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EXERCISE - 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q7 Qs Qo Quo Qu Qi Q3 ‘The alveolar epithelium in the lung is [B.H.U, 1996] (1) Non-ciliated columnar (2) Non-ciliated squamous (3) Ciliated columnar (4) Ciliated squamous Respiratory centre is situated in [C.B.S.E. 1999] (2)Medulla oblongata (3) Hypothalamus 4) Cerebrum. Air is breathed through— IC.B.S.E. 1994] (1) Trachea > lungs — larynx — pharynx > alveoli (2) Nose -> larynx > pharynx —> bronchus —> alveoli > bronchioles (3) Nostrils > Pharynx > larynx > trachea — bronchi -> bronchioles — alveoli (4) Nose —> mouth — lungs At high altitude, RBC of human blood will ~ ICB. (1) Inerease in number (3) Decrease in size - 1995] (2) Decrease in number (4) Increase in size Which one protects the lungs [B.H.U. 1996] (Rib (2) Vertebral column (3) Sternum (4) All above Which one has the lowest value — [B.H.U. 1996] (1) Tidal volume 3) Inspiratory reserve volume (Q) Vital capaci (4) Expiratory reserve volume Amount of oxygen present in one gram of haemoglobin is IA.LLM.S, 1997] (1) 20 ml (2) 134ml 3) 134ml (4) None of these ‘Compound soluble in water which does not impede oxygen trasportation is [A.LLMSS. 1997] (1) SO, 2) SO, @) CO (4) NO In lungs air is separated from venous blood by- (1) Squamous epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel (2) Squamous epithelium + endothelium of blood vessel (3) Transitional epithelium + tunica media of blood vessel (4) Columnar epithelium + 3 layered wall of blood vessel 1997] In carbon monoxide poisoning there is (1) Increase in carbon dioxide concentration (2) Decrease in oxygen availability (3) Decrease in free haemoglobin (4) None of these Exchange of gases in lung alveoli occurs through- (2) Osmosis (3) Simple diffusion IA.RM.C. 1997] [C.B.S.E. 1998] (4) Passive transport IM.P. P.M.T, 1999] (1) Active transport Vocal cords occur in ~ (1) Pharynx (2) Larynx, (3) Glottis (4) Brronchial tube Match the columns: Ikarnataka 1999] Column 1 Column I (a) Larynx. (p) Lid of larynx (b) Trachea (q) Air sacs (©) Alveoli (1) Voice box (@) Epiglortis (8) Wind pipe (at. b-s,c4, ep Q)at.b-scp.dq (t) Common passa @) at bs, cg, dt at bt eg dp Qua Qis Qu6 Quiz Qus Quy Q.20 Q2i Q22 Qa Q.26 Adam’s Apple represents IPb. P.M.T. 2000] (1) Arytenoid cartilage of larynx (2) Cricoid cartilage of larynx (3) Thyroid cartilage of larynx (4) All the above Respiratory centre of brain is stimulated by- [A.LLM.S 2000] (1) Carbon dioxide content in venous blood (2) Carbon dioxide content in arterial blood (3) Oxygen content in venous blood (4) Oxygen content in arterial blood Carbon dioxide entering erythrocytes reacts with water to form carbonic acid. The enzyme is (1) Carbonic anhydrase (2) Carboxypeptidase [H.P.P.M.T. 2001] (3) Hydrolase (4) Oxidoreduetase Arytenoid cartilage is found in [B.H.U, 2000] (1) Hyoid (2) Sternum, (3) Larynx, (4) Nose At the time of expiration, diaphragm becomes — [Karnataka 2003] (1) Oblique (2) Normal (3) Flattened (4) Dome-shaped Exchange of bicarbonates and chloride ions beteween RBC and plasma is called ICBSE 1999] (1) Chloride shift (2) Bohr’s effect (3) Haldane’s effect (4) Intra cellular respiration When CO, concentration in blood increase breathing becomes— ICBSE 2004] (1) There is no effect on breathing (2) Slow and deep (3) Faster (4) Shallower and slow If CO, concentration increase in blood then breathing will IRPMT 2003] (1) Increases (2) Decrease (3) Stop (4) Remain unchanged Heiring breuer reflex related to IRPMT 2003} (1) Effect of pH on respiratory centre (2) Effect of CO, on respiratory centre (3) Effect of nerves on respiratory centre (4) Effect of temperature on respiratory centre Toxic effect of carbon monoxide is due to its greater affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen— IRPMT 2003] (1) 2 times (2) 20 time (3) 200 times (4) 300 times CO, is transported mainly by- [Bihar 2003] (1) plasma (2) carbonic acid (3) bicarbonate (4) carboxyhaemoglobin By which mechanism, oxygen is transported from lungs to cells [Bihar 2003] (1) Diffusion (2) Facilitated diffusion (3) Transpiration (4) Osmosis, Why is CO poisonous for man [Bihar 2006] (1) CO affects the nerves of the lungs 2) CO affects the diaphragm and inte (3) CO reacts with oxygen reducing percentage of O, in air (4) haemoglobin combines with CO instead O, and the product cannot dissociate tal muscles One haemoglobin carries how many molecules of O, [UP CPMT 2002] a4 2)2 )6 as Respiratory centre is present in [uP CPMT 2002) (1) Cerebellum (2) Cerebrum (3) Medulla oblongata (4) hypothalamus Afier deep inspiration, capacity of maximum expiration of Lung is called [uP CPMT 2004) (1) Total lung capacity (2) Functional residual capicity (3) Vital capacity (4) Inspiratory capacity Preumotaxic centre is present in— [UP CPMT 2007) (1) Cerebrum (2) Cerebellum (3) Medulla oblongata (4) Pons varolii Qa Q32 Q33 Qo Qal Qa Q43 Q44 Q4s Hamburger shift is also known as: (1) bicarbonate shift (2) chloride shift Haemoglobin shows maximum affinity with— (1) Carbon monoxide (2) Carbon dioxide Dissociation curve shifts to the right when (1) CO, concentration decreases (3) 0, cocentration decrease The epithelium of bronchioles is (1) Pseudostratified and colummar IMP PMT 2007] (3) Potassium shift (4) Alll of these IMP PMT 2005] (3) Oxygen. (4) Ammonia IMP PMT 2002} (2) CO, concentration increases (4) Cl concentration increases IMP PMT 2002] (2) Squamous and sensory (3) Pseudostratified and sensory (4) Cuboidal and columnar Ifa man from sea coast goes to Everest peak then IMP PMT 2002] (1) His breathing and heart beat will increase (2) His breathing and heart beat will decrease 3) His respiratory rate will decrease (4) His heart beat will decrease The structure which prevents the entry of food into the windpipe is [Kerala 2000] (1) Gullet (2)Glottis (3) Tonsil (4) Epiglottis In which of the following animals respiration occurs without a respiratory organ’ (1) Fish (2) Cockroach (3) Tadpole (4) Earthworm ICPMT 2000] Carbonic anhydrase is found in high concentration in IPCS 2001] (1) leucocytes (2) blood plasma (3) erythrocytes (4) lymphocytes What would happen if human blood becomes acidic (low pH) [BHU 1989) (1) Oxygen carying capacity of haemoglobin increases (2) Oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin decreases (3) RBCs count increases (4) RBCs count decreases Dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin can be promoted by (1) Low 2) High (3) Low body temperature (4) High blood pH Which of the following is correct regarding respiration’ (1) no organism can live without respiration (2) it takes place at every time day and night (3) it involves production of carbon dioxide and water (4) all of these Respiratory coefficient is (1) The amount of CO, produced to O, absorbed (2) The amount of O, obtained to the amount of , consumed Always more than one [HPMT 1996] [Punjab 2003] ICET Chd. 1999] (4) Always less than one Dyspnea is the (1) Normal breathing (2) Difficult breathing (3) Rapid breathing —_(4) Stage without breathing, Oxygen carrier or the respiratory pigment in the blood of frog and other vertebrates is. [CBSE 1999] (4) None of these ICBSE 1995] [Haryana 1998] (1) Haemoeyanin During transport of CO. blood does not become acidic due to (1) neutralization of H,CO, by Na,CO, (3) blood buffers (2) Cytochrome (3) Haemoglobin (2) absorption by leucocytes (4) nonaccumulation Q.46 Qaz Qs Q49 Q.60 ‘The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration, is located in ICBSE 1994] (1) Cerebral peduncle (2) Vagus nerve (3) Pons (4) Medulla oblongata Respiratory mechanism is controlled by IAFMC 1982] (1) Central nervous system (2) Sympathetic nervous system (3) Parasympathetic nervous system (4) Autonomic nervous system Low oxygen tension in the blood causes IDPMT 1985] (1) Coughing, (2) Yawnin, (4) Sneezing Oxy-Haemoglobin dissociation curve is [BHU 1995] (1) Sigmoid (2) Hyperbolic (3) Straight line (4) Parabolic ‘The affinity of CO with Hb is more than oxygen by [BHU 1995] (1) 2 times (2) 20 times (3) 200 times (4) 2000 times Exchange of gases in lungs is by IAFMC 2002] (1) Simple diffusion (2) Active transport (3) Passive transport (4) Osmosis ‘The covering of lungs is called IAFMC 2002} (1) Pleura (2) Pericardia (3) Peritoneum (4) Mediastenum Hamburger phenomenon is also known as [JIPMER 2002} (1) Calcium shift (2) Bohr effect (3) Chloride shift (4) Na’ - K* pump Even when there is no air in it, human trachea does not collapse due to presence [APMC 1983] (1) Bony rings (2) Turgid pressure (3) Chitinous rings (4) Cartilaginous rings Speciality common in the alveoli of lungs and vill of intestine in mammals is that both [CPMT 1981] (1) provide a large surface area (2) have ciliated epithelium (3) are suited for diffusion of gases (4) have rich supply of blood vessels and lymph ducts ‘The movement of true vocal cords in man is controlled by cartilages [JIPMER 1999} (1) arytenoids (2) cricoid (3) thyroid (4) both (1) and (2) Presence of large number of alveoli around alveolar ducts opening into bronchioles in mammalian lungs is, (1) Inefficient system of ventilation with little of residual air ICBSE 1995] (2) Inefficient system of ventilation with high percentage of residual air (3) An efficient system of ventilation with no residual air (4) An efficient system of ventilation with litte residual air Sites of gaseous exchange in lungs are ICPMT 1991] (1) tracheotes 2)alveoli (3) bronchiloles (4) pulmonary chambers Exposure to carbon monoxide (from coal gas) is extremely dangerous and can kill a patient because (1) The compound carboxy-haemoglobin is formed with haemoglobin which can gradually clotthe blood resulting in circulatory failure IAFMC 1994] 2) Carboxy-haemoglobin reduces the ability of blood to transport oxygen by repturing a vast majority of| erythrocytes (3) Carboxy-haemoglobin greatly modifies the structure of haemoglobin, thus making it lose its affinity for oxygen. (4) The compound formed, carboxy-haemoglobin does not allow RBCs to act for their respiratory function During inspiration the diaphragm [CPMT 1987] (1) relaxes to become dome-shaped (2) contracts and flattens (3) expands (4) shows no change Qe Q62 Q63 Qo Q.65 Q.66 Q67 Q.68 Q69 Which is correct? IMPPMT 1993] (1) Respiratory centres are not affected by CO, (2) In human vital capacity is just double the expiratory volume (3)A human lung has 1000 alveoli (4) During inspiration the lungs act as suetion pump In lungs, the air is separated from the venous blood through, ICBSE 1997] (1) Squamous epithelium + endothelium of blood ve (2) Squamous epithelium + tunica externa, media & interna of blood (3) Squamous epithelium + basement membrane + endothelium of blood vessels (4) None of these sel Intercostal muscles are found attached with IAFMC 2002] (1) Diaphragm (2) Ribs (3) pleura (4) Lungs Match the disorders given in column I with symptoms under column Il. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets with numbers. [Kerala 2005] Column 1 Column I A. Asthma 1. Inflammation of nasal tract B. Bronchitis 2. Spasm of bronchial muscles . Rhinit 3. Fully blown out alveoli D.Amphysema 4. Inflamation of bronchi 5, Cough with blood strained sputum ()A=4,B=2,C=5,D=1 Q)A=5,B=3,C=2,D=1 (@)A=3,B=1LC=5,D=4 ()A=2, B=4,C=1,D=3 In lungs, there is definite exchange of ions between RBC and plasma, Removal of CO, from blood involves. ICPMT 2005] (1) influx of Cl ions into RBC (2) influx of HCO, ions into RBC (3) efflux of Cl ions from RBC (4) efflux of HCO, ions from RBC Which one of the following statements is incorrect ? ICBSE 2006] (1) The presence of non-respiratory air sacs, increases the efficiency of respiration in birds (2) In inse circulating body fluids serve to distribute oxygen to tissues (3) The principle of countercurrent flow facilitates efficient respiration in gills of fi (4) The residual are in lungs slightly decreases the efficiency of respriration in mammals In the following statements [Kerala 2006] ‘A. Carbonic anhydrase is present in the erythrocytes B. In erythrocytes the carbon dioxide combine with water and is transported (1) statement A is correct and is responsible for statement B (2) statement A is not correct but statement B is correct (3) both statement A and B are wrong (4) statement A is correct but not involved in statement B Carboxyhaemoglobin complex results due to this pollutant? [JK 2006] (1) €0, co 8) H.CO, (4) 80, Listed below are four respiratory capacities (a-d) and four jumbled respiratory volume of a normal human adult ICBSE 2010] Respiratory Capacities Respiratory volumes (a) Residual volume 2500 mL. (b) Vital capacity 3500 mL. (©) Inspiratory reserve volume 1200 mL, Q.70 Qi Qn QB am Q75 (d) Inspiratory capacity 4500 mL Which one of the following is the correct matching of two capacities and volume? (1) (a) 4500 mL, (b) 3500 mL (2) (b) 2500 mL, (c) 4500 mL (3) (c) 1200 mL, (d) 2500 mL (4) (d) 3500 mL, (a) 1200 mL What is true about RBCs in humans? ICBSE 2010] (1) They do not carry CO, at all (2) They carry about 20-25 percent of CO, (3) They transport 99.5 percent of O, (4) They transport about 80 percent oxygen only and the rest 20 percent of it is transported in dissolved state in blood plasma Which one of the following is the correct statement for respiration in humans? [AIPMT Pre 2012] (1) Neural signals from pneumotoxic centre in pons region of brain can increase the duration of inspiration (2) Workers in grinding and stone-breaking industries may suffer, from lung fibrosis, (3) About 90% of carbon dioxide (CO.) is carried by haemoglobin as carbamino-haemoglobin. 4) Ci The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human respiratory system with labels A, B,C and D. Select the option which gives correct identification and main function and/ or characteristic. [AIPMT 2013] sette smoking may lead to inflammation of bronchi, Bronchus Cut end of rib (1) B= pleural membrane - surround ribs on both sides to provide cushion against rubbing, (2) C- Alveoli - thin walled va: (3) D- Lower end of lungs - diaphragm pulls it down during inspiration. (4) A trachea -long tube supported by complete cartilaginous rings for conducting inspired air Approximately seventy percent of carbon-dioxide absorbed by the blood will be transported to the lungs: sular bag like structures for exchange of gases (1) by binding to R.B.C (2) as carbamino - haemoglobin [AIPMT 2014] (3) as bicarbonate ions (4) in the form of dissolved gas molecules When you hold your breath, which of the following gas changes in blood would first lead to the urge to breathe? [AIPMT 2015] (1) rising CO concentration (2) falling CO concentration (3) rising CO3 and falling © concentration (4) falling © concentration Which of the following opttions correctly represents the lung conditions in asthma and emphysema, respectively INEET-2018] (1) inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased respiratory surface (2) increased number of bronchioles: Increased respiratory surface (3) Increased respiratory surface: Inflammation of bronchioles (4) Decreased respiratory surface: Inflammation of bronchioles. Q.76 Qn Qn a7 Q.80 Qsl Match the items given column I with those in column II and select the correct option given below Column-I Column-II INEET-2018] a. Tidal volume i, 2500 - 3000 mL b. Inspiratory Reserve volume ii, 1000 - 1200 mL ¢. Expiratory Reserve volume iii, $00 - 550 mL d. Residual volume iv. 1000-1100 mL. ()a- ili b+ iige-igd-iv Q)a- ili; b-ige- ivi d-ii (3) ai: Biv; c= iis di )arivib- Which of the following is an occupational respiratory disorder INEET-2018] (1) Anthracis (2) Silicoiss (3) Botulism (4) Emphysema Due to increasing air-borne allergens and pollutants. many people is urban areas are suffereing from respiratory disorder causing wheezing due to, INEET-2019] (1) benign growth on mucous lining of nasal cavity (2) inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles (3) proliferation of fibrous tissues and damage of the alveolar walls (4) reduction in the secretion of surfacatants by pneumocytes. Tidal volume and Expiratory Reserve Volume of an athelte is 300 mL and 1000 mL, respectively, What will be his Expiratory Capacity if the Residula Volume is 1200 mL. [NEET-2019] (1) 1500 mL. (2) 1700 mL. (3) 2200 mL. (4)2700 mL. Select the correct events that occur during inspiration, [NEET Phase-I 2020] a. Contraction of diaphragm , Contraction of extemal inter-costal muscles ¢. Pulmonary volume decreases d. Intra pulmonary pressure increases (1) cand d (2)a, band @)only d ()aandb Identify the wrong statement with reference to transport of oxygen INEET Phase-I 2020] (1) partial pressure of CO, can interfere with O, binding with haemoglobin (2) higher H° cone. in alveoli favours the formation fo oxyhaemoglobin (3) low of pCO, in alveoli favours the formation of oxyhaemoglobin (4) binding of oxygen with haemoglobin is mainly releated to partial pressure of O,

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