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ECGs Made Easy 6th Edition Aehlert

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ECGs Made Easy E Book 6th Edition, (Ebook PDF)

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Name.: Aehlert, Barbara, author.

Title: ECGa made easy I Barbara Aehlert, MSEd, BSPA, RN.
Description: Sixth edition. I Phoenix, Arizona : Southwest EMS Education,
Inc., [2018liindudes blhllographical refuences and lnda. I
Identifiers: LCCN 2017015081 (print) I LCCN 2017026543 (ebook) I ISBN
9780323479059 () I ISBN 9780323401302 (pbk. : a1k. paper)
Subjecu: LCSH: Electrocardiography--Handboob. manuals. etc.
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Many ye.ars ago, as a green but enthusiastic nurse preparing to shift from medical-surgical nursing
to critical care, I signed up for a course in basic ECG recognition. It was an intimidating experi-
ence. My i.nst:ructor was extremely knowledgeable and kind. and I studied diligently throughout
the course, yet I struggled to crack the code of heart rhythm interpretation. To make matters
worse, I couldn't find any resources in which these complex concepts were presented in a practi-
cal, useful way. Although I passed the course. I decided to repeat it a few months later because I
simply coulchlt recall and apply the infonnation I needed to help my patients.
After successfully completing the second course, I promised myself that I would someday
present these concepts in a simpler way. 'Ihat promise became my life's work. Ever since then,
I have been looking for better ways in which to present the skill of basic ECG recognition to those
who will apply that knowledge every working day:
• Paramedics
• Nursing and medical students
• ECG monitor technicians
• Nurses and other allied health personnel in emergency departments, critical care
units, postanesthesia care units, operating rooms, and telemetry units
'!his book can be used alone or as part of a formal course of instruction in basic dysrhyth-
mia recognition. 1he book'• content focuses on the essentials of ECG interpretation. Each ECG
rhythm is described and accompanied by a sample rhythm strip. 1hen the discussion turns to
possible signs and symptoms related to each rhythm and. where appropriate, current recom-
mended treatment. At the end of each chapter, additional rhythm strips and their description.s are
provided for practice. (All rhythm strips shown in this text were recorded in lead n unless other-
wise noted.) 1he Stop 8c Review exerci!es at the end of each chapter are self-usessment activities
that allow you to check your learning.
In addition, resources to aid the in.stru.ctor in teaching this content can be found on Evolve at 1hese resources include:
• Image Collection
• PPTSlide.
• PPT Practice Slides
• TEACH2.4
• Test Bank
I have made every attempt to supply content consistent with current literature, including cur-
rent resuscitation guidelines. However, medicine is a dynamic field. Recommendations change as
medical research evolves, technology improves, and new medications, procedures, and devices
are developed. As a result, be •ure to learn and follow local protocols as defined by your medi-
cal advisors. Neither I nor the publisher can assume responsibility or liability for loss or damage
resulting from the use of information contained within.
I genuinely hope this book is helpful to you, and I wish you success in your studies and clinical
Best regards,
Barbara Aehlert

I would like to thank the manuscript reviewers foc their commenb and suggestiom. Areu of this
text were rewritten, reorganized, and clarified because of your effom.
I would also like to thank the following health care professionals, who provided many of the
rhythm strips used in this book: Andrew Baird, CEP; James Bratcher; Joanna Burgan, CEP; Holly
Button, CEP; Gretchen Chalmers, CEP; 'Ihomas Cole, CEP; Brent Haines, CEP; Paul Honeywell,
CEP; Timothy Klatt. RN; Bill Loughran. RN; Andrea Lowrey, RN; Joe Martinez, CEP; St.ephanos
Orphanidis, CEP; Jason Payne, CEP; Steve Ruehs, CEP; Patty Seneski, RN; David Stockton, CEP;
Jason Stodghill, CEP; Dionne Socie, CEP; Kristina Tellez, CEP; and Fran Wojculewicz, RN.
A special thanks to Melissa Kinsey for her humor, guidance, advice, and impeccable attention
to detail throughout this project.


Deepak C. Patel, MD

whose knowledge, humor, and genuine compassion for his

patients are unparalleled.
Krlaten Bon:IWt, llN, MSN, PNP, Nll-P, CPN BiB Miller
Care Coordinator Paramedic Crew Chief
Cincinnati Childrms Hospital Medical Center St. Louis Fire Department-HEMS
Cincinnati, Ohio St. Louis, Missouri

Joshua BorkoU:.y, BS, pp.c Mark.Nootena, MD, PACC

EMS Education Manager Cardiologist. Private Practice
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Munster, Indiana
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ruth C. Tamulonis, MS, RN
Angela McConachie, DNP, MSN-PNP, RN Nursing Professor
Assistant Professor Yuba College
Goldfarb School ofNursing at Barnes-Jewish College Marysville, California
St Louis, Missouri

Barbara Aehlert, MSBd, BSPA, RN, has been a registered nurse for more than 40 years. with
clinical experience in medicallsurgical nursing. critical care nursing, prehotpital education, and
nursing education. Barbara i.s an active CPR and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
instructor with a special interest in teaching basic dysrhythmia recognition and ACLS to nurses
and paramedics.


Location. SJu, and Shape of the Heart. 2 Introdudlon. 76

Surfaca of the Heart. 2 Sinua Rhythm, 77
Coverinp of the Heart, 2 How Do I Recognize It? 77
Structure of the Heart, 5 Sinua Bradycardia. 78
Layers of the Heart WalL 5 How Do I Recognize It? 78
Heart Chambers, 6 What Causes m 78
Heart Valves, 8 What Do I Do About It? 79
The Heart's Blood Supply, 11 Sinua Tadlyardia, 80
The Heart's Nerve Supply, 16 How Do I Recognize It? 80
The Heart aa a Pump, 19 What Causes It? 80
Cardiac Cycle, 19 What Do I Do About It? 81
Blood PreS3Ul't, 20 Sinua Arrbytbmia, 81
R£ferenca, '1.7 How Do I Recognize It? 81
What Causes It! 81
What Do I Do About It? 82
2 BASIC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, 28 Sinoatrial Block. 82
How Do I Recognize It? 82
Cardiac Cella, 30 What Causes It? 82
Types of Cardiac Cells, 30 What Do I Do About It? 83
Propertia of Cardiac Cells, 30 Sinua Arrest, 83
Cardiac Action Potmtial, 30 How Do I Recognize It? 83
Polarization, 31 What Causes It? 83
Depolarization, 31 What Do I Do About It? 84
Repolarization, 32 Referencea,IOI
Phases of the Cardiac Action Potential, 32
Refractory Periods, 34
Conduction Syatem, 35 4 ATRIAL RHYTHMS, 102
Sinoatrial Node, 35
Atrioventricular Node and Bundle, 37 Introduction, 103
Right and Left Bundle Branches, 38 Atrial Dyar.bythmiaa: Mech.aDi~ms, 103
Purkinje Fibers, 38 Abnormal Automaticity, 103
Cauaea of Dyarhythmiaa, 39 Tnggered Activity, 103
Disorders of Impulse Formation, 39 Reentry, 104
Disorders of Impulse Conduction, 39 Premature Atrial Compleea, 104
The Ela:trocardiogr, 41 How Do I Recognize It? 104
Electrodes, 41 Noncompensatory versus Compensatory Pause, 105
Leads, 42 Aberrantly Conducted Premature Atrial
Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring, 46 Complexes, 106
Blectrocanliopaphy Paper, 47 Nonconducted Premature Atrial Complexes, 106
Waveforms, 48 What Do I Do About Them? 107
Segments, 53 Wuuleriq Atrial Pacemaker, 107
Intervals, 55 How Do I Recognize It? 107
Artifact. 56 What Causes It? 107
Symmatic Rhythm J:nterpretation. 57 What Do I Do About It? 107
Asseas Regularity, 57 Mal.tifoc:al Atrial Tachycanlia, 108
Asseas Rate, 58 How Do I Recognize It? 108
Identify and Examine Waveforms, 60 What Causes It? 108
Asseaslntervals and Examine Segments, 60 What Do I Do About It? 108
Interpret the Rhythm, 60
Re&renca, 74


Supraventricular 'Thchycardia, 108 What Causes It? 177

Atrial Tachycardias, 109 What Do I Do About It? 177
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia, 113 ~(CanUa~S~).177
Atrioventricular Reentrant Thchycardia, 114 How Do I Recognize It? 177
Atrial Flutter, 117 What Causes It? 178
How Do I Recognize It? 117 What Do I Do About It? 178
What Causes It? 118 References, 193
What Do I Do About It? 118
Atrial Fibrillation, 119
How Do I Recognize It? 119 7 ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCKS, 194
What Causes It? 121
What Do I Do About It? 121 Introduction, 194
References, 140 First-Degree Atrioventricalar Block, 195
How Do I Recognize It? 195
What Causes It? 196
5 ~UNCTIONAL RHYTHMS, 141 What Do I Do About It? 197
Second-Degree Atrioventricular Blocks, 197
Introduction, 141 Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type I, 197
Premature Juncticmal Compleus, 142 How Do I Recognize It? 197
How Do I Recognize 1hem~ 142 What Causes It? 198
What Causes 1hem? 143 What Do I Do About It? 199
What Do I Do About Them? 143 Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type ll, 199
Junctional Escape Beau or Rhythm, 144 How Do I Recognize It? 199
How Do I Recognize It? 144 What Causes It? 200
What Causes It? 145 What Do I Do About It? 200
What Do I Do About It? 146 2:1 Atriovmtricalar moa, 200
Accelerated Junctional Rhythm, 146 How Do I Recognize It? 200
How Do I Recognize It? 146 Advanced Second-Degree Atriovent:rkular Block. 201
What Causes It? 146 'Ihird-Degree Atrioventricu1ar Block, 202.
What Do I Do About It? 146 How Do I Recognize It? 202
Junctional Tachyardia. 146 What Causes It? 203
How Do I Recognize It? 146 What Do I Do About It? 203
What Causes It? 147 Reference8, 221
What Do I Do About It? 147
References, 164

6 VENTRICULAR RHYTHMS, 165 Pacemaker Systema. 223

Permanent Pacemakers and hnplantable Cardioverter-
Introductlon,166 Defibrillators, 223
Premature Ventricular Complexes, 166 Temporary Pacemakers, 224
How Do I Recognize 1hem~ 166 Pacing Lead Symms, 225
What Causes 1hem? 170 Padng Chamben and Modes, 226
What Do I Do About Them? 170 Single-Chamber Pacemakers, 226
Ventricular .Escape Beats or Rhythm,170 Dual-Chamber Pacemakers, 227
How Do I Recognize It? 170 Biventricular Pacemakers, 227
What Causes It? 172 Fixed-Rate Pacemakers, 227
What Do I Do About It? 172 Demand Pacemakers, 227
Accelerated Idlovmtrl<:Ular :Rhythm. 172 Pacemaker Codes, 228
How Do I Recognize It? 172 Pacemaker Malfunction.l28
What Causes It? 172 Failure to Pace, 228
What Do I Do About It? 173 Failure to Capture, 229
Ventricnlar Tachycardia, 173 Failure to Sense, 230
How Do I Recognize It? 173 Analyzing Pacemaker Fund:ion on the ECG, 230
Ventricular Fibrillation, 176 Reference., 240
How Do I Recognize It? 176


ECG, 241
Introduction, 141
Layout of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram, 242 INDEX, 321
.Acute Coronary Syndromes, 244
Anatomic Location of a Myocardial Infarction, 246
Intraventricular Conduction Delays, 254
Structures of the Intraventricular Conduction
Bundle Branch Activation, 254
How Do I Recognize It? 254
What Causes It? 257
What Do I Do About It? 257
Chamber Enlargement, 257
Atrial .Abnormalities, 258
Ventricular Abnormalities. 259
Electrolyte Disturbances, 260
Sodium, 261
Potassium, 261
Calcium, 262
Magnesium, 263
ADalyzing the 12-Lead EledJ:ocanUogram, 263
References, 277
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 9. Define and explain acute coronary syndromes.
1. Describe the location of the heart. 10. Discuss myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarction, indicating which
2. Identify the surfaces of the heart. conditions are reversible and which are not.
3. Describe the structure and function of the coverings of the heart. 11. Compare and contrast the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic
4. Identify the three cardiac muscle layers. stimulation of the heart.
5. Identify and describe the chambers of the heart and the vessels that 12. Identify and discuss each phase of the cardiac cycle.
enter or leave each. 13. Beginning with the right atrium, describe blood flow through the
6. Identify and describe the location of the atrioventricular and semilunar normal heart and lungs to the systemic circulation.
valves. 14. Identify and explain the components of blood pressure and cardiac
7. Explain atrial kick. output.
8. Name the primary branches and areas of the heart supplied by the
right and left coronary arteries.

acute coronary syndrome (ACS): A term used to referto distinct base of the heart: Posterior surface of the heart.
conditions caused by a similar sequence of pathologic events- blood pressure: Force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arter-
a temporary or permanent blockage of a coronar_y artery. These ies as the ventricles of the heart contract and relax.
conditions are characterized by an excessive dem nd or inadequate cardiac output (CO): The amount of blood pumped into the aorta each
supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle associated minute by the heart; defined as the stroke volume multiplied by the
with plaque disruption, thrombus formation, and vasoconstriction. heart rate.
ACSs consist of three major syndromes: unstable angina, non- chordae tendineae (tendinous cords): Thin strands of fibrous connec-
ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and ST elevation myocardial tive tissue that extend from the AV valves to the papillary muscles that
infarction. prevent the AV valves from bulging back into the atria during ventricular
afterload: The pressure or resistance against which the ventricles must systole (contraction).
pump to eject blood. chronotropy: A change in (heart) rate.
angina pectoris: Chest discomfort or other related symptoms of sudden diastole: Phase of the cardiac cycle in which the atria and ventricles relax
onset that may occur because the increased oxygen demand of the between contractions and blood enters these chambers. When the term
heart temporarily exceeds the blood supply. is used without reference to a specific chamber of the heart, ventricular
apex of the heart: Lower portion of the heart that is formed by the tip of diastole is implied.
the left ventricle. dromotropy: Refers to the speed of conduction through the AV junction.
atria: Two upper chambers of the heart (singular, atrium). dysrhythmia: Any disturbance or abnormality in a normal rhythmic pat-
atrial kick: Blood pushed into the ventricles because of atrial contraction. tern; any cardiac rhythm other than a sinus rhythm.
atrioventricular (AV) valve: The valve located between each atrium ejection fraction: The percentage of blood pumped out of a heart cham-
and ventricle; the tricuspid separates the right atrium from the right ber with each contraction.
ventricle, and the mitral (bicuspid) separates the left atrium from the endocardium: Innermost layer of the heart that lines the inside of the
left ventricle. myocardium and covers the heart valves.
atypical presentation: Uncharacteristic signs and symptoms perceived epicardium: Also known as the visceral pericardium; the external layer of
by some patients experiencing a medical condition, such as an ACS. the heart wall that covers the heart muscle.

Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

hBart failure: Acondition In whlctl the heart Is unable tD pump enough pi'Oldmal: Location nearer to the midline of the body or the point of
blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body; It may result from any attachment than something else Is.
cond~ion that impairs preload, afterload, cardiac contractility, or heart sarcolemma: Membrane that covers smooth, striated, and cardiac
rare. muscle fibers.
inDtropy: Refers to a change in myocardial contractility. sarcomere: Smallest functional un~ of a myofibril.
ischemia: Decreased supply of oxygena1ed blood tn a body part or organ. sarcoplasm: SemWiuid cytnplasm of muscle cells.
mediastinum: Middle area of the thoracic cavity; contains the heart, great sarcoplasmic reticulum: Network of tubules and sacs that plays an
vessels, trachea, and esophagus, among other structures; extends from important role in muscle contraction and relalration by releasing and
the sternum to the vertebral column. storing calcium Ions.
mltochondrta: The energy-producing parts of a cell. semilunar (SL) valves: Valves shaped like half-moons that separate the
mvocardlallnfarctlon (M~: Death of some mass of the heart muscle ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery.
caused by an Inadequate blood supply. septum: An lntBmal wall of connective tissue.
mvocardlum: Middle and thickest layer of the heart; contains the cardiac stroke volume {SV): The amount of blood e]eclBd from a ventricle with
muscle fibers that cause contraction of the heart and contal ns the each heartbeat
conduction system and blood supply. sulcus: Groove.
myofibril: Slender striated strand of muscle tissue. systole: Contraction of the heart (usually refarri ng to ventricular contrac-
papillary muscles: Muscles attached to the chordae mndineae of the AV tion), during which blood is propelled intn the pulmonary artery and
valves and the ventricular muscle of the heart that help prevent the AV aorta; when the tenn is used without reference to a specific chamber of
valves from bulging too far intn the abia. the heart, ventricular systole is implied.
pericardium: A double-walled sac thai erdoses the heart and helps tone: A term that may be used when referring to the normal state of bal-
protect It from trauma and Infection. anced tension In body tissues.
peripheral resistance: Resistance to the flow of blood determined by venous return: Amount of blood flowing lntn the right atrium each minute
blood vessel diameter and the tone of the vascular musculature. from the syslemlc c1rculatlon.
preload: Force exerted by the blood on the walls of the venb1cles at the venb1cles: The two lower chambers of the heart
end of diastole.

LOCATION, SIZE, AND SHAPE formed by portions of the right atrium and the left and right
vmtrides (Fig. 1.4). However, because the heart is tilted
OFTHEHEART slightly toward the left in the chest, the right ventricle is the
[Oblectlve 1] area of the heart that lies most directly behind the sternum.
The heart is a hollow muscular organ that lies in the space The apa, or lower portion, of the heart is formed by the tip
between the lungs (i.e., the mediastinum) in the middle of of the left ventricle. The apex lies just above the diaphragm
the chest (Pig. 1.1). It sits behind the stemwn and just above at about the level of the fifth intercostal space in the midcla-
the diaphragm. About two thirds of the heart lies to the left vicular line.
of the midline of the stemwn. The remaining third lies to the The heart's left side (i.e., left lateral surface) faces the
right of the sternum. left lung and is made up mostly of the left ventricle and a
The adult heart is about 5 inches ( 12 an) long, 3.5 inches portion of the left atrium. The right lateral surface faces
(9 em) wide, and 2.5 inches (6 em) thick (Fig_ 1.2). It typically the right lung and consists of the right atrium. The heart's
weighs between 250 and 350 g (about 11 oz) and is about bottom (i.e., inferior) surface is formed primarily by the
the size of its owner's fist The weight of the heart is about left ventricle, with small portions of the right ventricle
0.4596 ofa man's body weight and about 0.40% ofa woman's, and right atrium. The right and left ventricles are sepa-
A person's heart size and weight are influenced by his or her rated by a groove containing the posterior interventricu-
age, body weight and build. frequency of physical exercise, lar vessels. Because the inferior surface of the heart rests
and heart disease. on the diaphragm, it is also called the diaphragmatic sur-
face (Fig. 1.5).


[Obiactiva 2]
The base, or posterior surface, of the heart is formed by the [Obiactive 3)
left atrium, a small portion of the right atrium, and proxi- The periQU'dium is a double-walled sac that encloses the
mal portions of the superior and inferior venae cavae and heart and helps protect it from trauma and infection. The
the pulmonary veins (Fig. 1.3). The front (anterior) surface tough outer layer of the pericardia! sac is called the fibrous
of the heart lies behind the sternum and costal cartilages. It is parietal pericardium (Fig. 1.6). It anchors the heart to some
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology


Fig. 1.1 Antar1or v1aw of tha chest wall of a man lhM!rg skslalal structullls and
the surface projactlon of the heart (From Draka R, Vogl AW, Mlb:hall AWM: Gtay's
8II8JDmy for studsnts, ed 3, New York, 2015, Churchill LMngstooe.) Fig. 1.2 Appean~nca of 1h& heart. This pho!Dgraph shows a living human heart
p111pered for transplan1al!on Into a paUent. NoiB liB slza llllaUveiD 1he hands that Rill
hading 1t. (From PaiiDn KT, Thlbolil&u GA: Anatomy& physiology. &d 9, St. Louis.
2016, Mosby.)

branch of left
coronary artery
Greal canlac vein

Obtuee mergln
Fig. 1.3 The base af the heart. (Ffm1 Drake R, 'ql A.W, Milcrell A."WM: &ay's
anaiDmy for stJJdents, ed 3, New York, 2015, Churchill Uvingslune~

Fig. 1.4 Th& ant:&r1or surface of the haart. (From Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell
The right and left phrenic nerves, which innervate the dia- AWM: Gray's anatomy frJr stJJd6nts, &d 3, Naw York, 2015, Churchill L.Mrgstona.)
phragm, pass through the fibrous pericardium as they
descend to the diaphragm. Because these nerves sup- The inner layer of the pericardium, the serous pericar-
ply sensory fibers to the fibrous pericardium, the parietal dium, consists of two layers: parietal and visceral (Fig. 1.7).
serous pericardium, and the mediastinal pleura, discomfort the parietal. layer lines the inside of the fibrous pericardium.
related to conditions affecting the pericardium may be felt
The visceral layer attaches to the large vessels that enter and
In the areas above the shoulders or lateral neck.
exit the heart and covers the outer surface ofthe heart muscle
(ie., the epicardium).
of the structures around it. such as the sternum and dia- Between the visceral and parietal layers is a space (the
phragm, by means of ligaments. This helps prevent exces- pericardia! space) that normally contains about 20 mL of
sive movement of the heart in the chest with changes in serous (pale yellow and transparent) fluid. This fluid acts as a
body position. lubricant, preventing friction as the heart beats.

If the pericardium becomes Inflamed (pericarditis), excess Heart surgery or trauma to the heart, such as a stab wound,
pericardia! fluid can be quickly generated in response to the can cause a rapid buildup of blood in the pericardia! space. The
inflammation. Pericarditis can result from a bacterial or viral buildup of excess blood or fluid in the pericardia! space com-
infection, rheumatoid arthritis, tumors, destruction of the presses the heart. This can affect the heart's abiily to relax and
heart muscle in a heart attack, among other causes. fill with blood between heartbeats. Ifthe heart cannot adequately
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

fill with blood, the amount of blood the ventricles can pump out shock. Conversely, 1000 mL of fluid may build up over a lon-
to the body (cardi~ output) will be decreased. As a result, the ger period without any significant effect on the heart's ability
amount of blood returning to the heart is also decreased. These to fill. This is because the pericardium accommodates the
changes can result in a life-threatening cond~ion called C8ldiac increased fluid by stretching over time.
temponade. The amount of blood or fluid in the pericardia! The symptoms of cardiac tamponade can be relieved
space needed to impair the heart's ability to fill depends on the by removing the excess fluid from the pericardia! sac.
rate at which the buildup of blood or fluid occurs and the ability Pericardiocentesis is a procedure in which a needle is
of the pericardium to stretch and accommodate the increased inserted into the pericardia! space and the excess fluid
volume of fluid. is sucked out (aspirated) through the needle. If scarring is
The rapid buildup of as little as 100 to 150 ml of fluid or the cause of the tamponade, surgery may be necessary to
blood can be enough to result in signs and symptoms of remove the affected area of the pericardium.

Right Rbrous
ventricle pericardium
ventrlcu lar
art8ly Left verrtricla
and vein
Right Coronary
vena cava

Fig. 1.15 The Inferior surface ot the heart The lnfe~or part ot the fibrous pe~card urn has been removed v.tlh the dla-
pluagm. (From Gosling JA: Human anaJDmy: color atlas and text. ad 4, L..ordcn, 2002, Mosby.)

Laft brachl~ Left

oaphalil: Aortic vagus
vein arch narve



•.· ... Cenlral

""""~- tendon of

Fig. 1 .& The fibrous pericanium and phrenic nerves revealed after reiTlCJ\Iill of the lungs. {From Gosling J&.: Human
anafDmy: color afias and text. ed 4, Lllndon, 2002, Mosby.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Left and llgtrt

phrenic Alcendng



~--+-:ft-.,_;.;..- MI'OUS

Fig. 1.7 The fbrous pericardium has been opened to expose the visceral pericardium ~ring lhe anterior surface of the
heart. (From Gosling JA: HumaiJ anatomy: color atlas and tert; eel 4, London, 2002, Mosby.)


Layers of the Heart Wall
[Oblactlve 4]
lhe walls of the heart are made up of three tissue layers: the
endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium (Fig. 1.8 and
Table 1.1). The heart's innennost layer, the endocardium, is Endocardium -~~=-~
made up of a thin, smooth layer of epithelium and connec-
tive tissue and Unes the heart's inner chambers, valves, chor-
dae tendineae (tendinous cords), and papillary muscles. The VIsceral
terminal components of the heart's specialized conduction pericardium
system can be found within this layer (Anderson & Roden.
2010). The endocardium is continuous with the innennost Perlcardlal
layer of the arteries, veins, and capillaries ofthe body, thereby
creating a continuous, closed circulatory system.
1he .myocarclium (middle layer) is a thick. muscular layer
that consists of cardiac muscle fibers (cells) responsible for the layer
pumping action of the heart The myocardium makes up about
Flf. 1.8 The parlcardlal sac Is aJIIliOSIId af 1:\W layn separaiBd by a narrow
30% ofthe total left. ventrkular mass (Anderson & Roden, 2010). ftuld-fllled Sjlllllll. The v1scaral part:anllum (aplcmdklm) Is attached dlractly 1D 1ha
lhe innermost halfofthe myocardium is called the subendocar- heart's surface, and the parlelal pertardlum fcnns the llJIEr layer af the sac. (from
1&1 area. The outermost halfis called the subepicardial area. 1he ~-l<lrlitx:Jm L, Blnlslk JL: PBthoplrys/rJ/o ad 5, PhiBde~hla, 2013, Elakr.)
muscle fibers of the myocardium are separated by connective
tissues that have a rich supply ofcapillaries and nerve fibers.
The heart's outennost layer is called the epicardium. The
Did You Know?- - - - - - - epicardium is continuous with the inner lining of the peri-
cardium at the heart's apex. The epicardium contains blood
The thickness of a heart chamber is related to the amount of
pressure or resistance that the muscle of the chamber must capillaries, lymph capillaries, nerve fibers, and fat. 1he main
overcome to eject blood. coronary arteries lie on the epicardial surface of the heart.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

lrJ:ll¥81 Layers of the Heart Wall

Heart Layer Description
Epicardium • External layer of 1he heart
• Coronary arteries, blood capillaries,
lymph capillaries, nerve fibers, and fat
are found in this layer I
Myocardium • Middle and thickest layer of the heart L------
lrrtercalallld dlskB
• Muscular component of the heart;
responsible for the heart's pumping
Endocardium • Innermost layer of the heart
• Lines heart's inner chambers, valves,
- Mltllchandrlon
chordae tendineae, and papillary
• Continuous with the innermost layer Fig. 1.8 cardiac muscle filar. lklllke ather types a! muscle fibers, 1he cardiac
of arteries, veins. and capillaries of the muscle flbar Is t)Pically branchoo and foiTI'IS junc1!oos, called lntaroalllled dis~. with
body adjacent cardiac muscle fibers. (From PatiDn KT, Thltxxfeau GA: Anthony's IIJXtbook
of 8fi/J/Dmy & phys/okJgy, ad 20, St Louis, 2013, Mooby~

They feed this area first before entering the myocardium and potassium (potassium channels), and calcium (calcium
supplying the heart's inner layers with oxygenated blood. channels). When the muscle is relaxed, the calcium chan-
Ischemia is a decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a nels are closed. As a result, calcium cannot pass through
body part or organ. The heart's subendocardial area is at the the membrane of the SR. This results in a high concen-
greatest risk ofischemia because this area has a high demand tration of calcium in the SR and a low concentration in
for oxygen and it is fed by the most distal branches of the the sarcoplasm, where the muscle cells (sarcomeres) are
coronary arteries. found. If the muscle cells do not have calcium available to
them, contraction is inhibited (the muscle stays relaxed).
CARDIAC MUSCLE The force of cardiac muscle contraction depends largely
Cardiac muscle fibers make up the walls of the heart. on the concentration of calcium ions in the extracellular
These fibers have striations, or stripes, similar to that of fluid.
skeletal muscle. Each muscle fiber is made up of many
muscle cells (Fig. 1.9). Each muscle cell is enclosed in
a membrane called a sarcolemma. Within each cell (as
0 ECG Pear1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The heart consists of two syncytia: atrial and ventricular.
with all cells) are mitocho.odria, the energy-producing The atrial syncytium consists of the walls of the right and
parts of a cell, and hundreds of long, tube-like structures left atria. The ventricular syncytium consists of the walls of
called myoflbrlls. Myofibrils are made up of many sar~o­ the right and left ventricles. Normally, impulses can be con-
merea, the basic protein units responsible for contraction. ducted from the atrial syncytium into the ventricular syncy-
The process of contraction requires adenosine triphos- tium only by means of the atrioventricular (AV) junction. The
phate (ATP) for energy. The mitochondria that are inter- AV junction is a part of the heart's electrical system. This
spersed between the myofibrils are important sites of ATP allows the atria to contract a short time before ventricular
production. contraction.
The sarcolemma has holes in it that lead into tubes called
T (transverse) tubules. T tubules are extensions of the cell
membrane. Another system of tubules, the sarcoplasmic:
reticulum (SR), stores calcium. Muscle cells need calcium
Heart Chambers
in order to contract. Calcium is moved from the sarco- The heart has four chambers, two atria and two ventri-
plasm of the muscle cell into the SR by means of "'pumps" cles. The outside surface of the heart has grooves called
in the SR. sulci. The coronary arteries and their major branches lie
There are certain places in the cell membrane where in these grooves. The coronary sulcus (groove) encircles
sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca++) can the outside of the heart and separates the atria from the
pass. These openings are called pores or channels. There ventricles. It contains the coronary blood vessels and
are specific channels for sodium (sodium channels}, epicardial fat.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

,....,_-- Pulmonary tnlnk

Right atrium
·~~=---;;::::..:....:.-.- Openings to
coronary arteries
Aortic (SL) valve

F1g. 1.10 lntartor of the heart. This Illustration shows the heart as It would appear If It were a.Jt along a lronllll plane and
opened Ilks a book. The fnlnt portion of the heart lies ID 1hll reader's ~ght; the back portion of the heart lias ID the reader's
Iaft. ThB four chambers Ill 1hll heart-two a~a and two van~des--an~ easily seen. A~ Abtlvant~cular; st.. semilunar. [From
Patton KT, Thllodeau GA: Anatomy & physiology, ad 9, St. llluls, 2016, Mosby.)

[Obiactive 5] (Obiactive 5]
The two upper chambers of the heart are the right and The heart's two lower chambers are the right and left ven-
left atria (singular, atrium) (Fig. 1.10). An earlike flap tricles. Their purpose is to pump blood. The right ventricle
called an auricle (meaning "little ear·) protrudes from pumps blood to the lungs. The left ventricle pumps blood
each atrium. out to the body. Because the ventricles must pump blood
The purpose of the atria is to receive blood. The right either to the lungs (the right ventricle) or to the rest of the
atrium receives blood low in oxygen from the superior vena body (the left ventricle), the ventricles have a much thicker
cava (which carries blood from the head and upper extremi- myocardial layer than the atria. Because the right ventricle
ties), the inferior vena cava (which carries blood from the moves blood only through the blood vessels of the lungs and
lower body), and the coronary sinus (which is the largest then into the left atrium, it has one sixth of the muscle mass
vein that drains the heart). The left atrium receives freshly and one third of the wall thickness of the left ventricle, which
oxygenated blood from the lungs via the right and left pul- must propel blood to most vessels of the body (Hutchison &:
monary veins. Rudakewich, 2009) (Fig. 1.11).
1he four chambers of the heart vary in muscular wall
thickness, reflecting the degree of pressure each chamber
must generate to pump blood. For example, the atria encoun-
ter little resistance when pumping blood to the ventricles. As
a result, the atria have a thin myocardial layer. The wall of When the left ventricle contracts, it normally produces an
the right atrium is about 2 mm thick. and the wall of the left impulse that can be felt at the apex of the heart (apical
atrium is about 3 m.m thick. Blood is pumped from the atria impulse). This occurs because as the left ventricle con·
through an atrioventricular (AV) valve and into the ventri- tracts, it rotates forward. In a normal heart, this causes the
cles. The valves ofthe heart are discussed later in this chapter. apex of the left ventricle to hit the chest wall. You may be
able to sea the apical impulse in thin individuals. The api-
Q ECG Pearl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cal impulse is also called the point of maximal impulse
because it is the site where the left ventricular contraction
Think of the atria as holding tanks or reservoirs for blood. is most strongly felt.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Antarlor lntarvenb1cuJar Right vantrk:ular

artery wall

Left Papillary Intel'" Trabeculae Marginal
ventricular mUICia Y811lrtcular camaae arl8ry
-11 saptum
Fig. 1.11 Section through the heart shi7Mng 1he &Peal porUn of the left and ~ghl venll1clas. (From Gosling JA: Human
anatumy: oo1or atlas and t8Xt, ed 4, London, 2002, Mosby.)

Heart Valves
The heart has a skeleton, which is made up of four rings
of thick connective tissue. This tissue surrounds the bases
of the pulmonary trunk, the aorta, and the heart valves.
The inside of the rings provides secure attachments for
the heart valves. The outside of the rings provides for the
attachment of the cardiac muscle of the myocardium (Fig.
1.12). The heart's skeleton also helps form the partitions
(septa) that separate the atria from the ventricles.
There are four one-way valves in the heart: two sets of AV
valves and two sets of&emilUIW' (SL) valves. The valves open
and close in a specific sequence and assist in producing the
pressure gradient needed between the chambers to ensure
a smooth :flow of blood through the heart and prevent the
bacldl.ow of blood.
Fig. 1.12 Skeleton of the heart. This IX)Stel1or view shows part of the venll1cular
ATRIOVENTRICULAR VALVES myooardlum with 1he heart valves 81111 attached. The rim of each heart valve Is sup-
ported by a fibrous structure, called the sk8/stonofth6 h6art, which encircles all four
[Oblectlves 6, 7] valves. AV. Atrlovenll1cular. (From PatiDn KT, Thibodeau GA: Anatmny&ph~
Atrioventricular valves separate the atria from the ventricles. ed 9, St Louis, 201 6, Mosby.)
The two AV valves consist of tough. fibrous rings (annuli
:6.brosi); :flaps (lea11.ets or cusps) of endocardium; chordae
tendineae; and papillary muscles. left atrium and left ventricle (Fig. 1.14). The mitral valve is
1he tricuspid valve is the AV valve that lies between the so named because of its resemblance to a miter, which is a
right atrium and right ventricle. It consists of three separate double-cusp bishop's hat, when open.
cusps or flaps (Fig. 1.13). It is larger in diameter and thinner The AV valves open when a forward pressure gradi-
than the mitral valve. The mitral valve, which is also called ent forces blood in a forward direction. They close when
the bicuspid valve, has only two cusps and lies between the a pressure gradient pushes blood backward. The
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Superior vena


TrtcuspldG Anterior cusp Septal papllluy miiiiCie

Septal cusp
valve Posterior cusp
Septom•rgln•l trabecul•

Fig. 1.13 Internal view of 1he right venll1cle. (From Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell AWM: Gmy~ snatrHny frJr si1Jdenls. ed 3,
New Yorll, 2015, Churchill Uvlngstone.)

MHral val¥8 antartor cuep

Pulmonary arteries

Pulmonary veins

Coronary sinus

valve poeterlor cuap

Fig. 1.14 Internal view of 1he left ventriCle. (From Drake R, Vcgl AW, MitChell AWM: !#a~ anatomy for students, ed 3, New
Ya'k, 2015, Chu I'Ch ill Livingstone.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

AV valves require almost no backflow to cause closure ends and the pressure in the pulmonary artery and aorta
(Hall, 2016). exceeds that of the ventricles.
The flow of blood from the superior and inferior venae
cavae into the atria is normally continuous. About 70%
of this blood flows directly through the atria and into the
ventricles before the atria contract; this is called passi'o'e
filling. & the atria fill with blood, the pressure within the Improper valve function can hamper blood flow through the
atrial chamber rises. This pressure forces the tricuspid heart. Valvular heart disease is the term used to describe
and mitral valves open, and the ventricles begin to fill, a malfunctioning heart valve. Types of valvular heart dis-
gradually increasing the pressure within the ventricles. ease include the following:
When the atria contract, an additionallO% to 30% of the • vaJvular prolapse. If a valve flap inverts, it is said to have
returning blood is added to filling of the ventricles. This prolapsed. Prolapse can occur if one valve flap is larger
additional contribution of blood resulting from atrial than the other. It can also occur if the chordae tendin-
contraction is called atrial kick. On the right side of the eae stretch markedly or rupture.
heart, blood low in oxygen empties into the right ventri- • vaJvutar regurgitation. Blood can flow backward, or
cle. On the left side of the heart, freshly oxygenated blood regurgitate, if one or more of the heart's valves does
not close properly. Valvular regurgitation Is also known
empties into the left ventricle. When the ventricles then
as valvular incompetence or valvular insufficiency.
contract (i.e., systole), the pressure within the ventricles
• Valvular stenosis. If a valve narrows, stiffens, or thick-
rises sharply. The tricuspid and mitral valves completely ens, it is said to be stenosed. The heart must work
close when the pressure within the ventricles exceeds that harder to pump blood through a stenosed valve.
of the atria. Papillary muscles receive their blood supply from the
Chordae tendineae (tendlnoua cords) are thin strands coronary arteries. If a papillary muscle ruptures because
of connective tissue. On one end, they are attached to the of an inadequate blood supply (as in myocardial infarc-
underside of the AV valves. On the other end, they are tion), the attached valve cusps will not completely
attached to small mounds of myocardium called papillary close and may result in a murmur. If a papillary muscle
maades. Papillary muscles project inward from the lower in the left ventricle ruptures, the leaflets of the mitral
portion ofthe ventricular walls. When the ventricles contract valve may invert Q.e., prolapse). This may result in blood
leaking from the left ventricle into the left atrium (e.g.,
and relax, so do the papillary muscles. The papillary muscles
regurgitation} during ventricular contraction. Blood flow
adjust their tension on the chordae tendineae, preventing
to the body o.e., cardiac output) could decrease as a
them from bulging too far into the atria. For example, when result.
the right ventricle contracts, the papillary muscles of the
right ventricle pull on the chordae tendineae. 1he chordae
tendineae prevent the flaps of the tricuspid valve from bulg-
ing too far into the right atrium. 1hus, the chordae tendineae
and papillary muscles serve as anchors. Because the chordae HEART SOUNDS
tendineae are thin and string-like, they are sometimes called Heart sounds occur because of vibrations in the tissues
"heart strings." of the heart caused by the closing of the heart's valves.
Vibrations are created as blood flow is suddenly increased
SEMILUNAR VALVES or slowed with the contraction and relaxation of the
[OIJiactlve B] heart chambers and with the opening and closing of the
The pulmonic and aortic valves are SL valves. 1he SL valves pre- valves.
vent the bacldlow ofblood from the aorta and pulmonary arter- Normal heart sounds are called Sl and S2. 1he first heart
ies into the ventricles. 1he SL valves have three cusps shaped sound ("lubb,.) occurs during ventricular contraction when
like half-moons. 1he openings of the SL valves are smaller than the tricuspid and mitral (AV) valves are closing. The second
the openings of the AV valves, and the flaps of the SL valves are heart sound ("dupp) occurs during ventricular relaxation
smaller and thicker than the AV valves. Unlike the AV valves, as the pulmonic and aortic (SL) valves close. A third heart
the SL valves are not attached to chordae tendineae. sound is produced by ventricular filling. In those younger
When the ventricles contract, the SL valves open, allow- than 40 years ofage, the left ventricle normally permits rapid
ing blood to flow out of the ventricles. When the right filling. The more rapid the ventricular filling, the greater
ventricle contracts, blood low in oxygen flows through the likelihood of hearing a third heart sound. A third heart
the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary trunk. which sound (S3) heard in people older than 40 years ofage is con-
divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. When sidered abnormal An abnormal third heart sound is fre-
the left ventricle contracts, freshly oxygenated blood flows quently associated with heart failure. An Sl-S2-S3 sequence
through the aortic valve into the aorta and out to the body is called a ventricular gallop or gallop rhythm. It sounds like
(Fig. 1.15). The SL valves close as ventricular contraction "Kentucky"-Ken (Sl) -tuck (S2) -y (S3). The location of the
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
place at the quaint beauty of the edifice, and lastly intense and wild
admiration takes entire possession of you, and all is forgotten in the
glorious nearness of the great Golden Pagoda.
On either side of the rugged steps there are rows of most
picturesque little stalls, at which are sold endless offerings to be
made to Buddha—flowers of every shade and hue, fruit, glowing
bunches of yellow plantains and pepia, candles, wondrous little
paper devices and flags, and, lastly, the gold leaf, which the faithful
delight to place upon the beloved pagoda. It is looked upon as a
great act of merit to expend money in thus decorating the much
loved and venerated shrine....
As you mount slowly up the steep uneven steps of the pagoda,
turn for a moment and glance back at the scene. It is a pagoda feast,
and the place is crowded with the faithful from all parts, who have
come from far and near to present offerings and perform their
religious observances. It is an entrancing picture, a marvel of colour
and picturesqueness—see, the stalls are laid out with their brightest
wares, and the crowd is becoming greater every moment. Look at
that group of laughing girls, they have donned their most brilliant
tamehns, and dainty shawls, and the flowers in their hair are
arranged with infinite coquettishness; behind them are coming a
dazzling company of young men in pasohs of every indescribable
shade; perchance they are the lovers of the girls whom they are
following so eagerly, and they are bearing fruit and flowers to present
to Buddha. Beyond them again are some yellow-robed Pohn-gyees;
they are supposed to shade their eyes from looking upon women
with their large lotus-shaped fans, but to-day they are gazing about
them more than is permitted, and are casting covert glances of
admiration on some of those dainty little maidens. Behind them
again are a white-robed company, they are nuns, and their shroud-
like garments flow around them in long graceful folds. Their hair is
cut short, and they have not so joyous an expression upon their
faces as the rest of the community, and they toil up the steep steps a
trifle wearily. Behind them again are a little toddling group of children,
with their little hands full of bright glowing flowers and fruits.
Shall we follow in the crowd and see where the steps lead? It is
a wondrous study, the effects of light and shade; look at that
sunbeam glinting in through the roof and laying golden fingers on the
Pohn-gyees’ yellow robes, and turning the soft-hued fluttering silks
into brilliant luminous spots of light.
At last we have arrived at the summit! Let us pause and take
breath morally and physically before walking round the great open-
paved space in the centre of which rises the great and glorious
pagoda. There it stands towering up and up, as though it would fain
touch the blue heaven; it is surrounded by a galaxy of smaller
pagodas, which seem to be clustering lovingly near their great high
priest; around these again are large carved kneeling elephants, and
deep urn-shaped vessels, which are placed there to receive the
offerings of food brought to Buddha. The crows and the pariah dogs
which haunt the place will soon demolish these devout offerings, and
grow fat upon them as their appearance testifies; but this, curiously,
does not seem in the least to annoy the giver. He has no objection to
seeing a fat crow or a mangy dog gorging itself upon his offering, as
the feeding of any animal is an act of merit, which is the one thing of
importance to a Burman. The more acts of merit that he can
accomplish in this life, the more rapid his incarnations will be in the
There are draped about the small golden pagodas and round the
base of the large one endless quaint pieces of woven silk; these are
offerings from women, and must be completed in one night without a
On the outer circle of this large paved space are a multitude of
shrines, enclosing hundreds of images of Buddha. You behold
Buddha standing, you behold him sitting, you behold him reclining;
you see him large, you see him small, you see him medium size; you
see him in brass, in wood, in stone, and in marble. Many of these
statues are simply replicas of each other, but some differ slightly,
though the cast of features is always the same, a placid, amiable,
benign countenance, with very long lobes to the ears, which in
Burmah are supposed to indicate the great truthfulness of the person
who possesses them. Most of the images have suspended over
them the royal white umbrella, which was one of the emblems of
Burma, and only used in Thebaw’s time to cover Buddha, the king,
and the lord white elephant.

Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies (London, 1896).


QUITTING the Palazzo, and threading narrow streets, paved with

brick and overshadowed with huge empty palaces, we reach the
highest of the three hills on which Siena stands, and see before us
the Duomo. This church is the most purely Gothic of all Italian
cathedrals designed by national architects. Together with that of
Orvieto, it stands to show what the unassisted genius of the Italians
could produce, when under the empire of mediæval Christianity and
before the advent of the neopagan spirit. It is built wholly of marble,
and overlaid, inside and out, with florid ornaments of exquisite
beauty. There are no flying buttresses, no pinnacles, no deep and
fretted doorways, such as form the charm of French and English
architecture; but instead of this, the lines of party-coloured marbles,
the scrolls and wreaths of foliage, the mosaics and the frescoes
which meet the eye in every direction, satisfy our sense of variety,
producing most agreeable combinations of blending hues and
harmoniously connected forms. The chief fault which offends against
our Northern taste is the predominance of horizontal lines, both in
the construction of the façade, and also in the internal decoration.
This single fact sufficiently proves that the Italians had never seized
the true idea of Gothic or aspiring architecture. But, allowing for this
original defect, we feel that the Cathedral of Siena combines
solemnity and splendour to a degree almost unrivalled. Its dome is
another point in which the instinct of Italian architects has led them to
adhere to the genius of their ancestral art rather than to follow the
principles of Gothic design. The dome is Etruscan and Roman,
native to the soil, and only by a kind of violence adapted to the
character of pointed architecture. Yet the builders of Siena have
shown what a glorious element of beauty might have been added to
our Northern cathedrals, had the idea of infinity which our ancestors
expressed by long continuous lines, by complexities of interwoven
aisles, and by multitudinous aspiring pinnacles, been carried out into
vast spaces of aërial cupolas, completing and embracing and
covering the whole like heaven. The Duomo, as it now stands, forms
only part of a vast original design. On entering we are amazed to
hear that this church, which looks so large, from the beauty of its
proportions, the intricacy of its ornaments, and the interlacing of its
columns, is but the transept of the old building lengthened a little,
and surmounted by a cupola and campanile. Yet such is the fact.
Soon after its commencement a plague swept over Italy, nearly
depopulated Siena, and reduced the town to penury for want of men.
The Cathedral, which, had it been accomplished, would have
surpassed all Gothic churches south of the Alps, remained a ruin. A
fragment of the nave still stands, enabling us to judge of its extent.
The eastern wall joins what was to have been the transept,
measuring the mighty space which would have been enclosed by
marble vaults and columns delicately wrought. The sculpture on the
eastern door shows with what magnificence the Sienese designed to
ornament this portion of their temple; while the southern façade rears
itself aloft above the town, like those high arches which testify to the
past splendour of Glastonbury Abbey; but the sun streams through
the broken windows, and the walls are encumbered with hovels and
stables and the refuse of surrounding streets. One most remarkable
feature of the internal decoration is a line of heads of the Popes
carried all round the church above the lower arches. Larger than life,
white solemn faces, they lean, each from his separate niche,
crowned with the triple tiara, and labelled with the name he bore.
Their accumulated majesty brings the whole past history of the
Church into the presence of its living members. A bishop walking up
the nave of Siena must feel as a Roman felt among the waxen
images of ancestors renowned in council or in war. Of course these
portraits are imaginary for the most part; but the artists have
contrived to vary their features and expression with great skill.

Not less peculiar to Siena is the pavement of the Cathedral. It is

inlaid with a kind of tarsia work in stone, not unlike that which Baron
Triqueti used in his “Marmor Homericum”—less elaborately
decorative, but even more artistic and subordinate to architectural
effect than the baron’s mosaic. Some of these compositions are as
old as the cathedral; others are the work of Beccafumi and his
scholars. They represent, in the liberal spirit of mediæval Christianity,
the history of the Church before the Incarnation. Hermes
Trismegistus and the Sibyls meet us at the doorway: in the body of
the church we find the mighty deeds of the old Jewish heroes—of
Moses and Samson and Joshua and Judith. Independently of the
artistic beauty of the designs, of the skill with which men and horses
are drawn in the most difficult attitudes, of the dignity of some single
figures, and of the vigour and simplicity of the larger compositions, a
special interest attaches to this pavement in connection with the
twelfth canto of the “Purgatorio.” Did Dante ever tread these stones
and meditate upon their sculptured histories? That is what we cannot
say; but we read how he journeyed through the plain of Purgatory
with eyes intent upon its storied floor, how “morti i morti, e i vivi
parean vivi,” how he saw “Nimrod at the foot of his great work,
confounded, gazing at the people who were proud with him.” The
strong and simple outlines of the pavement correspond to the few
words of the poet. Bending over these pictures and trying to learn
their lesson, with the thought of Dante in our mind, the tones of an
organ, singularly sweet and mellow, fall upon our ears, and we
remember how he heard the Te Deum sung within the gateway of

Sketches in Italy and Greece (London, 1874).


LOUVAIN IS in a certain sense the mother city of Brussels. Standing

on its own little navigable river, the Dyle, it was, till the end of the
Fourteenth Century, the capital of the Counts and of the Duchy of
Brabant. It had a large population of weavers, engaged in the cloth
trade. Here, as elsewhere, the weavers formed the chief bulwark of
freedom in the population. In 1378, however, after a popular rising,
Duke Wenseslaus besieged and conquered the city; and the
tyrannical sway of the nobles, whom he re-introduced, aided by the
rise of Ghent, or later, of Antwerp, drove away trade from the city.
Many of the weavers emigrated to Holland and England, where they
helped to establish the woollen industry....
As you emerge from the station, you come upon a small Place,
adorned with a statue (by Geefs) of Sylvain van de Weyer, a
revolutionary of 1830, and long Belgian minister to England. Take the
long straight street up which the statue looks. This leads direct to the
Grand’ Place, the centre of the town, whence the chief streets
radiate in every direction, the ground-plan recalling that of a Roman

The principal building in the Grand’ Place is the Hôtel de Ville,

standing out with three sides visible from the Place, and probably the
finest civic building in Belgium. It is of very florid late-Gothic
architecture, between 1448 and 1463. Begin first with the left façade,
exhibiting three main storeys, with handsome Gothic windows.
Above come a gallery, and then a gable-end, flanked by octagonal
turrets, and bearing a similar turret on its summit. In this centre of the
gable is a little projecting balcony of the kind so common on Belgic
civic buildings. The architecture of the niches and turrets is of very
fine florid Gothic, in better taste than that at Ghent of nearly the
same period. The statues which fill the niches are modern. Those of
the first storey represent personages of importance in the local
history of the city; those of the second, the various mediæval guilds
or trades; those of the third, the Counts of Louvain and Dukes of
Brabant of all ages. The bosses or corbels which support the
statues, are carved with scriptural scenes in high relief. I give the
subjects of a few (beginning Left): the reader must decipher the
remainder for himself. The Court of Heaven: The Fall of the Angels
into the visible Jaws of Hell: Adam and Eve in the Garden: The
Expulsion from Paradise: The Death of Abel, with quaint rabbits
escaping: The Drunkenness of Noah: Abraham and Lot: etc.
The main façade has an entrance staircase, and two portals in
the centre, above which are figures of St. Peter (Left) and Our Lady
and Child (Right), the former in compliment to the patron of the
church opposite. This façade has three storeys, decorated with
Gothic windows, and capped by a gallery parapet, above which rises
the high-pitched roof, broken by several quaint small windows. At
either end are the turrets of the gable, with steps to ascend them.
The rows of statues represent as before (in four tiers), persons of
local distinction, mediæval guilds and the Princes who have ruled
Brabant and Louvain. Here again the sculptures beneath the bosses
should be closely inspected. Among the most conspicuous are the
Golden Calf, the Institution of Sacrifices in the Tabernacle, Balaam’s
Ass, Susannah and the Elders, etc.
The gable-end to the Right, ill seen from the narrow street,
resembles in its features the one opposite it, but this façade is even
finer than the others.
The best general view is obtained from the door of St. Pierre, or
near either corner of the Place directly opposite.
Cities of Belgium (London, 1897).

THE Cathedral of Seville is isolated in the centre of a large square,

yet its grandeur may be measured by a single glance. I immediately
thought of the famous phrase in the decree uttered by the Chapter of
the primitive church on July 8, 1401, regarding the building of the
new Cathedral: “Let us build a monument which shall cause posterity
to think we must have been mad.” These reverend canons did not
fail in their intention. But to fully appreciate this we must enter. The
exterior of the Cathedral is imposing and magnificent; but less so
than the interior. There is no façade: a high wall encloses the
building like a fortress. It is useless to turn and gaze upon it, for you
will never succeed in impressing a single outline upon your mind,
which, like the introduction to a book, will give you a clear idea of the
work; you admire and you exclaim more than once: “It is immense!”
but you are not satisfied; and you hasten to enter the church, hoping
that you may receive there a more complete sentiment of admiration.
On entering you are stunned, you feel as if you are lost in an
abyss; and for several moments you can only let your glance wander
over these immense curves in this immense space to assure
yourself that your eyes and your imagination are not deceiving you.
Then you approach a column, measure it, and contemplate the
others from a distance: they are as large as towers and yet they
seem so slender that you tremble to think they support the edifice.
With a rapid glance you look at them from pavement to ceiling and it
seems as if you could almost count the moments that it takes the
eye to rise with them. There are five naves, each one of which might
constitute a church. In the central one another cathedral could easily
lift its high head surmounted by a cupola and bell-tower. Altogether
there are sixty-eight vaults, so bold that it seems to you they expand
and rise very slowly while you are looking at them. Everything in this
Cathedral is enormous. The principal altar, placed in the centre of
the great nave, is so high that it almost touches the vaulted ceiling,
and seems to be an altar constructed for giant priests to whose
knees only would ordinary altars reach; the paschal candle seems
like the mast of a ship; and the bronze candlestick which holds it, is a
museum of sculpture and carving which would in itself repay a day’s
visit. The chapels are worthy of the church, for in them are lavished
the chefs d’œuvre of sixty-seven sculptors and thirty-eight painters.
Montanes, Zurbaran, Murillo, Valdes, Herrera, Boldan, Roelas, and
Campaña have left there a thousand immortal traces of their hands.
St. Ferdinand’s Chapel, containing the sepulchres of this king and of
his wife Beatrice, of Alphonso the Wise, the celebrated minister
Florida Blanca, and other illustrious personages, is one of the richest
and most beautiful. The body of King Ferdinand, who delivered
Seville from the dominion of the Arabs, clothed in his military dress,
with the crown and the royal mantle, reposes in a crystal casket
covered with a veil. On one side is the sword which he carried on the
day of his entrance into Seville; and on the other his staff, the symbol
of command. In this same chapel a little ivory wand which the king
carried to the wars, and other relics of great value are preserved. In
the other chapels there are large marble altars, Gothic tombs and
statues in stone, in wood and silver, enclosed in large caskets of
silver with their bodies and hands covered with diamonds and rubies;
and some marvellous pictures, which, unfortunately, the feeble light,
falling from the high windows, does not illuminate sufficiently to let
the admirer see their entire beauty.

But after a detailed examination of these chapels, paintings, and

sculptures, you always return to admire the Cathedral’s grand, and, if
I may be allowed to say it, formidable aspect. After having glanced
towards those giddy heights, the eye and mind are fatigued by the
effort. And the abundant images correspond to the grandeur of the
basilica; immense angels and monstrous heads of cherubim with
wings as large as the sails of a ship and enormous floating mantles
of blue. The impression that this Cathedral produces is entirely
religious, but it is not sad; it creates a feeling which carries the mind
into the infinite space and silence where Leopardi’s thoughts were
plunged; it creates a sentiment full of desire and boldness; it
produces that shiver which is experienced at the brink of a precipice,
—that distress and confusion of great thoughts, that divine terror of
the infinite....
It is needless to speak of the Feasts of Holy Week: they are
famous throughout the world, and people from all parts of Europe
still flock to them.
But the most curious privilege of the Cathedral of Seville is the
dance de los seises, which is performed every evening at twilight for
eight consecutive days after the Feast of Corpus Domini.
As I found myself in Seville at this time I went to see it. From
what I had heard I expected a scandalous pasquinade, and I entered
the church quite ready to be indignant at the profanation of a holy
place. The church was dark; only the large altar was illuminated, and
a crowd of women kneeled before it. Several priests were sitting to
the right and left of the altar. At a signal given by one of the priests,
sweet music from violins broke the profound silence of the church,
and two rows of children moved forward in the steps of a contre-
danse, and began to separate, interlace, break away, and again
unite with a thousand graceful turnings; then everybody joined in a
melodious and charming hymn which resounded in the vast
Cathedral like a choir of angels’ voices; and in the next moment they
began to accompany their dance and song with castanets. No
religious ceremony ever touched me like this. It is out of the question
to describe the effect produced by these little voices under the
immense vaults, these little creatures at the foot of this enormous
altar, this modest and almost humble dance, this antique costume,
this kneeling multitude, and the surrounding darkness. I went out of
the church with as serene a soul as if I had been praying....
The famous Giralda of the Cathedral of Seville is an ancient
Arabian tower, constructed, according to tradition, in the year one
thousand, on the plan of the architect Huevar, the inventor of
algebra; it was modified in its upper part after the expulsion of the
Moors and converted into a Christian bell-tower, yet it has always
preserved its Arabian air and has always been prouder of the
vanished standard of the conquered race than the Cross which the
victors have placed upon it. This monument produces a novel
sensation: it makes you smile: it is as enormous and imposing as an
Egyptian pyramid and at the same time as gay and graceful as a
garden kiosk. It is a square brick tower of a beautiful rose-colour,
bare up to a certain height, and then ornamented all the way up by
little Moorish twin-windows displayed here and there at haphazard
and provided with little balconies which produce a very pretty effect.
Upon the story, where formerly a roof of various colours rested,
surmounted by an iron shaft which supported four enormous golden
balls, the Christian bell-tower rises in three stories; the first
containing the bells, the second enclosed by a balustrade, and the
third forming a kind of cupola on which turns, like a weather-vane, a
statue of gilt bronze representing Faith, holding a palm in one hand
and in the other a standard visible at a long distance from Seville,
and which, when touched by the sun, glitters like an enormous ruby
imbedded in the crown of a Titan king who rules the entire valley of
Andalusia with his glance.

La Spagna (Florence, 1873).


A STEEP chalk bluff, starting from a river margin with the heave and
dominance of a tidal wave is Castle Hill, now crowned and mantled
by the Norman keep, the royal house, the chapel of St. George, and
the depending gardens, terraces, and slopes.
Trees beard the slope and tuft the ridge. Live waters curl and
murmur at the base. In front, low-lying meadows curtsey to the royal
hill. Outward, on the flanks, to east and west, run screens of elm and
oak, of beech and poplar; here, sinking into clough and dell: there
mounting up to smiling sward and wooded knoll. Far in the rear lie
forest glades, with walks and chases, losing themselves in distant
heath and holt. By the edges of dripping wells, which bear the names
of queen and saint, stand aged oaks, hoary with time and rich in
legend: patriarchs of the forest, wedded to the readers of all nations
by immortal verse.
A gentle eminence, the Castle Hill springs from the bosom of a
typical English scene.

Crowning a verdant ridge, the Norman keep looks northward on

a wide and wooded level, stretching over many shires, tawny with
corn and rye, bright with abundant pasture, and the red and white of
kine and sheep, while here again the landscape is embrowned with
groves and parks. The stream curves softly past your feet,
unconscious of the capital, unruffled by the tide. Beyond the river
bank lie open meadows, out of which start up the pinnacles of Eton
College, the Plantagenet school and cloister, whence for twenty-one
reigns the youth of England have been trained for court and camp,
the staff, the mitre, and the marble chair. Free from these pinnacles,
the eye is caught by darksome clump, and antique tower, and distant
height; each darksome clump a haunted wood, each antique tower
an elegy in stone, each distant height a storied and romantic hill.
That darksome clump is Burnham wood; this antique tower is Stoke;
yon distant heights are Hampstead Heath and Richmond Park.
Nearer to the eye stand Farnham Royal, Upton park, and Langley
Marsh; the homes of famous men, the sceneries of great events.
Swing round to east or south, and still the eye falls lovingly on
household spots. There, beyond Datchet ferry, stood the lodge of
Edward the Confessor, and around his dwelling spread the hunting-
grounds of Alfred and other Saxon kings. Yon islet in the Thames is
Magna Charta Island; while the open field, below the reach, is
The heights all round the Norman keep are capped with fame—
one hallowed by a saint, another crowned with song. Here is St.
Leonard’s hill; and yonder, rising over Runnymede, is Cooper’s hill.
Saints, poets, kings and queens, divide the royalties in almost equal
shares. St. George is hardly more a presence in the place than
Chaucer and Shakespeare. Sanctity and poetry are everywhere
about us; in the royal chapel, by the river-side, among the forest
oaks, and even in the tavern yards. Chaucer and Shakespeare have
a part in Windsor hardly less pronounced than that of Edward and
Victoria, that of St. Leonard and St. George.
Windsor was river born and river named. The stream is winding,
serpentine; the bank by which it rolls was called the “winding shore.”
The fact, common to all countries, gives a name which is common to
all languages. Snakes, dragons, serpentines, are names of winding
rivers in every latitude. There is a Snake river in Utah, another
Snake river in Oregon; there is a Drach river in France, another
Drach river in Switzerland. The straits between Paria and Trinidad is
the Dragon’s Mouth; the outfall of Lake Chiriqui is also the Dragon’s
Mouth. In the Morea, in Majorca, in Ionia, there are Dragons. There
is a Serpent islet off the Danube, and a Serpentaria in Sardinia. We
have a modern Serpentine in Hyde Park!
Windsor, born of that winding shore-line, found in after days her
natural patron in St. George.
With one exception, all the Castle builders were men and women
of English birth and English taste; Henry Beauclerc, Henry of
Winchester, Edward of Windsor, Edward of York, Henry the Seventh,
Queen Elizabeth, George the Fourth, and Queen Victoria; and these
English builders stamped an English spirit on every portion of the
pile—excepting on the Norman keep.
Ages before the Normans came to Windsor, a Saxon hunting-
lodge had been erected in the forest; not on the bleak and isolated
crest of hill, but by the river margin, on “the winding shore.” This
Saxon lodge lay hidden in the depths of ancient woods, away from
any public road and bridge. The King’s highway ran north, the Devil’s
Causeway to the south. The nearest ford was three miles up the
stream, the nearest bridge was five miles down the stream. A bridle-
path, such as may still be found in Spain or Sicily, led to that Saxon
lodge; but here this path was lost among the ferns and underwoods.
No track led on to other places. Free to the chase, yet severed from
the world, that hunting-lodge was like a nest. Old oaks and elms
grew round about as screens. Deep glades, with here and there a
bubbling spring, extended league on league, as far as Chertsey
bridge and Guildford down. This forest knew no tenants save the
hart and boar, the chough and crow. An air of privacy, and poetry,
and romance, hung about this ancient forest lodge.
Seeds of much legendary lore had been already sown. A builder
of that Saxon lodge had been imagined in a mythical king—Arthur of
the Round Table, Arthur of the blameless life—a legend which
endures at Windsor to the present day. There, Godwin, sitting at the
king’s board, had met his death, choked with the lie in his wicked
throat. There, Edward the Confessor had lisped his prayers, and
cured the halt and blind. There, too, the Saxon princes, Tosti and
Harold, were supposed to have fought in the king’s presence,
lugging out each other’s locks, and hurling each other to the ground.
Of later growth were other legends; ranging from the romance of the
Fitz-Warines, through the Romaunt of the Rose, down to the rhyme
of King Edward and the Shepherd, the mystery of Herne the Hunter,
and the humours of the Merry Wives.
William the Conqueror preserved his Saxon hunting-lodge by the
river-side, but built his Norman keep on the Castle Hill—perhaps on
the ruins of a Celtic camp, certainly round the edges of a deep and
copious well.

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