 1.0

Country: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Committee: United Nation Human Rights
Agenda: deliberation upon the root cause of
human rights and abuses against Rohingya Muslims and other
minorities in Myanmar


The Rohingya crisis in Myanmar is a long-standing and deeply rooted issue

characterized by widespread human rights abuses against the Rohingya Muslims,
a minority ethnic group primarily residing in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. The
crisis gained international attention in 2017 when a brutal military crackdown
forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee their homes, leading to one of
the largest refugee crises in recent history. Reports of mass killings, sexual
violence, and the burning of Rohingya villages raised serious concerns about
human rights violations in Myanmar. However, the mistreatment of Rohingya
Muslims is not a recent phenomenon; it has historical and complex roots in
Myanmar's social, political, and economic landscape.

Additionally, it is crucial to note that the Rohingya crisis is not isolated;

Myanmar has a history of human rights abuses against other minority groups as
well, including but not limited to, the Kachin, Karen, and Shan communities.
Understanding the root causes of these abuses is essential for addressing the
broader human rights challenges faced by various minority populations in the


The Rohingya crisis in Myanmar is a long-standing and deeply rooted issue

characterized by widespread human rights abuses against the Rohingya Muslims,
a minority ethnic group primarily residing in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. The
crisis gained international attention in 2017 when a brutal military crackdown
forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee their homes, leading to one of
the largest refugee crises in recent history. Reports of mass killings, sexual
violence, and the burning of Rohingya villages raised serious concerns about
human rights violations in Myanmar. However, the mistreatment of Rohingya
Muslims is not a recent phenomenon; it has historical and complex roots in
Myanmar's social, political, and economic landscape.

Additionally, it is crucial to note that the Rohingya crisis is not isolated;

Myanmar has a history of human rights abuses against other minority groups as
well, including but not limited to, the Kachin, Karen, and Shan communities.
Understanding the root causes of these abuses is essential for addressing the
broader human rights challenges faced by various minority populations in the


Saudi Arabia has primarily focused on providing humanitarian aid to Rohingya

refugees and supporting relief efforts. The Kingdom has channelled its efforts
through various initiatives and organizations, including:

Humanitarian Aid: Saudi Arabia has contributed financial assistance and

humanitarian aid to international organizations working to provide relief to
Rohingya refugees. This aid includes food, shelter, medical supplies, and
other essential items for those displaced by the crisis. The country also
constructed hundreds of shelters for Rohingya refugees affected by a
massive fire that gutted one of the cramped camps in Cox’s Bazar, the
Kingdom’s envoy in Dhaka announced this week. Around 12,000 people
lost their shelters when the fire broke out in Balu Khali camp in March.
Moreover, Bangladesh is a priority for KSrelief (King Salman
Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center was established by King Salman bin
Abdulaziz in 2015.), Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian arm, which runs over 44
projects worth about $600 million in the South Asian nation. Over $23
million has already been provided specifically for the Rohingya people,
he added. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has also ordered $50 million in
aid be sent to a Muslim minority in Myanmar which a human rights group
said has been targeted by the authorities since sectarian riots in June.
Moreover, The Saudi government has collaborated with international
humanitarian organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration
(IOM) to support their efforts in providing assistance to Rohingya refugees.
Saudi mosques and charitable organizations have also launched fundraising
campaigns to collect donations for Rohingya refugees. These initiatives
involve encouraging worshippers to contribute funds to support humanitarian
efforts for the Rohingya population.



1. Diplomatic Engagement: Countries can engage in diplomatic efforts, both

bilaterally and multilaterally, to condemn human rights abuses and promote
dialogue between conflicting parties. Diplomatic pressure can be exerted
through official statements, resolutions in international forums, and
collaboration with other nations to find peaceful solutions.
2. Humanitarian Aid and Relief: Providing humanitarian aid, including
financial support, food, clean water, shelter, and medical supplies, is crucial
to address the immediate needs of affected populations. Countries can
contribute to international relief efforts and support humanitarian
organizations working on the ground.
3. Advocacy and Awareness: Countries can raise awareness about the crisis
through media, public statements, and educational initiatives. Advocacy
efforts can mobilize public opinion and encourage international solidarity,
putting pressure on governments and organizations to take action.
4. Support for Refugees: Offering refuge and resettlement opportunities for
displaced populations is a tangible way to help those fleeing conflict and
persecution. Countries can provide temporary or permanent asylum to
refugees and work with international agencies to ensure their safe
resettlement and integration.
5. Legal and Judicial Actions: Countries can support legal and judicial
measures, including international tribunals and investigations, to hold
perpetrators of human rights abuses accountable. This can help in ensuring
justice for the victims and preventing future violations.
6. Capacity Building and Development: Supporting long-term development
initiatives, including education, healthcare, and economic development, can
help address the root causes of conflicts and displacement. Empowering
communities through education and economic opportunities can foster
stability and resilience.
7. Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: Supporting peacebuilding efforts
and conflict resolution initiatives in conflict-affected regions can help
address the underlying causes of crises. Diplomatic efforts aimed at
mediating conflicts and fostering reconciliation are essential components of
long-term solutions.
It's important for countries to work together, collaborate with international
organizations, and adhere to humanitarian principles while addressing complex
and sensitive issues like the Rohingya crisis. Each country's approach will
depend on its specific circumstances, resources, and capabilities.

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