Angelo Portfolio Motivation Poster (1)

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A Portfolio
Presented to the
Faculty of Southeastern College of Padada, Inc.

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for Education 13

JUNE 2023
Table of Contents
Teaching Philosophy 1
Curriculum Vitae 2
Reflection 1 3
Learning Artifact 1 4
Reflection 2 5
Learning Artifact 2 6
Reflection 3 7
Learning Artifact 3 8
Reflection 4 9
Learning Artifact 4 10
Reflection 5 11
Learning Artifact 5 12
Reflection 6 13
Learning Artifact 6 14
Reflection 7 15
Learning Artifact 7 16
Reflection 8 17
Learning Artifact 8 18
Reflection 9 19
Learning Artifact 9 20
Reflection 10 21
Learning Artifact 10 22
Reflection 11 23
Learning Artifact 11 24
Reflection 12 25
Learning Artifact 12 26
Reflection 13 27
Learning Artifact 1 28
My educational perspective is based on the premise that each student is endowed with unique talents,
abilities, and interests that should be nurtured through a student-centered approach to teaching and
learning. I believe that the objective of education is to instill a love of learning in kids, to help them develop
critical thinking abilities, and to prepare them to be active and responsible members of their communities.

I believe that students should be actively engaged in the learning process, and that the teacher's role is to
facilitate this process by creating a positive and inclusive learning environment, fostering collaboration
and creativity, and providing individualized support and guidance. Students learn best when they are
challenged, supported, and encouraged to take risks and make mistakes, in my opinion.
Education, in my opinion, should be holistic, including not only academic skills but also social, emotional,
and physical growth. A well-rounded education, in my opinion, should foster respect for diversity, foster a
sense of social responsibility, and prepare pupils for future problems.

Furthermore, I believe that technology is vital in education since it allows students to access information,
collaborate with others, and build digital literacy skills. I believe that technology should be used with care
and purpose, and that it should be effortlessly integrated into the learning process to enhance and enrich
the educational experience.

In conclusion, my educational philosophy is centered around the belief that every student has unique talents
and abilities that should be cultivated through a student-centered approach to teaching and learning. I
believe that education should foster a love of learning, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare
students to be active and responsible members of their communities. I believe that education should be
holistic, promote respect for diversity, and prepare students for the challenges of the future. Finally, I
believe that technology plays an important role in education and should be used thoughtfully and
purposefully to enhance and enrich the educational experience.
Tertiary Education
Reflection 1


Orientation is a chance for graduating students to learn how things work at

our assigned school or where the interns will be deployed. For education
student like, we will be taught how to handle when meeting other students
as well as faculty and staff members in the cooperating school. Orientation
is also a chance for the school to start getting to know the interns.

During the orientation, I have learned many things about what should be
done in the workplace and would should not. Rules and regulations are
always reminded to us which also help us how to be proper and equiped in
the working area. Teacher's job is not easy, I have found new things which
very far to my expectations that only the teacher will hold a pen and a
paper, that a teacher will only discuss and record the score of the learners.
Far away from that expectations, a teacher should also stand as a parent,
a good example, be humane and speak with humility to all the learners,
workmate, and anyone will be encountered in the workplace.

Orientation had helped me feel more comfortable, and that had help me
also be able to concentrate on my classes. When we know where things are
and how the system works, we spend a lot less time wondering and
worrying. Orientation is a preparation for a successful internship journey.

Learning Time MNHS sE nglish


EPS Ruben F.
Southeastern College Asan, Ed. D.
Reflection 2


Classroom observation plays a central role in teaching internship. It is
important process of learning how to teach. As a pre-service teacher we
need to observe classes in order to learn more about the instructional cycle.
Classroom observation provides a wide array of opportunities to see real-life
teachers in actual teaching situations. these observations influence the way
we plan and teach. Observing the classes of my cooperating teacher gives
me the time to reflect and make decisions on how I will teach my lessons.
This means that observation is very important in every stage of my career as a

When I was observing classes both in-campus and off-campus internship, it

taught me many things about teaching and gives me an idea how to be
effective in every situation a teacher faces diversity of learners. The
observation I have attended also made me realize things differently from
what I was expected in the field of teaching and learning. I realized that it's
not the materials the learners see on the board teaches them, moreover, the
teacher itself is the most effective instructional materials to the learners.

Thus, observation helps me understand how to guide the learners and provide
help when needed. It builds a path to provide more opportunity to focus on a
certain skill, adjusting the environment to promote understanding, movement
and independence.
R eflectio n 3
Classroom routine is simply a well-rehearsed response to a teacher's directive. A structured
learning environment provide many positive benefits for both students and teachers. A
structured class translates to a positive, safe and secure classroom. Learners enjoy learning
ehen they feel safe and not threatened. Class structure includes but is not limited to
physical environment.

When I was in my first day of managing the class, total of five section, it shocks me because
of the different attitudes the learners are giving and showing in the aspect of learning.
From then, I can say that learners are totally diverse and living in their own way of
understand, learning, and grasping the ideas as well as the discussion. If I show that I have
their best interests in mind, they will pay more attention and learn more effectively. Since
every student is an individual who not only learns differently but also has a different way of
thinking, I do not think that creating a democratic classroom and giving students
responsibility equates to giving them control over the classroom. Instead, I think that giving
students a voice in their own education does not give them that power. Setting guidelines
and expectations for kids in the classroom is the teacher's role.

Because of how the students were acting, my cooperating teacher removed certain
enjoyable things from the classroom during my fieldwork. This had a beneficial effect on the
students' behavior in subsequent sessions since the instructor did as he said he would if the
students did not behave. The main objective of my classroom management is to ensure that
everyone complies with my expectations so that they can learn in a productive and
encouraging environment. I also want to teach students self-discipline and how to
understand the expectations and consequences of my classroom by modeling appropriate
Reflection 4

instructional materials are tools used in instructional activities. They may either be print, no-
print or electronic materials. The materials are sometimes called teaching aids since they
assist the teachers in facilitating the teaching-learning process.

During my internship, I had experience various types of instructional materials, printed and
technological ways to aid teaching-learning process. My creativity was developed and have
had helped me to be more effective in teaching, be more passionate in all the things I am
doing related to my journey as a future educator. My internship taught me what is the
importance of using instructional materials, students will learn more easily and remember
longer if they practice individually what they understand or have learned through prior
classroom experiences. It is important for us as a future educator to provide a variety of
interesting activities and situations in which students can use the skill or knowledge in other
phases of learning. I can say that instructional materials is an effective tool for learners to
retain learnings longer and to the most effective ways. this help learners to recall most of
the discussion, activities, and meaningful tasks.

On the other hand, though instructional materials give so much benefits to both teachers
and learners but there are still problems I have faced during the preparation of some of my
learning aids. There was a time when I have to use audio-visual room or area where outside
noise cannot be heard but because of the lack of facilities of the school so it did not
happened. There are instances such as the technological materials are not available
because other teachers are using too. in some ways, a teacher should always have a back
up plan and reserve energy to which any problems arise will be cover up. Being a teacher,
instructional materials assist you in laying out your lesson plan. Your students' attention can
be captured and the learning process motivated by employing this instructional material. By
using instructional materials, we can improve our abilities and gain fresh insights on how to
make those items. You will discover the benefits, drawbacks, and application of the
instructional materials as you create them. Whereby it aids us in understanding how it may
aid and harm us. It also increases our mental capacity.
Reflection 5
Designing differentiated class activities is a challenging yet crucial aspect of teaching, as it allows
educators to create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment that meets the unique needs of
each student. As I reflect on my own experiences in designing differentiated class activities, I am reminded
of the importance of being intentional, creative, and flexible to effectively cater to the diverse learning
styles and abilities of my students.

The class is made up of different kinds of learners. They may have different ages, gender, learning styles,
interest, learning preferences and others. Diversity includes learners of all abilities and backgrounds.
Teachers must understand these differences in order to provide a learning environment include and
effective. As proponents of digital learning programs have determined, creating a diverse learning
environment is likely to lead to more effective learning environments where learners will benefit. Utilizing
the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach in teaching can help anchor learning in students' diverse
contexts to prepare them for complex environments they may encounter in their future careers.
Furthermore, to meet the diverse needs of learners within a class, teachers need to design differentiated
class activities. This is an academic reflection of the importance of designing differentiated class activities
to accommodate diverse learners in a classroom setting.Van der Linden and Munguambe Manuel found
that designing differentiated class activities helps to foster a collaborative approach in teaching and
learning by valuing learners' differences and creating a sense of inclusivity in the classroom. Incorporating
technology, such as mobile devices, can also enhance the effectiveness of differentiated class activities.
Inclusive education in diverse classroom settings is crucial, but current instruction inadequately meets the
needs of children with special needs.
In addition, classroom management is an important element that directly impacts student learning and
teacher success.
Therefore, teachers must incorporate best practices in classroom management to create a positive and
supportive learning environment for their students. In designing differentiated class activities, teachers must
be intentional about their instructional approach to cater to the varying needs of their students and
incorporate different teaching strategies that align with the different learning preferences and styles of
their students.
Based on the sources provided, designing differentiated class activities is not only crucial but also a best
practice that can potentially enhance student achievement in inclusive, academically diverse classrooms.
Moreover, understanding the impact of learner motivation, trainer understanding and diverse learner
backgrounds on instructional design is crucial for designing effective classes. As such, teachers must
consider the diverse characteristics of their students and develop instructional strategies that are tailored
to meet their unique learning needs. To this end, teachers should adopt a multidimensional framework that
accounts for social, emotional, ethical and academic education when designing differentiated literacy
practices. Finally, the use of technology tools can serve as a great resource for designing differentiated
class activities that support diverse learners. In conclusion, educators play a critical role in creating an
inclusive classroom environment while accommodating the diverse needs of learners.

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on 6
An individual's entire growth and development can be significantly
impacted by participation in school programs and activities. As I
think back on my experiences helping out and taking part in
school-related events and programs, I see how these opportunities
not only enabled me to develop my talents but also helped me
become a more well-rounded person.

The ability to gain new skills is one of the most significant advantages of participation in school
programs and activities. I had the opportunity to speak during the culmination day as pre-service
teacher, where I learnt how to successfully communicate and express my views in front of an
audience. This experience gave me the courage to express myself more effectively, which has helped
me not just at school but also in my personal and professional life. Furthermore, involvement in school
programs and activities has allowed me to discover new interests and hobbies.

This experience not only enabled me to improve my technical skills, but it also opened up new career
prospects for me that I had not previously explored. In addition, helping with school programs and
activities has allowed me to give back to the community while also developing leadership abilities. I
volunteered to to participated during the releasing of cards along with the parents meeting, providing
direction and support to those in need.

Finally, engaging in and aiding with school programs and activities has been one of the most fulfilling
experiences of my life. These experiences have not only allowed me to learn new talents, but also to
grow as a person. I would advise anyone who has the opportunity to engage in school programs and
activities to do so and reap the many benefits they have to offer.
Reflection 7

Assessment is an important aspect of the teaching and

learning process. As I reflect on my evaluation experiences,
I recognize that they have helped me become a more
successful teacher and have enabled my pupils to attain
more success.

One of the most important advantages of employing evaluation procedures is that they allow me to
track my pupils' development and identify areas where they require further assistance. By assessing my
students' knowledge and understanding on a regular basis, I am able to adjust my instruction to their
unique requirements and provide them with the necessary support to help them achieve.

Furthermore, adopting assessment procedures has assisted me in developing a more engaging and
dynamic learning environment. I can help my students recognize their strengths and limitations and
establish a growth mindset by offering timely feedback on their work. This evaluation method has
assisted my pupils in becoming more self-aware and motivated, which has resulted in improved learning

Furthermore, employing evaluation procedures has assisted me in developing stronger ties with my
pupils. I can show my pupils that I care about their learning and want them to succeed by routinely
monitoring their progress and offering them with feedback. This method has assisted me in establishing
trust and respect with my pupils, resulting in a more positive and supportive classroom environment.

Finally, adopting assessment procedures has proven to be a significant tool in my teaching practice. It
has enabled me to better understand my students' needs, create a more interesting and participatory
learning environment, and strengthen my relationships with my students. I would encourage all teachers
to include assessment strategies into their classroom instruction in order to help their students achieve
higher success.
Reflection 8


Both teachers and students benefit from participating in a demonstrative lesson. When I think
back on my experiences presenting a demonstration lesson, I realize that it has enabled me
to improve my teaching skills and presented my students with a unique learning opportunity.

One of the most important advantages of holding a demonstration class is that it allows me
to showcase good teaching techniques. I may show my students what great teaching looks
like in action by modeling effective teaching practices such as clear communication, student
involvement, and differentiated instruction. This method has helped my students understand
how to be successful in their own learning and has given them a useful reference point for
their own teaching practice.

Furthermore, giving a demonstration lecture allowed me to get feedback from my

cooperating teache. I can find areas for growth and strengthen my teaching skills by
soliciting feedback on my teaching method. This method has assisted me in becoming a more
effective teacher and in consistently improving my teaching practice. Conducting a
demonstration lesson has provided my students with a unique learning opportunity. By
observing an experienced teacher in action, my students can learn from my teaching
approach and gain insights into effective teaching practices. This approach has helped my
students to become more engaged and motivated learners, which has led to better learning

Finally, as a teacher, I have gained significant knowledge by conducting a demonstration

class. It has enabled me to model great teaching practices, receive feedback on my
teaching approach, and create a unique learning opportunity for my students. I would advise
all teachers to consider performing a demonstration lesson as a method to improve their
teaching skills and create a meaningful learning experience for their pupils.
Learning Artifacts
Reflection 9
As a student teacher, I've gained great experience assisting my cooperating teacher with school forms.
Reflecting on my experiences, I realize that this assignment has allowed me to enhance my
organizational abilities and has given me a better knowledge of the administrative chores associated
with teaching.

One of the most notable advantages of supporting my cooperating teacher in completing school forms
has been the opportunity to improve my organizational skills. I've developed the capacity to manage
many activities and priorities by assisting in the tracking of deadlines and ensuring that all relevant forms
are completed and filed on time. This strategy has assisted me in becoming more efficient and
productive at work, as well as preparing me for the administrative duties that come with being a

Furthermore, aiding my cooperating teacher with school forms has given me a better grasp of the
administrative chores involved in teaching. I gained a better knowledge of the administrative chores
required to support good teaching by seeing firsthand the types of forms that must be filled and the
importance of maintaining accurate records. This comprehension has helped me recognize the
significance of administrative chores and has prepared me for the administrative obligations that come
with becoming a teacher.

In addition, aiding my cooperating teacher with school forms has allowed me to contribute to the
seamless operation of the classroom. I have contributed to a more organized and efficient learning
environment by ensuring that all relevant forms are completed and submitted on time. This strategy has
helped to minimize stress and improve both the teacher's and students' overall classroom experience.

Finally, as a student teacher, aiding my cooperating teacher with school forms has been a good
experience for me. It has helped me to improve my organizational abilities, have a better grasp of the
administrative chores involved in teaching, and contribute to the seamless operation of the classroom. I
would encourage all student teachers to take on administrative chores as a method to hone their skills
and prepare for the administrative responsibilities that come with being a teacher.
Learning Artifacts
Reflection 10
Building networking connections has been a useful professional experience for me as a pre-service
teacher. Reflecting on my experiences, I realize that this activity has assisted me in broadening myself,
gaining useful insights from peers in my spaces, and developing new prospects for collaboration and
professional advancement.

One of the most significant advantages of developing networking connections has been the expansion
of my learnings. I've met and connected with other experts in my area by attending conferences,
meeting, and other professional development activities. This strategy has assisted me in developing
relationships with colleagues who share similar interests and ambitions, as well as learning from their
experiences and knowledge.

Furthermore, developing networking connections has enabled me to obtain useful insights from others in
my area. By participating in talks and working with other professionals, I've been able to learn about new
ideas and techniques, as well as get a better knowledge of the difficulties and opportunities that my
field faces. This strategy has assisted me in staying current with developing trends and best practices,
as well as in consistently improving my work. y connecting with colleagues who have complementary
skills and expertise, I have been able to explore new projects and initiatives, and have been able to
develop new skills and knowledge.

It has allowed me to expand my learnings, gain valuable insights from people in my field, and develop
new opportunities for collaboration and professional growth. I would encourage all professionals to take
an active role in building their professional network as a way to expand their knowledge, explore new
opportunities, and achieve their career goals.
Reflection 11
As a pre-service teacher, writing a classroom-based action research project has been a good
experience. Reflecting on my experiences, I see that this work has assisted me in identifying areas for
growth in my teaching practice, developing new techniques and approaches, and improving student
learning outcomes.

One of the most major advantages of conducting classroom-based action research has been the ability
to identify areas for improvement in my teaching practice. I was able to identify areas of my teaching
practice that needed improvement by engaging in a reflective and methodical inquiry process. This
method has enabled me to be more attentive of my teaching and to concentrate on specific elements
of my practice that demand attention.

Furthermore, conducting a classroom-based action research project has enabled me to explore new
techniques and approaches. I was able to identify new techniques and approaches to improve student
learning outcomes by examining data and reflecting on my practice. This approach has enabled me to
be more creative and original in my teaching, as well as to try out different teaching approaches and

Writing a classroom-based action research project has also assisted me in improving student learning
outcomes. I was able to increase student learning outcomes by introducing new techniques and
approaches based on the findings of my research. This method has enabled me to be more effective in
my teaching and make a significant difference in the lives of my students.

Finally, as an
Ginyard intern, designing
International Co. a classroom-based
Ginyard action research
International Co. project hasCo.
Ginyard International been a valuable
TimmermanIt hasIndustries
helped me identify areasIndustries
Timmerman for growth in my teaching, Industries
Timmerman develop new tactics and
approaches, and increase student learning outcomes. I would encourage all teachers to engage in a
reflective and methodical inquiry process in order to enhance their teaching practice and make a real
difference in their students' lives.
Reflection 12
Discover New
As a student teacher, creating my internship portfolio has been a fantastic experience. Reflecting on my
experiences, I recognize that this assignment has assisted me in documenting my professional growth,
highlighting my talents and successes, and preparing for my future career.

One of the most major advantages of creating my internship portfolio has been the ability to document
my professional development. I was able to compile a complete record of my professional progress by
reflecting on my internship experiences and recognizing my strengths and flaws. This method has
enabled me to track my progress and discover areas for improvement in my future profession.

Furthermore, creating my internship portfolio has helped me to highlight my abilities and

Saturday -
accomplishments. I was able to develop a portfolio that showcases my talents, experience, and
competence by selecting examples of my greatest work and recording my accomplishments. This

22 October 2022
technique has helped me to differentiate myself from other candidates and has given me a competitive
advantage in the employment market.

Creating my internship portfolio has assisted me in preparing for my future profession. I was able to
develop a roadmap for my future career by reflecting on my experiences and establishing my
professional ambitions. This method has assisted me in developing a clear vision of my future and has
given me a sense of direction and purpose.
Finally, creating my internship portfolio has been a tremendous learning experience for me as a student.
It has enabled me to track my professional development, highlight my talents and successes, and plan
for my future career. I would advise all students to participate actively in@reallygreatsite
the creation of their internship
portfolio as a means to track their development, display their talents, and prepare for their future
employment. 123 Anywhere St., Any City
Reflection 13
As a student-teacher, completing my exit and assessment forms has been a good experience. Reflecting
on my experiences, I understand that this task has given me the opportunity to reflect on my learning
experiences, analyze my personal and professional improvement, and obtain feedback on my

One of the most important advantages of completing my exit and assessment forms has been the
opportunity to reflect on my learning experiences. I was able to discern what worked well and what did
not work well by reflecting on my experiences. This technique has assisted me in identifying my skills and
shortcomings, as well as places for progress in my future activities.

Furthermore, completing my leaving and assessment forms enabled me to assess my personal and
professional development. I was able to establish whether I had attained my learning objectives and
goals by assessing my progress. This method has assisted me in recognizing my accomplishments and
identifying opportunities for further development.

In addition, by completing my exit and assessment forms, I was able to receive feedback on my
performance. I was able to get insights into my strengths and flaws through receiving comments from my
teachers and supervisors. This technique has assisted me in identifying areas for growth and has given
me the opportunity to increase my skills and knowledge.

To summarize, submitting my exit and assessment forms was a good learning experience for me as a
student. It has given me the opportunity to reflect on my learning experiences, assess my personal and
professional development, and receive feedback on my performance. I would advise all students to
complete their exit and evaluation forms as a means of reflecting on their learning experiences,
assessing their personal and professional growth, and receiving feedback on their performance.

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