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We are Art

The dance was almost perfect and even the judge was impressed by their performance.
But what is really impressive about their presentation or what is more impressive other
than their dance? The answer is fundamentals. In dance there are elements that help
the choreographer be more accurate and meaningful, why? Because dance is not just a
presentation or a talent that is performed by someone. It has meanings and feelings to
be expressed.

Body,actions,space,time,energy, these are the elements that help the dance be more
meaningful and accurate. This is very important because it is the main step of how you
will make a dance not just a physical activity but also an art. Their choreography was all
a mixture of these elements. The body, you can see how they perform symmetrical for
the breaking legs. Their actions, personally what I think about their performance was
them expressing their greatness and confidence about winning that competition. The
space, look how they manage to use their space, they use the space to connect it to
their performance on how they will make broad, big, small or narrow movements. Also
the mixture of using different levels of it. Time, time is crucial to be practiced because it
is a team or group performance, one’s mistake is everybody’s and they are all in sync.
And lastly is the energy. Their energy was all out. It was amazing as if it was their last

If I was one of the judges, I would give a perfect score. I’m not a dancer but knowing the
true meaning and history of dance was a good thing to learn. As one of the judges said
it was appropriate for the competition because it was them expressing themselves.
Being on stage, like this is it, this is what we are all waiting for. They have almost perfect
timing on syncing their movements one another, they also use all of their body, even the
face and it was so fun to watch. It's like they don't need to talk about the performance
rather give them the trophy already. And I think the whole dance was so exciting to
watch if I am watching it live. And my favorite part is they did a 2 or 3 mins art to win a
dance competition and they were from the Philippines. For me, seeing a countrymen
talking with foreigners properly is a great win for me. Looking at them gives inspiration
and motivation for future generations and it is a great way to know more about
expressing yourself. It helps us to know what we really want and what we really are, to
know more about ourselves.

Based on what I have learned and seen on the video, it is not always easy to know only
one thing and accept it but rather to expand yourself through knowledge. Dance is not
just an activity to be performed and to be watched, it is a way to connect our feelings
and mind by art through our movements. Dance is an art, complex yet beautiful gift for
us on how we communicate by the waves of our hand and the popping of our veins.

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